
New thread coming at noon.

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May 2·edited May 3

A like just for the OGS.....BUT, Daniel, we won progressively fewer games every year KD was with us....in fact, the ''superteam'' was the one with 73 wins and HOMEGROWN 4 starters oF STEPH/KLAY/HB/DRAY & 2, almost-homegrown BOGUT/ANDRE 5th and 6th men....lol...just saying...no guarantee we win enough to make the p-offs with those OGs...in fact, I DOUBT they will get through a full season without major injury time-lost....

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Suns got Nurkic and thought he could be their enforcer LOL

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Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I do care if we win the In Season Tournament in a year where we're not realistic contenders. I mean the concept is cool and was successful but it's such a participation trophy event. Imagine being the Lakers popping bottles in December and getting swept in April when it really matters lol

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I agree, it sounds like you don't care. And if you don't, then you have my hearty support. I care more about Olympics archery than I care about the in-season tournament. If it entirely went away I wouldn't necessarily notice, except for the courts being normal colors again. Stupid idea, never will like it.

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Whoops. Yeah. Do not care.

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You do care or don't care? Sounds more like the latter...

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I'm sorry. GENTLEMAN's sweep.

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I don't know how seriously the Magic are interested in Klay, but based on yesterday's game, they sure could use him. Suggs, Harris, Fultz, and Anthony combined for 22 points in 84 minutes and Fultz was by far their most efficient scorer going 3 for 3 plus a foul in 15 minutes.

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May 1·edited May 1

They could use his shooting for sure, but more than that (imo) they need a high level shot creator and a guy who fits their timeline, neither of which applies to Klay.

Cap space is valuable, and zero sum. I’d much sooner commit that resource to (for example) 26 y.o. Malik Monk than to 34 y.o., declining Klay.

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OT: Another video from the Big Ass Road Trip! The journey down America’s “Mother Road” continues as we go through New Mexico. We found it really interesting how some parts are in complete abandoned ruins, some businesses have been in continuous operations since the 20’s and 30’s and some places have been lovingly restored in homage to the hay day of Route 66.

This video is 10 minutes long: https://youtu.be/OXnvlCBYcl4?si=BQSq1LCZ3V70sqIK

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Russillo was on Bill Simmons's pod, and Russillo was in the middle of some obligatory discussion of Phoenix's options to make moves, and started talking about moving Durant for this that and the other; then interrupted himself to say "I mean you could try something like that, but at that point you're just podcasting."

The perfect description for it. From now on when this happens I plan to say "You're just podcasting at this point."

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Listened to that on the way home from work. Hoo man that’s right up there with these crazy trade machine ideas

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I thought the narrative about it being weak for KD to join the Warriors was always a paternalistic and wrong view. A player with KD's skills and the choice to go where he was wanted - why not go to the Dubs (who sent the stars to recruit him), and to a bigger, more cosmopolitan city (seriously, would you want to stay in OKC as a young black man)? My belief is that it was less about "the ring" and more about the chance to play great basketball along with people he respected. Sure, a ring was a likely outcome, but it is over-emphasized. The players work and play with their teammates for months. The ring happens and the memory lasts, but it's not the day to day life.

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It was such an insane situation when he joined the warriors. It literally elevated the whole core.

How often do super teams form and collapse? It was the rare case where it worked... It worked so perfectly it broke the league. Those were fun days!

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The whole "going to the team that beat him!!!" outrage is weird too. It's not like Warriors and Thunder were diehard rival franchises. Iggy did the same -- probably because after playing the Dubs, they thought -- these guys are having a lot more fun than us. I want in on that!

Sure maybe it's not something MJ or Kobe would have done. I don't know. But not everything has to be compared to "well MJ wouldn't have done that". Tim Duncan did a lot of things MJ wouldn't have done, why not try to take him down while they're at it?

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The 67 wins followed by 73 wins, not winning the chip, then getting Durant was pretty unprecedented to be fair. Star players joining teams that beat them was not. Regardless, it was awesome while it lasted.

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Love this fantasy. But I can’t make Wiggins and Kuminga (and whatever draft picks and change) work in a trade machine. Seems like tax status of both teams might get in the way?

Does anyone know, if all parties wanted this, it there even a legal trade that works?

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May 1·edited May 1

No no, it is but a fantasy. Here is what will actually happen: LeBron joins on a min, we cruise to the 2025 championship like Malone and GP1 had hoped to do. But oh no! 2026 we face the true next generation threat that we can't overcome -- fully activated Wemby! A demoralizing Western final defeat. The pundits say Spurs will win the next 10 straight championships, the fate is sealed. But what is this?! KD contract is up? He is able to join Dubs for the min in 2027, redeem team has been activated, and the Warriors are able to host the trophy one last time! LeBron and Steph end with their 6 (only fitting for the Akron Bros to tie), and KD gets to claim he always comes in to save the day. Hard to imagine the future holding anything other than this scenario.

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By 26-27, Steph will also be a UFA so re-signs on a vet min. With Steph, LeBron, KD on the minimum along with Dray and Klay, they use the spare cash to get Wemby as well as Ant. And oh Bronny turns outs to be playable too. So a young future core is assured. This is the real two timelines and was the plan all along.

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By 2027 aliens will be in charge of the Earth. Let's slow this roll

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They're already in charge of Idaho.

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Who is running Florida?

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Spolestra for Governor!

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With the Alien Monstars team threatening to rule the NBA in perpetuity, the Old Guy Superteam responds by recruiting Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny to vet minimums.

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According to Bball reference, one of Wembys nicknames is the Extraterrestrial. Isn't him ruling the Earth what we are talking about?!

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Not quite. They’ll be in a pitched battle with our AI overlords for control

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Dray + Wiggs + a whole bunch of picks works. Easy peasy!

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If the choice is give up Dray and others for KD, or keep people (except CP3) and get LBJ, I choose the latter.

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But Dray would need to be part of the old guy superteam, no?

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Yes. Need Steph and Dray for it to work.

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Need DRAY for ANYTHING to work....

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In a word: not at all, not even a little bit, nope, not gonna happen, keep dreaming, I don't see it, impossible to imagine, has no hope, I'd let it go, no sirree.

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Yeah, but Illegal?

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Neither Indiana nor the Bucks is going to win their next round. Do you agree or agree a lot?

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May 1·edited May 1

Agree. And agree a lot with the same proposition re: ORL/CLE.

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Maybe if Giannis and Dame both came back 100% right now I'd think a bit differently

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Josh Hart played all 53 minutes tonight. Maxey logged 52, Brunson 51, Anunoby 50, Harris 49, and Embiid 48. Gonna be some weary guys for Game 6.

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Speaking of superteams... in an alternate 2018-2019 universe where DeMarcus Cousins had come back from his injury as his old self, the guy who routinely averaged 25 pts 12 rebs and terrorized the paint while hitting 3s, what kind of unholy havoc would the Warriors have wreaked on the basketball universe that year?

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Thing about Boogie is he was always a complex offer, rather more paella than prawn. He has a shitty attitude on court, his defense was always suspect, he was never a good teammate... If he had accepted his role as not The Guy, then maybe. He was starting to really match well with AD before he got injured, so maybe.

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True, we will never know. Maybe the fact that he took a minimum, a shocker at the time, indicated that he was willing to adjust. But Boogie was always combustible for sure. That said, I say we give credit to the reduced version of Boogie that the Dubs got that year. He gave what he could, tore his quad in the playoffs and still did what he could to come back for the finals. Sadly for him, he just was not the player he was.

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May 1·edited May 1

Still nowhere near the havoc the 2016-17 team wreaked, imo. The team energy/chemistry had waned considerably by that season; and Boogie even at his best was not very efficient and a weird fit in Kerrball. Give me Zaza/DWest/JaVale over Boogie on a team with that many stars.

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I am with you on DWest/JaVale...people forget the vital role they played....

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Can I have Bogut?

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Agreed, the Zaza/West/JaVale combo was awesome, both on and off the court. Back when the Dubs could go small ball or bully ball. What a concept!

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It's nice to see that not just the guests of the site, casual commenters like myself, but also those in the know, those writing the articles, can have absurd fan dreams that they spin into a near reality with baseless wishful thinking. Game recognize game.

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We're so unprepared to be speculating about next year's team at the end of April - usually we're just focusing on whatever playoff series is at hand for the Dubs.

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Need to wash our hands, roll up our sleeves and get serious

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It's the offseaosn. I see no reason for my Fandom to exist any other way until October.

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deletedMay 1·edited May 1
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Well, we don't really see LeBron in the video, do we? Who's to say it's not Giannis? Wemby?

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