Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Chriss is in 2 of the NBA top 5 highlights! I really enjoyed the Chriss and Spellman show, didn't matter we lost those games

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Longtime lurker here (since GSoM days). Super excited to be watching the dubs play these past few games, even the losses! I’m especially impressed with the playmaking that Paschall, Poole, and Wiggins flash... very unexpected. This season has actually been a helpful breather, and helps me to appreciate all things dubs, from past seasons to this season, much more.

In the meantime, I’ve been wondering, has anyone else been watching RoCo? He was 7-13 on 3’s last night! I understand Wiggins and RoCo have different skill sets and different roles, but I still mildly wonder if Wiggins or RoCo would’ve worked better for us... is Wiggins already better? Or are we hoping that he reaches RoCo productivity?

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Man I just love Wiggins’ length and slashing. I think that opens up so much more for this team. We have shooters coming, but it seems lime every game Wiggins provides a defensive highlight. I just think that will eventually provide so much more for this team down the road.

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RoCo = Covington?

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yup, I meant Covington

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That was a hell of a gamble releasing Chriss... I'd be pissed if he'd gotten away.

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Yeah for real. Thankfully players like it in GS now and the rest of the League, besides the Lakers, undervalue our guys. They think they are only 'system' players.

Chriss is a talent we are lucky to have. We need one more center and for one of these wings to stay consistent with the 3 and the D and we will be STACKED next year...even without whomever we draft.

Then there's the Minnie pick coming. We could be seeing this team starting to transition to a totally new generation of core talents and they are doing it on the fly, sacrificing a single season. Bob is indeed BobGod. (Not the God, just a god. ;) )

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A bunch of Ws' fans thought so when it happened. It was to be able to sign Lee, with whom they had some kind of wink-wink deal. But man...

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Oh man I already forgot that happened!

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Love you & your reports, Duby Dub Dubs, but can you not call what Steph did not come down with “the Coronavirus flu”? Even if you mean it in jest, COVID-19 is not the flu — it attacks the lungs, destroys the tissue, and leaves it fibrous in those with less resilient bodies. Hence, the high mortality rate among the infected elderly and already sick, and the crtitical conditions among the hospitalized.

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Thanks, I would NEVER joke about something so serious. Read it closer. It is specifically called out as NOT coronavirus.

I went with italics over bold or all CAPS, but if the writing is unclear to others I'll happily change it

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

It read totally clear to me.

And no, it's not a joking matter.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I love the purity of the win comment...so satisfying for these players, and us fans as well. But we need to stay in the bottom 3, and we have the potential to do some winning in the stretch.... gotta worry about something!

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Every time I watch Mulder have a great game I remember this forum. Hope the sample size is still small or are you guys convinced NOW?...

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I like him, and his confidence. Would like to see him finish more inside because he can clearly get there. Another 10-day, please.

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Still a small sample size, but he's starting to really prove you right.

Sounds like they're going to at least give him another 10 day, which means internet cookies for you, sir! Nice early prediction

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Can we talk about his defense? He can clearly shoot but I've seen him get picked on defensively quite a bit and I could imagine him being unplayable in playoff series (clearly getting way ahead of myself here but what else is there to do?)

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No it doesn't (mean internet cookies), no it wasn't (a nice early prediction). Slim doesn't understand what a sample size is or, likely, statistics in general. I would bet most fans saw and were impressed with what Mulder did and liked him and wanted him to get more PT so we could see what he could do. When Slim says he's great and other people say it's a small sample size it doesn't mean they don't think he's played great too (honestly, anyone who couldn't see he was doing a great job, just wasn't paying attention). Saying small sample size says that one is aware of the unpredictability of basketball and a player may not be able to maintain the observed level of play or may not develop the way one would hope (again I'll mention Jordan Bell - we loved him for a whole season but he didn't pan out here or elsewhere, it's increasingly looking like). So, yeah, Slim, it's still a small sample size and if Mulder turns out to be great for the Warriors with a large sample size (looking good so far) that will still be true. It won't mean you're a genius and everyone who said small sample size were idiots. It will only mean that he continued to play well.

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Mulder is even far better than what We Have seen. He has a 40" vertical and is insanely athletic. When he gets comfortable and start dunking u guys will see what I've been raving about..

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Lol. I understand what a sample size is. I'm a physician so I can confidently say my math skills are sublime. On this forum people refer to small sample size as an euphemism for "nothing special". I've been following Mulder for a while now. I knew he would be nice in this system. More like Ian Clark with better defense and jumpshot. The kid has a 6'8 wingspan and (acromegalic)huge hands .

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I like Mulder. But this is a wierdly combative series of posts against a strawman segment of the commenter base.

1) it doesn't follow that a physician is automatically sublime mathematically.

2) your appeal to the authority of your profession is odd because it carries no weight in a basketball context, and

3) given the logical leaps and your defensiveness/combativeness in this comment thread, I would never want to be your patient, as well as question whether you are actually a physician. Perhaps that's because I've just been extraordinarily fortunate in terms of the personal and professional qualities of physicians I'm acquainted with, though.

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"(acromegalic)huge hands" .. like Kawhi ?

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Almost as big

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Another 10 day for sure. Unless he falls off hard then I'd sign him tight for the rest of the season. A knockdown shooter who D's up and can drive, even make plays?

And we have the more defensively oriented version in El Commandante, too. I hope one or both really pans out.

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Plus he's named after Klay's dad, which makes him an honorary Splash Cousin

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This team has magic in it. I swear.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I'm proud of Lee, he could have gone into a little slump after that meltdown against Toronto but he bounced back like a true professional

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Ditto this.

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Wow, this is like the 3rd game recently where I have seen Real Warriors Ball being played! It wasn't always perfect, but...Jesus, EP putting up 23 points on 12 attempts? That's some Durant-level efficiency right there. And 6 assists? EP developing his handle and his playmaking already.

Lots of assists! Great FG%! High-percentage threes! Playing good defense! Getting out-rebounded!

I felt...such...joy! Even with Steph having a bit of the stomach flu or whatever. Wow, it felt like the real thing again.

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EP has been really focusing on his playmaking lately. He had 6, 8, 5, 6, and 4 assists in each of the last 5 games. This is coming from a guy who was averaging 2 assists per game this season, this is a definitely improvement for him.

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It's good to see what he can do with the ball in his hands more. I really wonder what his ceiling is. He just needs to work on defense, including reminding, and his 3 ball a bit more. Get more consistent in an these fronts.

What a total gem. And we got him second round?!

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Reminiscent of someone else..:

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Good redemption game for Lee. I really, really like Chriss too. Paschall has been balling since the all star break after a lull there. Good win for the morale of this team.

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Super fun game. Random note, but Wiggins has been doing a lot of little things that help the team win since he's been here. Screen-setting, good closeouts, second effort contests on defense and the boards, tipping the ball away, etc. He seems like a nice guy, I'm happy that he's playing well in a good place for him.

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Wiggins seems to have lost his sneer and has found some of that 'weaponized joy' in the Bay. I have never seen that guy smile so much, and his addition will make a difference going forward, assuming he stays put. #lightyears

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Wiggins was just stuck in a bad situation in Minnesota. He really needed this to fulfill his potential. I'm proud of him especially on defense. He is rewriting his story. Can't wait for the whole team to play together next season and for him to have a monster year..

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Looking at this skeleton crew reminds me of this year's Wisconsin Badgers. They always have 4 players scoring 10 or more in a 60-point game and each game has a different leading scorer. Looks like 2020-21's bench will be a force to be reckoned with just like the 2014-15 bench, costing about 10 % of what David Lee was getting paid that year.

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MC growing in confidence every game. Makes you wonder - not in a good way - about the other systems he went through. Lots of people blame the player when a high draft pick doesn’t work out, very few blame the system / team / environment they are in.

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Yeah, there's totally a developmental-tax on raw prospects drafted into bad situations. I don't doubt it was responsible for a few busts over the years. Hell, we all watched how players would thrive once they left here back in the Dark Ages...

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Makes me wonder if draft busts Troy Murphy and Patrick O'Bryant wouldve thrived under Kerr's system.

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POB never really had a career to speak of, but Murphy for sure would have been a welcome addition to Kerr's scheme

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I just love how these kids can play with in the system. Effort compliments talent. Some NBA players have so much talent they can get away with little effort. But the effort is what takes all of them to their next level and these kids will never be accused of lack of effort. That effort is also what has made this season worth watching. Love basketball.

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Updated Roster wish list next year:

Curry, Klay, Wiggins, Draymond, Chriss

Draft a lead Guard, 17 mil trade exception SG, Sign GR3, Paschall, Looney

Lee, Poole, Mulder, Second Round SF, Smailigic

Think we should shore up the backcourt and make this the absolute strength of this team. Small Forward position complementary solid but unspectacular. Draymond and Paschall PFs and Chriss Looney as the centers. List subject to xhange.

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Someone kind and keen with contracts, please verify if we can keep this roster next year? Thanks

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And we forgot SKy and El Subcomandante JTA

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Eh, Ky Bowman is fodder for a veteran on the minimum, imo.

JTA is a two-way contract.

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I'd keep JTA over Ky, actually, assuming JTA's 3pt numbers stay steady. He's shot better than I expected. He's raw, but...he could be a useful bench player, a tenacious 3-and-D guy to throw in as needed.

If his defense keeps improving and his shot % stays decent, then he could be more than a 9th- or 10th-man who's only useful in limited situations.

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I think how JTA looks in training camp will determine if he gets a regular contract or a two-way.

Right now he's low volume (3.1 3ptA per36) on about league average efficiency (34.8%). If he can increase at least one of those, I could see him as that 10th guy, and basically be the next McKinnie.

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I love how he doesn’t force anything. For a guy trying to prove himself that is incredible to me. He has earned my trust with his restraint. If he can develop one skill, like an SDot post up, he will be solidly on this roster.

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There's a fine line between not forcing things and being such a non-threat that it's almost 4-5 on the offensive end. We've seen that in the past with Bogut and Iguodala, and I think JTA has been the bad side a lot.

The PHI game was good though, where he was looking for cuts off the ball and just be in the action in general. So, that's why I think if he can be super efficient on his few 3ptA or if he ups his volume at his current league average efficiency, then he would really stick in the NBA.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Yeah, GR3 is still a Warrior in disguise. What was Quese telling him? “Hurry back, I’m fed up of watering your apartment plants”.

I’d keep Bender. 100% FG tonight. The 2nd rounder to SCW

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I like Bender too. We need one more rim protecting rebounding center that can check the biggest centers.

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Bender is so...he's had some good nights but other nights he's been really bad. And his career to date? Hideous numbers on offense. Seriously, .386 FG% is bad for anyone, but for a 7-footer? Ooof god.

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Yeah I'm pretty cool on Bender. Cool name, and I love the concept of his game - but he's been so uneven with his play. And as you noted, a "stretch" player that isn't an especially efficient shooter seems like a silly selling point

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For me, Benders offense isn't even the worst part. Its his defense, he seemingly has an inability to play competent positional defense on the pick and roll. Nevertheless, his shooting ability (or at least the threat of it) has made me a genuine believer of the Warriors need for a stretch 5. It just adds another dimension to the pick and roll, the most potent source of offense in the NBA.

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My concern with Bender is he plays smaller than 7 ft. Whats the point of being tall if you don’t use it. Admitting I am only basing it on the eye test, but his rebounding is pretty bad. I look at someone like Spellman who plays much bigger than his height. I was in favor of a second 10 day, but I kind of feel I have seen who he is.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

He's rebounding 9.8 boards per36, so it has been fine there.

But his fluidity of movement is just sooo bad.

Like, on a PnR he is unable to either fight over a screen nor drop back down against a roll man, so he's constantly in this no-man's land of not defending anything. Then of course, smalls are constantly trying to attack him one-on-one on the perimeter.

He basically needs to shoot 40% from 3 to make up for all those defensive deficiencies....

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Goes to show you, my eye test isn’t always accurate. Still like you said his fluidity of movement is bad. I want him to do well, but sometimes when I see a rebound coming his way he runs from it like a wrench in dodgeball.

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Worried about Looney here. Really am pulling for him to get and stay healthy.

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Did you hear Kerr talking about it last night? Shutting him down for at least 3 more weeks, and he may just miss the rest of the season.

Super bummer

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Bummer for sure.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Great to see our young guys finish the game with poise. They’re getting better!

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Damn. These guys have heart. The whole game they just stayed close. Then to finish the game strong. I just feel so proud.

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That was a great damn game. These kids are growing up. Can't wait for next year. Hope Mulder is still around.

Also, flipped over to the Kings game like 5 minutes ago, just in time to see somebody catch a knee in the cajones. And wouldn't ya know, it was Trevor Ariza's knee, while his team is getting stomped. Imagine my shock.

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Their record with Mulder may not be a fluke- dude brings the O and the D.

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Mulder>>>Nunn , no?

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If he keeps this level up, I'd say he easily could end up being much better. Nunn isn't the best defender.

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Eric is a beast out there. Damion with the redemption. "Fox" Mulder looking like Curry. Awesome win.

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I am really liking the fired up Paschall. When he is going his shot is money. He has “closer” written all over him. He will play Important minutes at the end of games. I am not sure how but I am certain he will.

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Dude, he's already one of the most consisten and effective ISO scorers on the team, which is *nuts.* I think you're 100% right about him being a closer and a big-shot-maker. He doesn't back down from anybody as far as I've seen.

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I had no idea Sixers were 10-23 on the road before tonight's game.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

So sign Mulder for rest-of-the-season contract?

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He seems like a real smart guy too. Working in Kerr's system right out of the gate.

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I don't believe they can, right?

All the Warriors can offer is a bunch of those little cheap 10 days, correct?

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I think we have enough money now. I think we need another two 10-day contract for 14th/Bender spot. So that's $192K or less. Removing that from $648K tax space that we have left (as per Sportrac), we are left with $456K which should be more than enough to sign a minimum rest-of-the-season contract for less than quarter of the season

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Aren't they still like 500k below the tax line?

Still enough for a pro-rated minimum deal?

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hold on, I'm asking Patrick

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Mixed answers.

Patrick Murray says that 'at some point ' the Dubs should be able to offer a minimum for the rest of the season; but was dubious that we were close enough to the end yet.

But Reddit guy's twitter account (maybe Robosaurus?) Was saying that we CAN sign Mulder for a rest of season minimum deal - and he's been really solid with his cap math.

I'll look into it more ahead of my next article and give a more assured update on this

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Thank you, D3.

I think we ought to do so of he gets through another 10-day in similar fashion. I'm quite impressed with him so far considering how unknown he was.

Very smooth, quick, efficient shot. Almost reminds me of Steph's form a bit.

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Since Mulder joined the team, they are 3-2 with one loss in the last minute to the Raptors. I liked his confident shots down the stretch this game. A keeper.

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So its Mulder that is destroying the "tank."

Long live Mulder!

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Oh wait I forgot to count his debut in LAL. Let’s ignore that game.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball


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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Top players:


Horford: (+1)

22 points 9/16 FGs 2/5 three pointers 2/2 FTs

10 rebounds (1 off.) 7 assists 4 turnovers 1 steal

Harris: (-7)

24 points 10/23 FGs 1/5 three pointers 3/3 FTs

4 rebounds (1 off.) 4 assists 2 turnovers 1 steal

Milton: (-6, 3rd place)

14 points 5/10 FGs 1/3 three pointers 3/4 FTs

3 rebounds (2 off.) 3 assists 1 steal

Robinson III: (-9, 3rd place)

15 points 4/5 FGs 2/2 three pointers 5/5 FTs

6 rebounds (1 off.) 3 assists 1 steal 1 block

Honorable mention:

Neto: (+2)

11 points 3/4 FGs 1/1 three pointer 4/4 FTs

3 assists 1 turnover

Burks: (+2)

11 points 4/8 FGs 2/6 three pointers 1/2 FTs

4 rebounds(1 off.) 2 assists


Paschall: (+8)

23 points 8/12 FGs 0/1 three pointer 7/7 FTs

3 rebounds 6 assists 1 turnover

Lee: (+1)

24 points 10/17 FGs 3/8 three pointers 1/1 FT

6 rebounds (1 off.) 3 assists 2 turnovers

Chriss: (+12, 3rd place)

13 points 6/9 FGs 0/1 three pointer 1/1 FT

10 rebounds (3 off.) 8 assists 1 steal 1 block

Mulder: (+15, 3rd place)

18 points 5/10 FGs 3/7 three pointers 5/6 FTs

1 rebound 3 assists

Honorable mention:

Poole: (-5)

11 points 5/11 FGs 1/4 three pointers 0/2 FTs

1 rebound 2 assists 3 turnovers 1 steal

Wiggins: (+8)

10 points 3/10 FGs 4/7 FTs

4 rebounds (1 off.) 4 assists 1 turnover 1 steal 1 block

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Chriss is the Warrior Wonder tonight IMO

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The Block!!

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Warrior of the season for making the come back.

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Wow - Chriss with near triple-double

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It seems like a lot of these young players (Paschall/Chriss/Poole/Wiggins) are all focusing on passing these last few games. Really makes me think that the coaching staff has been really stressing that in practice.

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Meanwhile, perennial MVP James Haren with a quadruple double featuring 10 TOs

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Leave harden alone. He has all the skill in the world..Harden says he is the only player that constantly gets double teamed. Steph came back after a four-month injury and walked in double and triple teams all game long...

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Harden days saying patently ridiculous stuff. He doesn't have half the shit that Steph does; Steph doesn't get half the calls that Harden does.

Dame gets doubled and trapped a lot by teams that know how to defend. Kyrie faces it. Every quick, accurate, superstar PG in the league does.

But Steph? That's been the other teams' playoff prayer for the last five years: double Steph and force Durant and Klay to win the game without him.

Even more: harass him around the court all the time, foul him off ball as often as possible a la Delly, wear him down with dinner every time he touches the ball.

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and that block at the end?? Great play

Another good find by the Warriors FO

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And I think his 1-on-1 D away from the post will keep getting better.

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

*outside post

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Mar 8, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Final stats:


48.8% shooting (41/84 FGs)

13/34 three pointers

19/22 FTs

41 rebounds (11 off.)

29 assists

11 turnovers

3 steals

2 blocks


55.0% shooting (44/80 FGs)

9/25 three pointers

21/28 FTs

35 rebounds (7 off.)

30 assists

7 turnovers

4 steals

2 blocks

Points in paint:

Sixers: 54

Warriors: 60

Fastbreak points:

Sixers: 5

Warriors: 9

Points off turnovers:

Sixers: 9

Warriors: 18

Bench points:

Sixers: 40

Warriors: 47


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