The Oubre news is welcome but I can't get past this quote from Lacob:


Joe Lacob to Tim Kawakami on James Wiseman: "He was my No. 1 forever basically. I think he's a once in a decade kind of guy. Other than Embiid, I don't know that there's another center prospect that's come along in the last decade that you would put in the same category."

Does this not concern anyone else that it seems like they made the pick because Lacob really wanted him? When the owner feels this strongly, how can you tell him no? The easiest way to maintain job security is to agree with him because if you overrule him and Wiseman pans out, you are definitely fired.

Jerry West was bold enough to put his foot down rejecting that Love/Klay trade Lacob wanted, and fortunately for West he was pretty immediately vindicated. But that is not easy to do, and West basically threatened to quit. A lot of these other guys don't have the credibility to have that leverage (except Kerr).

Perhaps Wiseman pans out, but the process I'm gathering from these articles and quotes does not bode well for the future imo.

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Same guy said they were never going to trade Monta, they weren't leaving Oakland, and he saw a long-term fit with DLo.

Love them to death, but I would definitely advise to take all FO public statements as PR and not put a whole lot of deep faith into the public stance being wholly reflective of their internal discussions

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Nov 20, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Klay injury is such a gut punch in a year that has been crappy all around. I have been super sad since yesterday. Putting aside championship, dynasty, et al, just watching Klay being Klay on and off court brought joy to life.

As a player I hope he comes back the same peak Klay he was in 2019 but more importantly, he comes back with same ’je ne sais quoi' spirit - for his and our sake.

Onwards we go...

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Nov 20, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I dont see Wiseman contributing much this year. I think he's very raw. I know that goes against what most pundits believe in that he can immediately contribute, but expecting the man to play in this system with 69 minutes of competitive basketball behind his belt over the course of a year plus is just way too much to expect.

He may get the Damian Jones treatment to start but I fully expect Chriss to come in around that 7 min mark with Looney (if still here) to start the 2nd quarter and Draymond closing most halves. The injury couldn't have come at a worst time timing wise as it relates to the draft because I really feel the Warriors could have traded back with say Atlanta, picked up Dedmon and used their pick on someone like Halliburton or Vassell. I get they had Wiseman as their top.pick BUT a bonafide SG draft pick plus Dedmon could have solidified the rotation around Klays injury.

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> I know that goes against what most pundits believe in that he can immediately contribute

IDK about this. He's 19 years old, and hardly played in college. I think the general consensus is that he's going to be extremely raw.

We'll have to see how the final roster shakes out, but I'm expecting Chriss to get more minutes than Wiseman this season - with heavy rotational support from Looney and Dray at center.

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Could we see Paschall slide over to shooting guard, especially with what currently looks like a log jam in the 4/5 spot? We don't know how his 3 pointer has progressed this year so he won't give the spacing Klay provides (or the defense) but he is a better passer, a better handle and a great mid range game. EP would absolutely overpower most guards trying to keep him from going to the hoop.

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Paschall is nothing more than a strict 4 even with a better shot. Maybe a 5 in an ultra small ball lineip

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At 6.0 reb and 0.3 blk per36 and no 3pt shot, I'm not sure he's even an ultra smallball 5.

So, yeah, I agree he's strictly a 4, meaning that he should be playing next to a bigman.

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yeah, he was struggling with lateral quickness at the 3. He'd get absolutely roasted by the shooting guards.

UNLESS the plan is to give plenty of blow bys so Wiseman can rack up enormous block numbers in his Rookie of the Year campaign.

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Nov 20, 2020Liked by punk basketball

In a Q & A w/Anthony Slater I asked about Paschall at the 3 and he said that was a strong no last year. Maybe his game changed in the off-season, but it sounds like he's very much a 4. I do like a closing smallball lineup of Curry-Wigg-Oubre-Pasch-Dray. Some good length to make up for the lack of height.

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Some more on the Oubre move:


IDK where OKC's team salary is, but Oubre trade could open another option… They can S&T Gallinari 1st, then take Horford into cap room after... How much $ they could take back in S&T and fit Horford depends on where they are now. (It wouldn't save other over-cap exceptions tho.)

Basically, OKC salary is tough to figure out because they have so much up in the air. Regardless, it's pretty clear that taking Oubre off the books (maybe without sending a player back) would help the Thunder with some other stuff.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Definitely. The burning question is if the Warriors are giving a pick in this exchange though. Hopefully if they give their 2021 pick it is heavily protected so that if Curry gets injured, they can keep the Cunningham/Green lottery ticket.

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you'd HAVE to give a pick for someone like Oubre... right?

Look at some of the other deals that have gone down

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I've been trying to think of trade targets that could help keep us afloat in the playoff hunt. Here's my picks:

*George Hill (NOP). I'm not sure the Pels even need him with Lonzo & now Kira Lewis who they will want to develop. I think they just got him as trade filler and he could be had with the TPE.

*Malik Beasley (MIN). Pros: Certified Warriors killer and decent shooter. Probably doesn't want to be in Minnesota and they just drafted Edwards at the same position. Cons: seems like a head case & has legal issues.

*Joe Harris (BKN). Great shooter, great fit. Dubs could sneak in on a 3 way with the Nets & Rockets if they end up trading Harden or Westbrook. Maybe the Rockets could value the cap space from our TPE if they go full rebuild.

*Oladipo (IND). Pacers need to rebuild. Put that TPE to work Joe!

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I'm really hoping for DJ Augustin, but honestly if we end with with Rose with the DPE that's a solid roster move (even though I'm not a fan of that guy)

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

lol, I just watched Alchemy's Patreon video and he mentioned a lot of the same players. Sorry Alch, I promise I wasn't stealing your takes! Great minds and all that.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Don't you think a little too much of a coincidence that in the very moment Klay's news come out, Bogdanovic cancels the trade with Bucks (that was said as done). Isn't it possible that Bogdan wants to stay in California, and doesn't care for a 25mln contract when he can get 17 from TPE? After all until now he got only 9mln from the Kings. Or is TPE unavailable for FAs?

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Can TPE a FA in a sign & trade deal (like what happened w/KD last year).

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gross, but.... I dunno, maybe??

This is the problem, the guys in our price range are flawed. In some cases badly.


· 57m

Rockets guard Austin Rivers has decided to opt out of his contract to become an unrestricted free agent, a source told @TheUndefeated.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Austin Rivers Sucks!

(Had to represent for MissingBarry)

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

So this is it? Has the Warriors dynasty ended? Seems like they should rebuild before contending for the championship again in the next few years. Right now, the chances of them reaching the NBA Finals is gonna be very tough without Klay.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

You can't do that though. You got to give Steph a punchers chance tbh. That means using every tool at your disposal including the 9 mil injury exemption, 17.2 mil TPE and the 5 mil mini mid level.

You owe that to him and Klay for almost singlehandedly rescucitating this moribund organization. Yeah there are a couple of teams better but all it takes are injuries to key players. You just want to put yourself in position.

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Oubre could be a super fit if all goes well in the negotiation. Championship? I have serious doubts and it's not only the loss of Klay.

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Oh, right. The TPEs. I forgot about those. Guess there is a slimmer of hope after all.

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Also DPE

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Sad too. Feel for Klay. Love the underdog angle. Let’s get Gallinari or Oubre and go for it anyway. Steph’s still in his prime, don’t waste it.

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Kelly Oubre isn't quite as good as Gallinari, but he's young and durable (Gallinari has a pretty long injury history). Oubre isn't a free agent, though, and getting him will cost a valuable asset.

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If it were me, I'd happily swap the Minnesota pick for Oubre. A proven, starting quality, young, 3-and-D wing is worth at least as much as a #4 pick. And Oubre will be useful even after Klay returns; even in a 3 wing rotation with Wiggins and Klay, Oubre would still get 30 minutes a game.

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I think you try to keep that pick for the future of the team. Deep draft and the best chance to build.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Gallinari would be a good fit, no?

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Gallinari is a big man, but skill-set wise he's the ideal fill in. In fact, shoots almost as well as Klay while being a much better rebounder, something the Warriors have been lacking. The Warriors have $17M available, and while getting Gallinari at that price is a long shot, it's a no-brainer to at least make the offer.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

the 17 million doesn't work for a free agent so they would have to sign and trade. The do have the MLE and DPE, so some tools left. Oubre will help, maybe for GSWarriors own 2021 1s round pick? The DPE is enough to get Torey Craig or Paul Millsap. No one replaces Klay but there are some decent options in the price range .

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

The Warriors are in a crisis. Klay probably has to be put in the "bad contract" category now in terms of league perception, and they already have Wiggins and Draymond there. Is Lacob going to trade Draymond even though they need him if they have any hope of winning a championship again? Is Lacob going to package the Wolves pick to get rid of Wiggins for financial relief? Is Lacob really going to pay this much for a team that can't contend and keep everyone and wait for Klay to get back?

This happened right before free agency, so all those guys who verbally agreed to play with the Warriors because they were a championship contender might back out now. The TPE will be tougher to use if they can't package their own 2021 pick with it (and they shouldn't, they are another Curry injury away from it being really valuable). They might be able to get someone on a bad contract like Eric Gordon but is Lacob really going to do that?

I also don't really have confidence that the front office is being led by smart basketball minds executing a coherent vision. I get the sense that Wiseman was more of a reactionary pick to the events of the bubble than anything.

I still plan to enjoy this upcoming season because last season proved that we only have so many games with Curry in a Warriors jersey left, and we should cherish all of them. They should be able to contend for the playoffs with good health for the remaining players, and that's what I want. But the championship window might have just shut, and the Lacob dominated front office doesn't give me much confidence for the future.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Also, congrats on the roster spot, Mychal Mulder. You are one of 3.5 active players who can shoot threes (Poole gets a .5 until he does it).

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Obviously no Klay is huge, but I think that it's going to be compounded for the team because now what mid tier free agent is going to sacrifice money to come here? I'd like to take a very close look at Burks and GR3 again, but the cold hard fact is that there just simply is not an option floating around out there that can fix the hole that Klay leaves.

And what would you do? Would you really cut salary? While Wiggins and Dray are both expensive, they're also super important and almost impossible to replace at the price point that the Warriors can offer.

I'm sad, but I still believe in the FO. If this doesn't work out, I'm not sure it's because Lacob didn't make the right free agency choices. I'd guess that most of the top available guys are gonna take a pass on joining this team - especially if we are talking about ring chasing vets

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Oubre will help a lot. All is not lost and the Warriors will use that TPE, for sure. The team needs to build for the future, too.

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#Warriors options to fill out roster:

— $17.2M trade exception (exp 11/23)

— $5.7M tax payer mid-level exception

— $9.3M disabled player exception

All would have extreme luxury tax implications & Joe Lacob would have to decide if each level of spending would be worth it.

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I keep saying it. Fire celebrini. The priority now should be to keep other players healthy. Joe lacob would be a fool if he doesnt protect his real assets which are the players. Celebrini cant keep them healthy.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I have to agree- it seems that injuries piling on after recoveries have become a thing under Celebrini. Listening to Wiseman's trainer David Alexander last night, I'm convinced that didn't need to be the case.

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I keep saying it here so that people that have contact with joe lacob will see it. Celebrini will ruin that franchise. Under celebrini. The canucks were the most injured team in NHL. Celebrini will ruin that franchise.. im saying it here and now

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

It's easy to want to look for someone to blame when things aren't anyone's fault at all, so I would like to give Celebrini the benefit of the doubt. There's no way, for example, that he had any control over Steph's hand injury last year. But there are three really suspicious injuries in the past season and a half that all occurred shortly after the player came back from another injury: Boogie's quad, Durant's achilles, and Klay's. If I were in a decision-making position of the Warriors organization right now, I would be asking around to some independent experts to see if this was preventable.

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Kd had an achilles injury and left. Now he is doing fine having been managed by a different team. Celebrini mismanaged klay's contralateral limb. I know what im talking about. If players arent in optimum shape, they easily get injured..

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Which of the injured Warriors was not in optimum shape? I get the injuries are troubling, but outside of 2015 we have always had injuries. These most recent ones feel devastating because of what is at stake.

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There is no benefit of doubt here. Look at how many players have gotten injured since he took over. Looke at how many serious injuries the team had under the previous medical staff. Under celebrini, steph, thigh strain, broken hand, klay, acl, achilles, kd achilles, looney.. broken clavicle.. boogie... quad rupture.. add that injury history to celebrini's record with the canucks and it all makes sense. The team is dying under him. If players cant stay healthy there is no value. The team wont win. Its simple..those players easily getminjured because he doesnt keep them in optimum shape.. the only grace we have with steph is that he has his own private rehab and conditioning team.. steph doesnt fully depend on warriors medical staff.. its been 2yrs now and these freak injuries are still happening under celebrini. Does someone have to die before lacob pulls the plug?

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> Steph... broken hand, klay, acl, achilles... it all makes sense.

LMAO I'm envisioning Chelsea Lane sliding out onto the court to catch Klay after he got bumped on a dunk... or throwing out one of those foam rollers to prevent Curry's hand from getting crushed.

Unless you are accusing Celebrini of bad Voodoo then a lot of what you're complaining about sounds like a real reach.

All that said though, I'd probably make a change too, just because I'm superstitious

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This achilles is as a result of bad post injury management.go and talk to medical experts and they will tell u im right..kd's inury was partly due ro Celebrini.. when players arent in good shape they easily get injured. Im telling u. Check how many warriors playersnwere injured last season. Even kerr dubbed some of them the elite 8. When the muscle tone is hypo, injuries occur easily. Celebrini isnt managing them well. I know this country has many dumb people considering that over 70m voted for trump . I wont argue with u but i knkw what im talking about

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Ugh, confirmed achilles tear out for the year :(

Adrian Wojnarowski


Based on the type of tear, Thompson has been told to expect that he will make a full recovery, a source tells ESPN.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Could the $17M Iggy trade exception plus the $9M disabled player exception allow us to sign a star 3-and-D wing? Or multiple starting caliber players? Who's available this year?

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No I don't think so. The language in the CBA is very specifically creating a roster spot with a set parameter:

> If granted, the disabled player exception allows a club to sign a replacement player for 50% of the injured player’s salary, or for the amount of the non-taxpayer’s mid-level exception, whichever is lesser.

It's not like a gift card like the TPE (which you can split up however you like), I think it all has to be used on one player and that player's salary has to fit into that lower MLE of 9 mil.

On the plus side, they don't have to use it right away, so they can hold it as an option or wait for someone

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I don't think you can combine them. Connor Letourneau suggest Gallinari might be available. That would be interesting.

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Nov 19, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Always keep hope alive.

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