Just watched Wiseman's highlights from last game. Didn't realize how much he played like Bosh that game

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

OT: I just noticed that Basketball Reference keeps track of "heaves" — which means we can actually determine players' true 3FG% instead of the phony BS number they've been deceiving us with all these years?? I'll go to my grave ranting it: **buzzer heaves are not remotely the same as shot attempts.**

So, just to choose one notable example at random...

Steph Curry fake news career 3FG%: .433

Steph Curry actual career 3FG% (excluding heaves): .439

Goddammit, that is not a trivial difference! The NBA seriously needs to rectify this injustice post-haste. The current dumb rule affects a lot of other players' numbers, too, but Steph has to be among the most punished by it, as he's one of the few players who will always opt to heave it in order to marginally improve his team's chances of winning, rather than swallow it to protect his precious 3FG%

Quickie comparison of career heaves among fellow 3 pt bombers:

Curry 81

Harden 17

Lillard 17

Thompson 16

Durant 9


This must not stand. Don't be surprised to find me sleeping in front of Adam Silver's office with a "HEAVES ARE NOT ATTEMPTS" placard by my side...

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The NBA does not track heaves, so it isn’t going to happen - unfortunately.

Bbref does, yea, but based on their tracking of 3pt depth compared to other services, these stats can vary widely.

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Also, a much bigger problem is there are a lot of shooters that cleaned up the few years of the short three point line - including our own dear Kerr - that skew career 3pt percentage far more than a handful of heaves.

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321/644 (49.8%) in the three years the line was shortened, 726/1599 total, so 405/955 (42.4%) in his other 12 seasons with the regular line.

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Do they tell you how many heaves were successful baskets? Maybe you can get together a group of radical fans and storm the NBA offices, taking hostages and making demands that they change this.

Or, you can create Tshirts, caps, and other gear advertising your beef and making some money at the same time. Every Warrior fan will want to own this stuff. C'mon, this is your chance!

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I think we're already coming to the realization that while this year's squad is a huge improvement over last year's, it's still going to be a struggle just to get into the postseason this year. So let's get Wiseman all the experience we can this year - I'm really looking forward to how improved he will likely be at season's end and hope that Klay comes back strong next year and we manage our 2021 first round picks well. We'll also get a look at how well Oubre might fit in with next year's squad and can decide whether to keep him around or not.

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That Oubre decision is going to be REALLY interesting.

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm not sure, 3D, if breaking up your take into positive/negative can really do justice to the picture the Warriors have drawn for us. You can't have one without the other, just like offense without defense. If your view is about comparing this team with last year's model, there is much that is improved because of the new additions to the team. However, I am wearing a different pair of glasses than you and my conclusion is, this team doesn't work on the level that most of us have come to see/expect as the 'Warrior standard'. Expecting Curry to carry the team is a given, but that doesn't excuse the other players from elevating and executing their game, which they haven't. Wiggins, who I thought might change with Kerr's system, can't play in this system. Neither can Oubre. The Warriors are trying to force fit them into the mold and it's not working unless you consider a .500 team, successful. They need to trade out Wiggins and get out from his massive salary so they can bring in talent that fits with Curry and Dray. With Klay back, they will be better, but Wiggins will not be better and will still be hampering their financial ability to be bringing in talent for the support players. It's not that he is a bad player, he just doesn't fit on this team and the sooner they get the inevitable over with, they can begin again to refurbish the team.

The player I think they should be focusing on NOW, is JW. They need to give him more minutes and make him a scorer. The kid likes to shoot and has a shot from anywhere on the floor! Plus, he can get his shot. It's what he does best, so far. The defense will come later. We need points to stay in games and JW can provide the points, the allyoops, putbacks, perimeter shots and mid range. Forget trying to get Oubre going. He will be better coming off the bench and being replaced by DLee. JW will get his rebounds no matter what because of his size. Maybe later on, he can learn the finer points of positioning. He can defend the rim, block shots, and deter shots. But we need his offense. I'm convinced he can give us 20ppg if Curry and Dray focus on him. Wiggins seems to have settled on about 17ppg. DLee should give us at least 15ppg, and Curry will give you the rest. Dray is more or less finished offensively. He's in decline but he still sees the game very well and can be a great playmaker. The Dubs have to take this into account going forward. Without scoring points, they cannot go deep into playoffs.

In my estimation, we need a real PF on the level of Siakam, teamed up with JW. Atlanta's John Collins would be such a player but I've no idea of the reality in trying to get him. With Wiggins as a trading chip, and possibly Oubre, they need to pull something off. They will grab a shooter or two in the 2021 draft and this team will begin a serious rebuild that will compete again. With twin towers in the paint, they can play in any fashion they choose to. Stretch the floor, inside/out, they have options, but they need size and power at the PF and OFFENSE. Maybe JW is that PF and we find another C to anchor it all. The problem is Kerr and his small ball mind and what used to work for the Warriors but can't work with the current crop. He's tried just about every adjustment except what I've mentioned above. Focusing the offense on JW, will help the team more than anything at this point. This team is not capable of lock down D so why not focus on the offense, which is the main point of winning basketball games. The kid loves to shoot!

If they keep Oubre, he has to come off the bench. He cannot fit in with Kerr's motion and passing system. I'd rather keep Oubre than Wiggins because of Oubre's unique ability/motor that keeps him moving, rebounding, blocking, and creating diversions. Let others do the perimeter shooting. Use DLee and Mulder more, more, more. Replace Wanamaker next season. Keep Paschal and use Poole for quick points. Wanamaker is not enough for this bench. Involve Looney in the scoring off the bench. He used to be a scorer but they don't want to use him that way. Kerr needs to wake up and use the strengths of the players, not only the strength of his system. Adapt. This team need to focus on its future as the 'win now' motto is not gonna happen. Real changes, not hoping for the old championship Warriors, is needed. This iteration is done and dusted.

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IMO I think Marquese Chriss could be the PF you are imagining to play next to Wiseman. His passing and shot-making were both looking right on the border of threateningly good before he broke his leg, and he was getting there on defense too. Both of them are slim & quick enough that I think they could defend alright when switched onto smaller players and they both can knock down open shots, so I think they could play together!

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I'm not opposed for him to step up and take that spot, but he hasn't. They just need someone to do it who can score points.

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Dude! You wrote a whole article here!

I'll check it out and respond, but the general idea behind "split it in two" is that there's a finite number of ideas and discussion points that should fit into an article. If I crammed everything into one, I'd have to edit the length down too much and lose details

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You're right, 3D. Just to comment on the positive, for me, it's Curry and JW. I don't see the huge strides, defensively. They were so bad to begin with, there was only one way to go.

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I officially hate the nets. Watching KD and Harden play together disgusts me. I’d rather LeBron win again then either of these 2. Throw in Kyrie and I’ll hate them even more. Hopefully Giannis can take them out in the East

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Giannis went 1-10 from the FT line last game. The Nets’ big three might go an entire playoff series without missing a free throw between them. That discrepancy alone is gonna kill the Bucks, I’m afraid.

I share your hate for Harden and Kyrie, but I’m more just in awe of KD, who makes the game look soooooo ridiculously easy. I honestly feel like he could drop 100 if he ever just decided to go out and do so. Instead he always respects the game and plays the right way, damn him.

I am rooting hard against the Nets, though. I’d might even root for LeBron snd the Lakers over them if it came to it ... though I might just not watch at all. Blecch.

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That's a sad take, Sleepy. I don't understand the emotion behind the hate of Harden and Lebron. I must admit that I do not like Harden's beard, but they are going to kick ass. Lebron is a top 5 all time player! 37 yo and still dynamic. He can play on my team anytime.

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Hate of Harden - (1) gripes when he doesn't get named MVP (vs. Steph/Giannis) (2) Flopper/cheats the rules/game (3) Lazy on defense (4) Apparently, no self-awareness ("I'm a great teammate").

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Lol, I never questioned the greatness of LeBron. Read to achieve! Fwiw, I’d actually argue he’s much more “top one” than just “top five” once you factor in longevity.

As far as the emotion: it comes from the fact that LeBron (1) last I checked, has run into my team in a key playoff series or two; (2) plays in LA for the Warriors’ historical nemesis; (3) always sets himself up in the cushiest situation possible; and (4) just passed the Warriors’ Big 3 in terms of total titles won.

Do you Warrior?

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In much of the world, they will say someone is in their 37th year, etc. Remember, that first year is always in the past.

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I can attest to that

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Picture harden driving. The defense collapsing then him kicking it to wide open KD 3. Disgusting. I’m hoping the addition of Kyrie messes the flow up.

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Not hearing any folks saying that the Nets are ruining the league. Guess that's just meant for the Dubs.

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Well if it makes you feel any better, ORL is 2-8 in their last 8 games and rank no better than 25th in both offense and defense during that period. The game was close and ORL even had a lead late in the 3rd.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Magical is a great way to describe it. With many prospects you generally have a sense of what they could potentially be and during the course of that season, you just keep an eye out for flashes of potential in those areas.

For me, I really have no idea how high Wiseman's potential is... after 3 years he could be a 7'1" 255lb prime Shawn Kemp with a three point shot... I can't rule that out. Before the DEN game, I thought maybe his passing game would be non-existent, but then he had that play where he picks up the loose ball and initiates the break, then makes a perfect lead pass to Wiggins for the dunk and I just think "OK, well the raw instincts are there".

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Thanks for mentioning Shawn Kemp. I've been trying to remember his name for some days now. He had huge potential and athleticism. He seemed unstoppable, but something was not working properly. Perhaps he had some emotional problems/family problems, or just mentally unable to play the game at the level many hoped for.

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Not sure which is odder: dude who calls himself “Basketbum” not remembering the name Shawn Kemp, or same dude just waiting on LGW hoping someone would bring up his name rather than spending three seconds googling him, lol. He’s literally the second name after Gary Payton when you google “famous Seattle Sonics.”

Fwiw, he struggled at various points in his career with weight, drugs, alcohol, and women (also easy enough to learn about on the internetz). Amazing player to watch at his peak, tho.

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This Dude is old and I don't live in the U.S., so I'm not reminded about a lot of stuff you see and read. I've probably forgotten more than I remember at this point. Couldn't remember Kemp's name or team. Why should I? lol

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Lol, it’s a requirement! Actually I wish I could forget him, too, cos I still have PTSD from the way he destroyed the Warriors, who somehow were not able not find one credible big man between the Webber debacle (1993) and the Bogut trade (2012)....

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They've got to put their trust on Wiseman. We need him to be the 2nd option, not Wiggins. Wiggins will still get his points, but the offense will come alive if they start feeding Wiseman. This is the only real help that the Warriors can turn to. All this talk about defense is bullshit. Dray cannot help this team win yelling defense. He can help with good playmaking and feeding Wiseman in the air and from mid range. If Wiseman can score, it will take a lot of pressure off Curry and open up the game for everyone. You can't block Wiseman's shots. He can have free reign of the air. It's his. He can easily slip into this role. It will also give him tremendous confidence and swagger to shoot and score at will.

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The ability is mouthwatering, but improve those damn Ezeli hands!

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by punk basketball

> But, fit matters. The other top players were guards, and it doesn’t make a ton of sense to use your big asset to draft a bench player.

Beg to differ in two regards. One, Klay was injured when they made the pick, LaMelo (who it sounds like they would have taken) or whatever other guard they would have taken would have gotten plenty of playing time. Two, speaking of Klay, didn't they draft him with Curry and Ellis already occupying the starting positions?

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Here, maybe try it from a different voice. My main point (or at least what I was goin for) is presuming that they didn't have to "reach" for Wiseman at 2. More of an "all things equal" rather than "we want LaMelo but can't because of Steph"

> @ThompsonScribe

> Fit ALWAYS matters. It’s a lie to think it doesn’t. But I think fit had less to do with system and more to do with you have $80 million in a backcourt so why draft a backup guard. Also, most talented doesn’t always equal best player. Many other factors go into it.

11:35 AM · Jan 14, 2021

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They said Wiseman was #1 on their board so I assume they think he was the best player, and I think "fit" vs "talent" has plenty to do with work ethic/temperament/etc. If they thought LaMelo was better but Wiseman fit better positionally, that would be a colossal error imo, especially considering how much sense it could make to trade whoever they took for immediate help so that the long term positional fit questions wouldn't even matter.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm guessing Edwards and Ball will be good. But I'm happy with Wiseman.

As for drafting Klay when Steph and Monta were already on board, you're not thinking of trading one of the Splash brothers, are you?

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Draft the best player and figure it out later is what I'd recommend. If Ball is the best player but you want to keep Klay/Steph together, you could trade him for a great wing or center. Not to mention Ball could probably play with both Klay/Steph.

I'm not shitting on the Wiseman pick, I'm just saying if they did draft him over someone else because he was a center, I'd disagree with that.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Exactly, draft for fit when looking at equivalent talents. If you think one guy is better (i.e. Lamelo), go for him.

Still, with Wiseman being such a magic box type player who could be anything, I'd still go for him with Lamelo and Haliburton 2 and 3. The only issue with Wiseman is his rawness - I don't really expect him to be a positive player till year 3.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Good decision to toss the first 2 games. It would have made your analysis skewed to the point of being...well, pointless.

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I agree, the team we've seen the last several games is nothing like the team we saw those first two.

But also, keep in mind, it makes the stats just a little rosier than they should be, because we're most other teams don't have the luxury of their stats forgetting the games they had against certain title-contending teams. (including MIL & BRK, LAL for teams that had them early in the schedule, etc.)

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Yeah I hate to do it, but it's just clouding over any meaningful analysis. If we had Dray the whole time it would be one thing...

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G-League Careers (per 36). One is currently 28 and has had 2 years in college, the other is 20 years old and has had no college. Both players played in the G-League for two years.

FG% / 3P% / REB / AST / STL / BLK / PTS

(A) 49.9 / 29.9 / 12.1 / 1.2 / 1.2 / 4.1 / 25.6

(B) 50.3 / 29.4 / 8.5 / 2.0 / 1.6 / 1.6 / 19.6

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So he's pretty good?

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Too bad we didn't keep him around. When we got him and Bell, I remember looking at their Oregon highlights that offseason and Boucher looked like he had more skill but also wasn't sure if his frame could handle the NBA.

He went from sub 30% on threes in the gleague to 47% this year on 44 attempts... that's more than a hot streak right? His shot is so wonky...

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I still don’t trust that frame.

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Was gonna say the same thing. Boucher, Bol (the elder) and Durant amaze me just for not snapping a leg on any contact.

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Do you remember Manute Bol? Now there was a wobbly looking dude. I couldn't believe it the first time I went to a game and saw him.

Letting Boucher go was another blunder from our dear front office. They wasted so much time with Bell. Does Myers know anything about evaluating talent other than existing superstars? I really doubt it.

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I felt like weeping when they let him go. Seriously, as I am an Oregonian. But he was quite old for a prospect (26?) an had a history of injury. I (sorta) understand their (bad) decision.

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Most Improved Player front-runner IMO. His defensive presence is insane.

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Most improved player & currently best 6th man. By far.

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