May 4, 2023Liked by Daniel Hardee

I will admit, Poole’s shot bothered me, not because of the distance, but because he was not squared up, and it looked as if he had time to get set.

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Forget Wiseman. He is gone and this is the hand that the Warriors wanted. It's good for both Wiseman and the Dubs as he was not going anywhere on our team. Sad, but true. Just look at the current situation with JFK. He can't get on the floor yet he was very productive in the 2nd half of the season and looked to be making progress. I concur that he is not very polished, yet, but at 20yo, he has a big future here whether he gets minutes now or not. Kerr is on a WIN NOW BENDER. The bench, which is not very deep, will suffer from this strategy. It is suffering from this strategy. DDV is not the player we saw during the regular season. No one on the bench is. Even Poole, who single handedly kept us in the game against the Lakers, is suffering from this strategy. This team is in lockdown mode. The only tactic Kerr has left in his mind is to keep Curry on the floor all game. Why? Because Curry provides the positive +/-% when he's on the floor. When he's not, we sink quickly. Aside from the few minutes the bench gets, it's the starters that will win or lose this series no matter how many TO's Curry and Dray make, no matter how hot or cold our shooters are, the bench players will rarely be a factor during the playoffs if the Warriors are to win. This opens the possibility of injury becoming a factor and teams focusing on any size advantage they can get. We don't have strength in number any longer. We have one guy with superpowers and a breakout rebounder in Looney. No one else will or can excel on this team as it stands. It's status quo as long as this strategy is in place.

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One of my main issues with kerr( and Draymond) is not finding a way through all these years for us to atleast break even when Curry sits

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Without making Dray a shooter, nothing really changes in the starters. Looney has risen but Wiggins is still held back and I'm not sure Wiggs will ever rise to a top scoring player. Maybe that is Klay's job but Poole seems to have a better chance of becoming that player but not with Curry on the floor. They can still win with these 5 players, but they need a deeper bench with a style of their own. That's where JFK could enter but he needs a good athletic big man to play with not more guards. Moody could shine off the bench but they are weak in numbers. We will need a re-tool at some point. There is no development possible in the starting rotation. It can only come from the bench, the weak link of the Dubs.

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"a win now bender" is a new one to me. I was just calling it "the playoffs"

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This is only a homer's take on the Dubs. Secret teachings, sort of.....🙃

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

What ever James Wiseman provided we can find in a Junior or Senior college Center in the 1st round for cheaper.

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And still be deficient. We don't need just a body. That doesn't fly with Kerr.

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It’s the Two Timeline stupidity. Hope they scrap that idea in the summer because we’re just being greedy here. Once the Core is done just do a reset tank for a bit. We’re really dividing everyone’s attention from the GM, Coaches, to the Veteran Players. We’ll see where Lacob’s priorities lie soon enough this summer, it feels like it’s coming to a head. First Domino to fall was Wiseman. If we trade either JK or Poole and/or our draft picks then he’s committed to our Trio. Or does he keep Steph and try to mix and match with youth and maybe one of Klay or Dray. Stay tuned for the next episode of NBA Free Agency 2023-2024!

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Whatever happens in the off season will be determined largely by how we do against the Lakers. If we dispatch them, the FO will be hard pressed to make major changes unless Dray opts out. If Dray does not opt out, we are in for another WIN NOW season. The Warriors will be forced to prepare for the future sooner or later. We cannot expect for this team to repeat every year. Wishful thinking.

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for sure!

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“Hella”?! Hahhahah

The east bay 1980’s title. Classic Hardee.

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I figured out Jordan Poole midway through the season, but it only makes sense if you've watched Brooklyn 99: Poole is Jake Peralta, and we're all Raymond Holts.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Dammit. Initials match up. Cannot unsee now!!

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May 4, 2023Liked by punk basketball

Interview of JK talking about his decline in playing time and not understanding why? I wonder does him putting it out through the media make Steve more inclined to play him or keep him on the bench.


"You can’t stop the sun from shining. At some point, the sun is going to come out."

Jonathan Kuminga is unhappy with his declining playoff minutes, yet his confidence remains high. He still believes he can be impactful for the Warriors this postseason.


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I can answer why in pretty short order if he doesn't understand it. Season 3.4 rebounds per game in 20 minutes with athletic talent that should give you 7; .04 blocks with athletic talent that should give you 1.5; and intermittent defense. GS needs Kuminga to be a rebounding, shot-blocking defender. He has not been that. Nobody at GS cares about whether he can score. And I certainly don't at this point. Talent - yes. Ready from the jump when his number is called? Not so much. This is why Moody has the scraps minutes right now. He's already playing defense and rebounding before he leaves the bench.

I think Kuminga will get chances over the next couple of games - GS needs him to body Lebron and Davis and help wear them down, but there's not a lot of time here to find out whether he can suddenly come into a game and rebound with intentionality. The most he's going to get to show it is five minutes. So get me 3 rebounds and a block in 5 minutes, foul AD hard, forget keeping score in terms of how many you score, and I'm on board. Otherwise, what does he bring exactly? Offense isn't the problem here, and "athleticism" by itself doesn't win games.

None of this has anything to do with how I feel about JK long term. He's very young, he's talented, and he's going to be really good. But I'm not convinced he's good yet.

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7 Reb and 1.5 blocks in 20mpg?? Pump the brakes a little

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May 4, 2023Liked by punk basketball

He absolutely should be getting JMG's minutes and potentially DDV's if we don't need the 2nd ball handler.

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He's a 20 year old so I don't blame him, I blame the organization because it's obvious that this is what you get when you mix high lottery pick teenagers with a team trying to win the championship.

But this is not a good look.

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If I were JFK, I'd be super pissed off. Besides Poole, he's our best prospect for the future along with Looney.

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What's even weirder imo is Lamb not getting any minutes at all

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Don't you think it's probably mostly just Wiggins being back for the playoffs? They both basically play the 3/4 positions. Wiggins probably plays more PF in the playoffs plus his minutes get increased in the playoffs. Moody coming into his own as a 3 probably cut out the rest of Lamb's potential minutes, but it's not like Moody is playing hella minutes either.

I think Kuminga's case is more interesting because I think he lost minutes to JMG last night as they are both 4/5 types.

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Kuminga isn’t guarding anybody down low… he’s a big 3 more than a 4 even. JMG is not a great 4/5, but he’s at least got the size and strength to pretend… and confidence in his shot.

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Go watch jmgs minutes, size don't mean shit he got cooked every possession

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Well, no one else is guarding anyone down low either. Playing the Lakers is the biggest test yet for us. If Luck is what it takes to win, then you play anyone with a chance of success. As it stands now, it's only the starters that gets Kerr's attention.

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If we ditched the green looney lineups and ditch Poole playing next to curry, there's quite a bit of minutes for our whole bench to get involved

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I'm not a fan of playing the entire bench in the playoffs. Teams normally go 8-9 deep and Steve went 10 deep yesterday. I think unless one of our top front court players miss a game like Draymond in Game 3, you will not see all of JK, Lamb and JMG play in one game. So it may be an either or thing. Plus idk with how Loon has played this postseason, if they reduce his minutes much. JP has already complained in the media about his minutes, you knock out the minutes with Curry and how many is he actually playing? Seeing as they almost came back to win with that small unit that includes those two, they will be sharing the court this series unless Steve replaces JP in that unit.

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I think you noticed that the Lakers are a much deeper team than we are. They are the ones now with strength in numbers. They re-loaded their team and now we are seeing the results. These are not the Lakers who were struggling to get into the play-in. This is a high calibre hand built team that Lebron lobbied hard to get together. Credit given where it is due. We, otoh, got GP2, and did nothing about getting back to strength in numbers. Our starting 5 are good but it's Curry who is the target player for all defenses. Paint is closed in our system except for Looney who is not an offensive specialist. Bombs away our only real strategy. Blitzkreig.

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Honestly I look at these teams and think to my self do they really have more talent off the bench? Is Troy brown better then Moody or lamb? Is Gabriel better then kuminga? Is Schroeder more talented then Poole? Try lyles better then kuminga? I think our bench is super talented but not being utilized properly

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Curry moody lamb Wiggins green could be a good lineup for this Lakers team

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Or replace moody or lamb with kuminga. I'm not a fan of all these 6'4 n under lineups

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I have a hard time believing that Kerr isn't explaining to JK exactly why he isn't playing, seems like his MO is to be very open with players about that kinda thing. JK "not understanding why" is probably more like not agreeing with him. I don't think it affects Kerr one way or the other tbh he'll play him when he think he can help them win. I definitely don't think Kerr thinks JK could help but his benching him just to teach him a lesson.

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Good read - Kerr better win the chip or he is going to be getting even more s*** for not playing kuminga or screwing around Moody in the regular season

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It would have been nice if kerr communicated to him the possibly of not playing due to Wiggins and gp2

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Hey, can we get fortunate like the Celtics and have the Lakers play 1Q and when they’re not ahead say collectively “we got our win here” let’s give up and go home.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Daniel Hardee

This is why I nod noncommittally while secretly dismissing the basketball acumen of both those who declared Jordan Poole to be Steph 2.0 and those who shout that he should have never left Santa Cruz. We have a team full of high risk playmakers, and we high turnovered and high demoralized and hijinksed our way to a championship last year. He fits in this team in a similar spiritual way that post-surgery Klay does - more emotional than you'd expect, shooting earlier heat checks than you'd like, but hitting key buckets and wanting the ball in moments where our all-universe point guard is the focus of the opponent's entire defense.

If James Wiseman was our center, though, we sure wouldn't have to worry about matchups in the 2nd round. We could just sit back and watch the Kings, and listen to the gruntings of the FireKerr brigade

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> If James Wiseman was our center, though, we sure wouldn't have to worry about matchups in the 2nd round. We could just sit back and watch the Kings, and listen to the gruntings of the FireKerr brigade

You're dropping some heat with this one.

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scalding science

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Celtics are blowing out the 76ers. Warriors should do the same to the Lakers tomorrow.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Daniel Hardee

The Poole giveth and the Poole taketh away. It's been a theme of his whole career -- amazing offensive skills paired with boneheaded choices. 2 or 3 times in the second half he took deeper shots than necessary, and on the last one in particular could have dribbled or found someone else. Remember when Steph threw his mouthpiece about this? This is why.

Regarding "pining for James Wiseman." You can go ahead and pine if you think he would have helped in this series. I'm good.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by Daniel Hardee

Ngl I was initially upset at Jordan taking the shot but mainly because he was so far away from the 3 pt line, and because there were still 12 seconds on the clock.

But Steph was doubled and Klay/Wiggins were covered. Was everyone else here really ok with letting Dray shoot that 3 or taking it to the basket?

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I have to admit that emotionally I was upset when Poole fired, before I ever knew when it went in. In retrospect I was wrong. Poole is a green-lit shooter who was having a very good shooting night, and who has historically hit a end-of-quarter shots at a higher than expected clip. Neither he nor Curry (less so Klay) care about an extra four feet in almost any circumstance, and their percentages don't change much with distance. Open shots on game tying plays are rare, and according to NBA advanced, Poole is an extremely better (43 percent) 3 pt shooter when he's wide open (6ft plus) - pretty close to Curry numbers on that one stat - and certainly better wide open than Curry with two people inside his jersey. I believe Poole was absolutely correct to take the shot from where he took it.

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I thought initially he could've moved closer, but Vando was flying by, so it would've been contested or could've possibly been a foul...wishful maybe. I did see the clip were Tim Legler talked about the play. He thought Dray and JP trailing Steph instead of running with him, messed up the spacing, allowed them to trap Steph so quickly once he crossed half court, and prevented them from getting a better look.

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Yeah initially I thought he should get closer, and a Poole seems to do that sometimes where he'll just shoot it from wherever he is even if it's not necessary. But I agree, on the replay, he could have easily gotten blocked if he had stepped up. Maybe could have pump faked and gotten a blow-by, maybe not. But really if you are down 3 with 10 seconds left, you probably can't expect much of a better shot than that. And Poole had a really good game in general, reminiscent of last year's playoffs. Hitting big shots, making nice passes. Hopefully we will see more of that this series. I am worried about his attitude after the "well what can you expect when you play someone 15 min" thing though. GP2 shows what you can expect when playing 15 min. Intensity and greatness! Bogut used to play for 15 minutes and dominate. If you play 15 minutes and are terrible, that's on you, not the minutes.

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The Lakers were never going to let Steph get a look… the Dubs needed a 3.

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Yeah, they weren't going to allow Steph or Klay. His main point was about getting JP an easier attempt. Of course it's easier to point out in hindsight, but I like Tim, because he actually breaks down what happens on the court.

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It's not just about passing to Dray or driving to the hole. Taking a three was fine, but dribbling closer would have been the non panic move. Ah well.

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This also assumes Vanderbilt wouldn’t have closed out in time. Not sure I’m betting on that.

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Vanderbilt came flying in from midfield, JP had a very short window for an open shot. I'm actually surprised people think it was a bad shot. Short of huge brainfart from the Lakers leaving open Steph or Klay, it was probably as good as it is going to get.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

JP's shot was a 28-footer, the same distance that he successfully converted on his prior shot, also wide open. Down 3 with 10 seconds or so left, that was likely the best look the Dubs were gonna get. Kudos to JP for having the guts to put it up.

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Agree. Also, he had his feet planted where he was. Lately, that has correlated with a better percentage for him.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by Daniel Hardee

As Steph said, Jordan shot it in rhythm, which is important for a shooter and especially on longer shots. Dribbling in closer seems like it might be helpful, but if he then has to quickly get up the shot it may not be as comfortable and not actually as good a shot as it might look.

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What the hell does Steph know about shooting, especially threes?

Please listen to me I'm the expert here, OK?

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

Steph has a different analyst... I've been told... his mom was relied upon early in his career especially for free throws. Sorry

Edit... it was turnovers that his mom fined him for as an incentive ...

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leaving time for the defense to contest the shot.....might have been better to be closer to begin with......

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

This! Vanderbilt is rotating over as he’s shooting. It’s fun to play “mob”, but nobody in your damn mob who says he should have dribbled in has actually objectively watched a replay. Yes, he should have/could have been standing a step or two closer to begin with... but he wasn’t planning on receiving that pass in that moment... it just happened

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And Vanderbilt knew that he didn't have to worry about JP blowing by him since it was a 3 point game. The only way to make JP's shot easier would have been for him to dribble up closer and then pump-fake to get Vanderbilt out of the way, but there's no way to know if that would have been successful. It was a good play and a good decision. It just didn't result in a good outcome. Time to even the series tomorrow night.

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I don't even know what mob means in this context.

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Should I understand you to mean that that's what you think I'm saying?

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I say Booo to your American football slander

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I’d like to call it the American Concussion League, or ACL for short.

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I'm just talking about the sport, man. I live the NFL but I'm not really defending it

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Repeated concussions make it hard to focus

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I've never had a concussion, wth DFiB!

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Agreed. That’s why after the game I thought better of it. JP had a hell of a game and if he shoots like that every game we got a good shot of winning this series.

(No slander about American football though. I did play that one, and it’s not the meathead sport you think it is 😉)

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deletedMay 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023
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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

10 blocks by LAL is "no defense"? 🤔

(apologies if this was satire, I cannot tell)

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