
Quick little post game for the people: https://dubnationhq.com/p/post-game-welp

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Dubs have to realize we are getting teams best shots again. The bench was much better but we just couldn’t run offense. I’m sure some of that had to do with the suns defense but I also think we just weren’t patient. A lot less ball movement or movement that didn’t have much purpose then resorting to iso ball

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Yes, we are getting their best shot but Kerr is necessarily experimenting. It’s asymmetrical warfare right now. Considering that, I’m fine with 2-2.

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They know this… they’ve been through it before. We fans just have to remember they had the shortest offseason of any team, and are pacing themselves for another deep playoff run.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Ok guys, we started soft and smooth, we got our ring night, we laughed, we felt good... tonight the NBA has declared war on us. We bit the dust. It will be hard, much harder this year. It will be battles, every two nights. Are we ready? You tell me, Warriors. ARE WE READY?

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Not really but we don't have to be ready yet, much as we'd like to be. We're 2-2 with 78 to go, and we have a bench full of kids (plus JMG who just got here).

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Talking about the bench, I'd intensify JW. More minutes, green light for shooting, threes , mid and lobs. I want him to do 15/8 in 20 min

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JW could go 15/8 pretty easily. Thing is if he doesn't keep getting better defensively he's still not going to be playable in the postseason. The coaching staff knows this, so it's what they're going to continue emphasizing with him.

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Give them credit... They played a lot better, deserved to win. Didn't make me any more worried about the Suns long term though.

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Damn it Booker, stop trying to make us like you. We need a good rivalry. Talk that shit

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No worries, they still have CP3.

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Lol CP3 looks so old and boring at this point in his career. I don't even have the energy to dislike that little midget anymore

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Why so sour on CP3? HOFer.

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He got rip through’d by Steph AND MOODY tonight… that’s just sad.

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That little midget scored 16 with 4-5 from 3, plus 9 assists.

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Haven't seen the game yet, but holy cow. Losing is always possible but by 29? Yikes. Not sure I really want to watch it...

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PHX kept the lineup while we had already the 2nd line and the game was over. Maybe they were trying hard to bust us, maybe they still remember the game 7 with Dallas...

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All you have to know is Landale was +27 in 22 minutes. We had no answer for him.

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If you do, just watch the first half. You don't want to see the rest.

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Was interesting for the first few minutes of the second half, too. Then tempers flared, the Suns went on a run, and the Ws kinda let go of the rope.

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True but a clean break at halftime will prevent tragically watching too much of the third quarter.

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Meh, Suns kept CP3 and Booker on the floor for like 3 minutes after Warriors put in the garbage time unit.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

It’s the warriors way… again. When we lose, we lose BIG. First half was good, second half not so much after klay ejected

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022


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Hopefully the defense finally shows up next game?

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I'm fairly sure the starters can dial it up as they did just a few months ago on the big stage.

I'm a lot less confident that the bench can flip the switch quickly. Might just need to wait it out.

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We have no choice in the matter.

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Of course we have no choice, our opinions mean nothing to the team or anyone else. Not sure what this as to do with anything, though.

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He needs to spell draymond and not play most of his minutes with the bench.

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So much for the Ty Jerome era!

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I hope JMG starts to look more like the OPJ successor we hoped for. Tonight he was not good.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

He only played complete garbage time after the refs had already done their thing. Not important to me at least.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

I see you running up the score against the youth brigade, CP3 and Book. Losers.

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I can't believe Ty Jerome was unable to stop Devon Booker one on one. I'm just shocked, I have to rewatch the tape.

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That was a hologram, not a defender. You can tell because Book just took an unhurried free throw.

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I just can't see this PHO making any noise in the playoffs. They made no improvements from last year and that team already proved to be chokers

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Disagree. Noise for sure. Championship would be a stretch

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JK FTs looking real nice this year

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Why is Booker and CP3 still in?

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Either Stats padding or they don’t trust themselves to win the game?

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You posted that as I was writing the same thing! You win.

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They're wanting to rub it in tonight.

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Because they are ringless jerks.

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I'm good with it. They can run it up if they want. It's a professional basketball game -- not a kids' recreation league. If we don't like it, we should stop them.

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JFK getting a rip-through on CP3 - nice!

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For all the good it did.

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Haha Moody rip-through on CP3. I love it!

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