Really wonder what Wiggins’ inner circle and family are like, and who he’s closest to on the team.

If anything, this social and media pressure will likely only make him dig in more…

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He's gonna do what he's gonna do at this point. But shame can be a useful cultural tool. I wonder if seeing what he's going through has convinced other NBA holdouts to get the shot. Perhaps that influenced kuminga.

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I thought Kuminga got the shot after receiving further information from the medical specialist?

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From what I recall, it sounded like they did at the same time. They clearly made different choices after the meeting.

Either way, I am just trying to say that other people might be persuaded to get the jab to avoid the dram Wiggins is going through. If that happens, their is value in what Wiggins is going through.

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Unlike Wiggs

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Is Andrew Wiggins aware that the fans booing (whenever he will show up at Chase Center, if ever again) will transfer to his body an amount of negative energy FAR more harmful than the vaccine?

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Post about anything interesting from the day here.

I cooked two beer can chickens on the Traeger today but forgot that I had a ton of fat leftover on the drip pan from some beef back ribs I cooked a few days back. Huge fire that took two beers to put out. Good news is the chickens survived.

Also waiting on Dre to post some ominous, vague shit on twitter now that he's back.

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Hmm.... just me speculating but Wiggins seemed firm in his press conference but also not at the same time. He reaffirmed his beliefs but also didn't have the tone of a person who's ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN HELL receiving a vaccine at any point.

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im thinking that Curry cant bring his kids to Chase Center since likely not vaccinated, nor can Draymond...or any other warrior or staff member with minor children...kids can get Covid and spread it, my grandchild got it at school and then gave it to his mom

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Pfizer submitted their data on testing kids age 5-11 today. Will likely get approved within a few weeks.

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I hope everyone is ok now. But you raise such an important point about kids vulnerability and the risk of them being unvaccinated. I hope they bring in a suitable vaccination for the kids soon.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

On a different topic, it gave me so much joy to relive Daniel Hardee’s story of media day in 2019. Thank you!

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I read a lot of understanding and empathizing for AW. I don’t want to enter in the discussion on vaccines. I only share my personal vision:

- Wiggins spat on GSW jersey

- I really hope they trade him. I won’t be rooting for him anymore anyway.

I hope JTA shows him the stitches on his head to remind him what it means to be on a team, cabrón!

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I’d move him as quickly as possible.

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Please clarify what you mean by “spat on GSW Jersey”

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Sorry, I may have translated literally from Italian… I meant he disrespected and diminished the team

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I don't really get how he's disrespecting the team. He's not doing anything to spite the team. He's just got his unknown and probably not that well justified reasons for why he's not getting the vaccine.

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He’s obviously knowingly hurting the team.

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His not getting the vaccine precludes his playing home games and practicing with the team at their home facility. That materially affects the prospects of the team and his teammates. Hopefully, he's given them a better explanation than he gave the fans today, but since nothing has leaked out, I'm going to guess that's not true.

Regardless, if I'm Steph, Dray, Klay, or any of his teammates, I do think I'd feel like my hard work and commitment to the team are not being matched by Wiggins, and his refusal to even offer an explanation is disrespectful. It's why I thought Curry's response was perfect. He didn't condemn Wiggins or shame him, but he did say that if it became necessary, they'd adapt by making adjustments; he's hoping it won't come to that. But I'm sure he's not happy.

As for Wiggins' reasons, we're all just speculating. But even though I think he's entitled to his reasons and public response, so are his teammates and the fans. No one is saying he can't have a choice about being vaccinated. But I don't think he can expect everyone to respect or affirm his choices. Some of us are going to think he's wrong; some will want him off the team. And we are as entitled to our own response as he is to make the choice.

For now at least, he's choosing not to be vaccinated and not to explain himself. If he stays there, that's going to cost him, financially and otherwise. How the team and fans respond to that is up to them, but it doesn't surprise me at all that many are unhappy with him on multiple levels and not excited to cheer for him or even have him on the team.

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He is intentionally hurting his ability to help the team by making him possibly ineligible for half the team's season. That is the very definition of disrespect. His reasons are quite frankly irrelevant for me as a basketball fan. He, despite being paid excessively well, refuses to ensure he is capable of delivering on what he is paid for.

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I dont get the wiggins bashing in here, yes it sucks he wont play but maybe his personal reason is justifiable.

Maybe he had a family member that had an issue with crack which was supplied by the government, maybe he had an ancestor in the Tuskegee trials or maybe he has a family history with any of the other events that would cause a black person not to trust the government and mainstream science.

And for the people to say there is scientific facts that prove the vaccine is the right way to go, you are 100% out of touch with the world, emotion is 100 times more powerful then logic, it's the damm reason we are sport fans in the first place. No amount of logic will overrule that emotional response until the emotion is dealt with. Let him decide what he wants to do and stop judging without knowing the whole story.

Maybe his reason is he doesn't trust the government due to the treatment of blacks in America and if he came out and said that it would blow into a humongous deal, hed be labeled a conspiracy theorist, maybe even sent death threats, we do not know.

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You do realize Wiggins is Canadian right? Canadians don’t share that level in f government distrust.

You’re grasping at straws.

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IMO, the frustration isn't simply about Wiggins but exhaustion from the drama of the Trump years leading to where we are now, an on going pandemic, when there is a simple answer to dramatically lower the case load in the USA, a vaccine.

Peoples patience has grown thin. I doubt anyone here wishes him ill will or to get a serious case of covid (I just assume he will get it at some point), but I just don't have much headspace for those who refuse it if your not a loved one.

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I actually agree with the majority of your points in regards to the US govt historically giving black people the short end of the stick in terms of health care. I might even accept it as a rationale from a regular person as far as not getting the vaccine (though I would vehemently disagree with their decision). But Wigs is not a regular person, he is a professional athlete and I think the standard is different for a public personality who actively travels and has regular interactions with a host of other individuals who don't have an active say in the matter of whom they are exposed to because they aren't important enough to be granted special consideration.

Maybe that's not fair, but important people like professional athletes and musical performers and public speakers have more of a responsibility in this regard than a regular person, even if they are granted more privileges than a regular person in the vast majority of other situations.

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I understand that completely and if he makes his decision stands by it and doesn't play who are we to judge

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He still gets to go on the road and potentially infect hundreds or thousands of people.

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Then cancel the whole nba

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I mean, that'd be the safest route. But given that the players are 90% vaccinated and the coaches and staff are 100% vaccinated, just cancel the 10%.

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Well, we are fans paying top dollar for an inferior product because a player on a max contract has decided he doesn't want to play home games. I have to wonder if this has more to do with Wiggins getting miffed that his name was floated in every stupid trade deal than it does with getting vaccinated especially when the media is reporting that his teammaters are gung ho to make a deal. He may just want out and figures this is the way to do it without making a trade demand.

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He has consistently said this is the happiest he’s been in his basketball career. It’s a minor tragedy he’d allow this to ruin it.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I guess in some ways you answered your question (Wiggins bashing) - emotions. The difference though is that my emotional response to his decision has no bearing on anyone. But his emotional decision adds to the increased probability, however minuscule, of someone around him getting covid.

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But that's a good response I understand

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Maybe he believes him getting vaccinated will possibly effect him and his family or future children

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Maybe. Still doesn't change the facts.

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deletedSep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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This is definitely an emotional response

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I think the point trying to be made is why is he so against the vaccine? Is he that way towards everything medicine related? We know the shit athletes put in their bodies. Does it matter then? It's hard to know if he won't give a reason. And if he doesn't give a reason there's going to be speculation. It's just how it is

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I seem to recall that Wiggins is vegan, too, so my best guess is the root cause of his vaccine refusal is something related.

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The vaccine is more attached to government issues then something like a ligament issue

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

The vaccine was also a worldwide effort not just the US

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Sure but the government isn't creating the vaccines

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Imo if you can't give a reason then you really don't know why you're not taking the vaccine

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If unvaccinated kids get COVID, it’s almost certainly going to be from sitting in a classroom with 20-30 other unvaccinated kids for 6 hours a day. A kid’s chances of getting COVID from Wiggins are beyond statistically insignificant when it comes to risk factors.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Some Klay progress notes from the man himself: “Pretty good at defensive sliding,” he continued. “My timing is a little off. My reaction time is not there. … I’ve done everything but five-on-five, one-on-one, so I’m feeling very confident in my body again. … My last taste of hoops was 2019 Finals and I was really shooting the heck out of the ball. I might not get there right away but I expect to be there at some point during the season.”

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F’ing great. His chemistry plan is for the team to take two of the greatest off ball cutters and screeners in history and run a ton of pick and roll. More chopstix in the orchestra coming soon.

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Basically simplify his game to a McGee role, no? Should be fine if he's billed for less than 20mpg.

Curry PnR and Klay off-ball screens should be his main duties on offense.

Should Looney and/or Bjelica get hurt and all of a sudden the Ws need 25+mpg from Wiseman, ugh, gonna be real annoyed they didn't use the TPMLE on a vet C...

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Did they do that much pick and role with McGee? I remember a lot of tic tac toe calls ending in a McGee dunk.

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Which vet center got gobbled up for TPMLE that isn’t available anymore?

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If you look at the FA thread, I was high on RoLo.

Otherwise, McGee, Gorgui, and Bradly also went for around TPMLE deals.

Warriors didn't even seem to offer Chriss a vet min deal.

Seems like they just weren't interested in bringing another big after Bjelica.

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And/or they really hoped to get Patty Mills with the TPMLE and by the time Mills made his choice, pretty much the FA Center market dried up.

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I hear you, but it’s not like Steph is bad in P&R, either… and if Wise is going to be #putinabox to simplify the game for him in spurts, that’s a good place to start with his vertical threat. But Klay P&R makes me go “Hmmm…” in a bad way for sure.

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My only comment is I do not believe it's fair that chase center is allowing unvaccinated opposing players in, make it all or none

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I'm writing up something for tomorrow, but basically the city came out and strongly implied it was a business decision. They don't want to make it harder for for travelling entertainers here.

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I read something saying that the city may be concerned that if they require vaccination for visitors, that would regulate interstate commerce, which is the sole jurisdiction of the federal government. So it would be challenged in court.

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I get that but is this a stance for health or not? If you still letting unvaccinated people in just ramp up the protocols on wiggins

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"For performers or athletes coming once to a large venue, we can decrease risk with testing, masking, and distancing for that one-time event.

It is much more difficult to sustain all those non-vaccine measures over time for performers who regularly work in San Francisco. We’re also mindful of our fragile economic recovery and the practical limitations of trying to place requirements on out-of-state athletes or performers who are not based here and only briefly visiting. Our Health Order is designed to protect public health and strike the right balance."

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Honestly reading that back for like the 5th time it strikes me that they said "athletes or performers". I imagine it wouldn't make much of a financial difference to the city to slap the vaccine mandate on athletes (nets are still gonna come play even if Kyrie has to sit) but _performers_ could be really expensive. I'm sure if they had a vaccine mandate for musical artists there are performers who would skip the stop on their tour, or maybe move to a nearby venue that didn't have such restrictions. It would be even more markedly hypocritical if they applied the mandate to visiting athletes, but not performers, so here we are.

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my understanding is that it was mostly an economic position. They don't want to shut down a bunch of performances because a couple of performers aren't vaccinated

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It’s the city that sets the policy, not chase center or the Warriors.

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From the point of view of someone who both has gotten the vaccine and had their kids vaccinated:

Getting sick of the non-scientific stance that a player not getting vaccinated in a population that is over 90% vaccinated is putting others at risk. He’s assuming the risk. And as a professional athlete he has found the risk to be small, and proven that he can navigate the health protocols successfully to this point. To go after his job is extra oppressive and definitely not on the side of science.

I hope the team trades him so we don’t have to see any more of this stupidity in print.

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Not sure which population is over 90% vaccinated -- maybe NBA players? But the general population, even in the highly vaccinated Bay Area, is not 90%. And these guys will travel to Utah, to Atlanta, to Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, Charlotte, Miami, Indianapolis, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Phoenix... you don't think they'll be in environments where they will be exposed, then have the potential to bring back infections to other player's kids and immune-compromised employees and relatives?

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm no expert, but this article https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/the-vaccinated-arent-just-as-likely-to-spread-covid/620161/ is suggesting that the reason the vaccine prevents spread is because it makes people far less likely to catch the virus. As Beal so astutely pointed out, the vaccine doesn't make people completely immune, so it becomes a numbers game. If Wiggins comes in contact with hundreds of vaccinated people per day (as mDuo13 points out coaches, refs, fans, arena staff, reporters, airport staff, hotel staff, and everyone else the player interacts with every day) the likelihood of him spreading it to someone who either can't get the vaccine or is in contact with someone who can't get the vaccine becomes non-trivial.

Unfortunately for Wiggins his job requires him to be in close physical contact with hundreds of people every day, making it impossible for him to do his job without putting others in danger, therefore making it completely reasonable to "go after his job."

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This. Make whatever analogy you want: seatbelts, driving drunk, etc. This is not a personal decision unless he moves to an island.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Are you suggesting that unvaccinated basketball players don't interact with anyone besides other players?

How about the coaches, refs, fans, arena staff, reporters, airport staff, hotel staff, and everyone else the player interacts with every day? Maybe some of them have children who aren't yet eligible for a vaccine? Pro basketball players travel way more, and are exposed to way more people, than most of us. It's not unscientific to say that they could catch and spread the disease farther and faster than most people, so unvaccinated players are DEFINITELY putting others at risk.

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I tried so hard to not reply and to let this go. But literally everything you said is unscientific. The scientific process is building theories based upon observed results and data preferably in a controlled setting.

The closest thing we have to a scientific process in regards to Wiggins and the effectiveness of NBA health and safety protocols is not some hypothetical possibility of what might happen, it’s the actual data from the NBA’s 72+ games of operation last season. And, for Wiggins as an individual, we have 73 games of data on his ability to navigate the NBA health and safety protocols.

Add the fact that he will be operating in an environment with over 90% community immunity and his choice is quite legitimate in a risk assessment sense.

The coverage of COVID vs HIV in the NBA is quite glaringly adjusted.

If we are going to get this country vaccinated the way we need it to be it’s essential that we keep it real or our words will carry no weight.

If our whole country got to the NBA’s 90% level we would be well past most targets for successful community immunity. Where is the praise for the league for leading the way to that level of vaccination? Maybe we should all challenge our social circles in a positive way to catch the NBA’s 90% vaccination rate.

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Wiggins turned defensive quick, even when given the chance to share his beliefs. Since his "back is against the wall," he will probably be vaccinated soon or flipped if possible. A lot of the players had the we support him tone, but I didn't get that from Steph. When asked has he spoken to Wigs about it, he essentially said in their position they have too many resources to be holding Wiggins' hand through this. He has to make the choice on his own, and understand the consequences on both sides. If he is not a available they will "adjust accordingly" and in that I don't see them going for Wigs being available for only 41 games

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I got the same sense from Steph's response which is why I loved it. It was basically as far as he could have gone without outright throwing wiggs under the bus

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Disappointed in Wigs for his stance on the vaccine and disappointed with the NBA for not mandating vaccinations. I hope that both change their tune in the near future or the repercussions (both from a competitive and a health standpoint) could be quick and unpleasant.

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It’s not the NBA’s fault, it’s the NBAPA screwing everything up.

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The NBAPA is at fault too, but if the NBA really wanted this to happen I believe it would have found a way to make it happen.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I think some people are severely underestimating the impact of a player (especially a starter) being in and out of the lineup. Basketball is a game of rhythm & flow and it's hard to get the ball rolling when there's inconsistencies.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by punk basketball


Asked Curry if he's expecting, hoping or wanting the Warriors to use the taxpayer midlevel exception in the buyout market or otherwise this season: "Yes, yes and yes," Curry said. Adds that it's obviously based on what's available and how it fits with the team. But also: "Yes."

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Yeah this was interesting hey. Maybe no 15th roster spot filled during camp? Or sign & cut when Klays back?

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Not sure of $ implications of the second option

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Couldn’t they sign one of the candidates to 15th spot on non-guaranteed contract, and then cut as needed?

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