I hate to bring it up but the Warriors did lose to the Pacers bench players, and they lost to a bad Magic team as well so I wouldn't take it for granted that they are going to win tonight. I do think the Warriors tend to take their foot off the gas when they don't think they are going to be challenged.

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Kerr still won’t foul up 3

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The Warriors have no special claim to “sh*t happens,” but yes, sh*t happens.

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While def true, we're playing much better than we were then. But yeah it's the warriors so no win is guaranteed

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*it’s reality, so nothing is guaranteed.

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(but also yeah)

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Funny to think that back when this game was scheduled, people might have thought that it would have playoff implications. Or even more laughable, that it would be one further step on the road to coronation for the Lakers.

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Does anyone know if air balls are tracked? It seems like there were a lot this year and even Steph had more than his normal share. Might be more evidence that the switch from Spaulding to Wilson balls had an effect.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by punk basketball

I can't wait to see NBA on TNT doing the 2022 version of 'Gone Fishing' for the LOLakers

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We did pretty good with a bunch of scrubs.

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We scrubbed the floor with (a decent amount of) the competition.

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Games to pay attention for tonight:

-Bucks vs. Celtics

-Raptors vs. 76ers

-Timberwolves vs. Spurs

-Nuggets vs. Grizzlies

-Warriors vs. Lakers

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so, all of them?

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Minutes Blazers vs Pelicans and Magic vs Hornets. Although now that I think of it....

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Technically, can LBJ buyout his huge contract with LA and go playin next year on another team for much less money?

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I don't think a player can buy out a contract.

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I don't think the CBA allows that anymore but I'm sure someone knows the rules.

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I just realized that Poole has made over 200 threes this season. Remember when that was a huge number?

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Jordan currently sits at #16 overall with 203 threes made on 36.8% shooting, not bad at all.

Klay has 101 in 30 games on 37.1% shooting, also not too shabby.

Steph: 285 made threes on 38% shooting.

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Man, I know Steph was struggling this year, but 8%?

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Arggh I fat-fingered 38% :-)

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

For s's and g's, to hit 285 3Ps on 8% shooting, Steph would have needed 3,563 3PAs. That's a number that would make even Harden blush (he holds the single season record at 1,028 3PA). It's also 56 per game for the 64 games Steph played.

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I mean, it kinda still is... Steph just made that old.

I remember growing up as a kid thinking that 200 yard receiving games was the mark of "you had a great game" because I grew up watching #80. It wasn't till I got to college that somebody educated me that "actually those 100 yard games you just shrugged at are considered great receiving games".

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Liked by punk basketball

The Curry response to the LBJ desire to play with him was perfect. The guy is ready for his Senate run -- in about 10 years, after he's put all of the 3 point records way out of reach and won another championship or seven.

Also, thank you for the chart of positive net impact. It shows how important JP3 has become -- and how far above even that high level Steph is. Phenomenal.

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Steph is always politically correct in what he says and how he conveys it. He could also be an ambassador or envoy in the future.

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Honestly, he wasn’t really “NBA” PC, normally anyone asked about LBJ is more deferential. And I loved it! When was the last time someone was asked about playing with LBJ and answered “I’m good” with a little smirk?

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This was my thought too. It was his way of saying "not interested"

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I always talk with a cigar in my mouth. Always.

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I loved Steph's response lol. If he said anything ambiguous, the media would go in a frenzy and there would be a 100 articles on how the Warriors should trade all the young pieces (Kuminga/Wiseman/Moody/Poole + Wiggins) for LeBron. They still might (because it drives clicks for obvious reasons), but at least the guys in the locker room see that Steph is fully committed and trusts the guys around him. A+ leadership as always.

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at least those articles would be marginally better than the stupid trades floating around involving AD.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Trading in my latest melanoma (the bad skin cancer that killed Bob Marley) for a new scar today. It looks like they caught it early, but all these scars has me looking like I had a rough 3-way with Freddy Krueger and Edward Scissorhands.

Hoping it’s an open-and-shut case so I can get home in time to watch the game. I’m also planning on wearing my new #fuckcancer t-shirt I bought in Ozzyman’s fundraiser for childhood cancer.

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Wishing you the best outcome, and yeah, #fuckcancer. Fingers and toes crossed.

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That’s a rough go of it. Got all my fingers crossed for your recovery

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

I hear ya. Just had a bunch of skin removed from my scalp and now it looks likes a bullet hole in my chest from a biopsy chunk of flesh that was growing. I keep telling people it was Reno PD.

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Aww man

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Dude, between the two of us I got it easy. You got to stay on top of things and put on your sunscreen kids! (I know it not a competition and I have way more problems with being kicked in the head years ago so am now loosing all my teeths).

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Aw, crap.

I'm a South Florida native prone to that, too. Already had a couple of MOHS. Fortunately caught them early. But a yearly trip to the dermatologist is part of my routine.

Hang in there.

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Thanks. I grew up on the beaches of San Diego and rarely if ever wore sun screen. Been paying the price for the last 20+ years.

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Take care Goofus. Hope it goes well. #fuckcancer

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Get well. <3

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

My dad's dad died of Melanoma when my dad was 14. Luckily, there's much better screening and prognoses these days. Good luck, and thanks for the reminder that I need my weird mole checked.

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I just went to the dermatologist for a skin tag check and a likely non-cancerous growth removal that happily was confirmed as non-cancerous. My dad has had some sarcanoma(?) removed. Anyway definitely get that checked!

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Probably carcinoma, either basal or squamous cell

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Thanks, and yeah after 7 of these melanoma surgeries (plus more Basel cells than I can count) I have to go in every six months. It’s definitely not as deadly as it once was.

Get that weird mole checked and good luck!

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Damn Goofus, hope everything works out ok and that you’re cancer free once you’re done with your visit. 🎗 🙏

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Mahalo! 🤙🏼

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Lakers stats:


11 in points scored (111.6)

7 in points in paint!!!!!!!! (49.1)

5 in fastbreak points!!!!!!!!!!!! (14.6)

23 in offensive efficiency

7 in shooting % !!!!!!!! (46.9%)

20 in three point % (34.9%)

6 in two point % !!!!!!!!!! (54.5%)

25 in off. rebound % (21.1%)

22 in def. rebound % (75.7%)

21 in total rebound % (49.1%)

5 in opponent blocks!!!!!!!!!!! (4.1)

27 in opponent steals (8.3)

16 in assists (24.1)

27 in turnovers (14.5)


26 in points allowed (114.8)

28 in opponent points in paint (51.2)

29 in opponent fastbreak points (15.2)

22 in defensive efficiency

22 in opponent shooting % (46.9%)

17 in opponent three point % (35.2%)

26 in opponent two point % (54.6%)

7 in blocks!!!!!!! (5.2)

10 in steals!! (7.7)

27 in opponent assists (26.1)

10 in opponent turnovers!! (14.0)

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“…and are coming out the other side of it with home seeding throughout the playoffs (assuming they can win one of their final three games).“

I think this should read “home seeding in the 1st round.”

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by punk basketball

END OF AN ERA. Loyal readers in this space will recall that at the very start of the season, for game 1, we began composing "Lakers are so old that ..." jokes. I still have the file. Now, it seems to me rather cruel. With the news that Carmelo is checking himself into an old folks home, that Dwight Howard broke a hip and Westbrook no longer recognizes his own teammates (OK that was always true), it just seems unkind to dredge it all back up. However, I am nothing if not democratic, so how about a vote: in the thread, let us know if you'd like to see the jokes one last time, or not. Adding why is a super bonus.

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Yes! I've only seen a few. I'm mostly on game threads

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hard yes...because shadenfreude

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Yes please! Last time I read that list I almost rolled off my couch laughing

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ummm... yes, please.

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Vote YES, because the Lakers love to pretend they never stink as opposed to almost never stinking. Given the number of chips they have and the number of top 10 / top 20 ALL TIME players they have compared to any other franchise and how arrogant they are.

Vote NO because attacking individual players is in poor taste at this point, kicking them while they are down.

Final vote: conflicted...

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Sounds like a firm "yes" to me.

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One ... spirited abstention...

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Me too. Mocking others does not appeal to me.

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