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Is there some world in which we trade Chris Paul's contract and get a 2024 draft pick in the process? Or something like that.

Much as CP3 was pretty much as good as advertised this year, given how the team did as a whole plus everything else, I can't imagine he stays. The Dubs have too much to gain by going under the apron.

As far as vet min targets go, I like Bitadze and Osman. Less optimistic we can get Burks but he would be ok. I like Dinwiddie although I also think he's not actually likely in range.

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If we absorb a bad contract, we could get somebody to pair a pick with it... but I think we don't want to do that...

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You didn't ask for it, but here is CJ Watson killing the Kings.

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I am rooting for Lively and by extension the Mavericks. I can unfortunately relate to the personal issues he is going through and so I'm vicariously living through his success in this playoff run.

However I think the Celtics will win the series in like 5-6 games on the assumption that Porzingis isn't being rushed back.

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I hope you will find a sports community that is right for you. Peace.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Just to attach some hard numbers to the “JK v JB Year 3” topic.


(Per 36, in 26.3 mpg)

21.9 pts on .598 TS

6.6 reb / 3.0 ast / 2.3 tov

+4.2 on court / +3.0 net on-off



(Per 36, in 25.9 mpg)

18.1 pts on .547 TS

5.9 reb / 1.9 ast / 1.9 tov

+2.8 on court / -3.7 net on-off

Not that close. And as noted below, Kuminga was a year (less 18 days) younger than Brown in year three.

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But Brown already had a good 3pt shoot by year 2 and 3.

Until kuminga can shoot a good % of those in a substantial amount, teams Will leave him wide open and take him off the court.

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Per game 3 point numbers:

Year 2:

Brown 39.5% on 4.4 attempts

Kuminga 37% on 2.2 attempts

Year 3:

Brown 34.4% on 3.7 attempts

Kuminga 32.1% on 2.2 attempts

Brown was definitely the better shooter but not by a significantly wide margin imo.

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Thats 100% more...is not an insignificante margin.

In the playoff by year three Brown averaged 6 per Game

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Yeah, JB shot .365 from three over his first three seasons (on 4.8 attempts per 36), where JK shot .341 (on 3.7 attempts per 36). But I think if you factor in JK’s better FT shooting and the fact that he was a year younger, it’s not too unreasonable to hope for him to get to JB’s level from 3.

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Per 36 is not a good comp for shooting.

Jb shoot 4 per Game in year three and 6 per Game year two.

He is a much better shooter in Big volume.

In year 4 he shoot 7 per Game, that one less than klay.

Kuminga is in 2 per Game...

This year he has to shoot at leat 4 or 5 near 36%..that Will Open everything for him. Hope so

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

> Per 36 is not a good comp for shooting.

Why not? It’s a rate number like any other.

We’re talking three point efficiency and volume, not minutes per game. If Player A puts up 7 attempts *per game* in 35 mpg where player B puts up 6.5 attempts in 20 mpg, are you arguing Player A attempts threes at a higher volume?

> This year he has to shoot at least 4 or 5 near 36% ... that will open everything for him. Hope so.


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Yes. Because player A did it.

Player B never really did it.

Its a Big difference.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

I mean, that's an argument of sorts ... but I'm not sure why you think it's different for 3fga than for points or rebounds or anything else.

If you want to argue Player A who pulls 8 rpg in 36 mpg is a better rebounder than Player B with 7 rpg in 20 mpg, that's cool. But you'll end up pretty surprised when Player B scales up his minutes, cos stats — including shot attempts — do tend scale up pretty linearly and predictably (except in comparisons involving extreme minutes disparities, or guys who get easily fatigued or in foul trouble, etc.)

TLDR: see "Millsap Doctrine."

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Jun 6Liked by Eric Apricot

More on optimism and pessimism: I really appreciate all the responses and ongoing discussions. On any given day I’m sure to drift from obsequious homerism to fanboy obsession to dark realism. I try to avoid out-right pessimism if I can.

Overall I’m optimistic for the Dubs. I think next season is going to be a fun one, with a lot of exciting players doing great things on the court. And Steph is still an amazing magician. But my bar is lower than most. What I want is 82 games worth watching, with more wins than losses. A respectable playoff run. That’s enough for me. Call me a realist, but going deep in the playoffs and another ring are pure gravy, icing on the cake, an unexpected Christmas bonus. I’ll savor this stuff, but I’m a damn happy fan with less.

Now let’s goooooooo! I’m sure there will be a few new players that will surprise us all this summer and beyond.

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Curry klay wigs kuminga green is beating any of these teams in a 7 game series

Drays suspensions and kerrs coaching (fucking Dario looney lineups?) cost us the playoffs

My main concern is Curry's regression in defense last year and kerrs love of 2 small guards

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Wiggs and Klay sucking hard for most the season while draining $70M in resources from the team was a much bigger factor in the poor results of last season than Kerr.

Dray suspension was brutal but still not as bad imo as either of those two dead weights.

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Hey well maybe play moody and kuminga more then

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Draymond Green to Skip Bayless:

"I'm not coming on your show, Skip. I'm gonna keep skipping past you just like everyone else skipped on you. Because that show is dead. No one wants to hear you talk anymore. In the words of Richard Sherman, I'm better than you. I'm better than you at life. Skippin Skip. That's a wrap."

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I enjoyed this a lot more on first skim, when I read ‘Richard Sherman’ as ‘Richard Simmons'

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He has zero moral high ground over Skip lmfao

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It's the bottom of the barrel scraping itself... but just because he's often a doofus doesn't mean he can't recognize a terrible person for what they are...

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Moral high ground, true. Low bar. But Dray is better at his hoops job than Skip is at his job.

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Call me a delusional homer but I think JK shows us year 4 why we should move forward with him as the centerpiece in the post Steph era. We’re all well aware of his flaws but I do really believe he is capable of addressing his weaknesses and coming back next season as a well rounded player.

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You're a delusional homer :). But not the only one!

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Maybe he could improve like Jaylen Brown did between from 3rd to 4th year of his NBA career.

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Year 4 Jaylen Brown vs. Year 3 Jonathan Kuminga:

TS% - JK

3P% - JB

FT% - JK

REB% - JB (slightly)


TOV% - JK (slightly)

USG% - Tie

Net rating - JK (Much better +3 vs. -0.8)

So JK is statistically better in a lot of relevant categories than year 4 JB... Oh, wait, we're not talking about comparing current JK to pre-leap year 3 JB? Lol, my bad...

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Don’t forget JK also entered the league almost a full year younger than JB did, so year-four JB was actually two years older than year-three JK (and not quite as good a player, as you note).

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I hate being negative but I personally do not see a realistic path forward where the Warriors are true contenders.

Remember, all the other teams who are already better will be making moves to improve.

I think their only hope is if they somehow pull off a miraculous trade or two where everything goes perfectly and people perform above expectations.

TJD is a good example. He is way undersized and he cannot shoot.

Dallas has 2 bigs that are better. Before you comment ask yourself if Dallas would trade either of their bigs for TJD.

You can’t even compare wings because nobody knows who or what Wiggins will be.

I doubt Dallas would trade PJ and Jones for Kuminga and Wiggins.

I love Steph but soon to be 37 year old Steph and anyone else they currently have is light years behind 25 year old Luka and Kyrie. Sorry.

I know I am being very pessimistic but the West next year is going to be even stronger and our boys came in 10th this year. Just assuming Memphis is healthy adds another big hurdle.


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I think TJD's game is not unlike Gafford's and he's also only an inch shorter. And both can't shoot. TJD's rookie stats as a starter is already comparable to Gafford's this year in his 5th season. I get your concerns but I am quite optimistic about Trayce's upside. If Gafford is his ceiling, I'd say the Dubs made off like a bandit for a 57th pick. But there's a chance he'll be even better than Gafford.

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Yes but Dallas thrives because they have both Gafford and Lively.

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You don't think we beat Dallas in a playoff series right now with our current team? We were Draymond suspensions away from being in the playoffs, we are a team built for the playoffs not a one game series

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Well we couldn't beat Sacramento who was wiped on the floor from NO who was swept by the OKC who lost to Dallas,... so no would be the answer imo.

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Eh, I'm never sold on one game samples... pretty much anything can happen. 7 game series is very different, and matchups & coaching matter a lot more.

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Eh... I'm old enough to remember when Memphis was gonna be #next. And when Luka, Tatum, and Himmy were the ONLY players worth even mentioning in the talking head "who's the best player left in the 2022 playoffs?" And when nobody could compete with Denver. And when the Clippers were totally the preseason favorite to win the West for 3 years in a row.

Things aren't always how they appear. The teams that look amazing now may falter. It kinda happens most of the time.

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I’m old enough to remember when the Warriors were finished and would never win another championship when KD left and Klay got hurt.

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For me, TJD is a player that can excel at his position and will always be present with savvy play. True, he is not a shooter, but does he have to be? If we had a proper SG or SF with Dray and Steph, this team could take off once again. With the loss of CP3, we will have a hard time off the bench and the Warriors have done very little as far as player development.

However, in my view, the West has weakened, not strengthened. Nuggets, Clipps, Twolves, Suns have stumbled. All need to retool. How easy is that? Not very. The Lakers and NO should be trying to improve. The Dubs will have to scratch their way through many teams in order to contend. That is a lot to hope for and considering their woeful finances, the taxman will be ready to pounce if there are any emotional mistakes or sentiments that prevent them from moving on from impotent players. The draft offers them no hope this year. MDJ must put on his wizard's hat and juggle this roster.

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TJD said he’s going to work on his shooting and upper body strength this season. Just imagine if can improve himself in both areas. My heart goes pitter pat.

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He's a player that I'd like to see the Warriors build with. Dray is not a shooter either and we know how important his role is. TJD has special hands and awareness. BBIQ.

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Also, he’s not huge, but is a true center and easier to pair up with more of a spacer in the front court (which has always been tougher with DG).

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

The Twolves stumbled... well now, they had their best regular season in 20 years and got to the conference finals. Sure they lost to a surging Mavs team but they had a very good run, better than many people predicted. I don't think a season like that is a stumble.

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That was a beat down by Dallas. Whatever it was, they looked pathetic and will be soul searching.

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They could easily take a step back next season.

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Sure, but that's next season. They did not stumble this season. They took a solid step forward from where they were the year before. Besides, any team could take a step back next season.

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They were publicly disrobed.

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Yep they had a crap WCF series. The series sucked for them, and they'll have to figure it out, but they showed a lot of talent this year, including dispatching the defending champions in the conference semis. Only they and the Mavs got that far in the WC; all the other teams were headed to Cabo. Considering where the Wolves have been in recent years (decades), not shabby at all.

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Personally, I'm looking forward to the Dubs 2027-2028 title, when Gui wins the scoring title, JK wins defensive player of the year, and Moody finally says something that doesn't sound like it came from a 15 year vet.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

You forgot Lester at 20 ppg! (Edited:)

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

PEG = Points per Eye Goggle?

I'm just crossing my fingers that they offer him a full contract. I fear it's just going to be another 2-way.

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Print this. If you’re even close - if the Dubs get to the finals that year and GUI and JK are in top 3 of these categories - I’ll buy you a ticket to the finals game of your choice.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

If it actually happened, I'd have had a coronary by the end of the regular season from shock, and you'd be off the hook. :)

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

It's okay to be pessimistic, as long as you realize you're making a lot of assumptions that always go in the negative direction and as long as you leave lots of space and grace for the many fans who prefer to have hope that things will break the right way for GSW. I myself am on the pessimistic side, but I try to celebrate the good things I see and support people's enthusiasm.

No one wants to be around a fan that only moans and rages when their team doesn't win the championship. If you're not that, then there's probably a space here for you.

However, if you keep messing up the Reply function, I may have to give you a posting vacation. That is basic courtesy here.

Go Warriors!

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Most of the Warrior fans I know moan and rage at the inept Warrior players and FO. They are still fans. Fans are individuals, positive or negative or neutral, if that's possible. In this case, pessimism is a shared sentiment by many towards the Warriors getting another ring or going deep in the playoffs. You are among those sharing this sentiment. I'm not sure what your 'beef' is with Paul. I don't view him as a problem.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

Fans that ONLY moan and rage here will be banned because it’s annoying and boring. None of the regular posters here fit that description. Those “most fans” can hang out in the other 99.99% of the internet.

I think I was very clear in my post and if you choose to simplistically view it as a “beef” then I suggest you read it again.

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You can refund me my money.

I can’t believe someone needs to be kissing the Warriors you know what to be welcome here.

I find all the blind enthusiasm and totally biased comments boring personally.

I didn’t realize this was a Warriors rah rah rah site where criticism of the boys in blue and gold was not wanted.

I posted many positive things in my time here.

I am pessimistic because I do not share the enthusiastic opinions on how good the young guys are and what is expected from the old guys.

So Mr. Apricot I am offended by your assertion that I only moan and rage. I have done some moaning and I have never one time ever raged or said anything disrespectful.

On the other hand there are a few here who are quite good at playing the “polite” insult game.

But that is just fine.

You Mr.Apricot have a good knowledge of the game but you are not omnipotent.

I coached for almost 30 years and do know a little bit about basketball.

I am not spending half my life studying NBA film but I have a pretty good feel for how good a player is. Sometimes I am wrong and sometimes I am right, just like you and everyone else.

So carry on with the year 2024 mentality of let’s just welcome everyone who agrees with everything we believe and demonize anyone who is not in our cult.

I see what that attitude is doing to our politics and it is disgusting.

I never expected to see it here.

I honestly am in disbelief that you would actually say what you did based on the totally honest and very respectful post I made.

You have the party nominee and former president along with 90 pct of his fellow party members ripping apart the foundation of our country daily with lies and false statements and I am threatened to be banned from a Warriors forum because I said some pessimistic but respectful comments about a basketball team not being good enough as currently constructed to win a title.🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


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The reason you’re in disbelief is that I didn’t say that at all.

I didn’t say you only moan and rage. I said, “If you're not that, then there's probably a space here for you.” So, continue to not be that and we are in agreement, you have nothing to worry about, there’s a place for you.

The specific reason I did threaten a ban was that it is disrespectful to consistently mess up the reply function.

Everyone has the right to cancel their subscription for any reason and get a refund via Substack’s policies. Anyone who can honestly read all the writing and diversity of comments at this site and conclude that this is a blind rah rah site is especially invited to cancel.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

If we’re playing the “Godwin’s Law 2024” game: I personally find your comments on this site — with their general lack of nuance, lack of wit, repetitiveness, bad-faith misinterpretations or exaggerations of other people’s points of view, and pervasive sense of negativity or victimhood — at least somewhat Trumpian. Whereas (at the full risk of being called out for sucking up) I find Eric’s consistently thoughtful, witty, and nuanced diaries and vids basically the polar opposite of Trumpian in every respect.

Put a different way: I would bet everything I own — knowing almost nothing about Eric’s political views — that he is not a Trump supporter, whereas I am very pleasantly surprised to learn that you are not. 😊

Agree to disagree on the Warriors (and Eric) and F*ck Trump? 🙌

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Once again you are distorting what I said.

Please show me where I said anything about Eric being a Trump supporter.

There were no bad faith misinterpretations made by me and I didn’t realize wit was required to post here.

I guess the hundreds of likes that were in my email were all nothing.

I offered plenty of nuance in most of my posts, maybe not to the degree that you prefer but you are quite an arrogant person judging from your polite insults and comments.

You all cannot be as entertaining and clever as sleepy, so apologies for being a 72 year old guy who coached for 30 years and didn’t share the same opinions as you.

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Just curious why you replied to Paul with this. It was posted as a warning.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Take a quick reread. The warning was about not using the reply button…

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I'm lost to what that means.

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Warriors are having another workout on Jun 6:

PJ Hall (Clemson)

Jaedon LeDee (San Diego State)

Isaiah Stevens (Colorado State)

David Jones (Memphis)

Jamison Battle (Ohio State)

Bryson Warren (Sioux Falls Skyforce)


* PJ Hall would be in the Tourney, but he was #81 in BPM, which was below my cutoff of #50. I will add him to the Tourney.

* LeDee was already in Tourney Group A. Good prediction! https://dubnationhq.com/p/2024-dnhq-draft-tournament-finding

* Isaiah Stevens (#34 PRPG) would have been in the Tourney but I unilaterally decided he was too short. GSW will prove me wrong if they end up drafting him.

* David Jones would be in the Tourney (#33 PRPG, #60 BPM) but he has not been mocked anywhere to be drafted. However, he *was* invited to the NBA Combine, so that's close enough, and I'll add him to the Tourney.

* Jamison Battle is #9 in the country in 3P% on a whopping 210 3PA. But he isn't mocked to be drafted anywhere. He is #109 PRPG and #181 BPM in the country.

* Warren is in the G-League and not eligible for our Tourney. This is the first non-HS or college prospect that I've seen GSW work out this year.

All in all, I still feel very good about my general approach to the Tourney, guessing that GSW would value: 3+ years college experience with high BPM / PRPG. If my cutoff were less strict (instead of Top 50 (99th percentile), maybe could have been Top 150 (97th percentile)), then every draft-mocked prospect worked out so far would fit those criteria.

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Hmmm. Reading through these possibilities, it really strikes home how screwed the Dubs are. I just don't see a path to being a top 4 team in the West next season. Kuminga, Podz, Moody and TJD are good (and I love them) but they're just not good enough. And I don't see how you trade those guys and convert them into much better players. Wiggins we all know is just not consistently reliable. Steph and Dray are excellent but sliding down the wrong side age curve. CP3 and Klay are not answers and are almost certainly gone. And there's not enough cap space to bring in true heavy hitters. So I'm having a hard time digging into this stuff real seriously because it doesn't feel like it adds up to a top level team next season.

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Dubs were probably 5th in the West if Draymond hadn't gotten suspended (twice). So, not hard to see Wiggins playing better putting us into a top 4. Of course, could go the other way just as easily...

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Maybe the Dubs would be 5th seed if Dray hadn't been suspended. Maybe not. Maybe without that second suspension he doesn't learn his lesson and keeps getting thrown out of games when we need him, costing us wins. Maybe he gets hurt because he's playing more minutes/games; he has had back problems in recent years with heavy usage. I don't think we had championship potential this past season anyway; we were not that good. We blew leads, we couldn't defend effectively for much of the season, and we got off to a cold start before Draymond was suspended.

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The rest of the West isn't standing still either. Teams like OKC and Houston are getting better too. The Grizz could be tougher next season if they can stay healthy and Ja stays out of trouble. Even if we up our game, that doesn't make it a cakewalk into the playoffs.

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The clearest path to contention is increasingly clear in my mind:

- Draymond plays a full season without shenanigans (they were 33-22 when he played last season)

- Wiggins plays closer to 2022 form than last season (2021 would be enough)

- Kuminga and Moody take another step

- TJD and Podz take typical rookie-to-sophomore steps

- GP2 and Looney get right physically

- Fill in the gaps with vet mins and/or Klay

If they can upgrade Wiggins, Looney or GP2, that’d be great. The above plan leaves stuff to be excited about in the future by keeping all the kids.

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2022 - Champions

2023 - Poole’s offense slipped badly and his judgement and lack of D cost games

- Klay and Drew both struggled with mental health

- Poor interior D, weird team vibes

2024 - Loss of Dray

- Klay and Drew struggled with consistency

- Steph’s magic not enough to fill in the holes

2025 - Truly anything is possible. It would require the OG to focus and be serious about competing in every game. It would require continued luck with health. It would require one or more of BP, MM, JK and TJD to make significant improvements. It would require Kerr to find a better defensive assistant. A little unlikely, yes, but not very unlikely. These guys know how to win.

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Also, not finding every single possible way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, instead only getting a normal amount of random crappy endings. That would easily convert 3-4 losses into wins too.

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Also aging Steph and Dray have to stay healthy. That's not a given. I assume GP2 is going to be injured for part of the year because he always is. Hopefully he's healthy when we really need him down the stretch and in the playoffs (if we get there).

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If we're keeping JK and Moody, I think he should go honestly. Not enough minutes.

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I would like to see Moody get more of the minutes but we have to pay GP2 for next season (player option), and he probably doesn't have much trade value, so I expect he'll be here. He can help us in limited minutes, and Kerr knows how to use him. The main problem is he's injury-prone.

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Unless Klay walks

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Good to have hope, I do too. Thanks.

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Well, PODZ/MOODY/TJD will only get better as already demonstrated. STEPH AND DRAY were still among the top 10 players in the league at their positions; I am sold on KLAY provided he is on the court for MAXIMUM GRAVITY when they are. Team I outlined below, will beat anybody playing DUBS BALL for another season.

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And JK.

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Yep....thanks for the reminder....easily got AWESOME....

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Joe Mazzulla on preparing for the ‘bright lights’ of the NBA Finals:

“Unless they change the bulbs in the arena, there won’t be any lights brighter than last series.”


Interesting guy. He says some weird stuff sometimes. Not saying it's good or bad. Just.... interesting.

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Shades of Hoosiers I think.

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He's pretty confrontational and strange in his pressers. Not a huge fan honestly.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

It is OK to like what he said. I see his point....they were special...total team effort...

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