Add up the salaries of the 7th pick after signing+ Looney + Paschall, Smailagic,

Mulder and GP2 the Warriors could cobble together about 19M in salary. They could get more in there with Damion Lee and JTA but let’s assume those guys are locked in as cheap rotation players.

The Pacers could view the #7 pick + Looney + salary filler as a good return for Turner or Levert.

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But, back to my wish for Marcus Smart to be our new vet. He’d be so perfect in a four guard rotation of Curry, Thompson, Smart and Poole. Could the Warriors help Beale get to Boston (apparently his top pick due to his friendship with Tatum) in a three way? They might offer Brown and picks. Is that enough? Sign and trade Oubre and the 7th (and Paschall?) to Boston for Smart…. The Warriors would need to think Smart is worth his $14 million. That looks pretty steep when you consider their tax situation- but Smart is such a perfect fit. Then sign a veteran big FA and go to town.

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I’d be for that. But it seems Indiana could do better.

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So here’s what I don’t get. Paul George was traded for SGA, 3FRP expected to be non lottery, and two pick swaps.

Beal is not as good as George, and I get that SGA is pretty good, but why are we expected to have to give up wiggins, wiseman, two lottery picks in a good draft, and more for Beal? I don’t see it…

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SGA is younger and better than Wiggins, but yeah, that pick package is underwhelming. Looks like 18 this year (the Miami pick) and 3 picks in the mid 20s in future years though next year's pick might be pretty low if Kawhi isn't playing. The real problem with Beal is that he doesn't really fit as well as Wiggins.

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I continue to firmly believe that the Warriors can find 2 players at 7 and 14 that can help them win now at the very least by eating minutes during the regular season. They can safely jettison Smailagic, Mulder, and Paschal and fill one of those spots with a veteran at the MLE. 10 veterans (including 3 all stars), + 2 young players + Wiseman + 2 rookies doesn't strike me as a unbalanced team that is short on veteran leadership or star players. 4 stars + 11 veteran scrubs sure sounds pretty unbalanced though. You can call that a win now team, I call it a bunch of old guys one injury from disaster.

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Wiggins/mulder/7th to sas for Murray/12th/41st


14th/paschall to cle for osman/nance/future 1st


14th/paschall to sac for Wright/bagley/39th


Oubre s&t/41st to Por for Robert Covington








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The dubs can’t be happy with Marcus Thompson. All these articles that stem from his make it seem like Myers is over a barrel trying to please his big three by obtaining a star. I really don’t like any of the “star” trade ideas. The fit is poor. If we could get Smart in a sign and trade with Oubre and picks I’d be in heaven. But Boston needs a vet pg now, not another wing and picks.

I might be interested in Turner/Warren for Wiggins, Paschall and picks… if Indiana would bite. Yeah, I value our guys more than most. But mostly I’d like to see what the Warriors can do with the youngsters and FAs this year. I think they can win it all.

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My gut tells me they’re planting them with Marcus because they’re not true. Reading between the lines, management really don’t want to give up all their assets. They want to emulate the Spurs- an organization that will perennially contend. But Steph, Klay and Dray aren’t cool with drafting and developing with their last few peak prime years. And many within dub nation aren’t cool with that. So every leak is about a trade. When it doesn’t happen, they can say they tried every avenue but no one was dealing, so they just were forced to draft some rookies. When the reality is that they may be willing to rip someone off for a star, but they’re not going to pay market rate, and certainly not a rate that reflects badly in their mistake of drafting Wiseman.

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Not sure you’re correct about tea readings of intent, but very well said and I hope you’re right.

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Considering the Warriors didn't trade Oubre last season, I think the Warriors are the types to wait for some kind of homerun deal.

I actually feel like they should've just gone for the line drive single with Oubre. Instead, the Warriors did nothing and now they are gonna lose Oubre's salary slot.

However, in terms of potentially giving up Wiggins + Wiseman + a whole mess of picks, you do gotta look for the home run deal.

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> now they are gonna lose Oubre's salary slot.

They are going to lose Oubre (barring a Wiggins/Wiseman trade for a center), but I don't think it's guaranteed that they will lose his salary slot.

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You think they pull off a S&T with Oubre?

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Depends on if Lacob is willing to continue paying that salary slot and if the Warriors are willing to part with some draft capital. But if so, I do still think they'll end up with like a trade exception at minimum.

If you are a team like the Knicks and can just sign Oubre into cap space, what difference does it make to you if it's a signing or if the Warriors sign and trade him to you and give you a couple second rounders for doing nothing? Why wouldn't you just accept the couple seconds? Perhaps they try to squeeze the Warriors out of more assets and the Warriors say no, but ultimately I think they'd come to an agreement the same way the Celtics did with the Hornets last offseason with Hayward.

And of course, if the team doesn't have cap space then they'll need a trade to make it happen.

As long as Oubre's agent is willing to cooperate, I think they'll be fine. His clients are Oubre and Tobias Harris, I don't think the Warriors have ever done him wrong?


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> Duarte’s stock is hot. Interest has snowballed/spread, he’s become a trade-up target for teams. Unlikely here’s available at 19.


Warriors making their interest in Duarte apparent to generate a trade down opportunity?

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The tweet has an embedded tweet about Duarte working out for the Knicks solo, Knicks pick at 19 and 21.

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I think Howie Mandel should act as an intermediary in the WAS-GSW trade talks. After he shares the other team’s latest proposal, he can say “Beal, or no Beal?”

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I feel dirty liking this.

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I can't bealive you made that joke.

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I don’t understand the Lavine trade. Seems like we could figure out a way to match salary with Wiggins going out the door

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I like Lavine but the cost to the Warriors would be too much for them to indulge their fantasy on. No need to mortgage the future for anyone.

As far as a Wiseman trade goes, I wouldn't take any of those deals proposed. I do believe Wiseman can be traded on his own worth if needs be during the regular season or for someone in free agency. Getting a big man development coach shows me the Warriors are planning to develop him. Even with a little improvement, Wiseman will bring a player(s) without throwing in draft picks. If there weren't so many talented players in the draft, I could see the possibility of doing something but the Warriors can add real value to the team by simply using their picks. Of course, they haven't shown the best decision making in the draft for years. I'm holding my hand in this poker game. Let the sports writers fantasize all they want. It's their job, not mine.

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Like a few posters have said already, I say no to any trades that deal Wiggins and don’t return a comparable defensive wing. So it’s a no to Beal for me (I can’t see KOJ resigning here either as he wants to start, so there would likely be a defensive gap with Beal).

No to trading Wiseman as we won’t return value at this early stage…this could change between now and trade deadline, although I’m a big fan and want to keep him. So that rules out Zach etc. for now.

That leaves the SAC trade of #14. I like the idea of adding Duarte as a better version of Mulder at #14, and would prefer to have him on the squad this year rather than deferring the pick.

Hoping for no trades and we take the picks and run it back with a healthy Klay, Moody & Duarte. But happy with whatever the FO decide to do. It’s a brutal ‘choose your own adventure’ this off-season. I’m sure a championship is a Dr Strange 14 million possibilities with 1 resulting in a Larry.

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Beal is a great player and having him and Steph in the same back court is very interesting. However, I just feel this would be similar to the Dame and CJ backcourt in Portland. You need defense too. Offense only backcourts can only take you so far.

The value of Steph and Beal together may be less than the sum of the parts. Beal’s value to the Dubs is less than his value to a team like the 76ers because his skills overlaps with Steph. He would end up stealing some of Steph’s shots (Steph should be at taking 15 3’s a game). The Dubs had a really good defense last year. Replacing Wiggins with Beal could mess that up.

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I'd love the Cade or the Orlando trades suggested, so I'm thinking they're not available. It's really hard to see a superstar trade that would fit the Warriors current set up. Whereas, with draft picks, they could be anything. Once Moses Moody is Kawhi-lite in your head, it's tough to give him up for a small SG. It's gonna be a long, but fun week.

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I'm not digging all the 'trade Wiseman' talk. He was not the guy I wanted last season, but I see why GS picked him and he won me over during the season as a player who WILL develop into one of the best (maybe top 5) C in the league, especially as he grows into his body and bulks up. His raw talent is more than evident, and the excellent coaching he'll continue to get with the Dubs will transform him sooner rather than later. Remember 'Quis and 'Queese? We could do a lot worse than resigning Chriss, and whether the team utilizes it's picks to move up, down, out of the draft is anyone's guess, but there are good players out there who could/would help the team and I am optimistic that whatever tweaks are done with the team this offseason will be subtle enough to make a difference, and perhaps blockbuster enough if they do pull a trade for a super-star! I have still been reliving nightmares of the play-in games, and how much fun it would have been to see the fellas in a first rd series against the Jazz or Phx or ??? Not to be. I plan to resubscribe/subscribe to the new site as soon as able. The work you all do here (staff and contributors) is excellent, basically keeps me alive and kicking. ~Kenny Nonymous

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Also, I'm strongly against trading Wiggs. I should just have read Chaos_Samedi's post first, because that is closest to my stance on the whole deal.

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Warriors went 1-7 when curry was out last season. With curry they spotted a 68.4 win percentage, good for 3rd in the whole league all while having a historically bad oubre season, a negative rookie center shoved down the teams throat, a stretch where we had no player over 6'7 in the whole arena and no KLAY THOMPSON.

We have what it takes RIGHT NOW with a shit ton of future assets to sustain the dynasty, why throw that away for a single player? We are contenders right now, bring Chris's back, get a solid wing in FA, give lee, jta and loo ey the minutes they earned and deserve and let's run it back without the bullshit superteam.

Bring moody in at 7 and a high potential player at 14 and let's go fully in next season. Seems like the FO (if these rumors are true)are trying to over compensate for the shit show performance they pulled last season, we were a couple close wins away from a curry mvp season and a playoff run.

As far as the rumors of curry klay and dray wanting to trade for a star, I just dont know. Seems to me(could be wrong) its more of a reaction of wiseman being shoved down their throats, if dray is so smart he has to see how much potential the team had this season while still having the future assets to carry them into their late 30s

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Couple of things - we had a 2-7 record without Curry (won against the Grizz and the Pels), and the winning percentage was .59 (we went 37-26) which would've been the 8th best in the league. Steph had to had a legendary run near the end of the season to get that record with him averaging nearly 40 across the last 20-25 games. That load isn't sustainable for anyone, especially not a guy we want to keep good for a long time.

Furthermore, there were loads of teams with bad records last year due to injuries (Lakers), load management (Clippers and Nets) or bad coaching (Hawks for half the season). Don't think regular season record is the most reliable proxy for team quality, especially last season as it was a crazy COVID year.

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You right about the record I miscalculated but it still would have been 5th seed in the west and those issues you outlined with the other teams record do not outshine us missing klay Thompson, playing wiseman heavy minutes, having a horrific oubre for most of the season and having no person 6'7 above for a stretch.

To say curry's stretch is unsustainable is a reach to me, we know that's who he is and defenses cant put so much focus on him with klay out there. Not to mention Ilay running our second units instead of wannamaker.

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No 33-34 year old is gonna average 35+ for an entire season (and no one should have to). Curry is an all-timer, but I doubt even MJ could do that.

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He doesn't need to average 35, he can sustain his level of play next season without having to put the same numbers up if klay is next to him.

Do you think this team can contend next season with a healthy klay and a solid offseason with no trades?

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I'd say we would be pseudo-contenders like the Nuggets, Jazz and Sixers (i.e. dangerous in a one-off series, but very unlikely to win it all). I think we'll have a pretty good regular season (if Klay comes back anywhere close to himself obviously), but I think good teams will be able to load up on Curry and we will not have a good answer for that as we lack adequate on-ball creation apart from Steph. Poole would need to take a ginormous step forward (about as big as he took last season lol) for that to change (assuming we get no creator in FA).

And the Nets are looming large in the East. If they're healthy, I doubt we really stand a chance against them. The Lakers, Clippers (Kawhi should be back by the start of the playoffs) and the Bucks are all extremely dangerous. And of course, the Lakers may acquire Lowry or CP3 in a sign-and-trade which will mean they become completely dominant in the West (they're already the favorites health permitting).

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I think this is correct, and frankly I think this is the Dubs ceiling. If fully healthy they can compete if the West is as open as it was this past year. That takes a rash of injuries among the elite teams and assumes that the Lakers don’t reload. Unfortunately, the Dubs have far less flexibility than most contenders because they’re locked into 4 max, or near max contracts and 3 of those 4 players aren’t max players.

That’s why I’m not in favor of selling out to compete in 2021-23. I’m not giving away the future (read: Wiseman & three ‘21 & ‘22 picks) to take a run at the 2d round of the playoffs.

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LOL if Poole takes a leap half what he took last year, he's an all star already.

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I’m with you in this. Sadly for us the competition is intense, and it’s really hard to imagine a realistic trade that nets us significant upgrades. Honestly the only wild card I see is trading future draft picks for a win now option, with the FO swallowing the likely massive cap hit.

So that brings me back to the most likely scenario - drafting 7 and 14, filling gaps with the MLE and a minimum veteran who likes the W’s. Our ability to contend deep into the playoffs mostly relies on Klay coming back solidly by late in the season, Wiseman developing steadily, and management making a few wise decisions in drafting and signing free agents. Barring major injuries the outcome is a fun season and some playoff entertainment.

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A couple of dumb fouls against the lakers and a blown Draymond layup against the grizzlies doesn't mean shit. Any team could have lost 2 in the row especially with a miracle lebron 3 and ja morant hitting 3s all game, stop it.

We are contenders right now is fully considering klay comes back at 80+ %

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Chad Ford and Marc Stein podcast discussed Warriors trade options. Basically, Dame, Beal and Ben Simmons, so nothing new to this site. They say GSW is trying hard to trade picks but no solid progress confirmed

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As they should be... it's gonna be like this till draft day.

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Yea I agree. The FO should be busting their buts to convert their assets into better assets. That’s their job. But doesn’t mean they should do bad deals, or meh deals just for the sake of doing deals.

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The Warriors are bringing back Trey Murphy and Chris Duarte for second workouts this weekend, per sources


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Interesting. There were rumors last year that the Warriors had Saddiq Bey really highly rated last year. Seems like they like they may value that 3 and D profile especially when it comes with size.

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Wow the last T.Murphy we took went at #14 too. #Scary

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When sorted by career BPM, Murphy was ranked #12 in the class. Arenas (pick 31) ranked #2 and JRich (pick 5) ranked #5. That was a pretty good draft for us all things considered...

There was also a lengthy wing from Arkansas available that year: Joe Johnson.

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Too soon

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Is there a Jean-Barrie Carroll in the draft (actually JB Turned out to be a pretty righteous dude, you just didn't want him on your team). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Barry_Carroll

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