I have a question. is being an all-defense team member allow someone to be max or supermax eligible?

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Everyone is "max" eligible. For the "supermax", all-defense teams don't help, though if you win DPOY that works.

Max contracts are 25% (6 or less years exp) of cap, 30% (7-9 yrs) and 35% (10+ yrs). Supermax just lets a player jump up one bracket higher than they should based on years of experience. So once you get to 10 years of experience, it also doesn't matter.

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Yeah. Being on one of three All-NBA teams makes a difference. But not All-NBA defensive teams

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I have a particular scenario in mind, that can put this roster to full usage.

Imagine the team, let’s say a third-quarter Curry-DDV-Dray-JaM-Loon lineup, smallballing and defending for the first mins. Then we sub, and in the end of the 3rd we have Poole-Klay-JK-Moody-JW and we surprise them and PnR and fastbreak them out of existence. Am I dreaming?

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Ti confesso che il pick and roll a me rompe un po' i maroni. Allora tanto vale tifare Harden, Chris Paul o, ancora meglio, Luka Doncic

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Fatto alla maniera di Harden e Doncic, lo trovo anch'io inguardabile. Appena decente Chris Paul. Ma fatto con la fantasia e la velocità di Curry e Poole, secondo me è tutta un'altra musica.

Should we translate our spooky dialogue for you all?

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Hmm, I doubt we see many if any minutes with Green + Green + Loon on the floor together. Isn’t that the opposite of “smallballing”?

I also kinda doubt they’ll ever run wholesale “hockey substitutions” where an entire unit comes off the floor together. That has never really happened in the Kerr era.

Occam’s razor: nominal starters Steph, Klay, Wiggs, Dray and Loon start the 1st and 3rd quarters. Poole is the super sixth man, getting somewhere around 30 mpg. Next tier minutes-wise is probably DDV, Moody, Kuminga, and JGreen, all of whom we’ll presumably see in blended units with the Big 6.

That’s 10 guys. I see the others (Wiseman, Baldwin, Rolllins, Iguodala or final vet player X) as more situational, depending on matchup, who’s developing well, who needs rest, etc. But Wiseman in particular I could see jumping into the top 10 at some point in the season as he gains confidence and familiarity with the system.

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Having the roster's possibility to switch from motion offence plays to P'n'R', doing it quickly should give us the surprise element, that we enjoyed in defence when switching from man2man to zone. After all, as wise Grant Williams says, 'we're not the better team, we're the disciplined team'. Since we lack quality and skills :D :D we must count on discipline. It was definitely our robotic adherence to plays that allowed us to 21-0 stone silence the 19000 clovers of TD Garden :D :D :D

I personally feel that PBJ's size and sweet shot will make of him the sort of player that puts opponents out of balance. More or less like GP2 (for other reasons) and OPJ (for quite the same reasons)

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No Wiggs?

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Got his 16ppg by the third so contractually a non issue

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8 rebs and 2 poster dunks per game have been added as a side clause.

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You're right. Wiggs replaces Moody in the PnR-heavy lineup.

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In that scenario Wiggs is resting after balling out in the first half. Back in Q4 if we need him.

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We have a ton of flexibility, like last season.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I’ve read several pundits that have suggested that this is our Otto Porter signing for this year. Slightly disagree. The way I think of the Donte and Jamychal signing is that If we lined up GP2, Otto, and Bjelica from this past season, I think Divicenzio and Green slot neatly between all 3.

In other words, I think, if healthy, Donte mirrors some attributes of both GP2 and Porter while Green (if non washed) can fill in some aspects of Porters and Bjelicas game. Not perfect replacements but good enough to feel somewhat comfortable in our depth without having to rely on our rookies so heavily this year.

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I feel trying to slot any of these signings as a 1 for 1 replacement is not really the way it's going to work. We (including the FO I think) are all hoping Kuminga, Moody, Wiseman play bigger roles. They may be the ones replacing OPJ, GP2, Bjeli. Donte and JG may end up more in the D.Lee / Kuminga roles (regular season minutes, not much in the playoffs). Or somebody gets hurt, or the sophomores don't play well, and it all gets jumbled up again.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Klay will have a bigger role, too — likely 1000+ more minutes than he gave us last season.

And then there's Baldwin and Rollins, who are off our depth charts now cos we didn't see them in Vegas, but could be this year's Moody and Kuminga, for all we know.

As you say, the changes from last season won't be 1-for-1, but we've got a lot of talent to spread around (or a lot of mouths to feed, depending on your perspective).

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Being able to put Klay in lineups anywhere from SG to small ball 4 is something people aren’t thinking about enough as we look at next years rotation. In any conceivable lineup he works.

He led the team in minutes in the playoffs while the team went 16-6 against what’s obviously tough competition. That’s a 60 win pace and GP2 and Otto both missed time during that stretch.

And if he plays about 1000 more minutes next year, that covers most of OPJ’s 1400 minutes.

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Actually, I could see the Warriors signing McClung to a non-guaranteed deal that guarantees in January or something for the 15th roster spot like they did with GP2, and then cut him in January if he doesn't make an impact. It's a move that you can't really make with a veteran because they want guaranteed money usually, but perhaps can do it with someone who is still trying to "get a chance to prove themselves in the NBA" like McClung or GP2.

If they did that, cut McClung in January, and then signed a buyout guy, is that the same financial hit as if they left the spot open until January and then signed a buyout guy? If so, what would be the downside?

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Guaranteed this will never happen. Never. 😦

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Really, why? Assuming McClung has a good showing in training camp and pre-season and no one better becomes available in the interim, this honestly sounds like EXACTLY what the team is likely to do.

Curious as to why you think this won't happen.

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It happened. My comment was a very dry joke.

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Lol got it. Too early in the morning. Need more caffeine.

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Hah, clearly I've had too much!

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Andre just shouted out Lacob for the 500k fine lol

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Actually this is brilliant from Lacob: I’d happily pay you players more money, but the other greedy complaining owners take soooooo much “taxes”.

If he gets the messaging right, it gets both players and fans behind him.

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“Yo, CJ, you know that between me and Balmer out here, we’re getting the players bigger contracts right? Other governors could be convinced to spend more if you throw some NBAPA weight behind lux tax reductions. Would mean more for players for sure “

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“Jordan Poole would be making more money with us, the team that drafted him and fans who believed in him, if we could have done it without giving the other owners 5x his salary. Sorry Jordan, sorry fans.”

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That was excellent from Andre

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And Steph nite nited to end the show

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Mac McClung got a non guaranteed 1 year contract. https://www.hoopsrumors.com/2022/07/mac-mcclung-to-sign-non-guaranteed-deal-with-warriors.html

[Edit - apparently this came out yesterday and I didn't see it?]

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Damn. We need to re-sign Chiozza to the last 2 -way.

How can we pass up the Mac and Cheese?

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🤔...and if they get torched, they will be Easy Mac cause everybody be feasting on them

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Green Curry Mac and Cheese Klay Pot

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I'd eat it

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With some PBJ.

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Ohhh I forgot about PBJ...

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(Groans) You know your way out....

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As do you, SIR!

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Oh for sure, and sometimes I let myself out quickly before anyone boots me out! 😄

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I strive for 80% stupid jokes and 20% unintelligent commentary. It's my way of giving 110%.

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Essentially it gives the Warriors the right of 1st refusal.

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I've always been in favor of cheap, effective insurance policies

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So essentially a training camp invite but another team can't poach him away?

>> As Charania mentions, McClung's deal will allow him an opportunity to make the Warriors' roster out of training camp, likely for one of the final, if not the last, spot on the roster.

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Has anyone mentioned this?

ESPN Sources: The NBA has fined Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob $500,000 for his recent comments on the Point Forward Podcast discussing the league’s collective bargaining talks, which included Lacob describing the league’s luxury tax system as “very unfair.”


Joe is light years ahead, as the fine won’t count against the cap, saving him millions in luxury tax penalties

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On principle, Lacob having to pay a fine for his big mouth makes me feel good.

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This is a very big fine. It’s also a gigantic FU from the other owners to Lacob. One possible repercussion is pissing him off so much he goes nuclear on the luxury tax. ‘Don’t like it when I go over? Ok let’s spend another $100 million and tell them to stuff it when they complain.’

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Holy crap. That's the biggest fine I've seen. That money could've gone to the luxury tax, although minimal. I guess they're not going to allow them to be exempt from the tax for homegrown players, are they?

On another note, more views for Andre's podcast. The NBA watches too!

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Forget the luxury tax…think of what the average Joe could have done with that money (pun definitely intended)

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Not exempting homegrown players is impractical garbage imposed by jealous miserly shitheels masquerading as NBA team owners.

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I mean, the NFL does it through a hard cap… not that the NBA can or should implement a hard cap or policies that dissuade teams from keeping their draft picks, but it can be in the best interest of the league governers to mandate spreading the talent.

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But it's in the best interest of the fans, who ultimately hold the life of the sport in their hands (well, in theory at least), to have homegrown players to root for their whole career. Those should not be such a rare thing.

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Most fans just want to have their home team win a championship. Go check out bright side of the sun… they’re super hopeful to trade their homegrown players for KD. Parity and spreading the talent is a way to accomplish that.

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Half a million dollars. Maybe we should start a Go Fund Me for him.

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I rate him publicly calling it out. The taxes are ridiculous

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I *just* read about that. That's an insane fine (EDIT: though I'm sure Joe probably knew the rules). So just merely mentioning cb talks is cause for a fine?

> The NBA forbids owners and team officials from "unauthorized communications regarding collective bargaining."

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Ridiculous fine. But since he's on the committee, I have a feeling that it was an intentionally made comment. He's playing politics and he can afford the fine.

Also - 1st I've seen this.

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Man, that fine can pay for all my family's bills and mortgage (humble abode bought in the 80s) and have money left over.

I need to win the lottery. Or get a better job. Anyone looking for a jr web dev?

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And the fine itself prob gives him a political win, lol… people gonna talk about it…

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Steph's ESPYs monologue is worth a watch. He has making of a standup comedian?

That lime green suit though...

Also Steph becomes 4th warrior to publicly ask Dre to come back - Owner. GM, Coach, Generational Star. That outta do it - right?

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I assumed the green was a direct slam on the Celtics, no? Plus he looked great in it...

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I liked the suit. It was more toned down and pastel than a lime green. I don't see standup in his future but hey, it's Steph, we'll enjoy whatever he does. That crowd didn't help him a whole lot.

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Some excellent zingers, but that El Lay crowd is too laid back. I personally loved the green suit - nice pop of color.

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I had a leisure suit a shade lighter in '76. I was stylin'.

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Interesting comments from Bogut on Wiseman and being a big man playing for this team. I think there's likely a lot of truth in what he's saying.

Some highlights, he says Wiseman can likely get 3-4 easy dunks a game just playing in this offense without doing anything special. I think that's likely right, and will be an awesome addition to the offense.

He also says Wiseman is also likely just a 20 mpg role player this year, which will likely get frustrating as a top 5 pick when he feels he can do more. Likely also true.

Let's hope Kerr can soothe egos well and that winning cures all woes!

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I'd say Wiseman gets 2.5 minutes playing time per rebound would be about fair, maybe some deductions for mistakes. If he wants to play > 20mpg? then be a positive on the court!

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A healthy year with JW getting 20 mpg, maybe 9-10/3-4. Would be awesome. I'd be thrilled.

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I don't disagree with what Bogut said - but he does tend to like to stir the pot.

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I want Wiseman to develop a skyhook. It’s about time. And Kareem is still around to teach him.

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I do also. He seems to have the fluidity of motion for it. As well as the length and soft touch with his shot.

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Kareem developed (patented?) the sky hook in college when the NCAA banned dunking to thwart a kid coming in named Lew Alcindor....it only made him become a more versatile thus dangerous scorer

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Just in case anyone reading isn't in on the clever turn of phrase, Lew = Kareem

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This would be amazing. I'm really not sure why other centers haven't done so. The shot was essentially unstoppable.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Kareem says it's because guys don't want to play with their back to the basket in the era of the three-point shot. Also he didn't say this but you need a really good touch for that shot. https://www.sportscasting.com/kareem-abdul-jabbar-knows-why-no-nba-player-uses-the-skyhook-shot/

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3 or 4 easy dunks, and a couple of buckets off offensive rebounds and he’s in double figures without even trying to look for his shot.

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OT: I always get a little twitchy when people lay out the roster in terms of the five traditional positions, which seems especially ill-suited to the fluidity of Kerrball.

I feel like there should be a better way to visualize the roster in terms of the three primary positions — Primary Ballhandler, Wing, and Big — with "shades of grey" in between.

So I came up with the little sketch below of the Ws' 14-man roster as it stands (including Andre for fun). I'd love feedback on how clear you guys think it is as an infographic, and/or how accurate you think it is in describing the likely positions and roles of our 14 players.


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The thing that stands out for me is that if the guy on the far left of the diagram goes down, we have a hole in the lineup. Any ideas on how we'd be able to fill in for him?

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Just like: if the Sun should disappear, what can we put in its place as Solar system center of mass?

Do you realize that when (goodness forbid) Steph will retire, we will have to change the franchise’s name?

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The Blackhole Warriors

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Prayers and sacrificial altars

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What if you went with a pyramid layout instead of linear? The 3 circles would overlap in the center, where will lie Draymond in the unicorn spot.

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Like this one? :-)


Seriously, I like the idea for the Warriors, but not all teams have a Draymond. I was trying to come up with a visualization tool that would work for any team’s roster.

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Very interesting! It could help in minutes distribution.

Isn’t Poole a PG?

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I think of Poole as roughly halfway between a PG and a wing — don’t you? The “second column” of the chart was basically designed for combo guards like JP.

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Ummm… I think that a good distinction between guards and small forwards might be that the latter, when going to the rim, tend to jump into the body of the defender, while the former tend to slip under… not that JP let us short of good dunks, in counterpoint. Mah.

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Me Likey! I second the Svenn/Hedgehog diagram iteration too

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One nit: This shows Klay, Wiggins and Moody as partly PG and that doesn’t seem quite right.

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If it were Small-Wing-Big that would resolve this plus Steph plays off the ball a lot and it would account for that too (not just a PG).

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Ooh, I like the “small-wing-big” idea. Resolves the graphical issue with point-forwards or point-bigs like Dre and Dray.

The tricky thing is that players often play different positions on offense and on defense. I think my graphic makes more sense as a visual description of *defensive* positions. Within each column, you have guys with very different offensive skillsets (shooting, ballhandling, floor management, e.g.)

As a general rule, when we talk about “position,” I think the most basic criteria for it is “whom can you / do you guard?” Dray is a big more than PG because he mostly guards 4s and 5s (even though he’s obviously quite switchable). Similarly, for all the hype Magic has always received as a “point guard,” he almost always played alongside another little guard who was more suited to chasing little, fast guys around the perimeter. Which makes him, in my book, a point forward — same basic position as Dray or LeBron. In the three point era, there’d be no way you’d get away with Magic as your PG on defense.

Anyway, blah blah. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback!!

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I feel like Draymond is Point, Wing, and Big.

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Point and Big on offense, Wing and Big on defense.

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I hear you, and in fact when I first wrote the roster, I tried to put it into Handler, Wings, Bigs, but I found the roster more naturally fit the usual categories. Might not be true for a different roster.

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More traditional Venn diagram will let you put Dray in the unicorn spot in the middle as ball handler/wing/big

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That's really cool! I do agree that Draymond belongs in the ball handler area -- more even than Steph.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Was it intentional that the Greens ended up in the green section?

Also, I like it... it's clean and easily understandable.

But how about "ball handler" instead of "PG" and having it be a Venn diagram? It might be less clean as a Venn diagram... but Dray has the ball in hands a lot so it'd be nice to see him separated from "Big Wing" in that respect. Similar arguments for Iguodala and Wiggs vs. Klay.

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More guys in preseason camp! Yes! McClung, Boogie, that other kid! Gui! Three more Greens and a Johnson! Never know what gold we’ll find.

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Bring Michael Carter-Williams to training camp.

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What about an Anthony and a Howard?????

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No Boogie. Golden State culture may be redemptive in some ways, but no to him.

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What? you don't want the worst defender in the league, with fading offensive firepower and perennial lack of hard work, on the team? What's your logic?

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

I get your snark, but just in case there are people who don't know:

“I'm going to make sure I put a bullet in your f—ing head.” -DeMarcus Cousins to his baby mama, as recorded in August of 2019.

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Oof. Did not know about that. Not much to say here.

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This is a case where Boogie probably would have no better defense in court than he does on the court.

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They didn’t press charges, but still

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Indeed. But still. One of the things I love about the Warriors is they look for high character people. I can't imagine Myers wanting a violent or threatening lowlife on the team or Kerr wanting to coach such a person, however talented.

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Thank you! I feel like I’m the only who brings this up.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Well, I appreciate it.

BTW, Rondo may have pulled a gun on his ex.


Those guys and Miles Bridges are completely off limits as far as I am concerned. I wish the Warriors had felt the same when they signed Cousins. A blot on our team's character, for sure.

Edit: apparently I was conflating the threat with earlier misdeeds (he was reputed to be a bully on the Kings). The threat happened after he was on the Warriors.

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Cold take: wtf why can’t I heart some of the brilliant comments in this thread??!?

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Sorry, I misread that. I thought you said, "Why can't I HEAR some of the comments in this thread." Was about to respond, "Because you are READING them," then noticed my mistake.

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If you heart them, it likely works, it just doesn't show you right away. It's annoying as hell. Many of us have noticed it.

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Especially if you click again and then wonder if you "unhearted" it when it refreshes and then get caught in a perpetual loop of Schrödinger's ❤️

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Just wow.

1. I guess that means Andre is gone. Or, they are signing McClung to the 15th spot and may cut him if Andre comes back?

Edit: The more I think about this, the more I can see it as Andre insurance.

2. If I were Weatherspoon, I think I'd tell the Warriors to go stuff it and go to another G-league team. But, he'll probably take the 2-way they will offer (assumption, but probably right).

3. The team must really see a problem with the ball handling. Or they must think they can unlock McClung's passing ... he did have a couple of nifty passes in that last game.

4. I can certainly see his shooting being better on the main squad, with the spacing that Steph, Poole and Klay can provide.

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Lock him down for training camp.

What's his guarantee date?

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I don’t understand why we would have Ryan Rollins and McClung both on the roster. In a game where everybody is healthy, Steph + JP have the PG position covered. In a game where one of them is injured/resting, RR should be able to give us 12-16 min. At this point I’m more concerned about another 5 than a PG….if looney misses any time, our situation at C gets tricky.

I get that the contract is non-guaranteed, but it seems weird unless there’s a real chance he makes it.

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Rollins just turned 20 and is more of a combo guard. Asking him to drive the bus at this stage might be folly.

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McClung still has to earn a roster spot, nothing is guaranteed. Even if he does make it out of training camp, maybe he picks up garbage time minutes and fills in early in the season while Rollins works on his game in SC. So sure, why not?

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Looks like the plan is for smallball with Dray, JG, and/or JK if Loon or Wise isn't on the floor.

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Welcome, Mac McClank.

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38% from three in the G-League on 5 attempts a game, 50% from three in Vegas (on like 2.5 attempts a game). 89% from the line in the G-League, 82% in Vegas.

Just saying.

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Goofus (Joofus? Jafuss? What's your new name again?): so the Dubs releasing that video with Gui, Mac, and QW did mean something like you said...

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That and the Mac McClung highlight reel they released a day earlier made me think something big was happening. I think we can all agree that it was a very astute observation and I’m awesome. (I’m taking a victory lap a la Belilaugh when he was right about JaMychal.)

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We see you, take a bow!

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This is not my favorite move at all.

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It’s a non-guaranteed deal, basically calling dibs before training camp

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Probably going to showcase him during the preseason so we can flip him for 2nd rounder

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The new Chiozzion (or if you prefer Manozza)

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He's better than Chiozza

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

At least Chiozza knew his job was to distribute the ball.

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I wouldn’t say a player’s audition in SL is necessarily a good indicator of their normal playing style, especially if the team has told him they want to see certain things from him.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Ok. Seems like they did not want to see him getting as many guis (this was an auto fill error, but I liked it) as possible the ball, but did want to see how well he set up the shots for himself.

But then I am not now, nor have I ever been, a bball player.

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The last game seemed like a huge paradigm shift and he was really playing the role of distributor, so maybe they said “Ok, you’re scoring…now let’s see you play some point.”

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7.5 assists to 3.1 turnovers in the G-League

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Pretty sure that ratio is even better in the G League than in the NBA. Usually see a lot of turnovers just from pass recipients dropping the ball or not getting to an entry pass.

Although the Lakers do put together a lot of good players at that level who might not have as many weak links.

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Also…and this is important…the guy you’re passing to needs to make the shot in order for you get an assist. G-Leaguers tend to be not as good at that.

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My guess is they want to see if his ball hogging was him trying to build a highlight reel for the resume, or if it’s just who he is as a player.

Fingers crossed they waive him if it’s the latter.

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Well I guess DNHQ needed a new whipping boy after the departure of Chiozza. Welcome to the club, Mac

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Andre will be a rich venture capitalist regardless. The question is whether he also wants to be on the team this year.

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