Is anyone else hoping for as many Curry, Klay, Poole, Green lineup minutes as possible next year?

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No start for Poole unless Klay is not able to play or we didn't bring in another scorer. Wiggs does so much more than Poole does, offense + D. We need another front court presence. Wiseman would be ideal if he improves in the offseason. I'm waiting to see what happens with the draft before attempting to 2nd guess the starting lineup. Poole as a 6th man gets my vote. I'd love to see an inside scorer on the team. If Poole can prove he can drive and deliver to the basket, we will have achieved a lot.

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Does two way wigs finish off that small ball death lineup reboot?

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A good screen setting defender might be ideal like Looney. Wiggs should certainly get a shot. Green surrounded by shooters (assuming Wiggins qualifies) should be magnificent on offense.

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38% qualifies for sure

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If he can sustain this year’s shooting it’s elite for sure

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I guess I saw it as:

Steph/Dray/Klay and the rest of the death squad was: Iguodola and Harrison Barnes. So is Poole&Wigs > Iguadola&Barnes ?

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Not trying to recreate the defensive strength of that lineup. Barnes is another thick guy who’s core allows him to guard above his weight and the Warriors haven’t prioritized those guys since that death lineup.

This is more maximizing Green on offense and seeing what happens when you have 3+ shooters who all move off ball and Ender adds a 4th who is deadly off the catch. They have to be good and disruptive at D but great on O. It’s essentially a classic 3 guard lineup but with the huge twist of the Center being the playmaker 1/2 the time.

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Lol Jeff Teague minutes

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OT: but i guess DET is open for business w the #1 pick?!

Would Wiseman, 7th, 14th, future pick be enough? Does Jordan Poole sweeten the pot for them? I suppose if NO or OKC coveted Cade enough, they could come up w a better package...NO having the edge w offering Ingram

But just picturing a small ball death squad of Steph Klay Cade Wigs Dray would just be tantalizing

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Doubt it's enough based on what I'm hearing about cade

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Yes, well I've heard that it would be a competitive offer...esp since DET was very high in Wiseman predraft...i doubt that has changed due to Wise's circumstances this last season

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Picturing Wiseman, Poole, 7 and 14 with 3 new development coaches is tantalizing.

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Development is the operative word there...A luxury we can ill afford because if our aging core

Ill take Cade over all of the above...you'd thank me later

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Can't blame Bud too much for this one (maybe a few less Teague minutes though). Suns out-executed the Bucks. I think it'll be 2-2 and Game 5 will be for the series but a lot of it depends on how Giannis holds up this series.

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You think it'll be 2-2? I think it's Suns in 5. Can't see where they get enough offense, especially with their super big starting lineup. And they're always giving up something defensively as they don't have a great switching scheme (mid-range jumpers in G1, open 3s in G2).

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Same. Suns are a better TEAM. Something the Bucks have not figured out yet.

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The difference between “it’ll be 2-2” and “Suns in 5” is one game. And since one game can easily be a 50-50 coin flip, there may be no meaningful difference at all between the two.

Worth remembering that if not for a miracle alley-oop by Crowder in Game 2 and a late non-review of a Cam Payne turnover in Game 4, the Kawhi-less Clips win the WCF in five.

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I mean what do I know. I liked how the Bucks played in this one, they just got burned by a Suns team that was unstoppable from three (not to mention all those missed Holiday layups, what the hell was that).

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Too early to say suns in 5. They won 2 home games as they should have

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I was predicting Suns in 5 before the series started lol.

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Was that even if giannis played

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To be fair, I though he'd be way more limited than he is (though he's obviously not 100, especially his sideways movement seems slower than usual to me).

But it's mainly cos Bud is an idiot and I think Jrue is a fraud. Defense is all well and good, but as a guard offense is where your bread is buttered.

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Middleton will have to go nuclear for them to get back into this series. When he's on it changes the game for the Bucks.

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He’ll have to break out of his Ive prison… but it’s happened before. Also I think that especially in the fourth, PHX got a lot of bounces. It won’t that that much to swing the game in the other direction.

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Conninghton is an anchor dragging the Bucks down

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Another thing after watching the Suns - having 4 shooters out there is really really good for a team. The Mavs, Clippers, Jazz (they lost because of defense) and the Suns (to a lesser extent) have shown how incredible heliocentric offensive systems with shooters could be. Yes, the offense is predictable but does it really matter if it works?

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Agreed it’s a great formula, as long as those shooters can defend

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And yet Moses Moody is still going to slip to like 12th in the draft or some shit.

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Genuinely curious -- I'm high on Moody, but it seems like he gets a lot of praise for his shooting for a guy who shot .358 on medium volume... is there something I'm missing?

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Yep. Praying for 14

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I'm praying for 7 lol

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Lol. Yeah a possibility if FO believe we have someone like Patty Mills as a likely signing. Otherwise I think Davion will be #7.

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Moody or Trey Murphy would be great

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I'll pass on Troy Murphy. Didn't work out so well the first time around.

Oh, wait, TREY Murphy?

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Holiday and Middleton are a combined 5-24 from the field. The Suns are 11-24 on 3s.

I get game-to-game variance, but I really don't recall 2 star players who fluctuate so wildly in terms of offensive performance.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Random thought: Dwight Howard for the vet min next year. Could give you 15 min a game with decent defense and help mentor Wiseman. Had a .610 ts last year for what that's worth. If they can't get Chriss and don't end up getting Love or another center in FA or by trade.

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I wanted him last year. I would still want him if he if the price is right.

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Now that hes matured, I'd be down with that.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I like Dwight. Gives us a bruiser for the center position. He also gave fits to Jokic in the playoffs if that matters

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How? They play in 2 different conferences and neither Philly or Denver got past the 2nd round? Only way Howard plays Jokic is in the finals.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Wasn't a fan of his work ethic/character when he was younger but seeing him go out after games to shoot with the younger players last year shows how much he has changed. If he could impute young aggressive Dwight on Wiseman that would be awesome. I'm also worried Wiseman is focusing too much on his finesse game when he could dominate the paint if he wanted to focus on that aspect of his game.

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Won a ring with the Lakers and helped Philly to the top spot in the East. With the Lakers, played 18.9 mpg & 7.3 rpg. With Phiilly, 17.3 mpg & 18.4 rpg!! I rest my case.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm not sure if wiseman could actually dominate as is. He was getting pushed around by guards for rebounds. Though that specifically probably is mentality

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Core strength

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

These finals are so hard to watch lol

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Giannis would be the best defensive #1, offensive #2 player archetype (like KG). If only he had a good offensive #1.

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All he had to do was demand the GSW trade

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Looks like the Warriors are addressing all but their two most glaring issues from last season: Decision making on lineups (reportedly used to be Mike Brown’s purview,) and front office player acquisition decision making that led to prioritizing alternate player attributes than what made the Warriors elite for the last decade.

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Jul 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Obviously, the new hires are have history in developing young players, but are you saying that’s all they can do? As a former head coach himself, I would think Atkinson might have some lineup input. Are you saying he’s deficient in that area?

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You think he’s going to have input in that area based upon what? Do you have inside knowledge?

The article seemed to be heavily focused on player development and didn’t mention Atkinson’s role as a lineup guru at all. Cmon I’m interested really: what makes you think it’s obvious that Atkinson is going to be involved in lineup selections and game flow? Plus, adding a voice is only going to be useful if you remove the front office lineup guru voices that gave us Oubre and Wiseman as a starting combo, and Mike Brown’s input.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

https://nbathlete.com/bsparq-hall-of-fame/ only did a quick scan, but interesting how little correlation there seems to be between elite athleticism and elite basketball results. Something to think about before getting too worked up about Keon Johnson and missing out on Scottie Barnes

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I don't know if the stuff the combine measures actually matters. Or at least the drills. The height and especially wingspan definitely matter.

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Also, it's well known that some players tank their standing reach measurements to improve their vertical numbers.

And also those bSPARQ numbers only use combine results, and a lot of the top prospects don't participate in the combine stuff.

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Ah that last part is a good point. Seems crazy to tank your standing reach when that's probably a more valuable defensive metric than vert imho.

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Super interesting... looking for names I recognize as at least decent role players, seems like a ~10~20% "hit rate", with a sprinkling of good stars in there. I wonder what the hit rate is for the non-athletes, adjusted for pool of talent/population. Maybe the better question is, what % of draftees become at least good role players, and are the elite athletes over-represented in this restricted population, relative to the overall pool of draftees that were drafted. That'd point to how strong/weak the correlations are.

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I find this very interesting. Seems like a worthwhile hypothesis to test- that athletes that are touted for their elite athleticism will tend as a group not to fare as well in the NBA.

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Quite a lot of Warriors on their All-time Hall of Fame list… H Barnes, Paschall, Ezeli, D Jones…

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Anthony Randolph on there?

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Hiring good people is always good. I'm especially excited by the Raptors guy as they have probably one of the 2-3 best developmental pipelines in the league.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

OT but the Warriors are gonna win the 2022 nba finals

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All the hires sound exciting! Also makes me more excited about our draftees, and all the young members of the dubs. Every time I've been getting excited by the players that are available I go watch scouting report videos of Jacob Evans to temper myself -- granted so far the candidates look better (usually more athletic, longer, or more polished), but it is still a good reality check, given how many promising draftees still bust.

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Looks like the Warriors are planning to use the picks with their hires right?

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

> to temper myself

Yea, serisouly haha... I just went back to read his profile on nbadraft.net

> Evans is a very capable and consistent force on the defensive end, coming up from one of the best defensive programs in the country … His outside shot can be effective at the next level if he shores it up more … There is not one thing he does great, instead a collection of above average traits …

And he shot 37.7 3P% and 75.5 FT% in college.

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I also muse about what position Wiseman would go in this draft. Seems like a healthy amount of large, mobile bigs.

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Jul 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I remember reading in a comment here that Kispert had extremely high athleticism score in combine, but I can't find that online. Can I get some verification of that (links etc.) or at the very least confirmation that I'm not misremembering.

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Use void’s link to see the combine results. The rows and columns are sortable. Kispert turned out to be much more athletic than people assumed (LOL white guy).

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