“.. shoulders up and chin high, don’t ever let your opponent know that you’re down..” 👍🏼

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Interesting that Kerr mentions that the hope is that Poole would be the sixth man scorer off the bench. I was thinking that was how they were viewing Oubre. Maybe there is room for two sixth men, but Kerr’s rotation this year has been pretty consistent that halfway through the first, a wing and a center sub in. I wonder if those guys are sort of battling for that first wing off the bench for next season. They don’t exactly play the same position, in that JP can play the point, and Oubre can defend taller players - so they would often be on the court together, but there is quite a bit of overlap when it comes down to that basic first and third quarter substitution pattern that Kerr has been using this year. I expect next year Wiggs will come out, leaving Steph/klay/Draymond on the floor, and who comes in Oubre or Poole?

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I didn’t have time to do the video, but rewatching the tape — thankfully that question was obviously at the end and easy to find — Kerr clearly meant this year, that Poole could be a more established Sixth Man this season.

I mean, this is the “Achilles heel” (no pun intended with Klay) of my “notes & quotes”, right? You really have to ask yourself about context and be careful with the assumptions. You gotta be careful about filling the ellipses blanks with your own thoughts. Sometimes that’s not even possible, so you make an assumption which feels intuitive, but sometimes you can be wrong. Sometimes context is needed even if there is a full word-for-word transcript.

Anyways, thanks for reading but, yeah, be a little cautious with my notes. These again are all designed for my video uploads, which quite frankly help put food on my table — yes, admittedly more so than the subscriptions here (remember that my YouTube channel has been around for 8-9 years). So I’m not going to do a full transcription for the sake of the website. These “notes & quotes” are just an added bonus for the website, transferred over from our Discord (typed in real-time) and used for the sole purpose of titling, making a thumbnail for, filling out the description of, and adding tags to the YouTube video, all in as short a time as possible from the end of the interviews. Sorry for the long explanation.

As far as basketball stuff, I think it’s fair to say that backup point guard next year could be up for grabs between Poole and Nico when Klay comes back. And yeah, assuming Oubre stays (I think he will and it will be a bargaining session akin to Iguodala increasing his dollar figure based on competing offers, but that’s another post), Oubre would indeed be the Sixth Man.

But who’s really nitpicking on that? If Poole averages 15 points off the bench and Oubre maybe single digits or something, Poole will get the votes for Sixth Man even though he was really the 7th or 8th guy any given night, under the “backup pg” paradigm.

Poole could also literally be the Sixth Man in terms of first guy off the bench but as a straight shooting guard plug-in for Klay (due to Klay’s Achilles and ACL, Klay sits first, let’s say). Then Oubre is technically Seventh Man, but if HE averages 15 and Poole doesn’t, then Oubre would get the votes.

All of this is all trying to look into a crystal ball, though. Let’s worry about that in training camp next season and, at the end of the day, we’re gonna care more about the championship run than who gets what accolades voted on by media.

The video for Poole (I didn’t think it was high on the priority list of video upload topics) will probably go up tomorrow, or possibly the next day.

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Apr 1, 2021Liked by Poor Man's Commish

Thanks for the clarification, clearly my mind is on next year.... even re-reading just the notes, there was no rational reason to think Kerr was talking about next year.

With regards to sixth vs seventh man, generally I agree with you. Minutes are minutes and what order they come in is not so relevant. But the warriors, with their habit of playing small when the game is on the line does offer a different interpretation of the “sixth man” as the player who closes that doesn’t start. That role should be coveted for good reason, although nothing says when that person enters the game (could be backup PG or rotating wing depending on who is better).

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All good. Again, thanks for reading. Means a lot.

All in all, I’m just happy we had an actual exchange of thoughts on the Interwebs and things stayed civil, even-keeled, we admitted some things, and it turned out great. And I also was a little hard on the response, too, maybe going way too much in depth than I had to be. Like, so you made an interpretation that was wrong off the bat. So what? Had this been a face-to-face conversation, that would’ve been resolved in a matter of seconds! Crazy!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially having been crucified on Reddit the other day, and I just think that most social media apps are just primed for “negativity” (insert word here to apply to each specific case: bully-ism, grandstanding,

name-calling, the list goes on).

I’m glad we are kind of circling back around the limitations of social media on this platform, this website. Maybe some of us needed to go through that cycle to realize that you just can’t do some things in 280 characters or less. I’m certainly done with Twitter,

Reddit and IG. Having insightful discussion about a topic as deep, inspiring and passionate and life-changing — yes, you can’t tell me St. Wardell hasn’t changed your life in some way — as the Warriors just requires more space!

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Yeah - I never got on Twitter and don’t regret it. But my wife got tired of me diagramming plays on the TV so had to find some place to talk hoops. Back to the rotations though, I wonder what it will take for JP to get Bazemores first quarter minutes. Personally I like Bazes energy off the bench, but if we are looking for ways that we can find additional spark inside our current roster, it could be a worthwhile experiment.

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I don’t know, I used to be a coach and worry about those things, now I’m just like, let Mike Brown figure it out, then collab as you go during the game and make adjustments as necessary.

I don’t really sweat all the small stuff. I just worry about if the main guys are having a good game and focused and setting a good example for the second unit.

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