Pacers take down the Kings in Sactown … without Haliburton or Siakam. That team could make some noise in the playoffs if they can coalesce and build some chemistry over the next 3-4 months. Would love to see them take down one or two of the “Big 3” in the East. Go Blue and Gold?

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How can I visit the timeline where Bob says fuck it and picks Halliburton instead of Wise?

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Would you give up the certainty of the 21-22 Championship in this timeline for that alternate universe?

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In that timeline, Hali gets a lot of Jordan Poole's minutes that season, reducing the chances of The Punch occurring in the next training camp. The Warriors might be legit contenders in 22, 23, AND 24, so ... maybe?

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Maybe use Dr Strange or Flash!

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So, if Memphis ends up beating Minny in Minny, is the Dubs’ loss a little easier to handle?

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Minny about to win but the memphis B team certainly gave them a fright

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"It's up to Nikola to carry on Milojević's legacy" Denver Nuggets head coach Michael Malone|NBA


So who do we have to send back to Denver if they are graciously offering up Joker to carry on Deki's legacy?

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

...i get where Malone is coming from but that's a weird comment.

Seems like deki touched a lot of players and they will all carry with them what they learned from him.

Deki's legacy is his own and no one needs to carry it on. Just remember it and if it influenced you, never forget that. That's all.

Edit: I probably misinterpreted what was meant. Sounded like he meant only jokic when I read but I doubt that is what is meant.

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Jokic was close to Dejan... and probably quite affected by the news of his death.

I see Michael Malone's comment's as simply encouraging his star player, very necessary to his team's success, to carry on with the basketball winning ways that Milojevic had taught him as a way to honor his legacy ... which will of course help the Denver Nuggets.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

My initial reading of the quote was that only jokic could carry on his legacy, which felt disrespectful.

I added the edit because after another minute of reflection, I realized my initial reading of the quote was probably wrong but didn't want to delete my initial comment.

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If Jokic thinks he’s the only one who can truly carry Decky’s legacy, maybe that’s his truth. If that’s what Jokic believes, his coach should support him and encourage him to be his best.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

... Im basically saying my bad with my initial comment which likely was misplaced, which is why I added the edit.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

Did not to mean to be critical in any way...

Like DFiB wrote people grieve in many diffrent ways.

It is so very hard to know what to say for anyone.

I just wanted write that a coach needs to keep coaching, and it seemed to me that M Malone was doing what he thought might be useful for both the player and the team.

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A lot of folks around the game feel a personal connection to the guy… I say let them grieve and remember and honor him in their ways…

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I imagine I’m not the only member of Dub Nation with a massive schoolboy crush on Kerith Burke. She always seems like an adorable person, inside and out.

So, in the latest Dubs Talk podcast, her calm demeanor and mellifluous voice initially soothed my soul in the wake of the horrific news. But when Monte Poole related some of the awful details of Dejan’s last hours, her calm façade broke and you could hear her breaking into tears … which broke my heart. Tears on my morning commute to the office.

Sigh. What a sad, strange time in Dub Nation.

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She really is fanastic. It's hard to imagine anyone else managing a conversation as sincere, humane, and sufficient to the magnitude of the event as that one.

Also, every restaurant should have an AED and other emergency equipment on hand. We'll never know if that would have changed the outcome in this case, but just the possibility is haunting. I don't know why those things aren't everywhere.

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I had a ton of criticisms about Roz. Kerith is amazing. She is perfect at her craft.

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I think we all adored Roz and Kendra was a fine replacement, but Kerith and Zena are on a whole ‘nother level and REALLY good together. So good to have Kerith back.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

My youtube feed has suddenly gotten flooded with tons of terrible trade "rumors" from teenagers to adults vlogging from their bedrooms. Make it go away youtube.

Anyways, the last thing the warriors origination is gonna do at the moment is have trade talks.

Also way too many Poole sucks videos. The first few were admittedly funny but it's gotten real old and just feels cruel now.

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As someone who was Team Blow It All Up, I don’t think anyone on the team who doesn’t want to be traded at this point and through the deadline should be traded. Everyone’s been through enough trauma. I don’t care about what not trading anybody does for this season or the future; the right thing to do now is take care of the human aspect, and let these guys be together (who want to be here) and try to heal together. Maybe in the off-season there can be some sort of ability to deal with necessary business, but yeah, it ain’t gonna be that time for a long time and shouldn’t be.

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For sure. Only thing that would be nice to see is the team play for each other again. If they do that, it's a championship season at this point.

Well said.

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Yeah, I think it could go either way; they either do that or it just becomes so hard to try to play through that we don’t see much good basketball from them rest of season. I won’t fault them if it’s the latter. But yeah would be nice to see the former—win or lose really, cuz the playing for each other is the more important part.

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An emotional Darko Rajaković gets presented with the teams “Win The Day” Chain after beating the Heat


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Jan 18Liked by Eric Apricot

The top banner of r/warriors has been changed in honor of Dejan Milojevic.

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Posting a PSA announcement for all based off this news report following Coach's demise, which is to look and take care of yourselves as well!


Some useful take aways

1. you can calculate heart issue risk using this online calculator - needs some basic parameters to be entered.


2. You could consider a calcium scan test if in intermediate-risk category


Stay happy and healthy all of you and definitely get good sleep!

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Beyond the general heart-health stuff, and while there is no indication that this specifically might have contributed to Deki's condition, I'm going to start wearing compression socks for longer flights or car drives. I believe that reduces the chances of a pulmonary embolism, which are increased in these situations. It's not a big change to make.

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Yes, very important.

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Following the Dubs to any degree should also come with a health warning.

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Specifically, if you ever see a Wiggins short-range flip shot NOT rim out, consult your optometrist immediately.

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Tomorrow's game against the Mavs has been cancelled as well.

Nothing but best wishes and good thoughts for all involved. This is as heavy as it gets

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Good on Dallas and the NBA. I appreciate their willingness to postpone.

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Stunning news. Recently attended the funeral of an incredible young man who was taken far too soon. I still tear up just writing this thinking of his family and mates. It’s so hard to fill the hole left behind when we lose amazing people. I can only hope that the void is filled with love for all those who will miss these wonderful people.

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Sorry to hear. The holes of those close to us are definitely hard to fill. Hope the best for you and everyone grieving the loss of Decky. This one hits hard. Sad, angry, confused all at once.

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Josh Giddey has not been brought up on any charges as the police were "unable to corroborate any criminal activity." To me, this should close the matter and exonerate him. Yet I worry that he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. I would hope that the fact that a police investigation did not reveal grounds to bring the case to court would be compelling to public opinion to reconsider.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

I haven't followed closely, but he did date an underage minor, correct? That's not under question, I believe.

What's under question is whether (A) she misrepresented her age to him and (B) there was sexual intercourse.

Since the family is refusing to cooperate, we will never know the answers to either, but the fact that he did date a 15?/16?/17? year old (how old was she when they dated?) as a 21 year old NBA player reeks of predation. Not only is there a huge age imbalance, there's a massive power imbalance from his fame and status as an NBA player. I find it really hard to believe that he didn't have his suspicions that she was underage, and if he did, he obviously didn't feel called to ever confront her about it.

It doesn't seem like the police have enough evidence to press charges, but what we know of what he did do is enough for me to never want him on the Dubs, and I'd prefer to see him out of the NBA. I don't know if I count as the "court of public opinion," but it does sound like he's going to remain on the Thunder and remain in the NBA.

Which, IMO, is sad. We need to have higher standards than simply "can the police press charges." If the NBA is willing to suspend Dray for on-court antics, than they should be willing to suspend Giddey for dating a minor, regardless of whether she mis-represented her age.

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The story that has been circulated is this happened two years ago when he was 19 and she was 15 or 16. They met at an 18 and over club in Newport and he thought she was 19. It was a one night encounter.


Who knows? Maybe the story is BS. But there was also a big difference from the start that all this started with a social media post tiled "just f+++ed Josj Giddey". Not like a criminal or civil complaint.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

For these reasons you cited, it does not have an ugly feeling to me about Giddey as otherwise. If he was 19 and went to a club that’s for 18 and over, he reasonably could have presumed she was 18. If she’s boasting of her success in landing him, it also suggests it was consensual, if tawdry. I think we all do right to think closely about what situations constitute abuse and understand that it’s a confusing and subtle matter, but in this case for these reasons it seems hard to conclude he was predatory

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Being rich white and famous should not automatically be grounds for better treatment; but it should also not be grounds for worse treatment

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

The report I read indicated that the victim and the victim's family refused to cooperate.

You can either regard that as an act of good will, or that they might be getting paid off at some point.

Not sure a lot of parents would be OK with their 15-year old daughter dating an overage NBA player, but I guess it's possible.

It's also possible that they felt their daughter misrepresented her age and that Giddey was not at fault.

We probably will never know the truth about why they refused to cooperate.

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Or that they want it all to be over and just move on with their lives...

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Considering the lack of media attention (as far as I saw when the investigation was ongoing, but I'm not really attached to a lot of it so I'm not going to make this claim too strongly) I don't know if he'll experience much social isolation, and he's still playing in the NBA so I'm uncertain whether he'll be professionally harmed.

I agree that he shouldn't face some collective effort to disenfranchise him, but I'm constitutively opposed to that in general. Why should I place much weight in a legal code that's traditionally downplayed bad actions by powerful men? My issue isn't that he did something illegal, it's that what he did feels gross regardless of its legality. If he actually had sex with a 16/17 year old HS junior as a 21 yo I'd find that behavior gross. I thought the dudes dating 18 year old freshmen as upper classmen were gross in college, and this is another step above that lol. Newport Beach cops saying a rich white man didn't do anything definitely illegal doesn't address that problem. That doesn't mean he should go to jail or that he deserves to have it stay with him for the rest of his life, but perhaps he should sit with himself and figure out why someone that immature was attractive to him?

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I don’t disagree that it feels off to me for a 21 year old to date what apparently he thought was an 18 year old. But not catastrophically off, that isn’t as far off as some other dating ages. It seems like a systemic thing younger women date older men. Does it concern us why an 18 year old would want to date a 21 year old? I understand that the younger person can be beguiled by power, but being beguiled is itself something I worry about

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I agree that there's nuance here. An 18yo pining after a 21yo doesn't concern me as much compared to an 18yo pining for someone who's 30. And I'm *significantly more* grossed out at their 30yo partner. Also, a 3 year age difference wouldn't matter if it was 21/24 or something. I'm still not good with it, but that doesn't mean I'm unaware the dynamics could be worse on their face, and that their specific interaction could be fine. I just find his actions creepy (informed by living in a situation with a healthy dose of female objectification and valorization of youth to the point of creepiness imo).

I am less concerned about the 18yo's desire to date older, although it's more context dependent I think for me? I can think of more benign reasons someone that age would want to date/ have sex with someone older than the reverse. Funny enough, some of those reasons are precisely why I'm uncomfortable with the reverse lol. The flip side of my thought that the vast majority of 16yo are immature enough that I'd expect a 21yo to not be interested is that a 16yo might think the 21yo is more mature than their peers. Like this isn't a reciprocal situation to me, and that's one of the reasons I'm uncomfortable I think.

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As a therapist I’ve come across a number of age gap relationships. Some are in this range we’re talking about but some are like 30 and 50. It’s a very complex and individualized question as to whether something like that is an imbalance of power, whether it can work, how others view it, what each party gets out of it. Somewhat surprisingly to me, the younger party usually seems to have more power in the sense that the older one is insecure, hence why they didn’t find someone their age, and the younger one feels more power to stay or go. Vast generalizations, I’ve seen many different ways for it all to play out but I will say: some were quite healthy relationships in that sense but maybe had other problems

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Thanks for sharing your experience with these types of relationships! Genuinely I only have a couple second-hand experiences to pull from, so hearing from someone who's dealt with these more is helpful for me. I wouldn't apply generalities in this age range if I knew either person. Each relationship is it's own unique ball of fun! Each person is their own unique ball of fun too. If the story was "18yo living independently and starting to date a 21yo who just finished college" I wouldn't remark on it much. But "16yo who lied about their age dating/ sleeping with a 21yo professional basketball player" raises a number of red flags for me.

I'm fine with older gapped relationships tbh. Once folks have entered full adulthood, age is just a number (although it can matter if you want kids, or for life circumstance and wealth issues). I imagine most people reach that point somewhere in their 20's, and that's more or less when I don't really care about age in dating (for myself or others). Above that, I'd trust each party to know what they want in a relationship until they show me why I shouldn't trust them.

Your observation at least aligns with the experience of my sister and one of her first boyfriends. He was a very immature 19yo, she was 16. She was much more emotionally mature and ultimately was the one to break it off bc her bf wasn't communicative and very insecure. However, we also dealt with an alcoholic father and have an assorted pu pu platter of mental and attachment issues. We both did somewhat unhealthy things because of our family life I think, at least in part.

Finally, if I were insecure/ emotionally stunted/ etc. enough to date down like that, shouldn't I work on myself and address whatever it is that inhibits my ability to connect with developmentally appropriate peers? Why can't this both be "ultimately he wasn't abusing her in any meaningful way, but why are you attracted to someone still in hs?" Why shouldn't I be concerned with my sister's relationship even if it wasn't directly abusive?

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RemovedJan 19
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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

I explained where I'm at re: older age gapped relationships. After a certain age, it's all about who you click with. Below it though, yeah I'm going to have some thoughts and the number matters to me, at least insofar as what to look out for. If you were 16 dating a 21 year old, I'd definitely be grossed out by your gf. 26 dating 21? Not my cup of tea normally but whatever, if it works it works.

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Despite what historically has happened (and still does) in our species' timeline regarding "underage" relationships, I hope we can see that we all go through different individual stages of human brain development that mean "consent" from someone "legal" means they may still be being taken advantage off.

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People’s faith in the justice system has been shaken to the point that we have been thrown back to the witch trial era, or the original come to jesus era, or the 1930’s era, or many more throughout history.

More folks should study history with purpose before engaging in crucifying the folks we feel we can tear down in the court of public opinion. There are better ways to effect positive change, and the path we are on only leads to darkness and disintegration of all that is good, every, single, time.

If you wish to care about and uplift people from oppression that can often lead to positive change if that is indeed the goal.

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> People’s faith in the justice system has been shaken

Sure, and we have more faith in an anonymous twitter account that no longer exists?

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We also have a "legal" system, not a justice system. Which is a pretty critical language clarification

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Well put.

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As long as he can play basketball at a high level he will be viewed favorably. If he signs a big extension and then tanks, people will remember the statutory rape allegation. Playing well absolves a multitude of sins.

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Worked for Kobe.

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RemovedJan 19·edited Jan 19
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My only thought was that power can make people, like Kobe and many ‘stars’, immune to many things. I never cared for Kobe before or after that, and was offended by his lionization after his admittedly horrible death.

I think we have no way of knowing what happened with Josh, and I do not have any particular problem with his ‘dating’ someone younger. My guess is if he needed to use his ‘star power’ to extract himself from a situation, he probably could. But I’m guessing this is harder and harder for anyone to do in this epoch of invasive social media.

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Idk the police not prosecuting a rich man for a sex crime has not historically been indicative of them not doing it. Make what you will of Josh Giddey’s case, but the decision of police not to press charges is not going to determine my conclusion.

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I’m not claiming the police are always in the right. But what else is going to determine your conclusion? What better source for your decision making is there?

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I think the lack of anything negative coming from who would be the victim in this case is where one should hang their hat.( Making it gross and creepy, but legally and sort of ethically OK.} What the police think about is largely immaterial given the nature of incident, the players involved and their(police)track history.

Which I guess is a long way of answering the what better source question, with "Just about anyone".

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The next game has now been postponed.

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That's good. The next game will be next Wednesday against the Hawks. Hope the Warriors are in a better mood by then.

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Can the season get cancelled?

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Haven’t been here in a while, just wanted to come and post my condolences for Coach Decky.

Absolutely devastating and I feel terrible for his family.

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I guess we now know who's legacy we will be playing for this season. When it comes around, I hope we play with more Dejan Joy!

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This season is cursed I tell you.

Coach Dejan is way too young. RIP.

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There’s only one thing to do, this season: pray that it ends, as soon as possible.

Che la Terra ti sia lieve, Deki.

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May the Earth be light to you, Deki.

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