There are other teams besides whomever the Warriors play on a given night?

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Listening to the Windhorst podcast right now looking back at the 2020 draft and Tim Bontempts calls the Wiseman pick one of the biggest mistakes in recent NBA draft history. Just how soon people forget Anthony Bennett and Hasheem Tabeeth. May not turn out to be ideal pick, but most people would agree that there is a place for JW, if not with the parent club somewhere down the line, with another ball club.

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Who is most people? The guy has only played about 50 games in the past 4 years. Is there any precedent for a player playing that few games early on in their career and actually becoming a good NBA player?

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Embiid, sort of ...

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Windhorst says that Davion has had a “major regression “ this year in regards to the kings choosing Fox and Mitchell over Halliburton 😳

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I don't know if his style of play will ever lead him to a title as the ring leader. I don't think DAL can compete with the real contenders if they keep that playing that same style and giving him B tier players.

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Do you mean B+ grade players like OPJ, Bjelica, and GP2?

But seriously, Doncic is great and all, but he's nowhere near peak LeBron, and even peak LeBron needed an all star supporting cast to truly contend. So... yeah, Maxi Kleber, THJ, and Spencer Dinwiddie are not enough to truly contend. You can make a nice playoff contender, but that's it.

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Well they can give him Jalen Brunson but it looks like Doncic's style will eventually just run Brunson out of town.

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Draymond Green >>> Maxi Kleber

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

Hey what do you know. Another letdown game for a team coming in from winning their regular season championship

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Mavericks made a big comeback in the final minutes of the game to force an overtime, but they eventually fall to the Pistons 131-125.

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Mavericks' road record is now 1-8.

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Pistons didn't have Cade Cunningham either (shin injury). Good win for them.

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Back to 8th place! Importantly get 2x play in games to win one! Moving’ on up!

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

Kings for me. I gotta root for Mike Brown. Think he’s a great coach based on his work with the Warriors and what he learned from the experience. Also nostalgic for the Kings of old: Weber, Peja, Divac, Bibby. Jason Williams. Still mad about this damn Robert Horry shot in 2002. Someone please rebound! https://youtu.be/iYQDsZljAOY

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Booker is playing his ass off. If this is him becoming a dude rather than a really good player, the Suns might have a higher ceiling than many of us thought.

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“In Chicago we had an out of bounds play called ‘What the f–k’ and you get to Chicago and Phil says ‘Alright, let’s run what the f–k,’ and we’re all like ‘What? Why would they call a play ‘what the f–k?’ Kerr said.


We call that play ‘What the f–k’ right now with the Warriors.


“We have a signal for it. … And the other team now, everybody knows it, knows the play, so the other team will be yelling ‘What the f–k! What the f–k!’ And I always laugh thinking about the people in the first row going ‘What the f–k? Yeah, what the f–k is happening right now?’”



Eric, you know which play this is?

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Y'know, they give these ball plays very strange names these days.

I say to the guy, "What's the play call," and he says, "What the f--k?"

I say, "I'm asking you what the play call is", and he says, "I just told you!"

"No, you didn't, you just said what the f--k! What the f--k is the play call?"


"What the f--k?"

"See, now you're getting it."

"No, I'm not, I'm asking you what the play call is!"

"You just said it, what the f--k?"

"No, I didn't! What the f--k is wrong with you?"

"No, what the f--k is the play call!"


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Yes it’s this play that Joe covered recently…


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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

Oh thanks! So instead of an emphatic "wtf?!" the signal is shrug going "what the... mehh". Haa... love it.

I've seen them signal this several times but I just thought they were confused as to what they wanted to run.

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I had to share this with my 75-yr-old Warriors buddy who is a great grandmother. She loved it!!

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Also, we should start calling our plays things like "double team looney" or "don't guard Steph" so the other team gets confused when they call out our play.

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Run a play called "Steph pindown" and then have him ISO post up on the block

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Just don't call a play "screw you ref" or we'll get hit with even more Ts. Although if we make sure the other teams know that play so their defense calls it out... psych!

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In Western Conference: Sacramento Kings

In the East: Brooklyn Nets

I've bought 20plus jerseys of the Dubs in years, but I really love a lot of past and present Nets uniforms

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I verbally accepted the position! I'll reveal where I'm headed once I've signed on the dotted line!

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Congrats! May the Dubs Force go with you.

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So, how does a lawyer say 'take this job and shove it' to his or her old job?

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Which teams?

Whichever Western games get recorded that night, flip very fast through it to see if there's an interesting ending.... maybe if it's a good eastern matchup (Celts/Bucks kind of games...)

Plus the trainwreck teams like LAL.

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The only non-Warriors teams I watch are the teams playing against the Warriors... as Sword mentions, there's a lot of Warriors games already.

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OT, but somewhat Warriors related:

It looks like my job search is at an end! Waiting to speak with a dean of a law school in around an hour to hopefully verbally accept a job offer! Details to follow!

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

Congratulations! And good luck!

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Best of luck.

Hope it's the one you wanted.

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I’d hire you you’re awesome

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Aww, shucks... Hey wait. Didn't you try and get me traded to the Kings???

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Watch the light and forget... forget... forget.... 😉

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Maybe Asher consults for the Kings?

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Good luck!

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Kings, Nuggets. Pels if Zion is playing.

Though tbh I basically watch no non-Warriors basketball during the regular season. There are 82 games that the Warriors play which is already 20+ more than I can watch lol.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Woof. Al Horford signed an extension with the Celtics for 2 years, $20 million.

I realize Horford is not the Horford of old, but he's still playing 31 minutes a game and shooting .488 on 3's (at age 36).

Quite a home team discount.

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Not sure id pay it. He got burned by speed on the playoffs and is not gonna get faster

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He was fantastic in the playoffs last year. He probably won’t be as good 16 months from now, but he’ll still likely be rotation worthy. That’s a deal at $10m/yr

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That's a club-friendly deal for what Horford can still deliver, and he fits with that team. If he could still run, he wouldn't come that cheap.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

For sure. But, he'll be a good second unit center for some time.

And, if it doesn't work out, that's a very tradeable contract. Good size to match salaries, and some tread left on Horford's tires. I don't really see how Boston can lose with it.

Edit: Assuming health, I guess. And, I'm sure the financial security in case of injury is why Horford would sign it.

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My respect for Lebron went up even more - I dislike him on the field but relaly respect him off it!


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it seems sufficiently obvious to me why LeBron got questions about Kyrie, who is his former teammate & currently an official in the NBA Players Union, and did not get questions about Jerry Jones, who is in an entirely different sport

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He’s dumb off the court too. Defending Kyrie and NBA censoring Morey over tweeting out support for Hong Kong.

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i think his defense of Kyrie has to do more with supporting an african-american athlete then Kyrie's stupid views

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So it's okay to defend every African-American athlete, no matter what they say or do?

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nope - but in this case he did have a connection with Kyrie, so I am not surprised.

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Yeah, true, former teammate, and there have been persistent rumors about Kyrie going to the Lakers at some point. LeBron mostly seems to be good about social issues. Still, I kinda wish he had ducked the Kyrie questions at least. Not that my opinion matters.

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LeBron knows the answer though, racism is as American as apple pie, antisemitism is more of an entire world thing.

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Racism is global too, Americans just happen to be really good at it (in a bad way).

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I'm fairly certain the entire world is pretty good at it in a bad way as well. See: ethnic cleansing or just google "racism in <country of interest>" to find out more.

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See soccer chants too...

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Yah, LeBron has really used his platform well. He's def one of the GOATS of sports as a platform for change.

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