I’m pretty sure there’s an alternate reality where JTA doesn’t get hurt and is in the closing lineup instead of Bazemore and GSW wins.

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I think the closing lineup would have been Curry (surprise!)/Bazemore/Wiggins/JTA/Draymond.

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Maybe, but really yesterday's fail in the final minutes was a team effort and not just Baze. Like Beli mentioned, that missed 3 from Poole where he stopped for a second or two to look at the ball and allowed the Celtics to run his miss back was crucial

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GP2 signed to another 10 day contract.

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great, JTA out for a bit. hopefully oubre comes back so baze can go back to the bench to help provide a spark in case the team gets off to another slow start.

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Damn, the hussle from JTA was unreal. We were so close because he, Steph, and others really delivered. But maybe sacrificing that one possession would have been preferable over missing Our Guy in the next few games...

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I kinda felt like we might lose when I saw JTA not immediately get up. He's been pretty crucial lately

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Watching the Curry highlights and some of the young guys on the Celtic bench were reacting quite a bit to his mastery of the sport.

Tacko Fall looking at other Celtics to make sure he wasn't just hallucinating or something (he did this more than once)


I think Grant Williams got up and acted like he was leaving after a stepback bomb in the third:


Payton Pritchard needed a coach to console him after this one:


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On the last one Fournier puts his hands on his head

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Dray's 3 point falling has explainable reasons, but why is he so bad at finishing now? I don't see how that's something you just lose

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We just as a team need to become less reliant on dray, find a replacement and play him less minutes unless he puts the work in to become a semi offensive threat. His playmaking is awesome but I feel it will be less effective in the playoffs

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Not that he's ever had bounce before but I feel like he even lost more of his lift. Also feel like right when he started to get to the point where his offensive game was possibly expanding (2016), KD came along and I felt like he stopped trying to learn how to get better in that department because he felt like he didn't need to

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Let's hope he gets time to do that this off season.

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Haven't we all been saying that for the last few years?

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I think Dray has also got to mentally prepare himself that if the dubs want a shot at another ring, he’s got to be able to score consistently. It doesn’t seem like he currently looks at things that way, but with the roster the way it is, he needs to generate 10 a game or something.

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I should say, it’s not just the points that matter, but making the D stay honest is maybe more important, which the points get you.

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I don’t recall when Dray was good at finishing

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Maybe he wasnt particularly good, but he was certainly better than the sub-50% True Shooting he's rocking now.

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I feel like he could attack close outs well and had a decent floater. He would have def converted that bucket on Smart

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Ignoring the fact that we lost, dubs have had good flow these last couple of games. I’m sure Wiseman not playing has helped there - but I’m curious how Oubre fits in when he comes back. I like Oubre as a player, but Bazemore’s movement on the court (both offense and defense) seems better suited to the Warriors. Also Bazemore’s 3 is more reliable. Both those things have got to have something to do with the massive difference in +\- between the two players. I’d love to be proven wrong and see Oubre come back and really shine, but the flow is pretty good right now.

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There was some good discussion about that in the last thread from beli...basically he's looked good in smallball lineups where he's playing his natural 3 position instead of at the 2 Better as a slasher/cutter.

I feel the same way you do about Oubre but hope I'm wrong as well.

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I have been wondering the same thing regarding KOJs value. Agreed he’s a great baller and I love his energy/D, but Baze is holding his own, and is a fraction of the price.

Either way, hope to see KOJ back on the court soon.

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GP didn't look out of place in his minutes imo. Celtics probably didn't scout him much and emphasize that he's not a shooter, but still. Ron Adams and crew fixed JTA's shot to at least be passable, maybe with an offseason they could do it with GP as well. At the very least, I think he's earned another ten day contract.

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Sorry. It's my fault. We're out of town and so tuned in late. Warriors scored a bunch of points to go up, then the Celtics ran off 10 straight to end the quarter. Then watched the Warriors go flat to start the third. Dinner arrived just as the Celtics made their run at the end of the game, and my attention was split. I'll try to do better next game.

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Ha! I turned on 95.7 exactly at 66-50 point. So we share the blame, if you like 😉

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I really like this idea of a "random ending". It takes quite a lot of the pain out of losing, as it has the benefit of being realistic. Smart makes a "3", Curry misses one.....random

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Steph missing a 3 is not random. There's a conspiracy afoot, I'm telling you...

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I missed this game. Did we blow this or just come up short? I’m seeing a lot of baze and dray comments on social...

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Bazemore missed 2 big free throws and ran away from Marcus Smart as he was lining up a dagger.

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Dubs played pretty well, Celts closed better

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Gotcha. familiar theme of several close losses this year unfortunately

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Steph passed Chris Mullin on the career scoring list tonight

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He's been shattering so many records lately, I had to check on Ray Allen, lol. He still needs 228. Ray *should* be safe for the next 16 games.

He somehow 185 threes ahead of Reggie Miller for #2 ... when it feels like he just passed him a few weeks ago.

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If blazers drop to 7 and we beat them in the play in game, I bet Steph gets heavy consideration for MVP. Though I'm wondering if the voting happens before that

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Don’t they vote after the regular season ends, so play-ins and play-offs don’t count?

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I'm afraid the race has already come to Embiid vs Jokic and it's just a matter of who beats who to end the season at this point. Unless the Warriors go on a 10 game winning streak after this one I think Steph has done all he can

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he will have to average 40/games and gets the warriors into the 6 seed to get into contention

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Yeah most likely. If nuggets don't slide after this Murray injury, it probably goes to jokic

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It does

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That's weird. For the purposes of draft seeding, the play-ins count as regular season, but for the MVP voting excludes them? I guess the play-in individual stats count as playoff stats, then?

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I believe that is all true. I might be wrong :)

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This version of Steph with a healthy no achilles tear Klay would have been downright scary

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Naaa, still need a Big Big

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I think even a healthy Chriss would've been enough for the regular season grind.

Come playoffs Draymond was gonna play a lot of center regardless.

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The "Big Big" has nothing to do with those two being scary for the league. They can share the starting lineup with me and 2 other posters on this board and still do what they do.

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I'm not talking about overall team success, just what those 2 could have done as a tandem with Steph like this.

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