I like the Pascal trade but three 1sts is too much. Two, tops. He doesn’t guarantee a title Or definitively move to a top 2 in West.

I’d take Wendell from Magic, but they won’t. I like idea of trying for like Joathan Isaac, and (Fultz or Cold Anthony). Buy low on an elite defender, and get a guard.

Rockets trade is good value. Don’t know why they’d do it. Poole and Green is a terrible mix. if something like that happened the Warriors need to flip those for something more present

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Ok found a trade that might be possible:

Poole to Magic for Fultz.

Saves $, gets a switchable player that actually passes and dribbles the ball, but also one that misses lots of games so other players will get playing time.

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Fultz would immediately be the worst three-point shooter on the team except Kevon, who doesn't bother shooting them. This season was his best from 3, and he sucked badly. Before this season he was stunningly horrible. Hard pass.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

“Misses lots of games” is never something I would have expected to see marketer as a positive attribute of a trade target…

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Right? I can't tell if that's a funny joke or....

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There are no great trades out there for the Warriors, unless some team irrationally loves Poole. Getting their collective heads back out into sunlight is the most viable path to success.

The Miami-Celtics game was pretty cool. The refs inconsistency made it a bit tougher to watch than necessary but at the end it came down to players making plays. Butler calmly draining 3 FT’s was pretty awesome and White got the job done at the end after the inevitable Smart miss. The finals has no wrong answers at this point but the heat and celts are looking pretty banged up.

I vote for Alex as the wisest dnhq member.

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Can the real Eastern Conference champs please stand up.

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and what the hell happened to Kevin Love, huh?

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Denver slowly reaching for that Celtics folder...

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i know anything can happen in a game 7 but that DW putback screams team of destiny.

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the same dude who was made to look like a G-leaguer last season against the Dubs~!

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Except the one game where he decided he was Reggie Miller

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Oh yes- game 1, 4th quarter - our other friend Al Horford also got hot

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What a painful loss for Miami. Up by 1 with like 3 seconds left and then lose by 1. I feel so bad for them. They seem to have lost steam after winning the first three games. Hopefully, they win game 7 but Boston now has the momentum and the home advantage.

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That's the most tense I've felt for a non-Warrior game in a long time

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Imagine if the Cs had done that to us?

Celtics now 8-1 in their last 9 elimination games, with the one exception being Steph and night-night. 😊

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i guess losing close games in the playoffs hurts more than getting blown out.

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Unless it's an elimination game. Then a blowout really hurts bad.

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If it wasn't for that flurry at the end, Jimmy's new nickname would have been:

Jimmy Bupkis

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After. game. 5, Butler said 'those 2 games wasn't us.' I say, who the hell. was it. then? It's like saying. the Warriors. road. losses. weren't. them. Total bullshit. Words for the public. Boston now has. a. chance. to. make. history. in. two. way. #1 is coming. back from 3-0. #2 is becoming the team with. the. greatest. amount. of championships.

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We all need Miami to win game 7. But we all also know they’re gonna choke

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

"Choke" is an awfully uncomplementary word for a Miami team that has made history simply by being where it is. Sort of like saying the "We Believe" Warriors "choked" by losing to Utah in 5. I don't really see how an 8 seed missing 2 starting guards, and a third pretty clearly playing at 65 percent, and playing the best regular season team in the East - a team which clearly is more athletic and has adjustment options to burn - can be said to have choked under any circumstance. Under any rational evaluation of the series Miami should never have gotten this far (should not have even gotten to the series). If anyone "choked" it was the Boston coaches who took three whole games to figure out the the genius strategy that stopping Jimmy Butler was the key to beating Miami.

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No, we don't need Miami. to. win. game 7.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

co-signed. I'd like to see the Celtics pull it off. I want to see vinegar-face Pat Riley and Eric Spoelstra, and I'm not a Jimmy fan.

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I like Miami, but this series is too historical for the kelticks to lose.

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I feel bad for Miami. Hope they take Game 7 somehow, but it's not looking promising after...whatever the hell that was....

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Eh, they missed a ton of makeable shots… and got some bounces going against them… they can do it

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Yeah but you gotta think that the specter of making the wrong kind of history could be haunting them now.

Hope they can pull it out because I would feel bad for Butler if this became what he was primarily known for.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

Jimmy F*ckedits!

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Jimmy to the Bay!

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Hopefully Love is disgusted at his lack of playing time in this game and comes to the Warriors (even though the Warriors would do the exact same thing with him at this point in the series).

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Just feels like the Celtics have all the momentum now. But then again it's the Celtics... you can never fully trust that team to come through.

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When I said the Heat would inexplicably take the Celtics to 7, this is not what I meant

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Comment of the night.

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Corgi predicted that Celtics would win in 7 games.

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that f*** corgi also predicted the Dubs would win?

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

In 7 games for the Warriors-Lakers series. Unfortunately, Corgi isn't always right. At least it got the prediction for last year's NBA Finals right.

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It’s still inexplicable tho

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I love how we watch to the very exact nanosecond of the end of the shot clock, but nobody much cares about the start… not calling out this play as anything special, but if the clock keeper starts it 0.1s early or late, it matters just as much.

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That was a long ass 3 sec's.

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It does, but it's hard to favor one team or the other just by starting the clock a little late near the beginning of the game. At the end of the game, the team they're advantaging is much clearer.

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I’m talking about starting the clock in these “just a few seconds left” oob plays.

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Like the Derek Fisher and Embiid game winners. Clock starts so comically late

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Yeah, this one looked pretty on point

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Pretty sure Derrick White earned his $16 mil for this year in just this game. Didn't have a great shooting game, but 6 assists and 3 blocks, and that putback.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

That was terrible by Strus in the end. Don't know why he jumped out to cut out a pass to someone that was running away from the basket with only 3s on the clock. Then was late to return to box out White. That's some Jordan Poole defensive sequence right there.

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YES! Glaring mistake to not keep full attention on the person inbounding the ball here since plays with just seconds on the clock are often designed to get a pass right back to them for an open look. I thought that was actually happening, especially the way White took off uncovered and had his hands up ready for the ball after passing in to Smart. When Smart launched instead, White simply kept running to the rim for the tip. Strus fundamentally failed to keep sight of his man and the ball with the game (and series) on the line. Inexcusable.

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