Sooooo... It was a good game to miss then?

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hahah yea!

Daniel needed a Gold Blooded mental health day, but I'll have something kind of recap-ish tomorrow for everyone.

It was a beating from the opening to closing whistle.

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Looking at Wiggins highlights, I was not happy with his playstyle in terms of his shot selection/less off ball movement and passing. He was efficient, but not his playstyle was not making me happy as it seemed to be a reversion to his Timberwolves days.

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Best sequence of the game was CryBrook being denied three times in same possession (@10:28-ish in 4th quarter). That led him to act out later on and getting ejected.

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*@11:00 min mark in 4th qtr

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Even in a game like this Harden is somehow still the most unwatchable thing on the court. Literally can't stand how that man plays basketball.

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Kerr putting min restrictions on players he thinks are going to be vital next year ? Marquises, loony , Green all had 18 mins

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Why did Chris only play 18 min ?

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Top players:


Covington: (+31)

20 points 7/13 FGs 5/10 three pointers 1/1 FT

5 rebounds (1 off.) 1 assist 4 blocks

Harden: (+32, 2nd place)

29 points 6/16 FGs 3/12 three pointers 14/15 FTs

3 rebounds 10 assists 1 turnover 3 steals 2 blocks

Westbrook: (+18, 2nd place)

21 points 10/20 FGs 1/2 three pointers

5 rebounds (2 off.) 10 assists 4 turnovers 1 steal

Jeff Green: (+19, 3rd place)

17 points 6/8 FGs 4/5 three pointers 1/2 FTs

4 rebounds (1 off.) 2 turnovers 1 steal

Tucker: (+10, 3rd place)

15 points 5/6 FGs 5/5 three pointers

5 rebounds (1 off.) 1 assist 1 turnover

Honorable mention:

McLemore: (+27)

9 points 3/4 FGs 3/4 three pointers

3 rebounds (1 off.) 1 assist 1 steal


Wiggins: (-19)

22 points 10/17 FGs 2/4 three pointers

3 rebounds (2 off.) 1 turnover 1 steal 2 blocks

Paschall: (-22)

12 points 5/8 FGs 1/1 three pointer 1/1 FT

7 rebounds (5 off.) 2 assists 5 turnovers 1 block

Toscano-Anderson: (-12, 3rd place)

10 points 5/9 FGs 0/2 three pointers

7 rebounds (2 off.) 4 assists 2 turnovers 2 steals 1 block

Bowman: (-13)

8 points 4/9 FGs 0/3 three pointers 0/1 FT

5 rebounds (2 off.) 1 assist 3 turnovers 2 steals 3 blocks

Honorable mention:

Poole: (-26)

19 points 7/15 FGs 3/10 three pointers 2/3 FTs

4 rebounds (1 off.) 2 assists 3 turnovers 1 steal

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Hardens numbers are so gross. Quintessential stuff from him.

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This was exactly one of those games where you feel in your bones how Harden is ruining the game, making it unwatchable. So many of those fouls were stupid, pointless stoppages caused by flopping, vomiting the ball toward the basket at a hint of contact, or... who knows what the refs were thinking?

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Final stats:


51.7% shooting (45/87 FGs)

25/49 three pointers

20/22 FTs

36 rebounds (8 off.)

30 assists

15 turnovers

13 steals

7 blocks


48.4% shooting (44/91 FGs)

7/33 three pointers

10/12 FTs

43 rebounds (15 off.)

25 assists

23 turnovers

10 steals

8 blocks

Points in paint:

Rockets: 36

Warriors: 60

Fastbreak points:

Rockets: 20

Warriors: 25

Points off turnovers:

Rockets: 31

Warriors: 17

Bench points:

Rockets: 39

Warriors: 37


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Top players:

1: Wiggins

2: Paschall

3: Toscano-Anderson, Bowman

HM: Poole

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Westbrook now has 13 Ts for this season.

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By the way, I'm going to laugh so hard if this RWB technical ends up costing him a game, costing HOU playoff position, costing them more...

I mean, losing your cool while blowing out the Santa Cruz Warriors

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I agree. Westbrook is a lil' *itch.

Five (5) years of his goals being frustrated by "the weak and fragile Stephen Curry" have a taken a toll on the mind of the least efficient "triple-double" player in the history of the Galaxy Russell is taking WAY too much pleasure in beating the "BABY DUBS", while the two (2) greatest volume shooters in NBA history wait in the wings.

I wonder what Klay was saying to Westbrick as he walked away. Maybe something like this:

RW: You are done (with probably much more "colorful" language, lol.) We now own the West....and like James says "you ain't that good anyway." (Shout out to Daniel's awesome video!)

KT: (while laughing and chilling like only Klay can) Have your fun this year before being "terminated" by the Clippers in the playoffs. In 2021, we will terminate you and the beard again, just like we always do. (As Klay laughs, very chill but with a evil empire like under tone.)

Russ, now even more frustrated by the enlightenment that he and James will never, ever (not in a million seasons, not on NBA2k, not in a plane, not on a train).........beat Klay, Steph and Draymond in any type of series.

So frustrated Russ turns away, runs smack into Kevon, while the legendary Reggie Miller (the master of the offensive foul, a....um....I mean the legal "push off or chicken wing") proclaims: Kevon Looney just blocked Westbrook!

This is a very fun year. The whole league is focused on putting the dynasty in the grave. Meanwhile, Klay knows in his heart and soul ring number four (4) will be on his finger in short order.

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Man, I thought they had a chance before this game, lol

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wow, turns out Ky Bowman has one very specific elite NBA skill: blocking Russell Westbrook layups.

Okay... a scuffle... and Westbrook stands at the Warriors bench jawing with Klay and Wiggins. Body language of the Warriors suggests it was not entirely welcome banter. In related news, RWB is ejected.

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Is there a story behind the name Testy Pug, or is it a reference to Westbrook? 🤣

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haha, that's a better story. This is Apricot, just with a non-admin account to test features... I just forgot to log out.

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lolololol. Love how westbrook is at his toughest when he's up by 35 against rookies in the regular season.

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we got spoiled with players who could make shots

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Remember the days when we usually had 100 after 3 quarters?

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Rockets: 35/69, 21/40 threes, 18/20 FTs

Warriors: 33/64, 5/23 threes, 6/7 FTs

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This has been an entirely unpleasant basketball watching experience, from beginning to end

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Alen Smailagic’s three point play says hi

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Smailagic ankle got half way broken lucky for him rockets missed the open corner three

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Like someone said earlier in the game thread, Rockets had this game circled on their calendars to show that they are no longer the losers who lost to us on Christmas.

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5 turnovers for Paschall tonight.

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Given the low comments, and the blowout... I'm thinking no post game thread. Let's just keep this one rolling

(Unless Warriors win, in which case we will post a victory thread where everyone can pretend like they saw it coming)

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Let's make a collective agreement to never speak of this game again

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Gsom has 0 comments on game thread.. least you guys got more ha

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That was a really ugly half of basketball. Some defense would be a good start.

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Warriors -42 from 3, lolol. Actually -47 if you count Harden’s five FTS off of foul-baiting from 3.

+25 otherwise, though! ;-P

Remember when these choking frontrunning losers missed 27 straight threes against us, with a Finals appearance theirs for the taking? Haha!

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I just hope they can start getting this roster to put up some decent/average team defense metrics against 3s by the end of the season. Really should be more of an emphasis from the coaches at this point. Even if it's just simple rules like never leave PJ Tucker alone in the corner.

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That seems like a good rule

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Halftime stats:


52.2% shooting (24/46 FGs)

15/26 three pointers

9/10 FTs

16 rebounds (4 off.)

18 assists

6 turnovers


50.0% shooting (22/44 FGs)

1/14 three pointers

5/5 FTs

22 rebounds (5 off.)

13 assists

11 turnovers

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I... think the Rockets MAY have had this date circled on the calendar, haha.

Morey relying on that obscure NBA rule that if you beat a team by over 75 points, it counts as winning a playoff series against them. He's drafting the memo right now

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It's gonna be thrilling when the Rockets eventually punch themselves out and start relaxing and the Dubs slice the lead to under twenty

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Tucker: 5/5 threes

Covington: 2/4

House Jr.: 2/3

Green, McLemore, Westbrook: 1/1

Harden: 2/5

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Rockets going off on threes. Warriors still ice cold beyond the arc.

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Ruh roh

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Rockets: 12/24, 8/12 threes, 6/7 FTs, 1 turnover

Warriors: 8/19, 0/6 threes, 1/1 FT, 7 turnovers

Rockets are kicking our butts so hard right now.

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Are Warriors playing a zone against a 5 out offense?

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Heh, Athletic Alchemy had the same question in his vid. Though looks like the Warriors man and help defense was just soooooo bad it looked like zone lol

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This game is getting real unwatchable real fast... I'm gonna need to see some Smiley ASAP

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reggie miller doesn't know what "case in point" means

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Lol! He says it SO much

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Steph Curry returning may make the offense more watchable, but it ain't fixing this atrocious defense.

I think the Warriors record is still secure even when Curry gets back.

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Rockets 7/10 threes. Warriors 0/6.

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by punk basketball

If you want to endear yourself to Warriors fans go ahead and play hard nosed basketball, take smart shots, try on defense, and make the occasional wide open three, earn yourself a contract then completely WOOF it the rest of the way Damion Lee.

F*ck this shit! It's my annual Matrix viewing one man party and I'm gonna get started on Reloaded early

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Rockets don't want to lose again after what we did to them last Christmas.

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Yeah I was worried about that... also, they're clearly a better team than whatever our roster is right now

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Ws best shot might be to post up Wiggins and Paschall.

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Ws shity defense against a team that loves to jack it up from deep. Welp

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I am shocked. Didnt they read my predictions?? Come on Dubs!!

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Man Rockets like our championship this year. As long as we beat them every game I'm fine with tanking out the rest

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Yeah, Rockets weren't gonna come out with a hangover again after the last game and after All-star break lol

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Wish I had the Warriors feed. This stupid as game is gonna go to OT

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Rockets roster looks so weird without Capela in their starting lineup.

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burks forgot he was trying to win games now

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That was an awful miss by Burks

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Rockets shoulda given Chriss a look before we picked him up this past off-season.

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nah f*** the rockets

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Hawks beat Heat, Trae with 50/8. Atl now 3 games behind/ahead of dubs

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Trade MURDERED it tonight

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Yes, and each was a perfect, beautifully unique snowflake of a tech

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Draymond tech's are the bestest techs!

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There have definitely been a few that felt like... wait, what? How is that a tech? I guess it's just his reputation...

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