Don’t you just love the lack of tone in written messages??! Haha can be so brutal sometimes. SoCal & PMC you both had some great points.

Steph taking a discount to assist (pun intended) another signing...is possible I think. He’s that unselfish.

Agree with PMC - IMO only place Steph would likely move to other than GS is Charlotte. But I think it would take someone like Giannis to raise the idea and get him to go in his final couple of years of career. I think it’s more likely he’ll be a warrior for life. He helped build the current culture.

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Nice username but don't be making fun of my guy 😃. He is shooting 42% on 3s in last 10 games (on 2.4 attempts PG)!!

Last 15 games - 36% on 1.9 attempts per game).

SSS and all that but I am choosing to believe.

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Thanks! I saw part of the Slater quote re: benching Wiseman on reddit and it made me raise an eyebrow since it seemed like Dray was directly contradicting Kerr's decision... but knowing reddit/twitter, I just decided not to think about it until I saw/read the entire context.

This was conveniently left out of the quote I saw:

> but he missed practice…I 100% understand that, so I don’t think Steve was wrong

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So thanks for the notes!

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Haha, EXACTLY. That’s why I do what I do!!! So much misinformation out there for what, a few extra clicks? Media be selling their soul (or really, free social media platforms don’t care about possibly misinforming the public).

Do me a favor and post our article on that Reddit thread! If you have time. Thanks 🙏

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Nnnoooooooo, don’t fall for that social media Kool-Aid 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

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Folks who spend too much time looking at salary tables get lost in numbers fantasy where it literally does not jive with actual human beings like Bob Myers, Joe Lacob, and Steph himself. That’s why I always say, never treat the NBA like a video game. Ok I’m done. I’m not talking about this blasphemy which is designed to do exactly what you’ve done (drink their Kool-Aid) anymore. Just say no, man. It is literally a waste of my time. But hey if you like to be entertained with misinformation, go do you. 🤷🏻‍♂️ And please don’t take this personal, I don’t have time for that either. This is not an attack on you. This comment is to open Kool-Aid drinkers’ eyes.

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I do think the multiplier of every dollar of discount Steph could take gives him a certain amount of leverage. For instance, if Steph was to let it be known he might take a % of the injury exception off his next ask (at which point they will almost certainly be a repeater tax team) if they sign someone this year with the Injury exception...

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No chance to sign new talent with cap space. It’s all about assets. He could sign for less and save the owners crazy amounts of repeater tax $ if the team guarantees they will use every available resource to compete.

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Uhh, Steph loves it here, period. Only chance he’d ever leave is to play his last year in Charlotte or Toronto imo but even that is a stretch. If you pay me, I’ll go and get an exclusive quote for you on video (maybe next time I’m on the road at a morning shootaround or at a golf tourney?)

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The big question I have is: are the Warriors going to use the injury exception to try to get bird rights on another player for next year?

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From what I know, you dont get Bird rights when getting a player through DPI.

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If that’s the case, any trade for a player who would otherwise have some sort of bird rights would have to be signed off on by the player making it much less useful. Oh well, they weren’t very likely to use it anyway.

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I’ve said this before elsewhere but for Lacob to take on additional tax on top of the $153 million already being paid this season, that could be an embarrassment no human being wants to endure. But I really don’t have time, energy, interest in arguing about this, so I’ll bow out now and y’all can say whatever you want or think whatever you want of me. Really don’t want to engage in the “Steph might actually leave?” 😱 Kool-Aid.

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A certain Rockets small ball center

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