Not sure if this has been posted, but interesting article from Charlie Cummings on JW


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Possibly related - https://twitter.com/CjHolmes22/status/1589359302523097088?s=20&t=yGmj-N8Iz-vtv84Vyo4BFA

"Kerr says Jonathan Kuminga will be included in the new rotation him and his staff are cooking up."

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Kuminga deserves minutes. Wiseman should learn about himself in the G League.

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Maybe that's what Kerr means by more reps. Let's hope Wiseman can get that Poole jump from the g league

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One can hope…

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Assuming Wiseman will be the odd man out and we'll go with Jamychal at center

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Nuggets tried that last season and it didn't work out so well.

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He was injured last year though. If his 3 point shot comes back (which he claimed it would but it doesn't look like it so far), then I would think it'd be a little better at least

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“Hmmm… give the ball to Steph, that’s always worked before. I’m a genius!!!”

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Yea but what you have done for us lately?

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Interesting… to the “I want Wiseman gone” contingent that also wants confirmation from some article regurgitating existing observations. To the rest of us, it’s just another Wiseman hit piece.

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Not sure I agree with this. Charlie/klaytheist is a pretty straight shooter. It’s concerning when Kevin and Steph are getting on him like that.

I feel bad for James, he’s being put in a spot he’s not ready for. I think he needs to go to the G-League to get some work.

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What should I care what this random person has to say?

Wiseman is a project. It’s not linear. It may never work out, but for people to say it is over is stupid. Except, maybe it’s not, Wise figures things out and becomes a major contributor. If that happens will this guy delete his Twitter account and promise to never make predictions again? If not, than I could care less what his opinion is.

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I think is actual opinion is in the last para

> There is still a career for Wiseman in this league. But the odds that the Warriors can squeeze a productive player out of him in the next two years are slimming by the day.

That seems pretty accurate to me. I’m a JW fan, want him to be great, believe he can be really good and don’t want him traded. And I’m glad he got some time to see where he is at, but he’s just doesn’t seem ready, which is all good. Let’s re-sign him on the cheap and watch him make a leap in year 6 🤞🏻

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Oh, yeah, that seems fair to me too. Should have kept reading I guess…

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Anyone see a story on Yardbarker about Kerr’s concern about Klay? It was there and then disappeared.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

It seems to me that Wiseman has clear things that he could work on in the G League. I would love for them to switch him and Kuminga for a few games, and assuming it doesn’t get actively worse, send him to SC.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

How is the coaching down there? I think the coach who helped Poole so much is no longer there.

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Can absolutely send Milojovic to work closely with him... poor coaching cannot be a problem with the G League team, it's the entire purpose of the league to train & coach borderline NBA guys in the hopes they can become real NBA players.

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Yo, can DNHQ hire an on-staff psychotherapist to help all the members here who are going to need serious help while watching the Dubs work on Wiseman all season? There’s no chance he gets traded. He’s the project of the season and our patience is far less than the Dubs’ FO. The result is going to be a lot of stress induced mental injuries. Fantasy trade machinations. Desperate wishful thinking. TVs, laptops, tablets and a mass assortment of digital devices thrown out windows. Wiseman will just keep working on his offensive and defensive moves, and the anxiety here will reach a roaring crescendo of riotous anti-Wiseman mania.

If we don’t get some serious professional help we’ll be resorting to dangerous self-medicating. There’s only so far weed, booze and ice cream can go!

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I'm a psychotherapist!

But alas, even I can't work miracles.

I'm gonna have to go ahead and endorse the weed, booze and ice cream strategy. As long as we call it "self-care" we can excuse any behavior.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Hear me out. Toronto has a bit of a glut of large small forwards, and no true center. They're a team that would like to see if they can contend for a title, but they have no one to bang up against Giannis, Embiid, Jarrett Allen, etc. Their depth chart lists at center Pascal Siakam, then Precious Achiuwa, both good, but both 6'8". Yet Toronto knows that they can't get everything they want, like a perfect big man to completely dominate, so they are open to ideas.

Toronto has rather a glut of big small forward types and can't seem to find minutes for all of them. So: Wiseman for Otto Porter. It works in the trade machine straight up. OPJ has clearly not found a basketball home in Toronto, played two games so far. We know what he can provide the Dubs. I believe the Dubs would actually save money, and would be freed from endlessly worrying about What's The Plan With Wiseman? Toronto might go for it recognizing the risks, they're not blind to Wiseman's weaknesses, but would like a lob threat for their passers and a roll to the rim pnr guy, plus as mentioned, six fouls to throw at Evan Mobley, etc.

I've spoken to Bob several times this week. He's reluctant to take the step because he has loyalty to his players, which is admirable, but ultimately a GM needs to be cold-blooded. So we've been running it past the key players like Kerr, Steph Dray and Klay. We got an OK from them. But of course we realize we need this site's approval. So: What do you think?

PS How about Daniel Theis instead?

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Since we are being cold-blooded about this, I think neither OPJ nor GP2 can stay healthy, and if they weren't former Dubs nobody here would suggest them. I loved 'em both when we had them on the vet minimum, and I've been an OPJ fan since he came into the league, but I trust the health of neither.

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Specially not OPJ. I think GPII had some bad luck but still has nothing too ongoing old guy. Unlike OPJ. I know, I know. I suggested it. I want him for one playoff run, maybe two. I think that's possible...

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I think those ships have sailed. Also, the way GP2 plays is risky for the same reason it's exciting.

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I was looking at something similar, namely Gary Payton II. Not eligible until mid-December because he just signed a contract, but salary-wise he's making about as much as Wiseman.

We need to shore up our defense, and we'd like a lob threat. GP2 has those covered, in a proven GSW-compatible package. And I don't think it's mortgaging the future to trade away one or maybe even two of our five young prospects.

Portland doesn't do the deal unless we add something else, probably, but Wiseman is still a player with a pretty high upside—it's just the timetable that's an issue, since at this rate he's more or less at replacement level and needs a few years to be his best self. We might be able to sweet talk another team who's not on a "wasting Steph's prime" timetable into working on getting Wiseman up to speed.

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Hasn’t found a basketball home in Toronto? I thought the reason he’s only played two games is because he had an injured hamstring.

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He is injured, but he also is in a stacked lineup at his position. Is Bob and my theory.

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Toronto has a glut of these types of players because thats what they smartly have targeted. They can switch almost everything with their million different defensive looks.

The better way of thinking about this is: if a good chunk of the fan base wants Wiseman gone. If alot of the national pundits have been critical

Of Wiseman (listen to the latest Windhorst podcast to get a pulse of this), what makes you think any team would give up anything of value for him unless we attach him to another young player or Poole/Wiggins. Opposing teams front offices see pretty much what we see with Wiseman.

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The fact they picked up Wiseman’s option means there are some important people in the Org still with a “Giannas Complex”. Would anyone here make a serious argument that JW was at any risk next year of signing for more money somewhere else? (Ok, Kangz.)

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>Of Wiseman (listen to the latest Windhorst podcast to get a pulse of this), what makes you think any team would give up anything of value for him

Some teams need a tank commander, but I guess we are a few months away from determining the true tankers (hoping we are not a part of them).

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Yeah, feels like it'd have to be a team that is a) still intrigued enough by Wiseman's talent to take a flyer, and b) trying to lose in the short term. I think that probably rules out the previously mentioned Raptors. Some possible other candidates: Houston, San Antonio, Utah...?

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RemovedNov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022
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I can speak to this as a person, but not as your therapist. Obviously, I'm not. But in my business it's very important to be super clear not to act in any way to blur the lines.

Alas, in any event I don't have answers. I believe that the individual has the wisdom within them, and my job is to amplify ambivalence and to ask useful questions. In this case, they would be: how long ago was the love lost, how significant was the damage, what efforts were made to repair the damage, what is the current status, and to what extent is this the hope of one person or two?

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Is it possible that Dray$ has been unable to assert his defensive leadership because of “The Punch” because I don’t see the possibility of Looney or Wiggins getting in anyone’s face.

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Somebody needs to... they gotta ask Dray to get back to enforcing, if that's what's missing.

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If Dray$ had been traded over “The Punch” and the Warriors defense was performing like it is now we’d all be blaming his absence, and yet, there is still something of an absence of Dray$ in our defense.

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I think maybe he’s having a hard time regaining that trust. He needs it to succeed on this team.

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Hi, Eric. Sorry to break in, but, my credit card company account got billed again from ''Let's Go Warriors''. I think my subscription with you guys would be a bill in Feb for ''Dub Nation HQ''. I paid one time in both accounts and don't aim to be suckered again...yours is the only site I want to renew. Is there anything you can do about it...I don't think you still bill under their name...loll...I do not even have their site address anymore....Do I have it right...You may delete this post if you want...

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hi Dino, I am not positive what's happening... but our site was billing under the name Let's Go Dubs, LLC, which is the official name of our business entity (me, Duby, Daniel and Nate). I see how that is VERY confusing, so I have changed the Stripe billing information to Dub Nation HQ.

I believe Rich subscribed everyone at DNHQ to LGW, but he could not (thank god) switch over the billing part.

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Wait? This can happen? I thought our info just switched over? That would really suck if I am also paying money to LGW…

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The Commish is gonna be upset at you. The Commish also blocked me on Twitter a long while ago. Long before this site broke off from LGW. I went through all my tweet replies and i never responded, retweeted, or quote tweeted him at any point

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Probably need to go to the other account and close it out.

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Just tell credit card company to remove and refund

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Run it back hard. Do whatever it takes rotation wise to go on a nice fat winning streak. If the pieces aren’t falling into place start packaging them for some hungry, savvy vets. For god’s sake, Curry is now on the back end of 30 and giving this team 30+ per night.

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Isn't Iguodala a savvy vet? It's strange to me how everyone just accepts that he's a basketball player who doesn't play basketball these past two years. A roster spot is a damned important thing, as we've seen with guys like Ty Jerome trying to make it. Andre was a ridiculous signing, a Haslem Museum Piece Special (TM), and it's time to release him. I'd rather have half the guys in Santa Cruz.

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He played 20mpg last year for 31 games till he got injured. Yes, we're counting on him not getting injured... but it's a pretty big leap to suggest he "doesn't play basketball these past two years".

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> we're counting on him not getting injured

Actually, I'm depressingly counting on him getting injured...

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Fair... I'm counting on him not playing lots of games, but Andre available for the playoffs would be huge.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

The chances of Andre being available for more than an occasional game in the playoffs are very long.

I think there are going to be some hard choices at the end of the regular season. You can sign 2-ways to a regular contract on the last day of the season and they are still eligible for the playoffs.

I can see them doing this for both Lamb and Jerome, given their level of play. In fact, it might even happen sooner, if they run out of eligible days (41 games, IIRC)

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It would be if he played well, which is entirely debatable. He's 108 years old, was there when the WWI Armistice was signed, and may be at a point when he's a liability on both ends of the floor. Happy to be proven wrong, Andre, show me what you've got. Love the podcast, btw

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That explains him dancing the Lindy every time they win a championship.

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We can't release him because adding a replacement would cost 11 million dollar in luxury tax.

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WHICH hungry, savvy vets did you have in mind?

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just a generic comment, IDK beg the Blazers for GP2 back. My frustration is showing not my deep knowledge of basketball operations. If Curry wasn’t forced to share the floor with Wise his +/- is through the roof, scoring avg a few points higher, and maybe we’re sitting at 8-2 and he’s who everyone is talking about for MVP. All Hail, the petty King! Long live the petty King! Sorry, I’ll take my meds now.

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No it's a relevant comment. I've been up all night on the Trade Machine. Thinking....

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I guess my breaking point was the sequence that got a lot of media burn where Wise sets a shitty screen for Steph and then Wise shows frustration when he doesn’t get the entry pass. WTH, in what world does Superman get called out by Jimmy. I can’t remember LeBron sharing the floor with projects let alone being dragged down to their level. This season from now forward needs to be about Curry. Dray$ will be fiercer for it and Klaybot will activate when needed. I know, I know, my meds.

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Hannibal Lector!

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https://hoopswire.com/2022-nba-free-agents/ But some of these guys are playing overseas or technically free agents but practically retired.

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Carmelo is available! And we need defensive help!

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That was my reaction too.

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Also, wouldn’t it have been wiser to rest the core against Orlando and give the Pelicans a good lashing.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I suspect part of it was just reducing injury risk ... can you imagine Steph switching onto Zion?

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maybe they thought Orlando would be an easier win...

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6-4 is honestly the minimum standard for the next ten games. The notion that this season is salvageable by our pre-season standards and goals if we are two games or more below .500 after functionally a quarter of it is ... to be blunt, not very smart. Even at .500, it's a big stretch and would require some major changes in what the team actually does and achieves out there. Because I want to hope, I say our lads go 8-2 and show a new side of themselves on defense.

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50 wins would have got the 5 seed in both conferences last year, and is just above 0.600 winning percentage. To get to 50 wins, warriors would have to go 47-25 for the rest of the year, a 0.650 winning percentage. It’s pretty doable. Of course, the defense has been Trash, and there’s no way to win with that level of defense. So that’s gotta change.

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Thanks. I knew someone would say it better than I could.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

We got another record to break, I guess, because I'm sure no team has started 3-7 and won it all. So, like, whatever... let's do that

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Though one did make the Finals - the 1955-56 Fort Wayne Pistons.

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I had to look that one up! That Piston team was 37-35 and had the only winning record in the Western Division. Their biggest star was Hall of Fame SF George Yardley, of whom I have definitely read but never saw him play. Another star was Mel Hutchins, a PF and 4x All Star I was not familiar with. Also forward Chuck Cooper, whom I had not heard of, but he was inducted into the HOF 3 years ago as a player, and looking at his record, I can't figure out why.

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The cool thing about this site is that if there was such a statistic one of our community will find and post it.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

So did any of you win the Powerball jackpot this evening? Oh and also is Trevion a good rebounder or is this the result of gleague being so guard oriented?

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

1. Nobody hit the Powerball — rolls to $1.9B on Monday (or more than four times what the Lacob group paid for the Warriors.)

2. Yeah, Trevion’s an excellent rebounder and always has been. 14.7 boards per 40 in his four years in college (or almost five times what Davion Mitchell averaged, haha).

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Ok I’ll put this out there right now as a cold lock: the Warriors will not win the championship every year for the rest of time. They also won’t win it every year for the rest of Steph Curry’s (hopefully very long, even unusually long) career.

What the Warriors (not just the 15 guys but the whole organization) owe us then, since they will absolutely fail to win rings some years: A good quality product. Good enough to give us hope. Entertaining high quality winning play on most nights. As little dramatic BS as possible, while we understand that players coaches and staff are people, people who make mistakes. A long term commitment to management not behaving like assholes, and a long term commitment to a team culture that doesn’t support assholery. Fun. Willingness to invest $$ in the players, coaches, trainers, doctors, tech, equipment, players, players, players and everything else that can increase the likelihood of putting a fun, winning product on the court. A culture that encourages and reinforces the kind of behavior from the stars that inspires respect. More than lip service to giving back the community. And I wouldn’t mind some better tv announcers.

Do these things, and I’ll keep watching. I’ll buy the t- shirts and hats. And while I will suffer through the 6 game losing streak, I will come back for more and not just immediately demand that you blow it all up. Yes I’m a fan and I love the rings. But I’m here for 82 games of good high quality entertainment backed up by all those other things I expect. Plus a bunch more ass-clenching post season moments, and for sure the more the better.

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Steve Kerr summed up best how I feel about winning. It's nice, then it wears off. I am about the regular season entertainment. When the season ends I feel sad that I have to wait months before the next regular season starts. I never go "oh man, I have to wait another 9 months for the playoffs".

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Oh, and DNHQ and E1Ps. Necessary.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

A hangover’s a terrible feeling.

Team fights’ll start the vibe reeling.

When our shots all stop falling,

And our ballers stop balling.

Fans all start up Bradley Bealing.

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I assume Sleepy half jests but i was thinking of a scenario this upcoming offseason in which the Warriors would be willing to trade for another Veteran star in exchange for a package centered around Wiggins, Poole, and Wiseman and i dont see the possibility.

I believe Wiseman and Kuminga have little

to no trade value right now. However the only way at this point to increase their trade value is is to play well and demonstrate the potential for continued growth. But if they do that then whats the point of trading good young talent on reasonable contracts lol

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Kuminga has trade value. He had a pretty good rookie season all things considered, and is a hyper-athletic big wing. I'd be pretty surprised if he wasn't worth a later lotto pick on the market.

Wiseman is probably a salary dump guy like Bagley was in his 3rd year at this point. Don't think we'll need to attach anything to dump him, but I highly doubt we're gonna get more than a late first or a 2nd for him.

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I'd be shocked if Kuminga had little to no trade value. Wiseman, I could see that.

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But why would you trade wiggins and poole?

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Meant Kuminga

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I think Kuminga would have plenty of trade value. It's Wiseman who I think is hurting his value game-by-game. But as you say, they can increase their value by showing some progress.

But there is NO WAY this team is trading Wiggins, Poole, and Wise. Who do we think we're getting back -- Giannis?

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Meant Kuminga. Defn not Wiggins. That contract is almost 2012 Steph contract in value

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I wasn’t proposing trading Poole or Wiggins, fwiw. The team has clearly expressed their commitment to both of them.

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Freudian slip probably on Wiggins

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