Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball


1. Wiggins left a justification in his initial comments.

2. First home game is 10/21. That’s 27d away.

3. He applied for exemption enough ahead of the season to get vaccinated in the event his exemption was denied.

I think it’s highly likely he gets vaccinated now and this all blows over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Have to bring up the anti-vaccine debate again… but what do people think about financial arguments? With insurance companies ceasing to waive covid-related hospital fees, landing in the hospital for multiple nights is going to be expensiveee for most people. I estimated that if Texas’s covid rate continues unchanged, an unvaccinated person has 10-20% chance of getting Covid within a year. At a 10% hospitalization rate (and lower end estimate is 10 days in hospital), you’re looking at a 1% chance of a hefty medical bill and hospital debt. Idk… maybe you can use people’s hate of insurance and debt (and loss of financial freedom) to get people to vaccinate…

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Not that hospitalization costs mean anything for Wiggins

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If Wiggins was simply waiting to see if he could get an exemption before getting the vaccine then I'd feel pretty bad for him that the info got leaked.

But if he's not taking it still then I don't feel bad for him. That info was going to get out regardless once he started missing home games.

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Here, to distract you from the latest in the Wiggins saga, the latest dumb stat that proves Steph Curry isn’t actually great: https://thesportsrush.com/nba-news-lebron-james-nikola-jokic-giannis-kevin-durant-and-all-other-active-mvps-except-stephen-curry-have-hit-buzzer-beaters-nba-twitter-reacts-to-crazy-outlier-stat-involving-the-warriors/?amp. What will they think of next?

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Yeah, Curry's Bang Bang shot isn't clutch because it wasn't at the buzzer....

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Omg, so true

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

These places just steal ideas from Reddit and then don't credit the people who thought of them.


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Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I have an idea: "How many games have they sat out the entire 4th because they dominated the 3rd"?

Steph Curry dominates so hard, he doesn't need buzzer beaters.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

He’s got a lot of game winners under one second. Moronic.

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I get that we are here to have in depth discussions and not knee jerk reactions, but it would seem the denial of Wiggins' request for a religious exemption along with the restrictions for Chase would dictate a separate thread. It's a pretty important discussion topic, especially at this point.

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Just pile it in here for now. We are still in offseason mode till next week

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

There were people on this here Al Gore's internet saying they wouldn't trade Andrew Wiggins straight up for Ben Simmons. Best (and a likely scenario) is Wiggins begrudgingly gets the JnJ this weekrnd, reports to camp, and has his solid albeit unspectacular season and I'm ok with that. Saying this, just a bad bad look considering the area of the country the Warriors play in. He'd probably be cheered as an an unofficial Honorary Member of the Jazz or Thunder for life by the fanbase if he played for them...

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Lmaoooo Al Gore's internet?!? Hahhaha

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Too bad we can't go back in time and tell Lacob Wiggins is an anti-vaxxer so they would pay Oubre...

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

More tidbits from the Kawakami-Kerr interview.

> We don’t necessarily have to have a traditional (backup) point guard [...] all about versatility and multi-position play. So I think the way we’re looking at it is we’ll get a good look in training camp and regardless of position we’ll try to figure out what’s the best fit and go from there

The pieces in play:

* Bradley: 6'3", 180lbs; good defender, average/decent shooter? maybe the best distributor out of the group

* GP2: 6'3", 190lbs; probably the best defender and rebounder of the group; at best, maybe has developed into a slightly below-avg shooter? seemed to run the point well in SL

* Mulder: 6'3" 184lbs; probably the best shooter in the group along with Galloway; has he added anything to his game aside from being a spot-up guy?

* Galloway: 6'1" 200lbs; good shooter and sounds like a good defender; seems more like a scorer than distributor... I honestly don't know too much about the guy

* Bell: 6'8" 216lbs; bigger than the other guys; unless he's made some big leaps, probably just mentor/practice fodder for JFK?

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Oh and this part:

> The Warriors haven’t settled on whether they’re even going to have a 15th player on the roster to start this season, Kerr said

So another piece in play is:

* Nobody: keeps options open for later if nobody really seems like they fit?

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Nobody yet is the best choice. Right now it isn’t at all clear if we have any weakness. Things will be more clear come January. Unless someone in camp really surprises, they should hold an open slot.

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Ahh the season long promise if an open roster spot.

Last season my pipe dream was Al Horford. This seasons pipe dream is John Wall. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed, but dare to dream!

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If they could find a floating head for the 15th spot, that would be no body.

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Speaking of floating heads... Trae Young always looks like an NBA Jam-like bobble head where they forgot to animate the head... it's just this big head floating on top of a little body... </random>

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Saving a seat for Gasol? Not mad at that one bit!

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I am a fan of Gasol as well but unless all those other comments about going small are just a diversion, seems like the chances are low :(

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That's all we got left is low chances... 15th spot though, so you know they're already digging real deep

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We can waive anyone we sign to this spot without much impact if we want to make room later. So I think we will go ahead and sign someone if we think they can contribute. With Klay out and then likely limited it makes it harder to carry an empty roster spot.

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They might be waiting to see what they can expect from Moody and Kuminga. If the team thinks they’re ready to contribute, it’s easier to leave that spot open.

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How do training camp deals work? Eg. if a player signs a TC deal with the Dubs, can another team swoop in before or during TC to sign him to an actual roster spot deal?

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

My favorite line I’ve seen about this whole Wiggins saga(forget where I saw it): “If they put the needle just inside the 3-point line, he’ll take the shot.”

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I was a little sad that folks got tired of all the "shot selection" jokes so quick. I saw some real gems out there!

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I’ve personally muttered “fuckin’ Wiggins” to myself a number of times over the last 24 hours.

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

That's weird, because after I visit this site I often find myself muttering "fuckin' Goofus" ...

(usually because you made be laugh my drink out my nose)

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

“Fuckin’ Goofus” is the name of my PornHub channel (which ironically, probably also makes people laugh).

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Read elsewhere that Wiggins is going to ask for a religious exemption which I think he will get from the NBA and I think the city of SF will play along. I don't recall anything in the bible about vaccinations but perhaps it is just the notion that suffering (needlessly) is good for the soul. Nor can I understand how having a cotton swab shoved way up your nose on a daily basis is preferable to getting a shot one or 2 times a year, but to each his own, I guess.

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SF Gate is reporting that Wiggins is unlikely to be granted a religious exemption


Eric Ting


Any talk of Andrew Wiggins getting a religious or medical exemption to San Francisco's vaccine mandate is dead

Per the city's health department, he must get vaccinated to play in Warriors home games at Chase Center

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Of course it would end up being a brouhaha with the players association, but I don't see why the Warriors can't dock Wiggins pay for the missing games. It's a choice that he is making and if he feels that strongly about it, $16m a year is a small price to pay for FREEDOM and/or to curry favor with God who, let's face it, if he didn't want people to die in pandemics he wouldn't create them. Anyway, I guess it's time to try to find a disgruntled 3&D wing that has no objections to vaccines that could be had for Wiggins and a couple of future 1sts.

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> I don't see why the Warriors can't dock Wiggins pay for the missing games...

I'm real curious to see how this shakes out. If you can't do your job because you refuse to conform to mandatory health and safety rules from the City it would seem pretty obvious that you don't get a game check for that game.

But the NBA labor rules are wildly complicated.

And mostly, I just don't care. I only want Wiggs available and playing, not worried about the money or whatever

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Wiggins and the 2022 &2023 1st round picks for Harrison Barnes? They are pretty much the same player but Barnes is probably willing to get vaccinated having a wife and, I think, a child now. The Warriors get a guy that knows the system and save a little more money, the Kings get Wiggins who is younger and a couple of not very good picks to sustain them through the 20th year of their 5 year rebuilding plan.

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deletedSep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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deletedSep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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I'm not sure why Jews would get a pass as they don't seem generally adverse to medical treatment. Christian Scientists, sure, they are generally against medical treatment of any kind. AFAIK, Jehovah Witnesses just refuse blood transfusions and a vaccine isn't a transfusion. In any event, in a venn diagramt the intersection of the circles Jewish or Christian Scientist, and NBA player must be pretty small.

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And ironically, you can’t spell “needlessly” without a “needle”.

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I can't even muster the enthusiasm for a good "zing".

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Your zing was amazing

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“The way we played at the end of last year, last 20 games, we’d like to carry that momentum forward,” Kerr said on my podcast Thursday. “You know, how can we get off to a similar start to the way we finished last year?”

“I think the league has changed quite a bit,” Kerr said. “I know if you look at our teams historically over the last six, seven years we’ve always carried a lot of centers. But think about the last part of last season. We played Draymond at five so much. We even played Juan (Toscano-Anderson) at five. The league seems to be getting smaller and quicker every single year. So I think we’re less inclined to carry a bunch of centers like we used to.”

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Guess we're going heavy on the small ball

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That's my dating motto.

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Aren’t small balls, by definition, “not heavy”?

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Winning on our terms.

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I just hope it doesn't kill our players. That has to be exhausting. Wiseman being behind on his recovery sucks so bad. Also it's funny how in favor Kerr is of small ball, and we drafted Wiseman lol. Imagine if we got Lamelo and still were bad enough to keep our pick. Our small ball lineup next year would be Steph-Lamelo-Klay-OPJ-Dray

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Yeah I don't think it's a good strategy in October, especially when one of your centers is a 20 year old recovering from a meniscus injury.

Perhaps the plan is to go all in on smallball while Klay is out because they need Ws to keep their head above water and then sign a big man (Gasol?) once he gets back?

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Not only that, but Wiseman isn't going to be available for the first what? 20 games? That's a lot.

And I love the hell outta JTA, but you can't ask him to play center against size. They got away with it because they only had to cover 20 games (and even then they were like "idk... uhhh Jordan Bell?")

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Would not be surprised to see them sign Mawugbe to the second two-way slot

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My theory for anyone who’ll listen is that Bjelica is going to be an unimaginably good fit in the Warriors offensive scheme. He’s a former PG and really good passer. Him initiating the offense from the top of the arc like Bogut/Zaza but with the added threat of his own 3-pointer is going to be a problem because teams can’t sag on him.

And I see you didn’t change your name “Bjelilaugh” yet. Tell you what; if the Dubs bring Kosta back to the NBA, I’ll change my name to “Koufus”.

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I agree completelely with you!! I honestly think that Looney/Bjelly/Draymond (and eventually Wiseman) is four bodies who can play center and thats plenty for a team thats going to lean heavily on the small ball.

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Training camp battle royale between Bradley, GP2, and Galloway.

Best 3pt shooter wins?

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Since it’s the 15th spot, I’d go with “fewest holes in his game”, just wanting a guy who can asked to do different things without killing you with a certain part of his game.

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Hmm, well, a small without a 3pt shot is a pretty big hole haha.

But yeah, figure with the 15th spot they want someone who can actually play, so need to be able to defend and move the ball too.

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Yeah, that’s what I meant. Someone like Mulder shoots the best 3-ball in camp, but that doesn’t mean he’s the most useful player if he can’t do other things as well.

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[Obligatory diss on Mulder's defense]

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And his lack of playmaking, handles, etc. He’s pretty much the most one-dimensional player in Warriorsland

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Apparently Avery Bradley signed! I like this pickup a ton. Defensive minded guard who's got veteran playoff experience, and complements our bench nicely. We have guys like iggy, Poole, dray who can take point on some plays and let bradely focus on D, but he can also distribute if he needs to. Solid addition.

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I’m guessing that means he signed a non-guaranteed deal. So he’s signed, but will have to win that final spot.

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So far we have Galloway, Avery Bradley and Gary Payton II competing for the 15th spot on the roster…

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And Mulder ... no?

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I really think with the shooting we’re adding (Klay, OPJ, Bjelica, Moody), Mulder’s value to the team is pretty suspect and his only chance is at the final 2-way (which should go to a big if they give the 15th spot to a guard).

TL;DR: We might not have any Canadians on the team this year.

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