Johnson is a project, Duarte doesn’t have much upside. Not thrilled with this choice

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Was going to go for Johnson, but he's from Shelbyville. And as a Springield Isotope fan, it's tough to root for a Shelbyvillain. Putting old biases aside, I'll go for Johnson here.

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Johnson over Duarte.

I like Duarte OK at that #14 spot. The fit makes sense, and actually think his upside is a little underrated. He's got a little more juice as an athlete and shot creator then just your standard issue "3 and D" wing.

That said you just can't take him 7. Johnson makes so little sense for this roster, but I'd take him over Duarte just to retain greater trade value.

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Duarte at 14 is my Kispert insurance. At 7, you need more upside. But Johnson isn't great shakes either. I wouldn't touch either with a 10 foot pole at 7. I'd trade back for minimal assets. But if forced, I take Duarte with his Bridges/Haliburton/Danny Green comps.

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Rather have Duarte then Kispert.

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Color me intrigued. Why? Both seem to share strengths in shooting and size but share the same flaws of age, defensive questions, and upside. Kispert's an inch taller, a year younger, and seems to be the better shooter. You must like Duarte's defense more then?

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Would be kinda cool to nab both, though Kispert at 7 feels like a reach. Fun to imagine Curry/Klay/Wiggins/Kispert/Dray, or even Curry/Klay/Duarte/Kispert/Dray.

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Would take Wagner before Kispert at 7. Duarte and Kispert are duplicative and I prefer Duarte.

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I would also take Wagner over Kispert at 7, and I'll be happy if one of Kispert/Duarte is still there at 14.

Just fun to think about all that shooting.

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For fun I'll go against the grain here and say Johnson @ 7, knowing that we can get Duarte or someone like him at 14. If we want to stash a project, might as well get one with the highest potential (even if the floor is lower), or highest trade value.

This might be early, but regarding Scottie Barnes -- is the only scenario we get him if Orlando falls in love with Bouknight (saw him @ 5 on some big board, or maybe someone else leaps to 5), and OKC with Kuminga?

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We can get Keon Johnson or someone like him (freak athlete who may or may not be an NBA player) at #14, too.

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Yeah, if the Warriors want a raw athletic project, I don't know if going with a small, inefficient Shooting Guard is the way to go.

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I know GP2 is smaller but at this point in their careers, I'd say we already have at least the equivalent player for the next two years.

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OKC also has a great draft positions, 6/16/18 -- they can even package 16/18 to maybe move up to get another top 13 player?

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Duarte's age does concern me; at 23 during the season, I'd like him to be dominant against college players, not just a highly skilled role-player. And I think Johnson will achieve some measure of success in the NBA--I like his release on his shot, and of course he's very athletic. But he's just going to take so much time to do whatever he's going to do that it doesn't make sense for us right now. Neither does Duarte at 7, frankly, but that's the rule we're playing by, so Duarte it is.

Of course, if we're talking 3-and-D wings my choice is Moody, and I think that Trey Murphy III would be a good trade-down-from-14 target (he may even be a riser as the draft gets closer. He's got his shortcomings, but I really don't know why he doesn't get more publicity). So shooting isn't at such a premium in this draft that I'll be sad if we don't get Duarte. But I will be sad if we don't get someone like him.

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Agreed on Trey Murphy III as one to watch depending on our first selection & what is available at 14

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I'd say he was pretty dominant.. 20.1 pts per 40 on 13.6 attempts is the best combination of volume and efficiency out of all projected first rounders outside of Mobley/Kispert/Sengun, top 10 in box plus minus, 63/42/81 shooting.

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Duarte: (standard 14 vs. 7 disclaimer aside) I feel like Johnson has a low floor and a small chance of becoming elite, while Duarte has a high floor and a small chance of becoming elite.

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Duarte is the pick for me. His development level is a better fit for our team.

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Lots of warts for both players, but that's what you get when you're looking at #7. I'd prefer Duarte at this stage - don't see him progressing that much more at his age and skill level, but very solid, which is what the Dubs desperately need while trying to keep developing Wiseman and possibly taking a development project at #14. Of course, I'd much prefer Wagner or Bouknight over Duarte. Now if he's available at #14, I think it would be a great pick.

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I'm another member of the "neither at 7" chorus, but for the sake of the exercise, if it's these two at 7, I vote for Duarte. Johnson just seems like a bit too much of a project.

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I'll vote Duarte, but I'd much rather select him at 14.

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I'd go Duarte over Johnson, but I can't get thrilled about either one.

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Neither at 7, love Duarte as a poor man’s Klay at 14.

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From what I understand, terracotta poor man’s clay.

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Keon for me. Too much upside compared with Duarte at #7.

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