Hey, um... I realize I'm very late to the news, but I don't know what drove Dub Nation HQ to break off from Let's Go Warriors which is still a going concern. Should I just assume it's some fight about money with elements of creative control?

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I think it’s mostly about Rich/PoorMan’sCommish/LGW being a complete POS.

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Hmm, I thought that might be it, but I saw one of his tweets referenced in an article here, so I had doubt. Thanks.

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First comment here but I've been around a while and can confirm Rich is a real piece of work.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Here's another receipt, from a couple of days ago:

"I don't know what the team sees in Chiozza"

Posted right here on this site by yours truly. I'm delighted to eat a little crow.

Mini-Steph might not be the greatest, but he did a nice job holding his own last night.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

"Okay let’s put the receipts away for today. There will be plenty more to roll out as this team continues to smash opponents." I get an unhealthy amount of glee from this.

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OT: How the referees slowed down James Harden, Damian Lillard & other stars


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Thanks for linking! Hope Harden's struggles continue.

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I am the biggest Thinking Basketball fan ever, but this video is seriously off on James Harden. His poor start was predicated on being out of shape and injured. The numbers just don't support his conclusions here. In particular, Harden's FTAs per 100 possessions is 9.7 (last year it was 9.6 for his time in Brooklyn and overall). In addition, his FTr is also completely in line with his career averages. For the last 5 years, his FTr has been .502, .449, .528, .440, .486.

He's finishing worse at the rim which is probably a byproduct of the new rules, but that's the case for most guards right now. He was struggling to create advantages earlier in the year, and has been better at doing that in the last few games (though he's not Houston level Harden anymore due to athletic decline).

Long story short, he's still a top 10 player though he's not in the discussions for best player in the league due to lower athleticism and aging. Last I checked, he was also still the most efficient high-volume iso scorer in the league too. His efficiency is still really really good, his scoring rate is increasing again and we know he's a playmaking maestro. His defensive effort has slipped again though.

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I don't see Harden as a top 10 player, but I wouldn't fight about it. He's a Net, not a Warrior. He can do whatever he wants. I do experience a certain amount of schadenfreude at his supposed struggles and enjoy when he waves his arms and looks at the ref like he can't believe he didn't get the foul call. But that's more of a side story for me.

The main attraction is that the Ws are balling at 15-2. I do find it entertaining that the pundits are falling all over themselves to get on the bandwagon. I don't really care what they say; they'll just all abandon ship when the Ws go through a down period. But it /is/ funny to see them trying to top each other -- "Steph Curry is the best player in the game today" -- "the Warriors are the best team in the league" -- "I'm going to rename my children Stephen and Draymond -- and they're girls...."

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Think about what Poole looked like in his first year and where he is now -- it's a pretty big chasm that he's crossed. Now apply that to JK, Moody, and Wise (hell, even Wiggs and Loon to a certian extent). The guy that gets a lot of credit for JP's development, Kris Weems, is now on Kerr's staff (rather than coaching the GL team) and we assembled a very reputable staff of developmental coaches... Daniel, I'll wait to see your post in 2023

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

If two of JK, JP, MM, and JW reach their ceiling (or close thereunto) and the other two become serviceable NBA players, then we have something special in the making.

I can only dream that we're able to watch those four take over the bus as Klay, Curry, and Draymond help them to transition into those roles. And onto that Looney and Wiggins are only in their mid 20s???

Players by Age:


Andre Iguodala - 37

Getting up there:

Steph Curry - 33

Klay Thompson - 31

Draymond Green - 31

In their "Prime":

Andrew Wiggins - 26

Kevon Looney - 25

Still Growing:

Jordan Poole - 22

James Wiseman - 20

Moses Moody - 19

Jonathan Kuminga - 19

Wow this team is well spaced out for near term and long term success. Certainly no guarantee of it working out, but this is how you extend your window AND rebuilt at the same time.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

You missed four pretty key guys in their primes:

Porter 28

Payton 28

JTA 28

Lee 29

And one more “getting up there” (which I would call “late prime”):

Bjelica 33

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Yeah, some oversights on my part, but was trying to stick with the current and future core. No GPII was a grave oversight on my part, though

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Gotta win now - can't be wasting GP2's prime

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Found this thread in r/NBA after Luke Walton was fired yesterday:


Among the 18 head coaches for the Kings since they moved to Sacramento in 1985, Walton had the second best winning percentage.

1) .633 Rick Adelman (395-229)

2) Luke Walton (68-93)

3) .415 Reggie Theus (44-62)

4) .403 Phil Johnson (81-120)

5) .403 Garry St. Jean (159-236)

6) .402 Eric Musselman (33-49)

7) .398 Dave Joerger (98-148)

8) .393 George Karl (44-68)

9) .386 Rex Hughes (22-35)

10) .368 Mike Malone (39-67)

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There are some pretty good coaches in that list that couldn't make the Kings winners

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Yea. I will be interested to see if Hield goes back into the starting lineup and if the disgruntled young center [name escapes me at the moment] gets off the bench now. It seems like those 2 in particular didn't get along with Luke at all.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

I'm just as petty (if not as entertaining) as Daniel so I am here for 100% of the calling out of bad takes of our players. People like to brag and puff their chest out when their predictions are correct and by the other side of that coin, should be publicly shamed when their predictions are laughably wrong. I won't target anyone by name but Wiggins and Poole unbelievers, you know who you are, and I hope you're feeling rather sheepish right now. Siakam for Wiggins AND the 7th and 14th picks? GTFOH, that's some shameful shit. Siakam for Wiggins straight up is already a bad trade.

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Chill lol. Let's wait and see Wiggins continue this for a couple of months before calling him better than Siakam.

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I like Siakam and wouldn't have an issue with having him on the team, I just don't think he is enough better than Wiggins that he could command any more in trade than Wiggins a a future 1st round pick (which will likely not be very good). It's worth pointing out that he is actually a year older than Wiggins so this isn't a budding future superstar, he is pretty much the finished product. A very good player, not a future hall of fame player.

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Also Siakam looked good last night and so far since he's gotten back, plus (and this is key when comparing any player to Wiggins) he does not have the benefit of playing next to Curry and Draymond. Doesn't look like the shoulder injury is affecting him much.

He's a trickier fit than Wiggins though for sure since he and Draymond play the same position.

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Yeah. Last team when Siakam occupied the Wiggins position (3rd best player on a good team), we know what he did.

And I disagree that he's a trickier fit as I think Siakam is a 4 and Draymond is a 5. Shooting is the bigger issue to me, but Wiggins' numbers were roughly comparable to Siakam's before coming to GS.

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Great fit come playoff time, I just don't like the idea of Draymond playing that much 5 in the regular season.

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You could probably play both of them with OPJ/Bjelica too.

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I'm calling him better now and I'm saying right now that I wouldn't trade Wiggs for Siakam straight up. I'll stand behind that a couple months from now and I'll stand behind it at the end of the season. I don't need an extra couple of months of proof.

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Crusty living up to his/her/their moniker. (Applauding gif)

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Would you have said that when Wiggins was on the wolves?

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No, but he's not on the Wolves anymore and doesn't play the same as he played on the Wolves so I don't see how that is relevant. The team around him is better in GSW but he is also playing better. I think that's pretty clear to see.

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He is playing better but after so many years with the timberwolves being labeled as the worst contact in the NBA, it's pretty clear that this change in his game happened because of his fit here. You're comparing Wiggins as a 3rd option being able to play with Steph and Dray to Siakam as a 1st option playing with whatever that team is.

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I'm saying that right now, regardless of team fit, I would rather have 2022 Andrew Wiggins than 2022 Pascal Siakam. And I will say the same thing at the end of this season, if you want to bust out comparisons then.

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Point being Wiggins is helped so much by being on this team and playing with who he does. If you don't think Siakam would look so much better especially after seeing how he did when he was the 3rd option behind Kawhi and Lowry, I don't know what to tell you.

That being said I don't know if I'd do Wiggins for Siakam for this team but not because I think Wiggins is necessarily better

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I know I said I was tired of hearing about it but Siakam could work for this team next to Draymond with one of them playing smallball 5, I just don't know if having them together would be part of our best SBDS lineup.

That, coming off an injury, and giving up our assets...i think right now is showing how important depth with the right mix of skillsets is versus being too top heavy like the Nets. That's the main reason I was against trading for him even though he's a great player.

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All true points. I don't think it's worth trading for Siakam given what we'd need to give up and the fact that Wiggins is our best POA defender, but I still wouldn't say Siakam is the worse player of the 2.

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I think some of it has to do with a cynicism that’s built up by most media hype largely equating to bust

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I don't disagree with that but if you hitched your wagon to the media hype train, you're still going to get dunked on for your dumb takes, even if you didn't originate them.

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Huh? Accountability? Who would have thought? lol

In the end it's all in good fan fun. But, for example, if one is willing to spout or echo "the FO sucks! trade everything for Beal" for an entire season, they deserve to get dunked on for an entire season. Don't want to get dunked on? Don't have such strong feelings for hot takes.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, thanks.

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See, I thought this was a place to have discussions around GSW basketball, the roster, whatever.

I like to contemplate and discuss potential trades, think about fit of new players, etc. The recent aggression on this site is bizarre, and the preaching about what real fandom is is just lame as hell.

Find it extra odd that this is going on when I was threatened with a ban a while back for a comment that was far less egregious than calling other posters "idiots" or calling for accountability for "dumb takes".

To each their own, I guess.

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This is also a place for people to collect and cash receipts.

Because at the end of the day, that is what 80-90% of fan forums and interaction is all about. You have opinions, you discuss them, and most important of all, you get recognized or called out for them when time proves you right/wrong.

If you want to stand up for something, you have to be ready to get dunked on just as much as you have to be ready to show you were right to believe in hat you stood by. It’s about accountability.

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I'm not really sure where the recent aggression is coming from other than this one comment from crusty. But the takes here have actually been far more reasonable than some other shitshow sites that will not be named, and where I think crusty's directing most of his (justified) ire.

And part of that ire was exactly what Daniel alluded to in his post. All this constant talk of Ben Simmons, or Siakam, or insert-previous-all-star for Wiggins/Dray and picks was not only a disservice to these guys but it became a constantly rehashed talking point, which means the trash talk and the "wasting Curry's prime" talk kept coming as well.

It wasn't just by the national media, but by some of the moderators and loudest contributors at different fan sites who kept beating people to death with the same fucking narrative for the entire off-season. Me personally, it felt like it was being forced down my throat despite very good arguments for why keeping the team and assets together was a better option.

It was insufferable and I know I was tired of it. Frankly I'm glad to see Wiggins/Dray and the rooks put to bed those bullshit talking points.

You can argue otherwise, but the Warriors' play right now is proving that those who advocated for staying pat, finding the right picks/vets in the off-season we're justified in their position.

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Except for your first sentence (which just tells me you haven't seen the posts calling people idiots, their ideas idiotic, of which there have been quite a few in recent weeks) none of that seems applicable. This site is not those sites?

Your point is that the anger and aggression displayed on THIS site is justified......because people are mad about what's been written or posted elsewhere?

The level of aggression on display here is a far cry from the old GSoM days.

Funny thing is that I agree with you. The Warriors have been incredible so far with the roster as is. And it's been a ton of fun to watch.

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You know what I see as aggression? Purported fans of a team loudly decrying their own players as garbage, as trade bait, as not worth their salary, as losers, as bad people. There's been a lot of that kind of narrative towards the Warriors in recent years, much of it from our own fans. If you cover a player who plays for your team with verbal garbage, you deserve to be called out when you're so proven so clearly wrong.

I didn't threaten you nor did I call out your fandom as fake. I don't even know who you are. What is "lame as hell" to me though is the blatant disrespect we have seen towards Warriors players when the team was down on its luck. It's easy to talk shit online when you don't have to have any accountability for your words or actions. If someone wants to trash our players, well to each their own, I guess, but don't be crying foul when your hateful garbage is exposed for what it is.

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I think we found wastingcurrysprime :)

I have done/said none of the things you're so angry about. Not sure that matters, though.

Have a good one!

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No, you haven’t.

You want to find me, dude? I’m right here.

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And I have never engaged with you outside of this interaction, not sure how that matters though since you seem to have taken what I said personally for some wierd reason. Enjoy.

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Dray$’s contract is looking like one hell of a bargain

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As it has always been. He's still more valuable to this team than even a healthy Klay would be.

I remember last year someone said they'd rather have guys like Randle over him lol.

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How so? I mean , we all know he’s the heart of the dynasty. But why is it a bargain? I thought he was on a Max contract more or less.

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in my mind, just comparing it value wise to other contracts around the League

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There are maxes and there are Maxes, and then there are Super Maxes. Depending on various things (years in the league, whether the team owns your Bird rights, if you've been on an All-NBA team, etc etc) the maximum contract a team can offer a team is inflated over a "regular" max contract. Dray signed a 4-year $100 million extension so he makes an average of $25mil a year (it's actually slightly weighted towards the later years). Dray is 44th in the NBA in salary this year: http://www.espn.com/nba/salaries/_/page/2 which I would definitely say is a bargain!

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Thank you, appreciate numbers breakdown!

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Yeah, I never have the stats when I’m randomly commenting (and I’m always randomly commenting) but 44th in the league the way he’s playing (and leading) seems like a hell of a bargain

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Bob missed with Damian Jones and shot an airball with Jacob Evans. Both late picks (low chance of getting anything with those spots) so it's not like he'd blown it too badly (see the excellent DNHQ series on this). But he'd still earned our skepticism on his drafting and when Poole struggled we overreacted. We're all thrilled with where it ended up though.

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I don’t think Poole approaches the level he’s at today in another system, just letting him let it fly wouldn’t have accomplished much……the Warriors gestalt, HOFers, and long trip down to the G league is responsible for what we’re starting to see from Poole

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Agreed. As a Michigan fan I was very skeptical of Poole as an NBA prospect. I was pretty confused as to why he declared for the draft when he did. He certainly had promise, but was far from a finished product (even for college).

That said, when you're deep in the 1st round you pretty much have to draft on promise. Credit to the Warriors for finding him and developing him. If one out of every 3 of your late first-round picks turns into a starter who's capable of dropping 30+ on any given night, I call that good drafting.

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OT: Imagine being a Kings fan - Luke Walton, just fired, finished his tenure with Sacramento with a .422 winning percentage, the second HIGHEST winning percentage any coach has had with the team since 1984. Oh, wait, I can sort of imagine that - it's what being a Warriors fan was like during most of my childhood.

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There are people out here in California that are a fan of the Raiders, A's and Kings. I feel so bad for them. They have no safe place to turn to. It's pain everywhere. Now I don't follow baseball much I heard the A's has a history of choking hard in recent years lol

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A's don't choke hard, they play above expectations during the regular season and then falter when the $$$$$$$ wins out in the postseason. Seriously, look at payroll disparity in baseball sometime, it's why I have basically given up on the sport.

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I heard MLB doesn't even have a salary cap and that's why bigger market teams can pretty much assemble whatever team they want. That's just like college sports where more well known schools can recruit the top talent in the country so they can beat up on smaller schools.

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amen, preach it!

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You should blame the person most responsible for the A's financial state which is their owner John Fisher. The Giants and Oakland and Alameda County have little to do with Fisher being the cheapest owner in all of professional sports.

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I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. In my view, John Fisher owns the lions share of the A's recent difficulties by treating the team as a real estate investment rather than a professional sports team. His efforts to extract the tax dollars from the citizens of Oakland to find his new stadium have been met with very appropriate scorn from city and county officials. Giants territory rights have nothing to do with Fisher refusing to spend money despite being in one of the more lucrative sports markets in the country.

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I currently live in Ohio. Did you know there are people who non-ironically actually root for the Browns???

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As someone who has one side of the family that still largely lives in Ohio and claims Ohio sports teams, I feel attacked

That must be the Michigan coming out of you 😂

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Wiggins + Kuminga for D-Lo is payback for those of us who suffered through Parish + McHale pick for JB Carroll

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We got help for now and later with those two while the Wolves got set back a few years with D Lo

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Sorry to any D Lo fans out there I just don't believe he's a piece you build around on a team that wants to win meaningful games

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OT [until later in the week] Nic Batum didn't play Sunday due to health & safety protocols.

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Dubs getting all the injury luck this year! Still haven’t played anybody tho. Soft schedule

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I don't get why so many power rankings are putting them at #1 right now. Should be #10, at best.

As soon as they play someone good they'll be exposed, for sure.

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Just ran across an interesting stat gleaned from a KNBR article after the Detroit game. Updated after last night, the Dubs have a consecutive 40 game streak of scoring 100 or more points per game. Next closest is Utah with 11.

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Whoa, the record is 136 (Denver in the early 80s). Looks like the Dubs have work to do!

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Average scoring was much higher in that era. Wonder what a per-100 possessions record would look like, but we don't have play-by-play data going back far enough IIRC.

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Could still do a scoring adjustment though for a better point of comparison

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Those Doug Moe Denver teams were all offense and very little defense from what I recall. A bit like the '7 seconds or less' Phoenix teams - but wilder.

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Muggsy used to airplane kid-Steph: https://twitter.com/nbatv/status/1462276069344616450?s=21

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More fun than motorboating Oliver Miller?

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OT: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/32687407/phoenix-suns-frank-kaminsky-indefinitely-right-knee-injury

He's been low-key very solid for them and importantly helps them spell Ayton.

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Ouch. And their depth was already compromised by the season-ending injury (late last season) to Dario Saric.

Still a tough team, though, with a great starting 5 plus the two Cams, Shamet, and JaVale.

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Yeah, they worry me in the regular season. I'm not nearly as scared of them in the playoffs. I think the Bucks showed pretty clearly how to beat them in a seven-game series (beyond just "having Giannis).

They certainly have the fire power to win any given game.

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I completely forgot about Ayton in any All-Star considerations as well! Not that I think he's playing like an all-star, but certainly another potential "threat" to Wiggins getting in.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Feels like you nailed it again on this article. If the Warriors keep playing this way all season it’s going to be because of the chips on peoples shoulders. The disrespect card will be played all year, and it will be glorious!

Anyone have the time to make a list of who will go off on each team in the NBA? Wiggins is like clockwork against the Wolves, Cavs (fading into vs LeBron?), and Canadian teams?

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The players definitely use it all as motivation and so do I to wake up at 4am to write before work

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Write more, quit your day job.

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