
I'm almost too excited to coherently write this one!! Post game is up, please come yell at the sky: https://dubnationhq.com/p/klay-poole-kuminga-post-game-2nd

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I for one, am looking forward to Eric explaining how Kuminga saved this game.

Finally a win to go with an excellent JoKu performance.

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Just found out the Knicks were up by 9 with 26 seconds left and lost? Wtf.....

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we were up 5 with 8 secs and lost this year

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They must have thought they were playing Reggie lol

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almost a memory zapper

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Also, JK straight up bullied Washington and dominated in crunch time.

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Bullied PJ Washington? He really is Paschall 2.0.

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Took his lunch money in the corner. That's an embarrassing steal

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Very good win. Had to dig deep after blowing the lead and even better, the young guys mostly closed it out.

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022Liked by punk basketball

I don't even really begrudge the team squandering the lead. Most of those bricked threes in that 0-18 stretch were good looks by the right players. Not like they were making dumb plays or slacking on D.

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A good win. Seriously though did you ever have any doubts this game. Never did. Other than Klay IMO and that one Poole overdribble everything else was decent looks

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Definitely had doubts when in was tied late in the 4th with us bricking everything, lol. That one CHA possession where they missed an open dunk and then an open LaMelo 3 kinda turned the tide, imo.

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We felt like playoff Houston there

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Jonathan Klutch-minga.

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Beautiful to see JK growing up before our eyes.

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And Poole with his awareness. Game def slowing down.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Open up the Postgame Celebration Thread, You Cowards!

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Klay and Lamelo shot for shot in trying to squander our lead.

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Klay did nothing wrong, they were forced shots because it was all the Warriors could get with that lineup

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

Yeah, but they could have run a play for someone else. It's kind of maddening. Lamb's a good enough shooter to give it a whirl. Don't remember who else was on the floor there at the end.

It would be nice to have a couple of plays to run when we've only got one 'shooter' on the floor. Use the shooter as a decoy.

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I don't think running a play for Lamb in crunch time is going to result in anything better than what Klay got.

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After looking at the stats, I have to agree with you. I had thought Lamb was having a good game, but he was actually 1-7 shooting. Yuck.

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It was Draymond, DDV (0-4 for the night), Klay, Kuminga, and Lamb I believe.

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I still would rather that DDV or Lamb take a well-set up shot, rather than have Charlotte be able to key in on the one guy they knew was going to take the shot and make Klay take a pressured shot.

Reasonable minds may differ, though.

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I disagree. One shot maybe nut everything else was forced in a time span that a pass would have done bettee

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Exactly, needed Poole in that closing lineup

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KUMINGA is KLUTCH - great show young man🙏🏾👏🏾😩👏🏾👏🏾

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What a dumbass question by Bonta Hill

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What was it?

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JK 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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Kuminga won us this game at the end

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