
Game thread posted.

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Great hearing Joey Lightyears talking about trying to get out of the tax altogether come

Offseason as his top priority. As the team has pulled out the most sustained run of the year. Im sure players can do some basic math in their heads. So like I said a few days back: stop f*<ken patronizing us as if you were going to try and make moves at the trade deadline. Just amazed how many in the fanbase still get suckered into the lies.

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For all his great risk-taking over the years, I must say, Joe's timing is a distraction and he should really STFU.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

I wouldn't get too crazy about this.

Getting out of the tax is fairly attainable without much damage to the roster. If we don't pick up Chris Paul's option next year (which I never thought was going to happen), and Klay takes a contract that is around $20 million, then we might be good.

We're $40 mil over this year's luxury tax number. Next year's number will be a little higher, but we also have salary increases kicking in.

Waiving Paul reduces the salary bill $30 mil.

If Klay takes a $20 mil contract, that cuts his bill by $23 mil. And, of course, if he walks, then that's another $20 mil we don't need to pay.

That leaves us (conservatively) about $13 mil under the luxury tax before accounting for raises for the other players. That might not be enough, so possibly Looney or GPII would also need to go, but moving Loon isn't unthinkable at this point.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

I don't think you can blame Lacob much. The new tax system was designed to end the Warriors dynasty and it will probably work. I never expected them to make any significant moves at the deadline. Getting CP3 and GPII before the start of the season were the teams "win now" moves and that used up most of their trade capital.

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Nah. I’ve been around though decades of prior owners. Can’t ask for a better one.

Not sure where anyone read that Lacob was looking to add a player at the deadline. Glad he/they didn’t.

And not sure about taxes and salaries and caps (kind take you-all’s word for these things but it seems to me it won’t be hard to let CP go, sign Klay for a deep discount, and have our current team (with more talent than Kerr has minutes for) for another year and get that magic year of NO TAX so the repeater status gets reset going into big some big contracts the following years.

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Where did you hear this?

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Podcast with TK

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So NY wins that challenge and then the Rockets will have to fly back for a 5 min game? Damn, that should be interesting.

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No Kawhi tonight. Hope we take advantage of it from the get go and not get complacent.

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I really want to know what the offer was for LBJ. It would probably make us all laugh and show what a non-story it is.

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I'm sure it didn't even get that far

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Maybe they discussed steph for LeBron for the lolz.

We would collectevily lose our minds 🤯

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deletedFeb 14
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Definitely not. The whole thing is just such a non-story that I'm trying to have fun with it.

I expected someone to say the classic a bag of potato chips type of comment of LBJ.

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Here's a clip of several Chiefs fans tackling one of the shooters.


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Feb 14Liked by Eric Apricot

"Coaching, to me, is all about doing the best you can to put your team in a position to succeed. Kyle has done that and more his entire run here. This team has been so good. I feel so bad for them because they're so close. But this is the gig. When things go wrong, as the coach, you're going to take a lot of heat. That's part of it, but Kyle's a brilliant coach....

Right now they got a Patrick Mahomes problem. That seems like what the whole league has right now, they're running into one of the great QB's of all time. I feel for the Niners, but they're crushing it. Year after year, they're putting together such great teams. They're so well-coached. I feel for those guys. I want them to get over the hump."

- Steve Kerr has Kyle Shanahan's back


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I disagree a bit with this take in the sense that, yes Kyle is a very good or even great coach. However, the overall 49ers team philosophy is an issue to me, The way I describe it is the difference between a well constructed building made of the strongest material versus a building that is designed to sway and deform in an earthquake. Kyles philosophy is to have great pieces play together with clockwork precision - but if one falls down (like an injury), or the opponent introduces a wrinkle, his system - or his play calling/scheming cannot adapt.

On the other hand, the DUBS have Steph and he is a unicorn like Mahomes in that other teams can plan but Steph/Mahomes, etc can adapt and change on the fly!

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I think offensively it's really as simple as they ignored getting O-Linemen who are skilled at pass blocking for years now. They have one above average guy in Trent Williams and a bunch of frankly replacement level dudes. They've focused so much on the skill positions on offense but haven't done much for the trenches.

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This is partly the legacy of trading multiple draft picks to move up higher to draft poor QB's. They did it for the legendary CJ Bethard, though that only took 2 not great picks, and they traded good picks to get Trey Lance. Almost regardless of what the Niners did with those picks they almost certainly would have gotten more value. Even if they didn't find help for the O line in the draft they could have filled other positions that would have given them more flexibility to hire help.

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Double OTs:

-Niners DC Steve Wilks has been fired.

-Fox Sports 1 crew, NFL Network crew, and one of the Chiefs wide receivers and his family are reported to be safe.

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I have family at that parade. Could you please tell me your new source?

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At least 22 people had gunshot injuries, Graves said at a news conference. Some of the victims were children, the city's fire chief said.


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deletedFeb 14
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The Chiefs players and staff and the news report team that were present during the parade are fine. The shooting happened at the end of the parade when the fans were starting to leave.

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OT: WTF?! There was a shooting during the Chiefs Super Bowl parade!

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Very very sad. This is already the 48th mass shooting this year and we are only 45 days in - wtf is wrong with this sick country!


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Looks like 1 dead 9 wounded so far.

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This is America

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What we really need is more open carry laws in this country. That way everyone at the parade could’ve shot back at the shooters.

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It is only a matter of time before there is a full on gunfight in a crowded location between "good guys with guns" mistaking each other for a bad guy. In places with "stand your ground" laws, they would all be innocent by law. Unless black, of course.

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I hope you’re joking. And if you are, it’s a sick joke.

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America is a sick joke, when it comes to guns.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

It was anger. If you look above, you’ll see that I had family at the parade and I’m concerned for their welfare. And yes, it was sarcasm, as I happened to live in Florida during the school shooting six years ago. At that time there were all kinds of guys trotting around, shoving their hips with their big holstered guns at you to show how cool they were. People in other countries look at America as a sick society.

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A shooting is one of my worst fears as someone who's group has been a historical target for random acts of violence. I hope your family is safe and accounted for

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

It's sarcasm. Considering it's a comment following up this is America, he/she is parroting right wing comments.

I think?

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Did I miss the /s ?

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deletedFeb 14
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It's actually 10 people.

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Amid three months of frustrations, PJ Tucker will be away from the Los Angeles Clippers to reset mindset and is expected to rejoin the team after the All-Star break, sources say.


Development: The Clippers sent home two players – Bones Hyland and PJ Tucker – from road trip vs. Warriors tonight, sources say. Both are expected to rejoin the team after the All-Star break.


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maybe take the one or two frustrated guys from each team to create the new vegas NBA team that is going to happen soon.

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Tucker and Hyland being sent for timeout to the corner (far, far away) for being naughty? Apparently, both are disgruntled by lack of playing time. Tucker hasn’t played since Nov 27. And we thought Moody has it bad.

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Tucker has made tens of millions, is 38, and quite bad in his current form. Moody needs a 2nd contract to approach Tucker's wealth and is a much better player. I don't think they're too similar.

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Makes me appreciate how Moody has handled it even more

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Hyland also had severe conflict in DEN about playing time and role

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He should get in contact with Pat McCaw and they could share strategies for their eventual dissapearance from the league

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Soo glad he isn't our headache.

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Tonight would be a great night for a Poole 40 points 12 assists masterpiece to lead the Wizards to a road win at New Orleans.

Not counting on it

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Or how about a Jazz triple overtime win?

Wemby game clinching block on Luka?

At the very least, I'd really appreciate a Nuggets win over the Kings

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suns handled the Kings last night, and it seems like the refs did not do either team any favors.

As for the Jazz game, why stop at triple overtime - let them play into the wee hours of this morning :-)

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How is an easy schedule defined or determined? We still have seven B2B games ahead of us, including tomorrow. After the All Star, 16 of our 29 games are against teams who currently have a better standing than we do.

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Depends on the model. For e.g. BasketballReference, it's based on net rating IIRC. Record is a poor way to judge schedule strength.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Smiling and happy from a distance. Glad to see GP2 back and Kuminga flourishing.

Dubs may pull a miracle just yet.

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I've been saying it periodically all year - GP2 is one of the real keys for this squad; he's a difference maker and a human cheat code.

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Notice the small errors here. JK at 85, but they list him as ringless. Show some respect to world champion, Jonathan Kuminga!

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Maybe the writer is a Barkley disciple... Only counts if your the bus driver. :)

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In the Curry write up at #5, they said the Warriors ditched the two-timelines approach. I think one could argue that with Kuminga, Podz, TJD (not to mention Moses, Lester and Gui), two-timelines is alive and well.

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The discourse around two timelines never makes any sense to me. Whether you like the plan or hate it, the only way to judge it is at the beginning (when you don’t want the kids to prevent the team from competing) and at the end (when you expect the kids to be competitive in their own right).

So far, the warriors already won a championship. What more could you have asked for when you started the plan in 2020?

The real test will come in the upcoming seasons when we find out whether the kids were worth investing in. That’s impossible to know for sure just yet. But, with a chip in hand, the only thing you can say for sure about the two timelines plan is “so far, so good”.

I just find it weird that people describe it as an obvious disaster.

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It's always interesting to me how JP got thrown into the "two timelines" talking point *after* he got traded. Prior to that, he was always referred to as part of the bridge between the two timelines (along with Loon and Wiggs).

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I'm still of the opinion that "two timelines" as a separate, parallel strategy to move onto the next era never existed. For a team in our position, you need to squeeze value out of the margins. There's only so much we can do in FA, and you can't expect trades like "DLo for Wiggs and Kuminga" to come by often. So, you need to get value from developing youth.

We hope we get our Kawhi Leonard... but Danny Green (picked up at age 23), Patty Mills (23), George Hill (22), Kyle Anderson (21), and (Dubs legend) CoJo (20) all eventually played significant minutes for championship-level Spurs teams.

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Totally agree. It was really a story of a very top heavy roster - complicated by the fact that one of the players wasn’t playing at a very high level. If we didn’t get that near all star level performance out of a young player (JP) in 2022, we would’ve had to get it out of a bargain guy.

The high wire act that the FO has played has all been downstream of their desire to keep the core together, especially Klay. I’m glad they did, personally. But that was the source of their challenges, not a desire to invest in the future.

Two timelines, to the extent it existed, was a reaction to that reality, not the cause.

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They ditched James Wiseman and Jordan Poole for a couple of "win in Curry's prime" players but the pundits ignore the fact that, at least so far, they appear to have scored with their other draft picks. Maybe none of them have Wiseman's superstar potential but their actual is pretty darn good. I still think Wiseman could at least have an NBA career if somebody would just give him playing time. I could see some bargain basement shopper like the Grizzlies trying him out now that Steve Adams is gone.

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Sad to say, but to my eye, Wiseman is not lacking the playing time. He really can't process the floor at all - he just gets lost on defense, doesn't see open players. He's a coordinated very tall person - maybe volleyball would be his game.

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Wiseman’s “superstar potential” was very short lived.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Agreed. I think JW will be a serviceable NBA C when he's 25 if he gets to the right org. He can definitely be better than guys like Ayton and Nurkic.

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I would honestly be shocked if Wiseman ever reached that level. Far more likely IMO is he is out of the league.

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A bit ironic that his understanding of Mandarin might help him extend his career elsewhere

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If Bol Bol has managed to continue getting chances with teams, Wiseman’s not in danger of leaving the league imo.

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Damian Jones too

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No one believes in us!

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"Earlier Wednesday, Green -- whom Paul also represents at Klutch -- had sent Paul a text message soliciting his help convincing James to join him in Golden State, sources said. Once, Green had been a lead recruiter on Kevin Durant's free agency signing with Golden State, but this was a far different, far more futile eleventh-hour pursuit."

Watch us get a tampering charge, LOL

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Why did Green and Lacob have to do this? It was bad enough that CP3 is on the team. Now, they tried to recruit Lebron? Ugh! It makes us look desperate and elevates Lebron to sainthood (/s). We don’t need him. Anybody but him, please.

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What came first? The Warriors FO contacting Lakers about a Lebron trade or Dray contacting Paul about Lebron's interest in joining the Warriors.

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Feb 14Liked by Eric Apricot

Kudos to the front office for exploring big options. That’s their job. Even more kudos for not doing it!

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If CP3 wasn’t part of the deal, what was the outgoing salary? Klay?

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That article was funny. With this clickbait, it’s sometimes interesting to boil down the actual objective claims.

They have a source that says Lacob and Buss (the GSW and LAL owners) discussed whether LeBron was available, Buss told Lacob to call LeBron’s camp, and LBJ said he didn’t want to discuss a trade.

That’s the entire story. That would be boring, so there’s a lot of biased ketchup thrown on it, like the implication that GSW and Dray was frantically trying to make it happen.

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You had me at "ketchup".

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Kind of makes you wonder about Lacob, TBH.

That could have been a pretty idiotic move. The Lakers would have wanted a king's ransom, and Lebron could have walked in the offseason (player option). At a minimum, we would have had to send out several players out to match up salaries ($47 mil). The team would be very different (and probably not better).

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That's one way to take down the dynasty from within. Glad they didn't fall for it.

Foil hats on, front office.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Sounds like LBJ turned them down, rather than vice-versa.

So, I'm not celebrating. Hopefully, MDJ wasn't party to it. So far I've been very impressed with his judgment.

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I wouldn’t get too stressed. The front office HAS to inquire about availability and price for any top player, and it didn’t get as far as even formulating a trade.

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Feb 14Liked by Eric Apricot

Slight edit, sounds like Rich Paul was who was talked to not James. Same thing though, really.

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It was!

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It’s clickbait in the sense Rich Paul and Co. are pushing agendas through Woj. Im more inclined to put a closer ear to it if it was someone like Sam Amick. Woj, Shams, Chris Haynes though 🥱

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

New York Post: “Warriors made desperate push for LeBron James at NBA trade deadline” 🙄

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New York Times: "The Warriors lost out on LeBron, Why this is bad news for Joe Biden"

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NYT: Taylor Swift's Super Bowl Triumph: Saving Democracy, Sidestepping Warriors, LeBron, and Biden

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Players aren’t subject to tampering rules.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Net rating, NBA rank

9. Nuggets

10. Bucks

11. Suns

12. Warriors

Not too bad…

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What about the rim rating? Backboard rating?

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I think about how this comment would mean that the NBA actually publishes a rating of the nets, and how Sleepy considers it important enough to share, and I'm just chuckling.

What's the difference between the nets rated #1 and #30? I imagine one is made of sparkly white silk, maybe with higher threadcount, and the other could be broken chains, rusty and barely holding on. :-)

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#30 is what we had in the winter growing up, which was a bare hoop with no net at all.

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:) LOL

Took me a minute.

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