Wanamaker in his 18 minutes with Charlotte was -25, if anyone is feeling...nostalgic.

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Curry looked off all game; he is clearly not back all the way. Healthy Curry makes all his free throws and hits a couple more catch and shoot 3's. And has a tighter handle. And we win today, barely, over a meh team missing one of their better starters. This has been our team this year. Sigh.

Butt in my assessment, we can still be ok if we're healthy at the tail end of the season. In hindsight, this loss won't be so painful.

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I'm just hoping Steph's tail end is healthy by the tail end of the season (see what I did there)

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No BUTTS about it

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Dray +9 Curry + 8. Everybody else. Meh. I bet they are frustrated.

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12 turnovers between the two

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Trying to force things....

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Some of their turnovers looked like those two were out of sync. There were two such TOVs Also Curry didn't look like himself. He rarely TOVs while dribbling the ball. He did it 3 times today I think.

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Lol Dray and Steph “trying to force things”. Oubre and Wiseman, low basketball IQ

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by punk basketball

This stretch having the same vibes as that 6 game stretch against playoffs teams. The one that the Ws said would be a barometer for the season, and they went 1-5.

In hindsight, that 1-5 stretch feels like it derailed the season.

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Well that and Steph getting injured during the FIRST game after that stretch. What should have been a 5-1 winning streak became a 1-5 shamefest with blowouts to the Kings and Hawks. Definitely feels like the team got derailed at that point, and haven't figured how to pick themselves back up as a team.

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I... don't really have anything good to say about this one. Damn.

On the plus side, the gif I found is nice and large. Fidelity!


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Hard to overcome so much fouling as a team and 12 TOs between your two main playmakers.

OT: Hawks broadcast was great btw... probably one of the better ones I've heard all season.

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Shooting 33% on their 3s instead of 25% would have done it though.

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True, but there are some things more under your control... bad shooting nights will happen. Silly TOs and constant fouling are things you can control...

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Not real excuses for this one: everyone healthy, no B2B, playing against a banged up opponent. Should have been motivated af after last game's embarrassment. And still pretty much sucked. Sigh.

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by punk basketball

This one is in the category with the Portland loss before the All-Star break. A bad loss in a game the Warriors clearly tried to win.

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Yeah, reminded me a lot of that one. One where all game I thought we were the better team and should be kicking their asses, and where we managed to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Why is it so hard to win?

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Cause our bench sucks

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The starters weren't looking all that good either that last stretch

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We are just not really good. Thats the reality. Nobody but steph can be constant. Our bench is bad. Wigs today disapeer in the second half. Oubre was meh

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Thought we had them on the ropes a couple times in the third Q, but every time we had a chance to get separation we committed some stupid foul or turnover. Bleh.

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Bazemore was so frustrating to watch with his fouls and turnovers and yet he wasn't benched. It tells a lot about quality of our team when a player can be that bad and is still in the game.

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Exactly what a 24-28 team would do,tbh

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Last quarter 28/39 , tank lord

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I would not be mad if Curry leaves(except for the Lakers). Klay or no Klay this team will not be a contender next year. Lousy bench too raw rookie. No cap space and Oubre is not worth it. No more cheap veteran players.

Not sure it we can pull Spurs type of recovery + integrating rookies.

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Come on now.

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You have no idea how this team will look next season. You're just mad cos they lost a game and venting in a game thread, lol.

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I am not mad anymore. I was mad when Klay and KD went down.

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So ... you would have posted the same thing if the Ws had won this game by 40?

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You more then anyone knows you can' t make conclusions after one game sample like you said numerous times. But after 50 games no matter it we won it it lose the last if someone asked for my opinion yes I would say the same.

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"Klay or no Klay this team will not be a contender next year." That part is probably true even if the Ws had won by 40 (barring moves that involve trading away players/assets that have often been referred to as "dealbreakers", i.e. JW and the MN pick).

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It might be true either way, but I'm always amused how after a bad loss, it's always "Klay is not gonna change this, he's not gonna be healthy anyway." Whereas after a good win, it's "just imagine this team with Klay!!"

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Well, I can only speak for myself when it comes to the consistency of my pessimism and it's ability to persevere even through good times :D

(And I should note said pessimism is only related to actually winning a title next year. I'm super optimistic that we'll be a good team, and 100% that we'll be a blast to watch.)

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I'm pretty sure our nepotistic organization with a meh track record of developing players will not pull off a San Antonio Spurs recovery.

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First game back from a road trip is tough too. Don't be surprised if the Warriors get run out of the gym, again.

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We're playing the Bucks so I'm not sure it would matter much haha

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I wonder how Trae Young feels about being benched in crunchtime?

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I think he was hurt?

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Well that was sad. Time to do something else. Good night.

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I wonder if scouting report of Dubs by opponents has "pump fake @ 3pt line" at the top of the line.

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If not, fire your scouting department

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The whole ATL team was doing it all game. Obnoxious but effective

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*the list

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Wasn't there a whole media blitz from Kerr and the Warriors about how they were going to start running a lot more pick and roll?

Has that actually happened? Lol.

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Nah. Kerr doesn't care. He is playing the long game /sarcasm/

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

That works against teams that play drop coverage (i.e. the Bulls with Vuc). Against Miami, they tried and Miami either doubled or switched with Bam and then it was useless.

We don't have the spacing for a heavy PNR system. Draymond + 1 non-shooter is all it takes to blow up our actions with good defenses.

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At the least, the non-Curry bench unit should be running a lot of basic PnR, imo. They lack smart playmakers, so keep it simple.

Though, I suppose it also has the issue of two non-spacers in Looney and Oubre....

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Non-shooters make it hard for Wiggins and Poole to drive, and considering those two are better as slashers that makes it pretty hard.

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Wiggins isn't in that bench unit, and he prolly should be.

Wiggins is a better shooter, slasher, and passer than Oubre.

Poole-DLee-Baze-Wiggins-Looney seems like the most balanced bench lineup they can go for right now, imo.

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Of course, Bazemore is a bit jekyll and hyde, so maybe JTA for Baze could work too.

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Agreed. Though, even with that lineup, I'd force them to beat you with shooting.

Another important factor - in that lineup, all 3 of Poole, DLee and Baze foul maniacally. That stops them from getting into transition and forces more half-court possessions where they are bad.

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