Merry Xmas & Happy Holidays y’all.

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So hear me out.

49ers were 3W-4L before they have now gone all wins. streak.

3W-4L in a 17 game season maps to 15W-19L in a 82 game season.

We will be 15W-19L if we lose today (very likely).

So after that we are going on a mega win streak. I think my math is sound. Right?

But we do need a CMC like trade and is it Ty or Ryan who is our Brock?

PS: Warriors, please eek out a win today. It will be a soothing balm for my holiday blues.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Always love these compilations. They are a reminder to me of the high quality of conversation here, from analysis to humor. Kudos to you all!

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Putting the High Quality into the HQ 🥳 Thanks everyone for making this such an amazing space to bond over our favorite team throughout the cycles of life. Wherever you are in the world please accept my humble gratitude 🤗

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Happy Mistle-two-shot-foul Day everybody.

And, thanks for keeping me sane for another year (the Ritalin helps).

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Steve Kerr says Steph Curry has returned to the weight room and was able to get some shots up this morning. He’s still a ways away from returning to live action, though, Kerr says.

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Awesome. Two weeks ago they said they’d look him over in two weeks. This week they repeated the message and extended the recovery another two weeks. Had me worried. But with Steph in the gym it seems he’ll be back in maybe 4 or 5 weeks. Phew.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

Not here to complain about not playing 33/00/4 enough, but I'm wondering about the thinking. Based on the Roster Bob put together, we have to assume that they felt they had enough to compete, enough so that they would sign Andre, whom they knew would play limited minutes, and leave the 15th spot open. In order to believe this, they had to believe that they could get quality minutes from 33/00/4. Not GP2/OPJ/Beli minutes, but better than DLee/JTA minutes. Part of the reason D Lee and JTA moved on was the fact that it was assumed 33/00/4 would be first in the pecking order for minutes.

Since its the NBA, you also have to consider trading part of 33/00/4 for some veteran help as an option. This gives us one goal, get these guys ready for the playoffs, with the caveat that you would really like to know what 33/00/4 can give you, and I mean the full 130 page home inspection report version, BEFORE the trade deadline. Not just so you know what you do and what you don't have with these guys, but that you then learn exactly what it is you should be trading for.

I do believe there is still plenty of time to squeeze more juice out of 33/00/4 and have them ready to contribute meaningful minutes in a playoff setting. Some more than others. However, the NBA Trade Deadline is Feb 9th. We are over 30 games into the season and now we won't expect Curry back until mid-January. We were healthy to start the season. That gives us 22 games before the deadline, perhaps half of those without Steph, to determine the value of 33/00/4 and if that is enough to sail into the playoffs with. Basically, the same question that we have had since day 1.

Last year, 2-way players averaged less than 6 minutes a game. This year, our 2-way players are averaging over 22 minutes per game. And that with a roster that has been relatively healthy until recently. And today, we are no closer to answering questions about 33/00/4 than we were at the beginning. Wiseman played lots of minutes in the G League and appeared to get incrementally better. JK shows great potential, still makes lots of mistakes, but what would his role be exactly, who is he playing with? Moody, I think we are all more confused now than we were last year. I like Lamb and Jerome and they could turn into the new versions of D Lee and JTA if they stick around. But we didn't win a chip with major contributions from those guys. The season is officially 40% complete and it feels like we are all in the dark on who is on our team. Are 33/00/4 really part of the team or are they just trade chips? JK has forced his way on, but even that feels precarious at times.

Point is, one could argue that the first 40% of the season should have been used to whisk 33/00/4 into the lineup and really figure out what we got (btw, no prob with Wiseman getting minutes in g league as part of process). That way, come trade deadline, Bob and company know what we need and what we don't need before Feb 9. Instead, all we seem to know is that Ty Jerome and Anthony Lamb are quality "Fringe" NBA players who may aspire to the D Lee/JTA level of team soldiers. And it's not just the individual play of 33/00/4 that we need to see. We need to know, and they need to know, what exactly they do when they come in. We knew what all our old bench players did. We knew what OPJ was doing when he came in. We knew what Beli's role was. So it is more than just "how good is this guy?" "How can this guy help us be a better team?" is a much more important question and takes a lot more time figuring out.

We are running out of time to get that home inspection report before the deadline to make an offer on that house. I won't hang this all on Kerr, but he is the guy holding the cards. They are his to play.

It's going to be an interesting 22 games, that's for damn sure. And on that positive, cheerful, heartfelt note, I wish ye all a very Merry Christmas.

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So who would you package all, or a combo of 33/00/04, for in a trade either sooner or later?

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Personally, I'm not trading them this year, unless someone makes an offer that we can't refuse. Basically, any trade with MIN will do. I tend to look at the long game. I went thru 20 years of losing so I can handle a down year here or there. I am not saying any of these guys are going to be all-stars or busts. I just got that 'love the guys we draft' thing and until a player has exhausted every opportunity to get better, I am typically going to stand in their corner. But salary cap issues are real and sometimes things have to change, it's the nature of the business, and I will trust Meyers to do the best job he can with what he has to work with. Doh! I'm a Homer! haha and hohoho Merry X-Mas B-Bum

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Wiseman to Houston. We get Tari Eason, Marjanovic, & Usman Garuba.

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Humorous given the history, but NOT any trade. The guy we'd really want (KAT) has a $33.8M salary, so unless we're willing to give up some of our big-money guys (Klay, Dray, Wiggs), that's a no-go. We wouldn't want DLo back even if he came with a bunch of draft picks (which he can't, because Minnesota already gave them all up for Gobert).

In terms of guys we could get, would we want Naz Reid or Luke Garza?

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My advanced dart board statistical model has the Warriors going 6-2 on the current home stand. This was confirmed by the Ouija board and tarot card models.

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My guess is:

vs. Grizzlies- Loss

vs. Hornets- Win

vs. Jazz- Loss

vs. Blazers- Win

vs. Hawks- Win

vs. Pistons- Win

vs. Magic- Win

vs. Suns- Loss

0-2 against two very tough opponents, 1-1 against tough opponents, and 4-0 against others.

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That’d make us 21-20, with Steph already apparently progressing well.

If we can go 6-2 or 5-3 on this trip … #3-6 seed here we come!

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No horoscope confirmation?

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Maybe not but the Ghost of Christmas Present is due to visit tonight so stay tuned.

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Warriors star Steph Curry is “making good progress” and will be evaluated again for his left shoulder injury in two weeks, the team said Saturday.

-Anthony Slater

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Ramping up to ramp up baby!

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So… it’s gonna be a while…

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He was predicted to come back in mid-January, so no surprise.

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“Evaluated” usually means it’s still minimum 2w away. Sounds like he’s on track to not need surgery, so that’s good. Next evaluation is 1/6, so earliest he can be back is 1/13 for PHX game… but prob closer to middle of the road-trip… and that’s if things go well from here

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Kerr on Moody’s rotation:

“He has been the odd man out at times behind Lamb and Jerome,” Kerr said. “With Steph out, Ty Jerome has to play because we need a point guard. We’ve got to get organized. If we can’t get organized, we’re in trouble. Ty comes in and settles the game down. On the surface, you say, ‘Why would you play a two-way guy ahead of a lottery pick?’ It’s not that simple. What’s going to help the team win? Well, we need a backup point guard with Steph out. We need an organizer. Ty never turns it over and gets us into our offense. That’s what we need to help us win a game. But when you combine that with JK now being in the rotation, Donte playing well, Lamb being more of a three/four combo with his strength and size, it pushes Moses down in the rotation. It’s been frustrating for Moses. I’ve talked to him about it. But he’s such a pro, such a great young guy with a great attitude that he’s stayed ready, and I think he’s played well when we’ve given him a chance the last few weeks.”


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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

You don't have to be lightening fast to be a good defender or a good offensive player. On defense, I wish Moody would get out of his wide leg stance. It slows lateral quickness defending a drive and he makes himself shorter, so when a guy pulls up for a 3, it reduces the height of his contest. And please stop defending with his arms straight up on drives from the foul line. That also slows him down. No need to show hands until you are at the rim. Or is he just doing what the staff is asking him to do?

Offensively, I wish the Dubs would seek him out more. The guy can shoot and he seems to be the odd man out in offensive sets way too often. And he should watch Luka, even Klay. If speed isn't his advantage, then use his size and length, patience, angles, less style and more guile. I believe there is a strong player in there. But his regression this year makes me question the staff a bit.

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Moody makes few mistakes but he also takes few chances and would benefit from being more aggressive on offense. His minutes will be more likely to increase if he shows he can make a difference. Right now he hasn't shown that.

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Agreed. He's reluctant to take the three from the top of the circle and often fakes the shot and then isn't able to drive and get a better shot, so he ultimately just has to kick the ball out. I wish he'd take the PBJ approach - if the shot is there, give it a go and don't think twice.

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yeah, you're right. and he loads up before his first move allowing defenses to cut him off. And why don't we ever see him cutting? Is it because defenses sag off of him because he is generally playing the odd man out?

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Kerr also had some good Wiseman talk in there too.

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Give him some of Klays minutes, please… especially if Klay has a lingering knee thing.

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Went to a Hannukah party in Berkeley last night. Someone had ordered a decorated cake, but the bakery had misunderstood, and provided a cake that read "Happy Birthday Hannukah."

On the one hand, one might be tempted to take umbrage.

On the other hand, it was delicious, and hilarious. The pain makes the wins sweeter.

Happy Birthday Hannukah, everyone!

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Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas.

Not to put any coal in anyone's stocking, just wondering what the consensus is on what has contributed most to this year's decline in defensive efficiency. We have been a top defensive team throughout the dynasty years. But the drop this year has been precipitous. Here you go.

The loss of Mike Brown. Obviously, this is not an issue that can be improved. He is gone and, perhaps with him, the defensive accountability that helped lead to a chip.

Chip Hangover. The 4th title was a huge deal for the vets and maybe the Dubs were just drinking their own KoolAid. Human nature is still undefeated.

The Punch. This through a pipe wrench into training camp which had already been interrupted with the trip to Japan. For sure it put Draymond behind on conditioning and we won't know the rest until we see it in a 30 for 30 episode. And it did hamper Draymond's leadership on the floor, at least for the first few laps of the season.

As Klay goes, so do the Warriors. Inefficient Klay shooting nights are a killer defensively. And it does appear that playing defense these days is optional for him. When he does, he is still pretty damn good. But 'when he does' is the problem.

Current coaching staff. How many times can you blame Poole for leaving shooters wide open because he is giving his interior defenders emotional support in the lane before you place the blame on the coaching staff? And why does Moody have to guard with his hands straight up the entire time, and how come we don't guard guys on the perimeter, at all? The staff keeps talking about defense, but where is it?

Andre. Their is a pretty good defender on the bench, a glue guy, a trust guy, a connector. But you can't pick someone's pocket with your podcast (Unless your name is Joe Lacob and you get picked for half a million). And all the vets, Kerr and Meyers believed the team was good enough to roster a player who doesn't suit up. Overconfident much?

I don't believe there is a chance we sniff another title until our defense gets into the Top 8 or thereabouts. I believe the vets know how to ramp it up in the playoffs. But defense is about 5 guys, its about getting after, its about trust. Can the Warriors regain that defensive identity with this cast of characters this season? Well, Santa? I'll be expecting and answer if you are expecting any cookies.

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Methinks it would be very difficult for the Warriors to regain that defensive identity with this group. It just hasn't been there this season. If Atkinson is the 'defensive coordinator', he may not survive here. Replacing Mike Brown is a tall order. Just because the FO 'believed' the team was good enough and no need to suit up Iggy, is laughable. They got caught with their pants down this season and haven't/can't put them on correctly. Iggy is either done playing, or healthy and being held back for the run up to the playoffs and the playoffs, or is being used exclusively as another coach with the possibility of joining that staff next season. It would take nothing short of a miracle to go deep into the playoffs this season, not to mention getting a ring. Curry can only do so much as this is a team sport.

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Chip hangover for the vets.

Coaching staff - they have the pedigree, but frankly, I'd like to see some more diversity. When everyone looks like you, group-think is more likely. I say this with very superficial appreciation of what each of those guys brings to the party, so I could be really off-base here.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

I’ve been watching both KD and klay, comparing how they look relative to what they were before their injuries. KD seems to be playing quite the same. He doesn’t move a lot…he runs down the floor, shoots, maybe relocates and shoots when he’s guarding he’s basically just standing tall in front of people at the three-point line or standing tall in front of people at the basket, but he’s not actively guarding the way some centers do. Klay,on the other hand, is trying to do both. He’s trying to be the shooter he was, but he’s also trying to guard. And that means he’s using his legs in a lot of different ways…sideways,front etc…that KD is not. He’s a much more active guard and I keep wondering if he’s using his legs up (whatever that means), while KD is not.

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KD is and has always been an SF, not a center. When he played for us, his assists and rebounding were abundant. Klay could never do what KD did and has mostly avoided contact in his career. You couldn't get him to go to the basket for his first few years and they could never get him to rebound except for the few odd games here and there. Great shooter and streaky scorer, and we still need that next to Curry. Poole is not reliable yet in this role. I think he will be in the future.

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KD is such a Sade smooth operator. One of the most fluid players I have ever seen. You can't tell when KD's shot begins or ends. Klay has a little more 'red light, green light' in his game. He doesn't waste energy moving when he's not in plays, but when he is, you can see how important his legs are to his defense (and offense). If he has a sore knee, it's gonna show in his game.

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Could be, apparently his right knee felt gimpy before Philly. I'm guessing he's still playing himself into shape.

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If Klay isn't in shape yet, when will he be? We have to stop making excuses for him. He has to perform or admit that Charles Barkeley was right about him.

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I guess to me his "game shape" would be being capable of B2B. I just looked back at last year and realized he didn't play them then either, so I retract my statement

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deletedDec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022
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Hella OT:

But now the Mets have concerns about Carlos Correa physical.


This guy gonna agree to like 3 deals in one off-season? lol

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

Sounds like the Giants made the right decision after all. I have no idea why the fanbase had a huge meltdown, though.

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I think you can make a fair guess at that! The fanbase had a meltdown because after whiffing on Aaron Judge and a couple years back on Bryce Harper, it looked like the Gs had their biggest FA signing since Barry Bonds, and then it went poof! Hey, we have meltdowns at DNHQ when we're not playing well. Fanatics have meltdowns. BUT... apparently the Correa deal went poof for good reasons.

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It's not just that they didn't land a big FA (at least to me), it's that the Giants have been making due with bargain bin rotations (and somewhat succeeding) while having the pockets to do more, saying they'll do more this year, being in a position where buying down on a single position makes sense, and then whiffing hard.

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Well then, this certainly took a turn.

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Lol! I guess the Giants ownership are somewhat vindicated?

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Send him to the Dodgers!

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Man, I hope Correa the best but 2 separate teams saying something's weird with your ankle must suck. This makes me less pissed at the team, for sure.

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If you are committing to a player for a dozen years you probably don't mind too much if the player isn't very good the last couple of years. However I can see teams being concerned if they think there might only be 5 or 6 more good years.

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My guess is that there are signs of relatively advanced arthritis around that surgically repaired ankle, and doctors don't think he has much more than 5 seasons left. It really explains Boras' need to immediately go to another deal, taking less money and accepting a switch to 3B.

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Look up Tim Duncan's career stats 50.3% shooting. Now look at Wiseman's: 52% !!!!!

If the offense was a little more geared to his scoring style, He'd have a significantly better scoring average for points. Needs more shots. The defense would be collapsing and 3pt shooters would have practice threes. Duncan plays in the low right block and shoots little turnaround jumpers, many banked shots like mini layouts. On defense he blocks a lot of shots from the weak side. Wise can do that too.

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I don't think it's that simple. As a big, in Kerr system, if you can't set good screens and box out,+push people around to get rebounds, you are not get many minutes. You can't play with Steph for sure.

By that measure, JMG shouldn't be playing and I would agree.

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I am a fan of Wiseman's development on offense. At the very least, he can oop an alley very nicely. He has some nice touch as a shooter. He has weaknesses as well, but I do think he has potential on offense.

The problem, however, is defense. Wiseman is just a very bad defender at this point in his career; my guess is he may never get too much better but I'm happy to be proven wrong. Both statistical evidence and the eye test show him to be a really unhelpful defender. Yes, he can block shots, but not that often and it's also an overrated stat, especially in an era of switching defenses, being challenged to guard quicker offensive players or get out to the perimeter. Even when down low, he isn't strong enough to match up with the biggest players, he fouls way too much, he isn't in the right position, he doesn't seem to have an instinct for quick decision-making.

Duncan was a defensive badass and benefitted from playing at least the first decade of his career in an era when a guy like him could defend down low. He would have a hard time in the modern game, just as guys like Jokic get cooked when switched onto speedy perimeter players.

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Yep. If he learns to play defense, he's more than good enough to play on offense (not 'good' mind you, but playable).

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All we know is Wiseman hasn't shown up as a natural defensive genius, but anything about his future defensive value is premature imo. Comparing him to Duncan feels like a really bad comp to Wiseman, since Duncan was a great defender and also had 4 full years in college before making the jump.

I think JW is STILL younger than TD was his rookie year, and Duncan had the benefit of playing in 2 years that Wiseman hasn't. His entire development path will be weird, and all we can do is look at where he's at and try to gauge if he's been showing improvement. I think he's been showing better after a month at SC, so hopefully he'll get to being a normal below average defender by the end of the year?

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It's true. Just unfortunate that as a #2 pick, he's got a big price tag that's only getting bigger. It creates a kind of impatience with his development that wouldn't be there had he been a late first-rounder or even a mid-round flyer. But it is what it is. Not sure it can be changed, at least as long as he's on the Ws. If he gets traded, the new team will likely have more grace and time to deal with a longer development journey. If he stays, he's going to have to improve more quickly IMO.

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I agree, I think the pressure is higher for him to perform here. However, how much of that is internal pressure vs external pressure? I genuinely don't know how much it is external fan stuff (which might impact JW personally, but is at least in principle something the team can help him manage) vs the staff and org applying a shorter timeline.

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It’s a different game now… a center shooting 50% is not good in modern NBA. Also, Timmy was an all time great because he was AWESOME defensively… Wise, to put it politely, is nowhere near Timmy’s area code defensively…

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While he'll probably never be the defender Duncan was, defense CAN be learned if a player with the physical tools (which JW has) works hard enough and gets good coaching. But it takes time.

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Time is something the Warriors have little of.

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Ron Adams and Coach Decky are still on the staff. Should be plenty of instruction to be had.

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I've been wondering what Ron Adams has been doing and recommending during these defensive struggles. I think he's semi-retired and doesn't go on the road, right? But he was our defensive guru before Mike Brown.

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I did see Adams on the bench at least one of the road games.

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Look at Embiid's stats. Last year he had his best shooting % ever at 52%

He has never before topped 50! Watch Duncan's shot blocking highlights. He was expert at coming from the weak side to pin shots against the glass. I don't think Steve's system features this as much.

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I suppose that’s fair… Embiid take a lot of 3s and jumpers for a center, tho… and faces tons of double teams. He also plays great defense.

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Tim Duncan had a true shooting around 55 for his career, Embiid is at 60, and JW is at 55ish for his rookie year, 60 this year. So basically when he catches it JW has been good with the rock

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You know who else was kind of a poor defender his first couple of years in the league despite playing 3 years of college ball? Steph Curry. He got better and by the time he was 25-26 was actually a pretty good defender. Wiseman doesn't have to overcome the size limitations that were a problem for Curry. In any event, it's really unfair to Wiseman to complain that he isn't as good as an all time great player and oddly enough, if you look at Wiseman's rate stats, his career numbers aren't that far off of Duncan with the notable exception of fouls. He scores and rebounds within spitting distance of Duncan. The Warriors have a team defense problem and Wiseman, to date, has definitely been a part of that problem but it is silly to write that off as unfixable at this point in Wiseman's career.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot, Daniel Hardee

In all the hubbub of losing and the handwringing over Wiseman, lost in the noise is Kuminga quietly growing into the passer that the coaching staff was trying to develop him into since preseason.

Over the last 8 games, Kuminga has averaged 3 assists in 24 mpg. That's a per 36 of 4.5 assists per game which is a dramatic improvement from last year's 1.9 assists per 36.

If he can continue improving on defense + remain an excellent finisher/cutter, I genuinely think he may be an X Factor for us come playoffs!!

Also shout-out Moody with 3/5 solid games when gifted more minutes! He's now averaging 5.4 ppg on an extremely efficient 61 TS% hitting 40% from downtown!

Our young ones are starting to round into shape, by playoffs they'll hopefully be ready!

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I love that aspect of Kuming's game. He really is making solid reads and he throws crisp passes. Maybe not always in the right direction, but with good intentions. What I want to see from JK is more mid-range and less drives to the basket. But this appears to be the fault of the coaching staff. They only want his to take a wide open 3 if there is really no other option, drive an open lane, but otherwise, only score opportunity baskets, what the game gives him. But defenders know where he is going and jam the lower half of the lane. I would like to see him take advantage of that mid-range space that is being given to him and I think he could be really good in that 10-14 foot range - which would loosen up the defense around the rim. But I think the coaching staff is discouraging him from taking that shot. imo, another area where the staff may be a little too stringent on development.

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Kuminga has athleticism on his side but lacks execution on every level. There is no aspect of the game where he executes consistently. This is a bad sign on the Dubs. This is why Kerr doesn't give him the minutes because he can't trust him to make good decisions and execute his offensive game. His lack of rebounding and finishing at the basket are prime examples. Yes, he's young, but I don't expect any miracles in the next few years. At present, he can be a body using up some minutes.

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I'm not sure about the mid-range argument. I don't think he's shown a mid-range shot. I mean, I don't know if that's a skill he has at this time. Given his athleticism, I think he is better advised to drive to the basket. But you're right, he often makes the wrong decision when driving or blows the layup. His handle is certainly not tight. I think he's too finesse. Dribble once, dunk it. Don't pick up the opponent. That's my advice.

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I'm with Alas on this. I agree with you, Asher, about the handles but also the defense sees Kuminga coming and jams up the paint. Sometimes he can penetrate anyway because he's an exceptional athlete but he also gets stuffed when a stop-and-pop midrange shot would finish the job. He doesn't have to charge a set defense like World War I troops trying to charge through barbed wire and machine gun fire.

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I've been on the Joku taking more midrange train for a while. I see his NBA comp to be Jimmy Butler, who lives in the midrange.

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

And who absolutely sucked at it his first like 5 years in Chicago. I haven't really seen much from JK that makes me think those should be shots he hunts rn, but if he can get it to a decent show-me attempt by the playoffs that'd be amazing.

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Yes, he's looking to pass a lot more. Overall, a good improvement.

I made this comment a couple of threads back ... he's trying to pass a bit too much now. Some of the interior passes he's trying to make are ill-advised. I haven't looked at his turnover rate, but I imagine that's spiked, too.

It's a minor kvetch, though. He's got to make mistakes to learn. Great to see him trying to round his game out a bit.

In general, of all his attributes, I've been most impressed by his willingness to do what the coaches are asking. I really didn't get that impression from him last year (or over the summer).

No question now that he's going to be successful. Just a matter of how good, and how long it takes.

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In December, his assist to turnover rate is 1.5 compared to <1 for Oct/Nov, and fewer TO/36 than Oct/Nov.

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There’s a LOT of good things bubbling below the surface within the organization… but they haven’t translated to wins yet. That needs to start happening within the next month.

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deletedDec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022
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Look at the bright side. At least JMG is out :)

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Dang! If Wiggins is out for this homestand, we screwed

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Looking like there’s going to be a lot of slow-mo replays of Morant, Brooks, Jackson smirking/yelling into commercial breaks.

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After the game, they're gonna be like, "Warriors are nothing! We're the real champs of the West!"

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Oh how I hope they do. I hope they talk about Golden State's time being over and this being their time a la Pat Bev. I hope they call themselves the better team. I hope they imply that the Ws were lucky last year. I hope they talk about Klay and Dray being washed and our young guns not being NBA quality yet.

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As somebody posted yesterday, they might beat up on the kids tomorrow but wait until older brother Steph and brother Wiggs get back. Then they'll be sorry!!

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I am going to go ahead and note just one more not appearing on this report:

Stephen Curry, PG.

I find his play encouraging and hope for his speedy return, as he seems an asset to the roster.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

Too small, will struggle in this league.

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Only won a Finals MVP in 1/4 of his title wins smh

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That fellow will never make it. Can't defend. Too small to rebound. Charles Barkeley says you can't win shooting three pointers.

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Wiggins still out? Damn. We're gonna lose tomorrow.

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deletedDec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022
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The only reason these teams are balking now is $$. Correa has played successfully on his repaired leg for several seasons. This was not a hidden issue and the Giants should have taken this into account before they made the offer. While I'm not a fan of these insane contracts, I'm also not a fan of these teams backing out of made promises. Mets already have a great SS and the highest payroll in history.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

The Mets weren't going to bring on Correa to play SS, and the Giants presumably didn't balk because of the old injury. The current guess (which is nothing more and probably won't be anything more than a guess) is that both teams' doctors saw something in it that is new. Correa had a weird slide last year, noted it as something that felt weird. There's a non-zero chance that's revealing a structural issue that's deteriorative, as in will never improve.

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That doesn't compute. Signing Correa had to be planned for, it wasn't an impulse buy. If money's the reason, the Mets, at least, wouldn't have made the offer. No, I think they found something that looked a lot worse than they expected.

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Maybe they found a reason to ask for a lower price? Correa is an impact player. He is not going to fall apart in the near future. Send him on over to the Dodgers. They'll work something out for him if they can get past the cheating scandal the Astros indulged in. Chop off $100 million and a team option after 4-5 years.

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This is a crazy story.

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deletedDec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022
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NL has a DH now anyhoo

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Nah. Partly how the Phillies got to the world series

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Bryce Harper DH

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