
The Denver Nuggets are showing interest in Klay Thompson as a potential replacement for Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, per




The Philadelphia 76ers are also expected to show interest in Thompson.

“A league source said Philadelphia has interest in Thompson. If the Nuggets lose free-agent-to-be Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, who has decided to decline his player option and enter the market, a league source said Denver has pegged Thompson as a possible replacement.”


Klay in Denver would be crazy

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Mile high, baby...

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He'd have to convert his boat to a prairie schooner though.

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I didn't know Lindy Waters was indigenous. (Tbf, I basically didn't know anything about him at all.) Definitely know some folks who will be excited about that.

Wikipedia says: "He was named a finalist for the NBA 2023–24 Social Justice Champion Award for the work his foundation does to support Native American youth through sports, health and wellness."

Pretty cool. It's hardly an overwhelming acquisition, but it'd be great if he could carve out enough of a role to become a fan favorite.

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I have some doubts that Paul George is gonna be a Warrior (if there were a real chance of that happening), and not because of basketball reasons. This is all speculative and I’ll possibly get laughed at, because this is more TMZ type stuff, but maybe worse because at least TMZ has actual scoops a lot of the time (but they are a trash organization nonetheless but I digress). But it’s been something I’ve been thinking about and I haven’t seen anyone bring it up anywhere since the rumors of the Warriors being interested in George have come to the surface. Maybe because, yeah it’s irrelevant to actual basketball reasons. But bear with me or feel free to skip this post. And/or laugh, it’s cool I’ll understand. Anyway:

Paul George supposedly cheated on Steph’s sister-in-law Callie Rivers when he was dating her (before she got with Seth who she eventually married). Remember a few seasons ago when Seth called George a “bitchass” during a game when his team played George’s in the playoffs? Might’ve had to do with that previous drama between George and Rivers. Anyway, yeah, there probably isn’t any love for George from the Currys to the point where I can see Steph not wanting to play with George. I don’t know, but yeah, I don’t think it’s crazy that it might play a factor if that were how he felt and if he were to bring up those feelings to the front office.

Anyway, yeah, there’s the level of contribution I have this off season I guess. I’m working on a post about which FA destination has the higher quality and quantity of Instagram models that might factor into Klay’s decision. Be on the lookout for that soon. (Don’t.)

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From this perspective, GSW is not a business, it’s a soap opera. :=)

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They say sports is about the stories and the entertainment, but I would be ok with a bit less drama than the whole "punch a teammate, trade him for your arch-rival" storyline

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Jun 28Liked by Perks (GSWCBA)

There was a question about Lindy and Summer League in one of these threads... not sure if it was answered but MDJ said no SL for Lindy


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Could've just misspoken, but took note of the fact he said they have 11 players under contract with Lindy. It's 12, unless they're already viewing CP3 as a cut? 🤔

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Later on he was asked about his earlier statement that it would take "a lot" to trade the young guys. He was asked to define "a lot".

Obviously he's not going to say anything to bring down the value of potential trade chips, but I still found his choice of words interesting. He said it would have to be a trade that "unequivocally changed the trajectory of the franchise".


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I'm kind of dying to do a big breakdown of the Boston College v Virginia games, where Quinten Post played against Reece Beekman. But I don't want to do it if everyone is getting traded in the next week...

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Ooh, that would be fun. But yea, give it a week.

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Jun 28Liked by Perks (GSWCBA)

If the Dubs include Waters and Post on roster spots, use MLE’s/minimums, and let CP3 walk and keep everyone else and leave the 15th spot open, how much can they offer Klay now being hard-capped?

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Perks has a spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aSo_Ni5pqrs6E9PbCZgfGKzq5qjklm60h6Ykw3lYSxE/edit?gid=1573241114#gid=1573241114

Assuming CP3 waived, Waters $2.2m, Post minimum, 1 more mandatory minimum, my quick eyeball says there is about $27M for (Klay and an NTPMLE (up to $13M)) to stay under the 1st apron, and about $38M for (Klay and a TPMLE (up to $5.2M)) to stay under the 2nd apron.

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Can they use the NTPMLE and go all the way up to the first apron? Example:

Warriors have $163M under contract and want to use an exception. Are they allowed to offer a $8M contract from their NTPMLE, so they start under the tax line? Or can the offer the full $13M NTPMLE, since they would stay under the first apron?

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Yes, despite the name, NTPMLE teams can go up to the first apron level.

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They're hard capped to the $189M second apron, to my understanding, so they can offer Klay $40M, not that they will.

If they want to use full $13M NTPMLE, they can offer Klay $11M, sign a full NTPMLE and stay under the $171 cap.

If they want to use the full $5M TPMLE, they can offer Klay $35M and sign a full TPMLE and stay under the $189 second apron.

Without CP3, and with $2M for Waters & $1M for Post, they're at $147M committed to 12 players. That's $24M under the tax threshold, $31M under the 1st apron, and $42 under the second apron.

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Thx. So they could keep CP3 (or trade him for a similar salary), they can let Ilay walk and stay under the ftax line and use a NTPMLE?

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Wondering: if the Warriors trade the DLo package of JK&Wiggs what could they get for them?

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Then let's just wind it back a little more and end up with KD

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I’m guessing this has been discussed, but essentially the Warriors bought Waters, right?

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Pretty cool way to think about it, to basically pay 1 million for a player whose been pretty good at the level he’s gotten time at for a championship team (even if it is G league.)

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It will probably be a lot more than $1M. The deal for #52 will have to be completed after July 1 when GSW can add a lot more money.

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Bought Waters *and* still got Quentin Post with the 52nd pick.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Post was my guy, so I’m happy. He potentially lets JK play at the 4 with his spacing and might even be able to pair with TJD for a BIG front court pairing.

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Losing track, do both of these guys have guaranteed contracts?

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Waters will have a guaranteed $2.2M contract. Post will have at least a two-way, but depending on how free agency goes, they might give him a minimum.

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I'm oddly looking forward to seeing what bronny can become. If that's just a legit role player, that's a wild success in the NBA.

First time LeBron passes the ball to bronny and he scores, it's gonna be a moment.

Only problem is the Lakers are gonna be down by 20 in a 50 point game from waters the third! Steph will be chilling with on the side with his 16 3s.

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Keep in mind he's got the DNA on his side. This is part of why TJD is so good. High BBIQ is worth a lot. Not saying Bronny has it, just sayin'.

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They hired a developmental coach just for Bronny.

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And they’ve been pretty good at developing players.

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Lebron paying?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Probably. Not.

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Denver's Kentavious Caldwell-Pope is emerging as one of the focal points of NBA free agency.

The Orlando Magic and the Philadelphia 76ers, meanwhile, appear especially well-positioned to capitalize on Caldwell-Pope's expected availability if they choose.

The Nuggets have been unable to come to terms on a contract extension with Caldwell-Pope, who is expected to decline his $15.4 million player option for next season to become a free agent before this season's marketplace officially opens Sunday at 6 PM ET.

League sources say that there would be mutual interest in free agency between Caldwell-Pope and the Dallas Mavericks … but Dallas could only get into Caldwell-Pope's projected salary range via sign-and-trade. It is believed that the Nuggets do not want to participate in a sign-and-trade with an in-conference rival — Dallas just supplanted Denver as the NBA's reigning Western Conference champion — even if that means losing Caldwell-Pope without compensation.


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Nuggets are Nuggeting again. They won and are satisfied now they are shuffling off the defensive guys one by one and will soon be back to a talented but perimeter D limited roster.

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So most likely roster going fwd?

Steph, Podz, Wiggs, Dray, TJD

_____, Klay, Moody, Kuminga, Looney

GP2, Santos,______ , ________

Two ways: Post, waters,_________

I’m content with this lineup if we can get one solid veteran FA signing that can play regular rotation minutes.

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I believe Waters will not be a two way, it's a $2.2M team option or nothing.

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I have a hard time adjusting to the possibility that Waters is someone they are going to pay $2.2M for. He's barely been a factor and we have Post and Beekman to try and fit into our team who could possibly fit roles we need. Do the Warriors really value Waters and believe he will play on our team next season?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Per Dunleavy, he’s expected to be in the rotation. They think he’s a legit player.

Also per Dunleavy: Post is not a guarantee to be rostered (though he seemed to suggest it was likely, depending on what other moves the team made).

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I have the impression they do believe Waters will play. He was on a deep OKC team and didn't get minutes but that doesn't mean he can't help us. He's young, $2.2M is essentially a vet min price, and if he can give us backup role player minutes, that's a good deal. Beekman will be a 2-way.

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I guess we'll see.

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Podz starting? Without CP3, who is going to handle the rock for the bench? They need that spark for the bench, and size for the starters. Klay starts until something gives, or they bring in some FAs that can plug into our slots for Klay or Wiggs. Maybe they decide to play JK at the 3 and have Wiggs and Klay off the bench. We need to see some innovation from Kerr.

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Guessing Podz subs out 6 min mark then comes back in at start of 2nd and 4th quarters to be lead ball distributor. It works with Klays minutes because Klay can slot next to Steph as the 2 and next to Podz and Moody as the 3.

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Subtract Klay. Add two mid level FAs. No, I don’t know which ones.

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Last time the team went an extended period without Klay they went 29-9. Maybe subtract Klay is enough of a big positive move they don't need to worry about PG13. It would force coach to play some talented young players, just like not having Klay and losing Oubre for nothing forced JP to start.

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Hell last year in the 5 games he missed, the Dubs went 5-0 with an average margin of victory of 17.6! That's just science, man.

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They were also 6-2 without Kuminga, but only 3-5 without Looney! #morescience

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Running it back, but with no CP3? That would be a very unsuccessful off-season in my book.

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If we run it back I think Klay will still have to start. Don't like Podz starting next to Steph if we're starting the other 3 unless Podz magically develops a nice efficient high volume 3 ball

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He will also have to find his shot. I was surprised to see him falter in this area.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Shooting comes and goes, and he's still a rookie.

I was more surprised to see him shoot as well as he did, than the reverse.

Klay put up 6 3's per 36 as a rookie, at a .414 clip

Podz put up 4.3 3's per 36 as a rookie, at a .385 clip.

Brandin was age 20, Klay 21 (per basketball-reference ... not sure how they measure it).

So, yeah, he ain't Klay (2/3 the volume, less accuracy), but it's not bad at all. As a rookie 19th pick. I would only start to get worried if he struggled for a significant part of next season, which I doubt we'll see.

I'm more worried about him being an effective point guard than the shooting at this point.

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He kinda refused to shoot last season. Sometimes he wouldn't score till the 2nd half. He can score in bunches, very streaky. We'll see a lot of him with Paul gone.

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He doesn’t have enough separation skills yet to get up clean looks off the dribble consistently because his release is pretty slow. I hope he’s watching some Luka film for that

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Luka would be a good role model for him. Watching Luka is like slo-mo, but he's so bloody accurate. Podz has got it in him to be a shooter. Was wondering if he felt inhibited playing with Steph. He hardly shot. He's a great hustle player and rebounder, sees the floor, and knows what to do. Needs steady reps shooting 3s and layups.

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It wouldn't be magical. He was 38.5% despite hitting the rookie wall very hard. Podz projects to be a very good shooter.

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He's gonna have to up that volume, tho... only 4 3PA/36 vs. Klay @ 11 3PA/36.

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I don't think it is likely that Moody is on the roster next season tbh

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+ PG13

- Klay Moody Loon GP2? (not sure if they will need both Loon and GP2 to match salary)

And watch all my hair fall out.

I think they get the trade done, and I get to suck lemons next week.

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I doubt Klay. I really, really do

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My wishful thinking/predictions for the next week list

-Paul George returns to the Clippers on a max extension.

-DFS & Cam Johnson traded to the Golden State Warriors for Chris Paul + Kevon Looney + Moses Moody and 2029 top 3 protected 1st round pick.

Why would Brooklyn do this? because expiring contracts and I turned on force trade.

-Andrew Wiggins + 2026 top 3 protected 1st rounder for Dejounte Murray.

-Klay returns on a hometown discount 3 years/$54 million deal.

Next year's roster will be:

PG - Steph / Podz / LQ

SG - Dejounte Murray / Klay / Lindy Waters lll

SF - Cam Johnson / DFS / GP2

PF - Draymond / JK / Gui Santos

C - TJD / Free Agent

Assuming we leave the 15th spot open for flexibility.

Time for the cap experts to debunk this. Both trades works on Fanspo OKAY?! Offseason fantasy discussions are fun. We have 3 more months of this.

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Feasibility aside: I want no part of DeJounte Murray, and I don’t wanna lose Moses (who I think could potentially be signed to a reasonable extension that will look like a steal in a year or two).

I’d love to get Cam Johnson, tho.

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Yes, Cam Johnson.

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I'm trying to think who we'll pivot to because PG13 isn't happening IMO

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I’m fine with letting CP and Klay walk, flipping Wiggs (and a pick?) for Kuzma, signing Jalen Smith and Kris Dunn, and calling it a day.

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Can the Warriors waive CP and keep his bird rights?

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No, if you waive a player you lose their bird rights.

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Why would they want to do that?

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❤️ MDJ!!!

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Quint-en Post, the man who was born to be a 5 in the NBA.

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Mike Dunleavy said “it’s possible” the Warriors and Chris Paul push back his $30 million guarantee date. It is tomorrow.

“We’ve got another 24 hours”

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I mean with us now forced to duck the second apron, the likelihood of CP3 or his money being used have to be super unlikely.

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Jun 28Liked by Perks (GSWCBA)

I think we'll ultimately end up waiving him. If MDJ manages to trade that contract for any asset give him the EOTY award immediately

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good thought.

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