In his last 10 games, JMG is shooting 53% from the field (23-for-43) and 43% from deep (10-for-23). For comparison, OPJ shot 37% from deep last year. Those of us who’ve been preaching for patience with him are looking a lot less dumb. Last night was his best outing yet and it look like he used the down time to really study the schemes. He looked more decisive than ever.

He’s really been looking like exactly what we hoped he would be and I’m here for it.

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Plus, spin moves!

He looked like JaMychal Jackson out there.

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You just keep pulling them out today.

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I promise I'll stop. :)

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Just beat it

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Don't stop till you get enough

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And Monte was pointing out that Poole is 21/52 from 3 over good last 6 games. Small sample size, but his best stretch. And obviously Klay is killing it in Jan.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

So I saw the Warriors won, was pleasantly surprised. Went to watch it on League Pass and it was still “live” so I rewound it to the beginning. Got most of the way through the third quarter and the game “ended” at which point it was replaced with a Spanish language broadcast and no other options.

Anyway, nice to see the B squad put together a great game! Hope we can continue the momentum from a pretty solid road trip at home.

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Graded on a curve this road trip was a strong A, pushing all the others into miserable F’s.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Kuminga is becoming a defensive stopper. Not gonna get as many steals as GP2, or DDV, but he was so impressive defensively last night.

The thing about DDV is that he seems good at defending the first 3-4 moves, but then the seas part and his man gets easy separation and an easy layup… Moody too, but with Moody it’s 1-2 moves inserts of 3-4

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Every player gets beat on moves, even Draymond. So I don’t see this as a flaw in Kuminga’s defense. There are many other flaws that he will overcome with reps, but I’m pretty ecstatic about JK’s POA defense. Moody for sure is far less able.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

So you two are in agreement that Kuminga’s D is empirically good? (I had a not that didn’t belong.)

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Kuminga doesn’t get beat that much, but recovers amazingly. DDV, on the other hand, readily battles admirably for a while, then too frequently just sort of disappears when his man goes up for a layup… it’s kinda weird.

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DDV said in an interview that when he loses his man, he knows that Draymond “has his back”. So when he stops, I think it is because he believes there’s someone backing him up who will take over and guard that guy. Usually that person would have been Draymond, at least in the way they were using him in the second unit before Christmas.

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Part of the point of team defense is to resist at the point of attack, but also to move opponents in the direction you want by overplaying their weaker side - or by funneling them to defense behind you. Take enough time off the clock by pressing defense and you have a chance....

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DDV gets bumped around a bit more. I think sometimes when he doesn't contest and you think he would be, his balance is just all wrong to change directions. He's busy trying to keep from falling down.

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Imo, difference with JK is he can get beat on a move but he's so fast and has the size and length to still contest.

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Eric made this point in the E1P

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All I want for Xmas is a Kangz-like 6 game winning streak.

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Serge Ibaka is on the trade block.

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Serge Iblocka -> Serge I'm-on-the-trade-blocka

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His numbers look sort of OK for the money, but I don't know. We need roster spots right now. Also, JMG is starting to look pretty good.

Sleepy on JMG (from the game thread):

>He’d been starting to play a lot better before the weird foot thing. .590 TS and 9.7 boards per 36 going into tonight’s game, for all our hand-wringing about him.

I also think we're going to be back in the minutes crunch very soon (not enough minutes to go round).

So, I would say no. Put Lamb or Ty in the 15th spot, and make a decision on cutting RR and putting the other one of Lamb and Ty in RR's slot. Then I think we're ready to roll.

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If Rollins has a three year contract, can they just cut him, thus voiding the contract?

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Waiving someone doesn't void the guaranteed part of the contract. You still have to pay it (it wouldn't be much of a contract if you could just void it at any time).

The advantage of a waive is that you open up that roster spot. Same thing with a trade that brings back picks (only).

According to Spotrac at the link below, RR is guaranteed $3.3 mil., so if he was waived the team would have to pay it.

Josh Smith got waived by Detroit in 2014 and they ended up paying out $26 million.

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The play on Lamb/Jerome is to delay the decision about whether to put one or both on the playoff roster. Massive dependencies on injuries and other as yet unknowns. If only one gets signed this year, it will be the one that fills a gap in the playoff rotation.

Another way of thinking about it: which one gets zero playing time if everyone is healthy? I’d think Jerome. Steph, DDV, Draymond and Andre are all good creators ahead of him on the depth chart.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

I think Ty Jerome IS Andre.

(not my idea ... someone, maybe Sleepy made this comparison a while ago).

He's becoming Kerr's security blanket when Poole gets too wild (or just in general). And, he can shoot.

He's not as good as Andre on defense, but Andre isn't what he used to be on that end either.

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I think that I might have been one of those people. I’ve compared him to an Iggy-type glue guy in my argument of why he’s a long-term keeper, especially since that’s been such a tough role to fill. He’s not as strong and bouncy, but he’s a better shooter and looks to have a similar leader’s mentality and high BBIQ.

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Zero reason to cut a guy they just drafted this year as a project. He’s put up good numbers in the G League and is just at the start of his development path.

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I understand where you are coming from, but both Jerome and Lamb have shown that they are NBA level players now.

If you want them both on the playoff roster (and I do), then someone has to go. It's just whether you want Wiseman, JMG, Moody, or Rollins to go.

If the decision is to keep RR, and just leave one of Lamb or Jerome off the playoff team, I can live with that.

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Or at the other end of the replaceables, Andre.

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True, but never going to happen. Having talked Andre out of retiring, they're not going to dump him. And, Steph and Dray would have a veto on that, and no way they give permission for it.

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The play would be to have Andre /volunteer/ to retire and give up his roster spot. The team could sign him as a special assistant for the same or better money, and we'd have two spots AND get to keep the young gun.

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Sleepy so reactive to a single win due to wildly positive 3pt shooting, lol. I kid, I kid…

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Is he better than JMG at this point?

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He's only played twice since he became a Buck a couple years ago. So... he's well-rested - but probably not better than JMG.

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Maybe a better cook.

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Sign him up. We know what happened last time there was a threat to Ayesha's cooking.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Steve: Don’t cross the streams.

Joey: Why?

Steve: It would be bad.

Joey: I’m fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean “bad”?

Steve: Try to imagine all Kerrball as you know it stopping instantaneously and every fan in the bloggersphere exploding at the speed of light.

Bob: Total Dynastic reversal...

Joey obviously never watched GhostBusters growing up. This is the only way forward. NEVER mix the timelines!!

...Until Game 7, down 10 with 5 to go.

Steve: I have a radical idea. The ball swings both ways, we can reverse the particle flow through the gate.

Joey: How?

Steve: [Beat] We'll cross the streams.

Joey: 'Scuse me Steve? You said crossing the streams was bad!

Bob: Cross the streams...

Joey: You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client - the nice FTX, who paid us in advance, before they became a dog...

Steve: Not necessarily. There's definitely a very slim chance we'll win.

(Beat while they consider this)

Joey: [slaps Bob] I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! LET'S DO IT!

Guber: This job is definitely not worth eleven-five a year!

Bob: We're the GOATdubsters!

Janie McCauley: Who does your taxes?

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> Total Dynastic Reversal

Beautiful CR!

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Well it did something amazing... Janie asked a question in under 100 words

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For the record I would happily do their taxes (and Rick Moranis is a genius)

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Imagine being an accountant, AND an actor!

Rick Moranis is amazing.

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Thank God I don't bet on basketball. We lost to the depleted Suns, the Magic and Pistons at home; we played Boston even on their floor and the next night, with Steph, Klay, Wiggins (and Draymond) sitting, we shot 23-43 from three, and took out a top tier team on the road. I would have bet incorrectly on every single one of those games -- well, I would have bet on a loss in Boston, but even that was barely true.

The team continues to surprise. Or maybe you had JMG pencilled in for 13 pts and 8 reb on 3-5 from three..?

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These kids didn't get the memo....they were supposed to cover the betssssssh........................................

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You could see the momentum shifting towards the Cavs late in the 4th. TO's, PF's, they were all at play. There are a lot of reasons to keep the ball away from Poole and DDV, both TO prone, in finishing games. Jerome should get the nod as ball handler at crunch time. He is outstanding at ball control. No reason to remove Poole and DDV as we need their skills and energy both on offense & defense. Nevertheless, the kids ain't the starters who are famous for their D and late period comebacks.


Bring in the starters for the 2nd half of the game. This serves the purpose of both resting them and playing them in b2b's. This was definitely a statement game of what the Warriors are trying to accomplish with their kiddie korps. Let them start. We have nothing to lose but a whole lot more to gain. It's infinitely more exciting to watch the game as a fan and get the the kids a whole lot of playing time and makes them compete. They become responsible for the pace and outcomes of the games. We know how we are able to come back and defend, but that applies to the starters, not the bench. Turn the bloody game on its head. It's like a headstand, it flushes the brain with a fresh supply of blood. C'mon Kerr. You just pulled off somewhat of a miracle tonight. They will call you a genius if you show the public it was all planned!

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Even knowing it would never happen, I love this idea. I was the guy rooting for Steph Curry to keep coming off the bench when he came back last year. Of course he'd close games and maybe quarters. But can you imagine him against an opponents backups? He'd get 40 a game in 25 minutes. And if they took your suggestion and played our vet core off the bench, Kerr would basically be putting a lot of pressure on the opponent to re-do their normal rotations. It would be a hilarious light years move.

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I'm not always trustful of the appeal to authority angle but I do generally respect the opinion of trained and skilled professionals. For the amount of money that NBA teams like the Warriors spend on advanced training and medical staff, seems like this would have already been tried by at least one team if any of them felt this would be a good idea.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Nah it’s an ego issue among players. Out of all sports the NBA athletes are most resistant to the numbers. Example 1) heroball at the end of games being horrendously inefficient.

Much less trying a system that would be totally new that might or might not be more effective.

Not everyone can be like Smoltz.

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I love this idea. But it falls into the category of “cool ideas that will never happen. Never. Like bet your kids’ college education fund certainty.”

We all know the reasons why. But you and Asher should coach a D3 team and try out all your wacky ideas and see how things unfold. Who knows, you might find some gold ore in that pyrite.

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I've long thought it would make sense in these cases not to quite play the starters to start the second half, but to have them available in shorts and all if the game is close in the 4th quarter. It makes no sense to simply not dress them. If the goal is to give them rest, then have them rest all day and put on a uniform, and sit there the whole game. If it's a blowout, fine. They don't play. But if it's winnable in the fourth, put them in. I really don't think it would make much difference to Klay's rest to come in for five minutes of basketball.

When I've suggested this in the past, others here have said, well it's not just five minutes, they have to get warmed up and shootaround and taped up and that's a whole bunch of exertion. I don't think so. Getting taped up is not exertion. Shootaround can be skipped. Warming up just enough to not get injured is all that's necessary. I don't think Steph Curry needs halftime reps to manage hitting a three. So in the third quarter break everyone stretch out and get on a stationary bike, then go win it if needed.

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Not a doctor but this is what I understand about athletes taking "rest days".

They're not resting because they're tired or lack energy. They're resting because muscle fatigue accumulates and increases risk of injury. Muscle fatigue is biochemical stuff happening to your muscles that makes them weaker which can lead to injury. And the only solution for muscle fatigue is rest.

Jumping into the 2nd half for 12 minutes vs. playing 35-minutes really only gave your body an extra hour of rest to recover so it probably doesn't even count (and that's ignoring all the warm up and shooting around).

> The odds of injury increased by 2.87% (P < .001) for each 96 minutes played and decreased by 15.96% (P < .001) for each day of rest.


> Playing back-to-back games and away games were significant predictors of frequent game injuries (p<0.05).


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You and Bum are mistaken. Athletes at that level risk serious injury by not preparing and warming up properly; and preparing and warming up properly precludes real rest (physical and mental).

Steph, Klay, Dray et al. are people, not science experiments.

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Nothing about warming up precludes real rest. I am not following your argument. On a game day, the player can rest more than usual and still warm up sufficiently.

No one is suggesting a science experiment. I'm suggesting that they play less than a full game, but not not at all. That doesn't seem that unusual a suggestion. Ryan Rollins does it in blowouts and hasn't hurt himself yet.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Yes, warming up to play NBA-level basketball does preclude resting. You should try it some time when your body needs rest.

Ryan Rollins is a 20 year old rookie who needs minutes, not a 30-something vet who needs rest. And if he’s active, he warms up before games, whether he ends up playing or not.

“Not playing a full game” is what players they do when they play. 20-40 minutes, typically. When their bodies need rest, they rest.

This isn’t that complicated, unless you presume yourself smarter and more qualified than the training staffs of the Warriors and every other NBA team?

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

I'm sure there could be all kinds of variations that would be possible and that is more or less what i'm suggesting to get us 'out of the box'. The Dubs are 'in a box' as currently coached. They need a fresh approach. If we were a top 3 team in the West, we wouldn't be discussing this, but we're not. And, we are kind of 'old', not decrepit like Iggy. So what if their routines have to adapt a bit, it's not that big of a deal especially to the up and comers. The mega-millionaires might object but not sure if they would if the team became a viable contender. I think we saw something very unusual tonight that could somehow be the start of a new 'phase'. Then again, maybe I'm just thinking too much.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

The "box" you describe has led to four championships and six finals appearances in 8 years, and the team is still led by three guys who have been there from the start. If healthy, the Dubs, as currently constituted and managed, are capable of winning another championship this year. I wouldn't expect any changes to their style or personnel usage unless they put out a full squad in the playoffs and are soundly defeated using that strategy.

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Pro athletes have a game-day routine they follow strictly though. I don't think they'd want to change that. If they're going to be available, they'd do the whole routine.

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Sure, they have a routine, but I'm not saying change it. I'm saying play, but less. If the argument is that a certain player always hits 10 layups and 10 threes from left and right before every game in order to be in rhythm, that seems to me the kind of thing that would help a player be in peak focus, but isn't strictly necessary. In other words, if the player is preparing for a key playoff game, of course do the usual game-day routine. But if the player knows he's only going to play 5 minutes in the game, does he really need all that rhythm?

The point here would be to deploy overwhelming force. As in today's game. When it got close in the fourth quarter, we had four all-stars clapping in street clothes. Just put those guys in, out of rhythm, head not quite right, haven't shot today. Just put 'em in, I promise they're better than the guys we got in there (although they were awesome tonight!). I bet it works out OK. Wins matter, in a season like this.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Players seem to be tied to in-game routines, too. Like knowing when they are going to enter the game. Plus, they frequently need a few minutes to get into the flow of the game.

I suspect there is an in-game mental rhythm to athletes too (just speculation).

This is a little like the one-inning reliever idea ... it works in baseball, but I'm with Sleepy. I think there is a lot more warm up/prep than we see when they are just shooting the ball around before the play (for instance, going over scouting reports, thinking about matchups, etc.).

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This is as close to an argument I've seen on DubNation. See: stopnpop's comment above. I think that settles that difference of opinion.

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"This serves the purpose of both resting them and playing them in b2b's." Say what? I can see starting the kids sometimes for individual games as an experiment. Kerr loves to experiment. But the point with a B2B is to give the starters (well four of them) an entire night off to work on their bench celebrations so they can look good if we win and Eric does an E1P.

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Loon don't need no stinkin' rest, apparently.

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the 50/50 ball that went on forever:


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Did Donte get clocked on that play? I thought I remembered him holding his head at some point in the game and it looked like he was holding his head there.

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I counted 8 shots by the Dubs there, including attempted tip-ins. Tanked the shooting % in one play!

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When he says “there’s still 11 on the shot clock” it seems unbelievable

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Ha so true! Deserved the bucket for the hustle grrrr

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

That was so entertainingly funny 😆

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That wasn't even good volleyball.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Looking at the replay where Schroder went for the steal and score, it looked like Bane got fouled when he caught the ball. But the refs didn't call it, and Bane instead had to hold the basketball away from JTA before Schroder snuck in and got the steal and score + FT to put the Lakers up 2.


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Yep - I thought that as I was watching the game. Fouled several times.

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Cavs announcer on the loss: hey, we didn’t have Donovan Mitchell. let’s be honest about that, so…”.


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But we didn't have Wiseman, so we're even!

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Let’s be honest, Spida > Steph+Wiggins+Klay+Dray

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Well, damn. Does that work in the trade machine?

We'll be able to keep Andre, and the 2 ways. And Rollins.

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And JK, JW, MM, and JP. The future starts now! 😉

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Clarke hits the first FT and misses the 2nd. Bane gets the rebound and tries to put the ball up, but he stepped out of bounds. Lakers beat the Grizzlies 122-121 and end their 11-game win streak.

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And now Ja misses, but Lakers commit a loose ball foul on Clarke.

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Oh wow. Schroder with a steal and score to put the Lakers up 2.

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Isaiah Joe: 14-24 from the 3 in his last two games

😏 the pick right after Nico Mannion

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On draft day...


Damn it...

I think the only guy I'm watching for now is Isaiah Joe


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Sometimes you’re right, and sometimes your E1P right 🤣.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023



Nov 18, 2020

Can't wait to hear half of the LGW forum defending this pick because its a second round pick and when he tanks its gonna be the same "Well 2nd round picks aren't supposed to hit" when Isaiah Joe is right there taken with the next pick. I don't agree with Bill Simmons but he chuckled at the Mannion pick and then when the Sixers drafted Joe, he says "That's what smart teams do. They don't overthink picks "

I think thats the maddest ive been at a Warriors draft pick in like the last decade haha is Mannion over Joe. Yes yall know thst i was disappointed in bypassing Davion Mitchell with the 7th pick BUT outright mad was Mannion when Joe was there for the taking lol

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Receipts are a dish best served cold.

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That made you madder than Jacob Evans with the 28th pick?

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Ooh thats close

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Or would you consider Todd Fuller with the #11 pick? Or maybe Ike Diogu with the 9th pick?

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Didnt know any better back then but maybe also when we drafted Ekpe Udoh I was hot but again not to the point of seeing Nico over I Joe cause that year as i mentioned before i had watched Arizona and Arkansas almosr excluively all year and felt at draft time Joe was by far the superior player

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This boasting receipt will make daniel hardee proud!

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Lakers-Grizzlies is a close game. It wouldn't be close if Grizzlies hit their FTs, though. Grizzlies are 15/28 FTs, while the Lakers are 26/33.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Grizzlies have 39 FTAs and Lakers have 41. Sounds like an awful foul infested game. Yuck.

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Blah. Was thinking of watching. Glad I didn’t.

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