Nov 14, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Not a fan of LMA. Seems soft, mentally and physically. Do not see this happening at all.

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Nov 13, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I appreciate the Trigger Warning.

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There is more of a chance that Wiggins at 24 develops into a better player than Aldridge at 35 suddenly becoming better than what he has been the last season or two.

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I feel like most of the trade talk right now seriously undervalues Wiggins, who plays at the hardest position to find a player to fill in the league at the moment. He failed to live up to expectations in Minnesota, but lots of players do that in Minnesota. If he ups his three point percentage by 3 points this season, I think we aren't even having this conversation. Aldridge = washed. I can't see him keeping up with Anthony Davis in a playoff scenario from a defensive standpoint (Davis has averaged 20/10 against Aldridge for his career) so what's the point? Even if you have to trade Wiggins for financial reasons, there has to be something better than this.

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It was, what, three years ago that Javale McGee completely embarrassed Aldridge in the playoffs, right? And it's not like Aldridge is any younger now.

He could soak up some regular season minutes against big dudes. And probably better than most vet min centers, at that. He's gotta be less infuriating than the jekyll-and-hyde play of WCS.

Vet min or even MLE? Sure, sounds worth it. Trading down from #2 to #11 and giving up on the Wiggins experiment this early? I don't know, boss.

If the Warriors make that trade, it feels to me like admitting defeat and folding. Maybe that's even the better play than being on the hook for Wiggins' salary for years to come if he's gonna continue to perform at replacement level. But it sure won't feel good.

Sometimes I really wanna peek into the alternate reality where the KD/D'A sign and trade never happened, the Dubs just let Kevin go and signed a vet min guy like Juan Toscano-Anderson instead. We'd probably be debating how much to spend on re-signing Iguodala right now.

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It was two years ago he averaged 24 points 9 rebounds 2 assists against the Warriors in the first round.

It was one year ago he averaged 20 points 10 rebounds 3 assists in the first round against the Nuggets.

He's still an old guy to trade for, but he's been good in the playoffs for a long time, with solid recent performance.

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Javale is underrated.

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Pls dont.. aldridge is done

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Nov 13, 2020Liked by Daniel Hardee

General cons: old, not great on defense, not efficient on offense. Reminds me of the time during the NBA strike in the late 90s. I saw Rick Adeleman at City Sports in Oakland and asked him if he needed a short (well, 6'2" in reality, but probably 6'5" in NBA inches), old (35 or so), white guy who couldn't shoot that well and was pretty quick unless he was playing against young guys. He just smiled.

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If only you’re been carrying a sweatband to wrap around your head before asking him that question. Pretty sure the outcome would’ve gone your way.

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In case it wasn't clear - "no" on Aldridge.

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No to a trade for Aldridge - on any level. If he came on the vet minimum, I'm good with it. A hard no on mortgaging the future for a player coming off shoulder surgery and one moderate injury away from being out of the league. And to losing a pair of good, young players in the process. But I think it is telling that Tim Duncan, whose project as assistant coach was working with Aldridge, is not coming back as assistant coach this coming season. So to me that says that Aldridge most likely will not be on the team going forward. I think he needs to go back to Portland and have his final injury there. Since all of their bigs get injured.

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"Have his final injury there" DILLY BRINGING THE HEAT

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I might go for 7.2.1 if Vassel or Nesmith were available at 11. I suspect that either of them will be more "nba ready" than anybody that they might get at #2 since Edwards, Wisemen , and Ball are probably all multiple year projects. The Warriors would still have a couple of good picks in 2021 plus their own pick at #30, so they wouldn't be completely mortgaging the future. That said, I think they can find a center at near the minimum, and there are always guys like GRIII and Burks available for wing depth.

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There’s no rule that says they can’t draft someone like Haliburton or Okongwu at #2 if they legit have him in their top 5-7. As great as it would be to pick up another asset, if they try to deal-or-no-deal their way down a few spots, they run a very big risk of losing their guy.

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Acquiring Aldridge has some merit, but it seems very short-sighted. Warriors should not lose sight of the future and the assets that they have to assure the longevity of the club. I'm rolling the dice on Wiseman, using the TPE to acquire a younger, athletic big man/PF or big wing player, the MLE for a PG. This is in lieu of any trading down with a player(s)thrown in that would be too good to pass up. Next year's top 3 should not be squandered. This is how the Warriors go forward.

By mid season, the Warriors should know 2 things;

Is Draymond in the future?

Can Wiggins be successful?

These two players hold the key to their future right now. If there is any slack off, Warriors should be preparing for a major trade.

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Solid plan. If Charlotte or someone trades for #1 and takes Wiseman, what’s the backup plan, Okongwu?

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I like Okongwu. He is a Faried like player, fits a need, will never quit, and will be a solid NBA player for years. If the Warriors are high on him and there are no trades being offered for the pick, I'm happy to have him. I'm more concerned about what they will do with the TPE & MLE. 2020 draft will yield them another top player. Rome wasn't built in a day and Lacob would be foolish to add a lot of luxury tax in a time when revenues have fallen big time and no certainty in the next couple of years. As I've said, the best thing that could happen is trading down while acquiring a player who fits their system, and pulling a solid player out of this draft. The TPE/MLE should do the rest and they will even save some money with a lower draft pick.

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If you flip the TPE into a tradable 17M salary, say James Johnson. Then flip that plus Looney, #2 for Aldridge and #11?

I don’t love it, but it’s not horrible. Aldridge is old but a nice fit. I’d like it if the Spurs sent a future pick back.

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sadly these trade threads need a professional Capologist to vet the ideas.

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Nov 12, 2020Liked by Daniel Hardee

Please kill this rumor! Use a nuke if necessary.

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With extreme prejudice!!

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Nov 12, 2020Liked by punk basketball

It is officially now Silly Season. Has been for awhile. No to all of that rubbish. Grant Liffmann surely has it right.

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Nov 12, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Since rumors have it that Houston is about to blow up the whole team, how about PJ Tucker and Covington for the #2 and Looney (necessary to make the money work)

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Yikes. That’s worse.

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Brutal They are just over the TPE and you can’t use additional salary to match aka looney. I think you might be able do two separate trades but it might take one more contract to match.

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the TPE can't be split or combined into a 2 player deal?

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I think of they both fit into the TPE that would work, but since the combined salary is a bit over, you can’t use part of the TPE and part of an outgoing salary.

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OK, so we couldn't do it with Looney's salary alone but we could probably send Looney and one of those non-guaranteed salaries to match Tucker and then Covington for the other. Not sure if Covington for the #2 pick is a deal I love but those two together fill most of our needs and our timeline. If both sides want the deal it could happen.

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Only the non-guaranteed portion counts towards salary matching, we'd need to add 1.56mil w/ Looney to make it work, so it'd have to be Poole.

Frankly I wouldn't trade Looney for Tucker straight up, so I'll pass on this part of the deal -- maybe we could get RoCo for the TPE and our 2021 #1?

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My admittedly flawed research is that it cannot be combined with outgoing salary to expand it beyond its original amount. I don’t think the incoming restrictions apply.

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Probably at the top of my list as far as realistic targets go. We gotta see what Houston is going to do though, they may be looking to make bigger moves

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Nov 12, 2020Liked by punk basketball

It was probably said half a dozen times in the previous comment thread, but why would the Ws give up anything significant to get Aldridge? Yes, he's a center. But he's 35 and not that good. How are we envisioned as giving up valuable players and picks for such a player?

And no, we aren't getting Harden or Westbrook either. Sometimes, I think these guys look at a team like San Antonio or Houston and think, "How could they get out of this or that bad contract? I know: They could make a trade with the Warriors..." But it just seems like nonsense.

As you say, shedding $100 million in commitments could be attractive at this time, but to do it, they'd be giving up a 25 year old #1 pick at a position of need and the #2 pick in this year's draft. That's just too high a price, unless Lacob has decided to give up.

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