
I opened a postgame thread for you. I did something a little different with the game notes...


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Ball ran into Curry trying to pad his stats made Steph pissed. Maybe why Ball wasn’t the first pick, his lack of maturity.

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yeah I don't know what that was about. He's not going to get free throws at the end like that.... the ref looked over like "come on rookie, don't try that s"

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Old timers will remember how back in the day we'd have some big enforcer type who would describe to someone who did what Ball did what his body would look like without his head if he did that to our superstar player again.

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I'm sure the next time we play Charlotte someone (:coughdraymondcough:) will remember that and let him know what's good.

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So now we need a revenge win vs the Lakers. Revenge because they have it coming to them for being the Lakers.

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I approve this message.

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What can you say about a team that moves from a state with almost 12,000 lakes to a county with 22 lakes and still calls itself the Lakers?

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The way Oubre is playing, Lacob is gonna have a tough time deciding what to do next year

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I'd love for them to sign to him to a three-year extension right now.

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I would celebrate if they signed Oubre right now. And I think it would bring the team together. He seems like he wants to play for the warriors, but I’m sure he’s half concerned they are gonna trade him or let him go at the end of he year. Might take some stress off if he got the contract.

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He is spending $60 million this year in luxury tax. I am sure he is thrilled to see KO playing so well.

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Maybe he's laughing at all of us thinking he's concerned about pocket change *shrug*

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Exactly. I get amused by all of this talk. It's not like he doesn't have the millions to handle it. And he'll have even more millions once the Chase center is open again. Not an issue. Unless you can't wrap your head around the fact that it's not an issue.

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I really want to see Oubre back, but he will want to get paid, and likely keeping him means he or Wiggins are coming off the bench. Which seems like a great way to build a championship team, but I know these caliber players want to start. But a 3 wing rotation (always have 2 of three on the floor) of Klay Oubre Wiggins would be pretty nasty. And play all three plus Steph and Draymond for small ball. That is an NBA finals lineup. Maybe the dream of a ring would keep him around.

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I think every single Warrior had at least a solid if not good game. With, y'know one exception. 7 players in double figures! 61% shooting! 38 assists!

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I loved the way the dubs played, but it’s hard not to ignore the 15-3 spell the bench mob gave up in the 2nd quarter, led off by a couple turnovers by Wanamaker. The first quarter in contrast was awesome. I don’t know if it lasted the whole quarter, but for a while every basket was assisted. Very cool.

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Oh...we're playing guess who you're picking on?

Ummmmmm.....Damion Lee.

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I don't think Wiseman had a good game necessarily.

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Yea, he would've only had 32pts and 8reb on 70% shooting if you extrapolate to 32 minutes. Not even a double-double!

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16 points in 17 minutes on 70% shooting not good? Tough crowd

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Two sides to basketball though

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He had 16 pts on 7-10 and only 1 foul after fouling out last game. Or are we still comparing him to veterans?

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Yep, had his moments per usual but has a way to go before becoming a complete player

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I'd rate Wiggins slightly below "solid" (beyond the obvious grandpa Wanamaker choice).

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Not nice to pick on Bazemore

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Great win guys

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Hello everyone... looks like I missed a fun game, except for the last minute of game time which took 25 minutes

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We can start with "Explain one Oubre" and "Draymond's Revenge."

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May be that's why won? Just saying. **goes and hides in the corner**

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hey, GSW's win % with me watching is whatever 18/33 is

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They lost 15 games because of you? smh

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< Nathan Fillion starting to protest but fails . gif >

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Alright. Alright. I concede.

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We won three in a row!

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Steph shaking his head at this tomfoolery, this games been done over

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Seriously, that was ridiculous

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Holy hell that last 7 minutes felt like a 6 game road trip

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Hahah right?

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What did Hornets drink during half time? They are like energizer bunny

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Nah. Something more potent

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Great game. Oubre looked like a player that could be a legit 30min a night player on a contender tonight, great game all around. Dray was casually the best defender and passer on either team and kept his cool. Steph was blah for his crazy standards but the fact that we're starting to win games without him having to go supernova is a great sign. Lee was everywhere and had great energy. Even JTA had a couple great minutes. Wiseman was great other then his hands which might has well have two fully baked turkeys on them. Great win! 3 in a row baby!!!

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Yeah Steph "only" scored 29 with 9 assists. Tough game.

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I mean steph is so other worldly that this performance isn't even surprising, just another day in the life threesus

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While being double teamed and/or trapped almost the entire game. There is a reason Oubre go so many open looks.

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I swear if you go through all of oubres dunks for the season 92% of them are 3 seconds after he screened for steph

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This full court press is really good. Is it Charlotte specifically, or did they uncover something that other teams can use with success?

Curry and Draymond can break it, but I would run it against the second unit every night.

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They'd lead to open 3 after 3. Teams will figure out if it's used every night. A jolt here and there and it might be really effective.

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Images of Brad Wanamaker against all these traps just flashed through my head. I will need to go meditate now.

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Wanamaker was doing okay against them actually

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That “chasing wins” thing Kerr won’t do is like the hornets entire MO

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