Sep 11, 2020Liked by punk basketball

On a side note, I actually wouldn't mind trading for Jrue Holliday and letting him play Shooting Guard. He would add some shooting and passing, but most importantly, he would add defense to our squad. I've been hearing player after player (Damian Lillard/KD the latest) tell me that Jrue is the best defender they've seen at the guard position. Not to mention, he is actually quite versatile despite being 6/3 and can effectively guard 1-3 as well as being strong enough to guard 4-5.

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Would you do the Wiggins + #2 pick (+ other filler, likely another FRP) trade that it would likely cost? Also not sure why NOLA would want to take a Wiggins when they also have Ingram starting at SF...

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(To be clear, I agree that Jrue would instantly lifts the floor of the Warriors, I'm just worried that the cost would be prohibitive and that other teams would have more attractive offers for NOLA)

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another concern with Jrue (who I've always been high on) is the injury risk. The biggest obstacle in that man's career has been health - I think that if the cost was right, it would absolutely be a move that we should make.

But like you said in your first comment, it's really hard for me to imagine a scenario where the Pelicans just dump him without getting anything significant back

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Welp, the Rockets look extremely cooked entering the 4th. Lakers D too much.... offense also too much for them lol

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I hate the Lakers

...and LeBron

.....and Danny Green

.......and Anthony Davis

I just felt like saying that

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I don't hate those guys as much as they just aren't anyone to me. Okay, I hate Danny Green somewhat for injuring Klay. And I hate LeBron for being LeWhiner and for disrespecting Steph and Klay after the 2016 Finals. So maybe I do hate them...

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You can throw in Rondo too.

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That's Playoff Rondo to you sir!!

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LOL still can't stand the guy.

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That’s surfed not surged bad speller that I am.

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haha I saw that first comment in an email notice and my eyeballs popped out of my head! I was like "JANET!?"

But yeah, you could tell how exhausted he was, but still having fun

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Oh dear. I do like surprising you guys, though.

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I like it that Lowry body surged after that last shot.

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