I am thankful for this team’s willingness to bring the energy every single night. I am grateful for the way they play together. I am grateful to the coaches for helping every player take advantage of their chances. And I am grateful for DNHQ for giving us a chance to experience it all together!

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Agree. This is a fun Ws team to root for. Yes, the winning is enjoyable and much missed. But the team is gritty and joyful, and that makes them fun to cheer for. It may be sacrilege, but I like rooting for them better in this configuration than the 2018-19 Dubs.

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This team is so interesting to watch. Between the old guard, the redemption vets, the ex-G leaguers, and the youngsters, everybody has something different they’re fighting for. Because of all that, this team is more interesting than any of the 2014-2019 teams to me.

In the unlikely event that they end up on a big run and within striking distance of 70 wins, it feels like the journey wouldn’t even weigh them down because of the make up of the team, including that the integration of Klay and Wise will keep things interesting and engaging during the dregs of January.

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I don't know if this has been posted already by anyone but Colin Cowherd and Marcus Thompson had a pretty good chat about the Warriors yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JXElz2DAxY

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Minor stat that kinda indicates the change in intensity for me: at halftime they had, I think, like, 11 assists. Finished with 32. I wonder how many they had at the end of the 1st?

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Bruh… they got some announcers on NBA game time who think KD was the dominant player on the warriors 73 win team… more chips on shoulders (and hopefully in rafters)

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Nice to see that they're doing their homework. Well, Curry was never anything before Durant showed up, right?

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Jeez, it’s like the people who used to think Steph Curry was one of the star players on the “We Believe!” team.

Yeah, Curry was a big time scorer back in ‘07… for Davidson College lol

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They came here from the multiverse. In that timeline KD and the 73 win Warriors swept the Cavs and made Lebron move to Hollywood to become a full time movie maker.

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Oh that’s what happened? I thought it was strange a 73 win team only placed one player in the top 76 all time.

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Youth Movement Update:

Poole: Absolute success even if he hasn't been the efficient 20 ppg scorer that we imagined in preseason, he's still averaging 18 ppg + has become a better defender (still has room to improve). He's begun having better shot selection as well so his arrow is only pointed up.

Kuminga: His shot remains trash, but he's demonstrates that he can play good defense, be a solid decision maker with passing, and utilize his athleticism/strength to score inside. Not great, but not bad either showing he can be a contributor Year One.

Moody: Hasn't really shown much, his lack of groundbound explosiveness is harming his ability to contribute allowing for opposing defenders to close out hard (harming his jump shot) while being able to recover because he can't punish them off the bounce. Defense has been fine and rebounding excellent.

Wiseman: Injured so . . . uncertain.

Overall, the youth movement results have been mixed but is looking up with Pooles improvement/Kuminga showing he can contribute/WIseman coming back from injury.

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Steph retakes the scoring lead over Durant last night 28.2 to 28.1 now

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Steph also passed Jason Terry on the NBA all-time scoringvlist, moving into 63rd. Next up, Scottie Pippin, 27 points ahead.

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Where does Steph end up? 2,000 per season over these next three seasons puts him in the top 25.

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8000 gets him into top 10. Rooting for that, but the bar might go up if Durant and Harden crack the top 10. They both have several hundred more games played than Steph though.

I’ll settle for 3 more rings XD

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Other numbers I didn't realize. LeBron is 2799 points from top scoring all time. With one more season after this, even if he sits a third of the games, he still has a good time to become all time points leader.

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That's a heck of an accomplishment. I've enjoyed watching the Ws put a dent in his hoped-for legacy, but the guy is unreal. And three chips with three teams is extraordinary.

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He will do it. It means a lot to him

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Holy cow some of those point totals are so large, in part a function of the number of games played. Eg Carmelo is top 10 all time but has a 400+ game advantage on Steph. If Steph can keep up a 20pt/game for 5 seasons (so until hes 38/39) or 400 games, then Steph can move into top 10 all time.

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Curry gets the MVP/Scoring Leader + Dray gets DPOY is not bad at all. Obviously, championship is the goal, but you gotta enjoy the little things!

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Since they aren't mutually exclusive, why not have it all?

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Looking ahead:

- Blazers (#3 in ORTG) are gonna be a defensive challenge but Dray blasts them away. So no worries.

- Clippers (#3 in DRTG) and Suns (#2 In DRTG) are gonna be offensive challenge especially two of those games being on road and Clippers game starting at 12:30 pm. Having Andre back by Clippers would be great. I think we split two Suns games and Clippers game will have random ending. So hopefully 2-1 or 1-2. Irrespective, I will be holding on to my undies during these games.

Let's Go!

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It's been a while since I've heard the term "packed" used for a blocked shot but Loon definitely packed Drummond twice...

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And also... lol @ Kelenna for his enthusiastic Mortal Kombat "finish him!".

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I was thinking Karate Kid. I guess my age is showing...

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Mortal Combat the arcade two player version is what I pictured - which is first karate kid erA :)

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I didn’t read the whole game thread, but to all ye of little faith who were crying ‘game over’ when we were down 19: take your digital flagellation like adults. Or JTA gonna come to your house and steal your basketballs!

Great game, exciting comeback, and glory all over the place. Looney stuffs Drummond on one end and JTA posterizes him on the other. He’s going to need sedatives to forget this one.

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I was in and out of the game thread so didn’t see every post, but I got the sense people felt this game was never out-of-hand. Early on, Philly was making everything and GSW missed some really good looks.

The biggest concern was lack of energy (especially with Wiggins), but they flipped the switch.

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I was thinking it's a good thing Drummond already had one big payday. Cuz he ain't gonna get another one.

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Drummond has been pretty washed for a bunch of years now. He’s a player that I’ve always irrationally liked because he doesn’t seem like a prima donna, and seems like a nice guy (of course this isn’t based off of anything real other than snippets and sound bites ). I kinda feel for the guy. As opposed to say, Blake Griffin, who I have the exact opposite sentiment toward.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Do you remember the Run TMC Days? We could hang with the Lakers for two quarters, but they would shift gears in the 3rd quarter and blow us away. It's fun to be a Dubs fan these days.

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“A great good time”? I remember it was good fun and entertaining but there definetly wasn’t much emphasis on winning. At least I could afford tickets though

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"A great time out..." They didn't want to promise a win -- just a fun game. And it /was/ pretty fun. But I like this /so much better/.

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Yes yes yes and yes!

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Tale of 4 quarters:

76ers in the paint:

Q1: 7 of 10

Q2: 5 of 8

Q3: 4 of 10

Q4: 2 of 8

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Also a tale of Draymond's engagement on defense lol, might have eaten a bit too much turkey the night before

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Four Dubs with 6 or more assists tonite (Steph 10, Dray 7, Poole 6, JTA 6).

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I 💙 passing Poole.

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Same, I love seeing Poole becoming a more well rounded player.

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My favorite moment of the night what’s when Steph passed up an open 3 to tie to give JP the opportunity and JP just ping pinged the ball back to him like “ thanks, man, but YOU are the best shooter to have ever lived.”

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I could watch Looney block Drummond on a 24-hour loop and never get tired of it.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Here's that epic ESPN graphic showing the Dubs winning all 6 games they've been behind by double-digits:


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I love the added: League average .237 average winning percentage after trailing by 10+ points.

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I remember graphics like that in the two years before Durant signed too. The buzz saw has been refurbished to pristine condition.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Man, I was watching Kerr on the postgame presser as he talked about how certain he was that for the rest of the season, different bench players are gonna show up on different nights to help the team. And I was seeing a glimpse of how well he communicates with the players and preps all the players from the big FA vets to even the 15th man on the bench to show up when needed as well as be totally ok with losing minutes when it's not their night...

And I had a flashback to 2016, when Steve's back was killing him, and Luke was coaching the team to a 20+ game win streak. Back then, there were rumors of Steve retiring due to his back.

I'm sure he's grateful as heck that he got healthy and got the opportunity to coach such a different and varied team. This 2021 team is as much Kerr as anyone else. Proud of him.

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Nov 25, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

I love the fact that Kerr has persisted as the coach of this team for the better part of a decade now.

He’s honestly been through it all here. He’s coached the prohibitive favorite for a championship(2016-2019), and the worst team in the league by record (2020). He’s coached a playoff bubble team (2021) and a contender who nobody saw as a title favorite at season’s start (2015). He’s been allowed to basically rebuild the team from the contender he inherited to a new iteration with the same foundations but a different surrounding structure, and has appeared to have done so successfully. This is in addition to being one of the only coaches who actually got his “superteam” to actually fit together and play their true potential.

People used to wonder if Kerr was truly any good as a coach, given that he inherited so much HOF talent (they ignore how no one saw Steph/Klay/Dray as future HOF level players when Kerr first took over, but I digress). After seeing how much he got out of a thin and limited Warriors team last year, and how much he’s getting out of a newly rebuilt Warriors team this year, I’d say people aren’t really doubting Kerr as a coach much anymore. If anything, people are now recognizing how unique and effective his coaching philosophy and playing style is.

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The Warriors are blessed to have him as coach, both for the mind he has and the man he is. Steph sets the tone, but Kerr has a lot to do with the culture as well.

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