I see the Bulls Bucks game is as competitive as expected.

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it's officially semi-official! Curry starting, Loon dawg to the bench


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Finally, less chance of us getting off to a super slow start offensively

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Excluding the few seconds they ceremonially started together against Cleveland on Klay's return, tonight will be the first time Curry/Klay/Draymond have started together since the 2019 Finals.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Little OT but S/O to all of the humble stars that played basketball the right way and handled themselves off the court in a professional manner throughout history. Duncan, Dirk, Steph and Giannis are the first 4 names that comes to mind

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I agree with Shawyer in that most NBA stars played the right way and handled themselves in a professional manner.

Who you've highlighted are guys who are MVP level championship winning franchise icons who were ALSO some of the best teammates and partners for their franchises. Guys who seemingly had a higher humility level then the other all time greats.

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Even just including the top level iconic guys becomes a long list when you think about the past. Cousy, Russell, Logo, Oscar, Baylor, Bing... all class acts, and the list goes on.

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Russell for sure. West and Baylor, seemingly. Though Baylor didn't win a title. Oscar by all accounts was a grouch of a teammate.

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I don't know how Oscar was as a teammate, I'll take your word for that. West's contemporaries speak of his intensity and will to win but I have never heard a negative comment about how he played or comported himself off the court. True Baylor didn't win a title (West only won one at the end) but that's true of plenty of great players. Elgin was one of the greatest I ever saw, the inspiration for Dr J, and he changed the way a lot of guys played. If you saw him, you know. And he sure seemed like a class act. Cousy was a class act too; I got to meet him just after he retired at a sports camp where I was captain (and point guard) of the basketball team, which was very cool.

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TBH, I believe most NBA players did and do fit that definition. We hear about the outliers.

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It's just way more impressive as a star when you have all of the attention on you and (more) money than the other guys to go do stupid things. As annoying as Lebron is on the court he's been nothing but perfect off the court his entire career as far as scandals goes

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I am offended that Quinn Cooke wasn't on your Mount Rushmore. ;-)

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Agree about Klay. I'll add The Dream, Reggie Miller, Bird, and Dr J from what I've seen.

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I love this post.

But you gotta have Klay on that list, too.

Not a Lakers fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd add all-time greats Magic and Kareem. Maybe DWade, too.

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Kareem for sure. You have to admire the humility of a guy that takes an off season job as an airline co-pilot under an assumed name. Heck, he didn't even demand to be the pilot!

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Too bad he had the fish

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Magic? Are you serious?

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So, I got a question... maybe some of you think it's a dumb question:

Why wasn't Ja's big dunk at the end of the 3rd quarter a charge? Beasley was set and outside the restricted circle. Ja goes mostly over Beasley, but still goes through his chest and knocks him over. Is it that Beasley wasn't even making a play on the ball? Gray area assessment that there wasn't enough contact? Refs just impressed with the athleticism and forgot how to blow a whistle?

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It absolutely was a charge.

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Refs were too tired to blow whistle after all the fouls and techs in that game. If I was ref at that point of the game, I'm like, "F it."

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It was the turning point in the game, according to many.

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I predict GP2 with a big impactful game to help win it today

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One question: what was different about this demographic at Oracle?

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Yes, I’m really wondering what has changed, as Oracle has an entirely different reputation, but the seats up front there were likely almost as expensive for playoffs (selon DDD). So I was wondering if it was a different population, if it was more Oakland less San Francisco for the playoffs? Or maybe the seats now are so much more expensive so people have to be even richer to sit there? Or the facilities at Chase encourage people to sit around eating rather than watching the game? Or society has changed and this is just another reflection of that. Or all of the above. I don’t know, but was honestly wondering.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Colin Cowherd talked about fans at the Chase Center. He said younger fans are louder fans and the Chase Center is the loudest in the NBA. The reason is there are a lot of rich young people in San Francisco.

I may not fully understand your question. Ticket prices at Oracle went way up after the Dubs started winning. But I don't think the young rich people from San Francisco were willing to make the trek out to darkest Oakland as much as they're willing to go to the Chase Center.

So it was loud at Oracle when tickets were cheap. Then it quieted down after the Dubs started winning. Now it's loud again at Chase.

If I misunderstood your question, I apologize.

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just to add to this. At least on appearance, the lower bowl at Chase looks to generally have a lot more empty seats. I don't have the numbers, but my guess is that a lot more of those are corporate, so less likely to have people really invested in the game assigned to them.

I also have a sneaky pet theory that Chase bolsters the crowd noise. Remember during the lockdown, they were playing "arena sounds" on the broadcast? I asked about it and was told that it was all done with existing internal resources (meaning they already had all this set up, and didn't need 2k or someone like that to help them)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Empty seats just mean people are enjoying the "free" buffet food. When you pay $800+ for a ticket (reg. season) you enjoy the ambiance.

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I remember reading something about how chase is designed in a way that amplifies the crowd noise.

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Sounds like what the Colts did back in the Peyton Manning days at the old RCA dome. Or they were at least accused of it

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Even at Oracle, there were times (especially towards the end) where it seemed like a portion of the crowd was doing the WAAA-RRRRRREEE-YORS chant a little too fast.

These are all dark, weird conspiracy theories though, I have zero proof

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Helpful, thanks. Interesting, as when I observe fans now, seems like the closer to the court, the less animated the rich men and their kids get. I guess Cowherd is comparing rich men now and then. Not enthusiasm closer to versus farther from the court.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

No chatter about CP3 kicking Alvarado in the unmentionables on that jump shot? Huh. Thought there'd be enough CP haters here to have a fairly well-formed mob ready for tar-n-feathering..

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We only worry about players who affect our chances. :-)

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This is a big night for Chase. Will the crowd develop that synergy with the team that can carry them along on a wave of pure joy and enthusiasm. This season was a mixed bag for the four games we attended. Klay game was awesome, second Suns game as well, but the Mavs matchup where we blew the 2nd half 20+ pt lead the crowd was dead quiet once the momentum shifted. The thing about Roaracle was that the crowd almost never quieted and certainly never quit. When momentum shifted away from the Warriors there was still a buzzing, a loud buzzing like a hive full of bees that gets angrier and angrier waiting to swarm when a counterpunch is thrown. We are priced out of the Playoffs for the first time since the Dynasty made their run and I hope that those who can afford to get inside tonight uphold that tradition.

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Well at least all the multimillionaires and their children are spending less time on their cell phones. And many come back to their $8000 seats before the end of the third quarter. That should help.

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Per SFGATE, courtside tickets for today's game are going as high as $11K a piece.

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How many of these millionaires are going to be splitting time tonight between their Warriors & Giants box seats?

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I approve this tax the rich comment

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If we can't eat 'em, at least tax 'em.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

I, for one, like the decision to start the Gauntlet. It's a bit of a gamble, but if they jump out to an early 10+ point lead, how is Denver going to respond? Let's land the knockout blow early and let them try and come back from that.

Of course, the risk is foul trouble, and if they weather the storm then you've essentially already shot your best arrow.

We've all be frustrated by the slow starts. Well, Kerr has heard our cries and has responded accordingly!

Edit: I will also point out that I stated my desire for Kerr to start this lineup in the comment section in an earlier post. I'll take this as proof that the Warriors coaching staff pays close attention to our comments here and adjusts accordingly.

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I’ll be curious to see how well that lineup works in the beginning of the game. Part of me thinks that is has been particularly effective in the past because the other team is already a bit gassed when we hit them with that group.

That said, if we’re going to make a true run at a championship this year, the SSB lineup should be able to get ahead of any team at any point in the game. It’ll be interesting to watch.

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Yeah better to see how this team comes out the gate in a "safe" game than in a later round. Also, in theory, the more reps they get together the better they'll be.

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And you got my vote on awesomeness!

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How NOT TO WIN A Playoff Game: Timberwolves at Grizzlies Game 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St5c7Vv15c8

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Grizzlies are pretty darn talented and athletic, but the series showed just how terrible their decision-making is during crunch time. Timberwolves are no better; they don't have the skills nor the strategy to take advantage of Memphis's bungles down the stretch.

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Unfortunately for us, whoever wins will have learned some valuable lessons and will be better for it. They will still make mistakes, just fewer.

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Either that or whoever wins this will have learned that they can win despite their mistakes and just double down.

But Westbrook isn't on the team, so maybe they actually will adjust.

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They will try to keep the good, and make some adjustments in what they see as opportunities for improvement.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Imho the time to take advantage of that lineup is later in quarters when Jokic is more winded. Besides, Warriors patented slow starts mixed with Curry carelessness could end up watering down their potency.

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I'm guessing we will be doubling jokic too, which honestly I dont mind since we are playing in the bay

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Personally think this feels like Kerr picking the easiest guy to bench with Curry back as a starter. I don't love the move as it feels like an invitation for early foul trouble for Draymond, but I'll hope for the best.

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Yea I feel you, he could have sat Wiggins since his defense is less needed for denver but regardless, we shouldnt have an issue beating a team at home who's second unit consists of bones hyland, rivers, barton, jeff green and cousins

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The whole point of starting a Looney or OPJ or Beli would be to absorb those 2 early fouls on Jokic (or ANY BIG) which always happens. If we don't have our Death Lineup to close because of foul trouble, I'm gonna laugh all the way to the nearest watering hole.

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I'm guessing they feel the best way to keep Draymond's minutes down (and maybe his foul count down) is to get the lead and keep it, so that Draymond doesn't have to play rescuer. Be interesting to see if it works.

I think I would have gone with Belli, if they really didn't want Looney out there.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

> If we don't have our Death Lineup to close because of foul trouble, I'm gonna laugh all the way to the nearest watering hole.

What are you going to do if we do?

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He's going to water all the way to the nearest laughing hole.

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LOL, he gonna do the same thing, just with a smile on his face.

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Agreed, rather have a bigger body on Joker in the beginning. Save Dray's fouls for later, and also try and wear Joker down a bit before putting in the smaller lineup.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

"This would be the first time the Curry-Poole-Klay-Wiggins-Draymond group has ever started together. They're a +26 in 32 minutes in this series (+29 at home, -3 on road)."

So the Warriors are going for the finishing blow early in the game?

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If I remember right, back in 2017 we started the Hamptons 5 to close out Game 5 at Oracle against the Cavs. I believe it worked spectacularly.

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If so, Kerr is challenging the manhood of Denver directly as if to say, "We believe you are all spineless and will fold willingly by the 2nd quarter because we have a 12 point lead." I would prefer we keep our Ace in hand to play at the end of 2nd and 4th qtrs rather than start. In the least, if true, I am really interested to see the rotations that follow.

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I'll just be following Draymond's foul count: If < 6 = W

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After that Min-Mem game, it's really hard not to look past Denver tonight. We should boat race them tonight and get extended minutes for JK & Moody in the 4th. I want to see Minnesota back in Memphis for a game 7 and see how well Memphis stands up to the pressure. Can't count Minnesota out just yet the way Memphis is playing. BTW, is there a limit to the number of technicals the refs can call in a single game? Jeez, that game was reeeeeeeee-diculous.

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oh boy, here we go again

> @anthonyVslater

Andre Iguodala is out for Game 5 tonight. Listed as a left cervical disc injury. Neck problem.

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Just curious: how many vet mentors and coach-buddies do 2-3 rookies/post-rookies need? Aside from what usually looks like 50 coaches, there are recent players Livingston and Barbosa, and current vets Steph, Dray, Klay, OPJ, Bjeli.

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Don’t forget Zaza

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deletedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022
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I was thinking he’s barely been on the floor this year, so his effect would be mainly off the court. Which made me ask the question.

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Man this is what I thought would happen before we signed him. I wanted him for nostalgia sake but it was clear that another player would have played more of a valuable role. Ofc maybe I'm just discounting the vet mentoring role.

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I'm gonna give Andre the benefit here for the vet mentoring role... perhaps taking that load off the core guys... certainly not enough consistent minutes played this season to justify on-court presence

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Just curious. How many vet mentors and coach-buddies do 2 rookies need?

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I read somewhere that his neck problems have been an on-going issue. He should just mentor the team at this point. Maybe, even help with the coaching?

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Sounding like an issue where it'll come and go depending on the flareup. Maybe he'll play 5 games in a row or he'll miss 5 in a row

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We need Iguodala to play in the Memphis series and then again the the finals against Miami or Philadelphia.

Gotta let him relive as many of his career stops as possible this post season!

(Although him not playing in the Memphis series would be appropriate).

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So I guess we'll see more of Kuminga tonight.

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Maybe they can put an earpiece in Kuminga's ear and Andre can operate him by remote control on defense.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

I love all that Iguodala has brought over the years and hope for only health for him and play again soon. That said, I think he really hasn't brought much this year and slowing down a bit makes him a real liability. I'd rather have OPJ or Kuminga out there, even Bjelica. Sorry Andre ol' buddy you're savvy as hell and no one strips the ball away like you, but you never could shoot and now the injury bug is biting hard.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by punk basketball

I have to agree. He’s had moments but probably not the best option at this point.

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yeah, he's still good when he's 100%, but that's getting to be an extremely rare situation : (

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It's possible last game was the last game Iguodala ever plays for the Warriors then? That injury doesn't sound good.

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glad we got that thunderous dunk in Game 3

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deletedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022
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Yes. I was one of the people at the beginning of this year that did not want to sign him. As it turns out that probably was the right call.

That said, he's been a perfect pro about everything (which I did not necessarily expect), and clearly is the lead mentor for Jordan Poole (per Kevin O'Connor). So, that was useful.

I hope they offer him a front office job or coaching job, because he clearly has an A+ brain for basketball both on and off of the court. Just be like Zaza ... go to shootarounds with your project team member (Kuminga?, Wiseman?) and share what you know.

But, I suspect he just moves to greener pastures, since he's moving into Silicon Valley.

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I'm not sure Andre won't be a mark in VC world as he seems to have bought into the crypto scam. Maybe he realizes that the goal is to get out just before everybody else figures out that they have no actual value, but I wouldn't bet on it. What should be obvious by now is that the way to make a fortune in crypto is to invent your own coin which caps your downside risk at $0 in real money. Iguodollar coin kind of has a ring to it.

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The failed inbounds from OPJ to Wiggins illustrates something that has been frustrating me. It's a question of extreme thinking by the coaching staff. Besides their skill sets, the idea is that a player like OPJ should play more than Kuminga because OPJ is wiser, calmer, doesn't make mistakes. I 100% agree that a vet tends to make *FEWER* mistakes than a rookie, but that's not the same as saying *NONE*. In that play OPJ should obviously have gone to plan B. That's OK, mistakes happen, we love Otto, he's been a great Warrior. It's just that I would like the evaluation of Kuminga not to be "If he fouls twice early or stands in the wrong place or hesitates or turns it over, bench him forever." He's going to make mistakes, but that is offset by everything else he brings. No other Warrior and few league players bring what Kuminga does. Like all players he has weaknesses, but if the coaching staff were to accept that and hunt for his strengths more, I think we could unleash a real force. They never run plays for him, they put him in with janky lineups or in garbage time. It's like having a $50 bill in your pocket and thinking "It's not a $100 bill, and it's kind of odd. I'll stick with the reliable $20s I know so well." Play the man. A lot more.

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100%. Playoffs, Smlayoffs. A game is a game, the object is to win the game. You make plays to win the game. JK can do a few things that no other Warrior can do. You want to get in the bonus early? JK will force 2 fouls. Want to put pressure on the rim? JK will pressure the rim. Want to exploit airspace above the rim? JK can do that. A wide open 3? How's Otto's 3 these days? And yes, he will do all of that and make some mistakes. Just like Curry, Klay & Dray make mistakes. The Warriors will not win a chip this year by playing it safe and relying on Kerr's Vet Mins.

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Let's not forget that Kuminga actually bodies up Jokic on defense very well. No one can stop Jokic but he can both slow him down and slow down smaller ball handlers. Kuminga's defense is vastly underrated. He'll blow assignments, but he'll also really make it hard on a guy.

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Underrated? Nah, I think he’s rated as a mediocre defender and pretty much is that right now. I think mostly because the “he’ll blow assignments” part is way more negatively impactful in the playoffs than not being taken advantage of 1 on 1, which to be fair, he doesn’t seem to be. He’s also been a bit of a foul machine when he gets out of position, which could kill against a team like Denver.

I do like the idea running some plays for him here and there to change up the attack, but when the offense has been as on fire as it has for most of the series, it’s hard to argue with what they have cooked up.

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Nice argument for the regular season. In the playoffs? Not so much, and could conceivably cause heads to roll if it is way off. If they can't win with the veterans squad they've assembled, then there's something wrong. I guess it's conceivable Kuminga could be a savior....I'm content to watch Kuminga blossom into a force once HE becomes a veteran.

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Nah man giving kuminga more minutes is not worse then playing GP2 and iggy together, kuminga has proven that he can be a positive on the court despite his rookie mistakes.

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Contrary opinion: Thinking way ahead, might be better if Memphis closes it out in 6. That means less rest before the 2nd round, but after we dispose of Memphis, it might mean more rest before the conference finals and we might need it more then ...

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