Likely outcomes.

Are the Dubs likely going to improve their defense over the course of the season. Yes.

Are the younger guys likely to improve generally as they learn the system over the course of the season. Yes.

Is Klay likely to revert at least offensively back to his former self. Yes (he didn't play all summer so I think so).

Are the Warriors likely to have enough wins to make the playoffs. Yes.

Will the game breaks between playoff games likely allow the older crew to rest more between games mitigating fatigue caused by old age. Yes.

Is it likely that Steph can still go full Super Saiyan God when needed in the playoffs. Best believe it.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Happy Halloween everyone!

Per Jason Timpf:

Warriors starting lineup (Steph/Klay/Wiggins/Draymond/Looney): 127 ORTG, 100 DRTG (+27 NetRTG)

Meanwhile, 6 out of the remaining 8 most played lineups all have negative NetRTG (and some lineups double digit negative).

EDIT: Some more numbers: Warriors are -48 in 102 minutes when Wiseman is on the floor. The most played lineup involving Wiseman is Poole/DDV/Kuminga/Green/JW. That lineup has a 59 ORTG and 111 DRTG (-52 NetRTG, which in case anyone was wondering... is not good).

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Kerr has been playing some horrible lineups, especially last night, all he had to do slide jmg into belis role, slide kuminga into gp2s role and find maybe 5-10 non garbage time minutes for wiseman a night

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The non-Wiseman second units are not doing much better, although sample sizes are still small. For example, Poole/DDV/JMG/Kuminga lineups without Wiseman have a -30 net rating or worse. So right now there isn't a magical combination of bench lineups that's working well.

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We are talking small sample sizes, the lineups I'm talking about is looney without curry, jmg kuminga and Wiseman and wiseman without our best defenders on the court.

Poole ddv/moody wiggins kuminga and jmg will be fine once they get settled into the system

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We'll see. In the end it's all conjecture and we're basically just guessing over here.

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I don't know, and it's probably way too early for the comparison to be very meaningful, but +27 is an insanely good net rating no matter how you slice it.

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That was close. Rockets could've won tonight, but Paul George said, "No OT tonight."

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And we’re all the better for it.

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Jazz beating the Grizzlies by a lot.

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Jazz beat the Grizzlies 121-105. Jazz is good this season for some reason.

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Pistons pushing the Bucks to the final buzzer on a road B2B in Milwaukee makes me feel a bit less bad about losing to them. We should still have beaten them, but they’re not as bad as their 1-5 record might have indicated. Cade’s a budding stud, and the type of stud impacts both ends and seems to make his teammates better.

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Kings beat the Heat, Thunder beat the Mavericks, and Lakers beat the Nuggets over the weekend. No team is invincible.

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Bucks (6 and 0)are beating everyone.

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The issues could very well not be the coaching but the players.

Pure speculation, but klay is playing to prove he's back and wants the respect he thinks he is not getting. Dray is playing for a contract and angling for meida gigs.

This could be a semi disfunctional locker right now. In the past, what is best for our stars has aligned with what is best for the team, which is winning championships.

This season, it's probably not enough for steph to just lead by example. Kerr and steph might need to find a motivation that unites the team that is more than just winning a championship.

Or it could just be early season woes after a short season and the team simply lacks urgency right now.

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Actually, I can say what I meant way simpler. Find a reason to play for each other. If they do that and it's not just about being pros, dub will be just fine

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I dressed up as the Warriors for Halloween. Didn't scare anyone. ;-(

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Bring back Mark Jackson? Even this highly critical fan doesn't think that's a good idea. Why isn't anyone questioning the so called 'defensive coordinator' Atkinson who took over from Mike Brown? Warriors like to keep everything internal hush hush. No public finger pointing, calling out anyone, or maybe our expiration date is up? 8 year run. Jordan's Bulls also had an 8 year run, 3 rings, 2 losses separating the 3 other championships. They won 6 rings. Not an easy feat. Teams are also fighting TIME.

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If we bring back MJax, we won't have the pleasure of listening to him during national TV broadcasts anymore.

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Might be worth it

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Pretty sure the MJax suggestion was comedy. (But then I don’t have a sense of humor, so what would I know…)

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2 cents. Probably wrong.

Offensive problems are due to insufficient player movement, sharing the ball. Conditioning? Make them pass the ball 3 times before shooting....

Defensive problems - sometimes too much helping out, leaving people free on the perimeter. Weakness inside. JW's got to be better. Looney must lead the league in marginal fouls (that it, refs are bailing out bad offensive players who attack Looney's sound defense). He NEVER gets the benefit of the doubt.

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I've voted for the Return of Father Mark: this season needs some drama to keep me awake at 5 in the morning watchin' no defense on the floor

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Athletic Alchemy video on Dubs' D. There's a good point about O-reb's interfering with transition D. A few other points as well, but that one is something I haven't heard elsewhere.


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Nice play by Kuminga. Very slow reaction time when getting the ball on the perimeter which is one of his big issues but still, easier as a big man to not be the one who has to make the quick reads. He can be a weapon for the Warriors this season if they put him in this type of role and also he improves in terms of his team defense (which is way harder when playing with Wiseman because it can become a scramble pretty easily).

I want to see a Curry/Moody/Wiggins/Draymond/Kuminga lineup, or DDV or Klay for Moody when back and in good form. Give him the defensive structure of playing with 4 guys who know what they are doing and an offensive role where he is a finisher/advantage attacker and I think he'll have a chance at being playoff usable in that role. I don't think we've seen any of those lineup combos yet.

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I like your thinking, but I would go an alternate route. The 2 lineups I would like to see get more time is: 1. Steph-Klay-Moody-Dray-Wiseman and 2. Poole-(Ty or DDV)-Wiggs-JK-Loon. Group 1, 3 shooters, 2 play makers, 2 cutters, 1 roller, 1 vertical threat. In the Steph-Dray PNR, Dray will be a kid in a candy store with his options. Group 2, 2 play makers, 2 1/2 shooters, 2 cutters, 3 guys who can pressure the rim, 2 of the best foul getters (Poole & JK). I love guys who can get to the free throw line in the second unit. It slows the game down, and it gets more real time rest for your starters. Less chance of getting run out of the gym if you can get to the line. You want the 2nd unit to hold the line, and getting to the line helps. This pairs Wiggins and JK like you like, though I like Looney with those two instead of Dray. And I believe they have pushed for JK to emulate Dray as a point power forward. In this lineup, he can take a swing at it, bring the ball up with speed in transition, but if nothing opens up immediately, the ball moves into Poole/DDV hands.

So, in pairing, I love Wiggs & JK, but I like Looney with them. I think if we give Dray and Steph more time with Wiseman, the offense can get real interesting. And from better offense comes better defense. blah, blah, balh Happy Halloween!!!!!

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Yeah, if he goes fast, he might just get to the rim... instead he kicks out to... not a good shooter. It's the right play, tho. Watch Isiah Stewart through that clip, lol... just a "wtf am I supposed to do with this" when Bey makes a "not following his man" mistake.

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Poole ddv Wiggins kuminga jmg should be a solid 2nd unit

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Yeah I think Wiggins is very helpful for Kuminga because Wiggins can "guard up" which can allow Kuminga's ability to defend opposing wings(/some guards) to come into play. I think Klay can "guard up" as well, I don't know if that's the move right now as he is working into shape but I recall him guarding guys like Al Horford and Aaron Gordon in the playoffs at times.

I think the Wiggins/Draymond combo is perfect for Kuminga because you can play Kuminga at the 5 on offense where he likely has a speed advantage over the opposing center and play him at the 3/4 defensively which can be especially useful if the opponent initiates offense through one of those guys. Even better if you have another switchable guy like Klay or (hopefully) Moody and open up the 2/3/4 for Kuminga to guard. That's a big reason why I think he is more playoff playable than Wiseman, you can get him out of the way on defense and let Draymond/Wiggins handle the interior. Versatility is king in the postseason.

However the team does need Kuminga to improve as a team defender, if he was he would have played more in last season's playoffs. But that's why I am hoping he can get those reps this season, I think they have a better potential payoff than getting Wiseman those reps. I've never been a "Kuminga=future star" guy like you but I think people are really overreacting to what we've seen from him early on in a suboptimal role.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Why are they still recommending E1P vids at the bottom of that page?

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My hope/long shot guess is that they're planning for a G League stint for Wiseman, and that they've been compromising Kuminga reps to get "big club" data for Wise and coaches to take to the G League learning environment. SCW opening night is 11/4, same day as last game of road trip for GSW. Crossing fingers that something happens there...

FWIW, in the last 3 games, Kuminga's got all the "Kuminga vs. Wiseman" 2nd half minutes. I expect that trend to continue... and Wise's minutes have gone down the last 3 games quite a lot.

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Seriously doubt that Wiseman won't stay with the big club. Give him some run with the big boys and I think he'll show some improvement. The patchwork second unit he's spending most of his time with has problems all over. Sure he's contributing to those problems, but he's not alone.

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Honest question who do you expect to play the backup big role on the senior club if you’re wanting wiseman to go down to G league. We have no true center depth behind him. Usually when players are sent down it’s because they have no fixed role on the parent club. Wiseman does.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Kuminga/JMG, I guess... it's not ideal, of course... and not supposed to be persistent. We went all last year with a "center" rotation of Looney, Dray, OPJ, Bjelica... I'm pretty sure it'd be ok for a month or two, with a Looney, Dray, JMG, Kuminga rotation, tbh. Especially since Wiseman isn't really a superior rim protector at the moment.

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Soft defense is one thing, but the other thing I've noticed last night was the lack of scoring in the 2nd quarter which eventually doomed the Warriors. How do you only score 18 points and give up 34 points in the 2nd quarter?

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It's a lot harder to run an efficient offense when the other team is scoring every time down and you're taking the ball from out of bounds, which means no transition, no pace. So bad play on one end results in bad play on the other end. Also the second unit has been pretty disconnected on offense in general.

The good news is our starting five has been dominant in the first 7 games based on the numbers.

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We ran into this last year too... stagnant offense means we're not making the other team work... and also compounding our problems on defense because the other team is running after a rebound so we can't setup our own defense.

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Soft defense… and soft offense

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I think I may have said it before a while ago, because it is a thing that is on my mind from time to time: I'm curious about what coaching staffs consider to be a useful approach to teaching something. Having been a teacher myself, I wouldn't say that it's a science, but there are some more or less proven systems and techniques. This is on my mind because I think we would all like to accelerate the moment when the young players understand what is being taught to them. Just as there are ways to teach high school science or English or math that are more likely to lead to good outcomes, and ways that are not, the same is true of how to play defense.

My worry is that the conventional wisdom leans heavily on suboptimal methods, and that's part of the problem now for GSW with all the young guys. Go stand here, watch this tape, OK now let's run it through in practice twice. So much more can be done. Maybe it is, I'm not there. But I doubt it. And if you look at the hiring done by NBA teams, it tends to focus on former players or assistant coaches. No one brings in a retired and awarded social studies teacher, but maybe they should. FWIW

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Not going to criticize Dubs development staff, and full disclosure, I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night, but teaching methods in sports can be less than desirable. I think Steph has the most advanced training program, and from afar, it appears that a big part of it is breaking the game down to individual elements, then creating routines to develop those elements. His pre-game dribbling routine is the best example of this. My daughters have been playing soccer for years and the practice sessions are mind-numbingly ineffectual. And, for the most part, lack fun, don't challenge and don't teach.

If I was training Wiseman, I would have spent blistering hours working on the repost. 1. Receive the pass and 2. pass it right back out and reposition. An act that should take less than 1.5 seconds. A pass that he should be able to make with ZERO thinking. If he is in a bad position, I would want to drill into him an escape hatch.

I am a big fan of deconstructing athletic moves, isolating single actions, and drilling them until they become second nature. I think Curry is light years ahead of his peers in this area. Everything Curry works on is a puzzle piece. And the only time you see the whole puzzle is when he is on the court. And I don't care how talented these guys are, how much time they have spent on their craft, whether player or coach, there is always room to expand and enhance education/training.

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As long as folks a talking about breaking it down, I have a wish list for each of the youngsters about 1 skill to master:

1) Moody going over a screen. He seems to be leading with his upper body trying to go over screens that he gets dusted on. He needs to practice getting his feet and hips leading.

2) Wiseman & Poole: the only kids soccer coach I loved to watch coach so much I volunteered to be an assistant so I could learn, did a grid drill where he put down markers on the field and all the girls had to race to their next spot on D based upon where the ball went. That team had the most connected team D I’ve ever seen in rec kids soccer. (This might help several of the young guns at once.)

3) Kuminga: so little time to see him so far this year; find the open passing lane off ball that will get you a dunk opportunity in 1 dribble or less.

4) DDV: empathy - learn to see the game for others when you are on ball the same way you see the game when you are off ball.

JMG: plays for days. He needs to learn the sets and plays so they are second nature.

Everyone: communication drills. Not only talking but listening and reacting instantly.

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That's the thing exactly: the time that your daughters have spent not learning is such a waste and probably tends to sour them on the sport. Whereas Steph is doing the opposite, agreed.

Yes, isolating a move and drilling it is a good idea -- if that's how someone tends to learn. The coaches have time to attend to each individual's way of learning, and they should pay close attention to that. I doubt they do in a way that an educator would consider adequate.

I also did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.

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Joking? Not in the least. I would want an NBA team to hire educators if they want to educate.

Yes, coaches already do things that help. You're right, they practice the same moves over and over. Which is excellent. But there's a lot more to the field of education than "repeat the move many times."

If you're curious what else there is, it's a long answer. I got a Master's in it this one time...

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Thanks. It is a big discussion. When I taught Health Ed to grad students my big schtick was Assessment. It sounds to me like the coaches are checking with players about simple things like music, fun sports to play at practice, etc. They seem to have identified different learning needs and learning styles. Kerr once identified the difference in working with Wiggins and Poole. Simplifying things for JW, refining with SC. Because muscle memory develops from repetitive practice everyone seems dedicated to that. So many modes of teaching and learning. Too big a topic and I have never worked with athletes.

I would be curious, however, to know how they are working with DG.

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Assuming this is not a joke, one counter example is JW and Looney working with

Jokic’s former coach. (Jokic does pretty well!). There are videos of JW practicing over and over and over and over and over again the same spin move while the coach critiques him. Then there are videos of Looney and JW over and over and over alternating guarding each other and going up for a basket right underneath the basket, with the coach commenting. Over and over and over seems to be the standard for all.

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Joking? Not in the least. I would want an NBA team to hire educators if they want to educate.

Yes, coaches already do things that help. You're right, they practice the same moves over and over. Which is excellent. But there's a lot more to the field of education than "repeat the move many times."

If you're curious what else there is, it's a long answer. I got a Master's in it this one time...

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Joking? Not in the least. I would want an NBA team to hire educators if they want to educate.

Yes, coaches already do things that help. You're right, they practice the same moves over and over. Which is excellent. But there's a lot more to the field of education than "repeat the move many times."

If you're curious what else there is, it's a long answer. I got a Master's in it this one time...

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