Great quote from Klay.

I will use this in my own life.

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Jul 6Liked by punk basketball


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Now the heat join in the race for Lauri? Chances just went down yet again. Ainge getting everything he wants

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Are the Heat really joining, or is it an Ainge negotiating ploy?

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BSPN reporting it…so we will see if it holds water. I’d laugh if MIA comes out and says they aren’t 😂

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Am I right, you have to roster 15 players to open up the 3rd two-way player spot? With Gui, Dubs at 14 on the roster but not enough room to fill the last spot without going over 1st apron. That leaves Wiggins, GP2 and Loon as potential trade pieces to trim another 2m which would allow us to add one more Vet Min and make Quentin Post our third two-way player. Without a big deal coming through, looks like we still need one more move on the margins.

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I have never heard of this “opening the 3rd two-way”. But the situation is indeed confusing.

The CBA (II.11.b) says you can have 3 two ways no matter what. You are restricts to 90 Under-15 games (where you have fewer than 15 minimum contracts). Each two-way in the 15 counts as another game, so 3 two-ways on the 15-man in one game counts as 3 Under-15 games.

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Definitely more confused! haha

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

I think this is right, but I suspect it's more likely they cut Spencer than fill roster spot 15.

But, the reality that until the Markkanen shoe drops (or doesn't), it's pretty hard to predict what will happen with those last spots.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

What their contracts say.

De'Anthony Melton. Coming off an injury season at the front door of his prime, this is a show me season for Melton. Stay healthy, log strong minutes supporting Curry in the backcourt, log solid minutes as the PG without Curry, make GP2 expendable (if your defensive skills put a dent in GP2s minutes, that is the real test of your defense), and remain a league average 3 point shooter & Melton should set himself up for a strong contract as a legit combo guard, capable of being a net positive in any backcourt. He got the full MLE to shop his wares. Dubs get a guy at the perfect age in a contract year. That's a win-win.

Buddy Hield. Buddy is showing a great sense of self understanding and humility. He'll be 32 at the start of the season. He locked up 21m (I believe) in guaranteed salary on a team that covets the one skill he has left. He's realizes his NBA job moving forward is strictly as a 6th-man type shooter coming off the bench and he would probably like to do it as long as he can. He has 2 years with a highly visible team to showcase his skills as "instant oatmeal" off the bench in the hopes of establishing himself as a valuable ROLE PLAYER for the last 3rd of his career. A job referral from the Dubs never hurts. The Dubs get instant buckets for when the offense bogs down and a good floor spacer. Again, I think this transaction has been well thought out on both sides.

Kyle 'Slo Mo' Anderson. On the court, he is a Poor Man's Draymond Green. There is probably no better player in the league to plug in when Dray is out and duplicate his unique skill set on both ends of the court (without all that other stuff). Slo Mo took a team friendly deal, but he is coming to a team that believes his particular skill set is irreplaceable and of these 3 acquisitions, I believe Kyle and the Warriors are thinking long-term here. His new coach comes from the Popovich tree and Kyle played for Pops his first 4 years. I think this is quietly one of the best moves, not just for the Dubs, but in the league this year. Thanks Minnesota, again.

Tip of the cap to Mike. I don't see moves for moves-sake. I see very well thought out moves, moves that have real purpose and intent, moves that attend to both the players' needs as well as the organization's, that attend to the play on the court and on the cap-sheet. And he did all this while navigating the inevitable break-up of the big-3 that could have been way uglier than it has been? Pretty impressive.

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Agree 100% and feel the same about what he got out of the draft

having the 52nd pick.

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You make it sound like Hield had other skills that degraded resulting in only being able to hang his hat on shooting. I would posit he had no other skill besides shooting since he was drafted.

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Good take. I agree wholeheartedly.

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Here is an eight-stereotype rotation!

- Heaven is where the cook are French, the policemen are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian, the politicians Japanese, the dancers Argentinians, and it is all organized by the Swiss and financed by the Americans;

- Hell is where: the cook are British, the policemen are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers Swiss, the dancers Japanese, the politicians American, and it is all organized by the Italians and financed by the Argentinians.

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>>> the lovers are Italian

Stefano with the not-so-subtle bragging 😁

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That does not mean that I personally honor my country, although when I was way younger...

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#2 is...is truly ghastly.

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I’ll take the chefs, lovers, and dancers from all the countries listed, and mostly leave the politicians and policemen from all of them. 😊

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I checked the Summer League roster for the Warriors and hardly recognized anyone on it. The Podz, Gui, TJD, and Pat Spencer are there but we have a spate of newbies to familiarize ourselves with. Does anyone have a take on these 'unknowns'? I'm hoping for some diamonds in the rough.

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Beekman is on the roster too, and I am eager to see him. Post is resting to let his leg heal so he won't play Summer League ball.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

The old joke:

- in heaven: the cook are French, the policemen are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are italian, and it is all organized by the Swiss;

- in hell: the cook are British, the policemen are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers swiss, and it is all organized by the Italians;

needs some rearranging to accomodate you buddies. Let's then find out the six-stereotype rotation that includes 'hell is definitely where politicians are American'.

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From what I read in european basketball sites, nobody is on Lakers side for picking Bronny. Probably LeBron' s charme is declining here in Europe. Maybe we were used to see the NBA as the Shangri-La of basketball pure talent, and this move does not match well with that picture, but seems instead nepotistic.

But the result is: nobody here is trusting any more the Lakers organization

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As a retired marketing guy, I’ll put a positive spin on it: “Lebron and Bronny; it’s NEPOTASTIC!”

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(I hope I have written correctly, it's not easy for me in english)

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If my Spanish were as good as your English, I would be a happy man.

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You were very clear.

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No worries, you're doing fine!

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We have ourselves two problems in the Bronny situation. Of course the first has been going on for years, with LeBron hyping his son up and saying he wanted to play with him, effectively setting the kid up for ridicule and doubt.

But now the second problem, which is a whole franchise is insulting the intelligence of the fans, or trying to. At the first press conference, JJ Redick was asked about Pelinka and him giving Bronny the opportunity and he said, "I want to correct something. We didn't give Bronny anything. He's earned it." And then, two minutes later, Bronny's first turn to talk, he says, "I want to thank JJ and the organization for giving me this opportunity."

It's deplorable, the whole thing. The kid is caught in his father's bullshit agenda. Even if Bronny turns into a serviceable NBA player, which I sincerely doubt, it will be in large measure because an NBA team invested development resources into him. A lot of guys could turn into serviceable NBA players if an NBA team sank development resources into them. Somewhere there's a guy who is playing in Asia instead of with the Lakers because Bronny has his spot. I hope that everyone in Laker land is satisfied about that -- but stop lying to us, we can see right through it.

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Can’t really defend the contract or the way it all played out, but count me among those who actually think Bronny isn’t a terrible gamble as 55th overall picks go. As I recall the kid was considered a likely first-rounder before his health scare, and in the context of that near-death experience his diminished play is not unexpected. Good athlete with some defensive upside and, yes, NBA bloodlines...

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

There’s two problems indeed.

1. The father is making his son’s life about his own goals… who knows whether the son is happy about it, there between them. Minor problem, also a story as old as parenthood.

2. Silly people talk too much about it to fill time.

Thankfully, summer league is almost here, and I won’t have to worry about the second problem for too much longer.

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deletedJul 5
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I believe Bronny will debut at Chase on Saturday and then play the Warriors SL team on Sunday! woo hoo!

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Mic drop

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Sounds appropriate for a second rounder…

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Well... Podz is playing in SL too (as is TJD) so I'm not sure what being a second-rounder has to do with it. But it IS appropriate for Bronny to play there.

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The media and fans are being way too overdramatic about this.

It's the 55th overall pick in a 60 pick draft. If that person in Asia was going to get drafted but didn't because of Bronny, any team could have swooped him up after the draft.

WHO is this undrafted player we are so up in arms about?

All this hand wringing is simply because it's LeBron. The fake outrage is tiresome.

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In what way is this outrage? What makes it fake? Why is it overdramatic?

I'm not aware of rules dictating correct level of intensity before posting something of general interest; perhaps I missed something.

What interests me here is the human scale difficulties: most importantly, the ways that people learn about parenting, about letting young people be themselves rather than parents living through them. And I'm also interested in the ways that organizations and fans build or erode trust. These things interest me. So I'm typing about them.

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“bullshit agenda”, “insulting the intelligence”, “deplorable”, “stop lying to us” … pretty high bar for describing something as outrage if that’s not it.

What are your thoughts on Kirk & Kent Lacob, Nick Kerr? Not meant as a gotcha — just to point out that your critique of LeBron’s parenting could easily be applied to those cases.

I don’t know, personally I think it’s better to tread lightly when judging someone else’s parenting from afar. Maybe deep-down Bronny really wants to be a mailman or a dancer or an engineer, but maybe Kirk Lacob does too. Or maybe they’re both perfectly content. I just wouldn’t be so blithe about assuming they’re “trapped in an agenda”.

(Definitely agree that nepotism is bad insofar as more qualified people are passed over.)

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My frustration is with the nature of bad parenting that I see all the time in my role as a therapist. Bronny is far from the only kid who appears to be put in position to live up to parental expectation. As I said in a previous post on the subject, I can't say that I am a morally superior person or better parent than Bronny's parents. What I am interested in is this particular choice of theirs and its implications. Sports acts as a focus for societal debate on morality. Almost every evening in the NBA, there are moments that draw heated discussion. Did that player commit a deliberate foul? Is rooting for Klay loyal or disloyal? On and on. For me, the issues here are of interest, just as 800 other posts are of interest to whoever posted them. I don't see how my post is the one that of all of them deserves rebuke. I also think that responding to a post is its own choice. If I've got outrage and you tell me with outrage to stop having outrage -- which is not what you did, so I'm happy to respond in a similarly thoughtful vein -- the whole thing never stops. Which then describes the internet. To me the topic is what is the moral or social lesson of this situation, not how hot are my feelings. Only I know how hot they are, but if anyone wants to ask, they may feel free to. Hint: it's hardly outrage.

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So much food for thought I am feeling stuffed. Thanks.

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Using words and phrases like "Deplorable" or "Insulting the intelligence of the fans", over-analyzing the specific wording Bronny vs JJ used as some "Aha-Gotcha" moment...and being overly concerned about a hypothetical alternate 55th pick that doesn't have an actual name....

You're more than welcome to your opinion and to encourage discussion about it - thats your prerogative.

But, for me, it all just screams as a little over the top.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

OK. It screams. Noted.

Of note about me in case you find it of value: I am not actually soliciting editor input on my work here.

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Comes with the territory of posting your opinions on a public forum *shrug*

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It comes, but it doesn't have to.

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deletedJul 5
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No need to psychoanalyze, imo…

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I guess you haven't heard that the Dubs are determined to get the 2037 (?) draft rights to Canon Curry. But that kid can play.

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Can he ever! I’m told that even though he’s only 6, he’s up to 8-and-under LEGO’s!

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I remember a couple of years ago when he was a tiny tot there was a photo of Canon dribbling two basketballs at once, as Steph does in his warmup routine. He was looking good! #lightyears

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Yeah, it's all a joke, as with everything LeBron/LaBreakers. But - and I can't believe I'm going to do this - let me come to LeBron's defense. I can't stand him, but you can't underestimate his contribution to the league as a whole. And if all LeBron wants is to take millions, fire coaches, destroy your franchise, and play with his kid, hasn't he earned it? Hell, if his kid was in a wheelchair, I'd still draft him to make his Dad happy. It's one roster spot on a meaningless team. And who doesn't want to see LeBron hoist Bronny up on his shoulders so he can dunk the basketball. Ahhhhh, it would be so cute.

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That's a hilarious image.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Sorry, I can't go there with you Jonesy. Lil Mac readily comes to mind. The kid has done everything one can imagine within the ''system'' (including winning and defending the AS dunk contest. as a G-leaguer) and no one is willing to give him the opportunity Bronny is getting.

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There haven't been any buzz around G. Hayward, Lowry, Fournier, Trent Jr., Fultz, or Covington. I guess people are passing up on these guys because:

-Lowry is old (38)

-Hayward was awful when he was in OKC

-Fournier is washed

-Trent Jr. is inconsistent

Not sure about Fultz or Covington, though.

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I still think Hayward is intriguing at a vet min. He can kinda score and pass if he has the ball in his hands and he can still shoot. With OKC, he did suck, but he was a 4th option most of the time and couldn't make that work.

He can kinda fill a role for the Dubs if they end up dealing away wing depth, but they have to clear up cap room.

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I want the next Freaky Friday to star Kyle Lowry and Laurie Markkanen. Speaking of Lowry, there is nothing funnier than old post game pressers with Lowry & DeRosen when they were with the Raptors. They were the Abbot and Costello of the NBA.

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Fultz still can't shoot and basically isn't all that good.

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Fultz has gotten better since his first disastrous years but he's no Buddy Hield, you're not wrong there.

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He shot a blistering 22.2% from 3 last season, down from a career-high 31% in '22-'23, the only year he got above 30%. He managed an amazing 2.8 assists per game last season, half the previous season average and a career low. Yeah, he's getting better by leaps and bounds.

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The Miami Heat have been active in trade discussions and want to keep their flexibility open to potentially add a high-level player, per @flasportsbuzz

“According to three people who have had contact with the Heat, Miami wants to maintain flexibility with that space in case an opportunity to add a high-level player becomes available. There have been Heat trade discussions with teams - including one with substantial cap space - though further details are unclear. One of the sources said Miami also wants to see what good players become available in the trade market in the days and weeks ahead.”


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> including one with substantial cap space

Utah, I presume…

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Ingram incoming

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I predict this Markkanen deal will drag throughout most of July but ultimately he will be dealt before training camp starts. Even Danny Ainge has to know LMs value will drop tremendously if he decides to deal him at the deadline.

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Eh, there might more desperate teams…

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Yeah but the desperate deal he’s getting at the deadline won’t be as good as the desperate deal he’ll get right now. Might be an extra player or pick

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Warriors prob aren’t trying to deal from a desperate spot… there’s gonna be way more desperation at the deadline

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So long as he agrees to sign with that team long term, the value won’t change much IMO

Unless LM goes down with an injury, which is likely lol

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Too much risk. They can choose to sit him for the first half of the year to prevent that too but then you might get a disgruntled player.

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Don’t underestimate Ainge 😂 he’s as stubborn as they come. Thinks he’s the godfather…and he’s looking for the godfather deal or nothin! Or so it seems.

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Sixers interested in bringing back Philly native Marcus Morris Sr.


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Had heard from a league source yesterday Caleb Martin was probably out of the Sixers’ realistic offering range, but my understanding is they’re still monitoring as his market plays out. Definite interest


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