I'm no poker player, but do you think when KD was digging his index finger into his ear it might have been a tell? A subtle hint that he was not enjoying the effort of being polite when asked about Draymond and Steph being clutch. You can almost see him parsing what he was about to say, checking for faux-pas twitter-bombs. Let's appreciate how often he manages to be the adult in the room. Hey Taylor, if it doesn't work out with Travis, call Kevin. He's a good dude.

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Feb 12Liked by Daniel Hardee

Daniel san, why you gave KD such an ugly beard? ๐Ÿ˜„

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... I need a night cap. My sports rule, enjoy being pouty, it's part of being a sports fan, for a day then move on.

I get to move on to a dubs team that is fun to watch again. I'll be OK ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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I think Podz leading by example by doing everything the staff wants from him and getting rewarded with minutes has been instrumental to JKโ€™s growth.

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i had this same thought earlier! great minds

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Fools seldom differ?

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zwei Doofe, ein Gedanke

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Kerr not playing Moody is dumbfounding. Only thing I can think of is what TK said last year that

Moody consistently looked like the worst player in practice.

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I don't get the Moody love at all right now - and I'm an Arkansas fan and have been a frustrated Moody fan longer than most. Watching practice is not essential to knowing why he's not getting time. Kerr has stated the reason repeatedly - most recently about two months ago. The reason Moody does not play more is obvious, long-term, and recurring - movement on offense. Movement without the ball. Moving the ball out of his hands fast when he has it.

And if Moody's stagnating the offense, exactly what else does he bring to the table that merits time? Moody's an undersized wing who can't defend like Wiggins, particularly at Wiggins current starting 4 position, much less Gary Payton. No one in their right minds is going to cut Kuminga minutes at the three for Moody. Moody doesn't have Podz' (or LQ's for that matter) guard ball skills. He doesn't have Podz' high impact view of the court, nor does he rebound like Podz, and because of Podz ridiculous processing speed, Podz actually has a more effective first step. Moody might or might not be a marginally better distance shooter but he doesn't have anything close to Podz' driving ability or midrange game. And LQ moves with and without the ball, attacks off the bounce every time down, is shooting well enough from three to be a near equivalent threat, and has clearly just out-hustled Moody for the remaining 2-guard time.

The offense has finally sped up. JK has learned to catch, release, cut and reposition on time. Podz never slows down, assists like crazy, does not turn the ball over, and has possibly better shooting chops overall. LQ moves on offense and attacks off the bounce every time down the court. Moody does not consistently do any of those things and the team is out of time for him to learn a specific job requirement that he's capable of developing, but has failed to commit to in over 3 1/2 years of coaches (including his prior college coach, who knows a couple of things about the NBA) telling him it's essential.

One could argue that Moody might be better in some of Klay's minutes, but if he's not doing what he's been asked to do, why would GS do that? At this point, I would say Moody needs to go to a dribble attack / kickout system that plays to his mindset. I'm highly disappointed that GS couldn't find one to send him to at the deadline in return for a backup power forward with some size.

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Thanks, this is an excellent analysis and matches what I have seen on the court, but crystallizes why these deficiencies keep Moody off the floor better than I was able to. I'll add one more: Moody often passes up the "great shot" when it's handed to him. If 3-and-D is supposed to be his specialty then he has to make the most of those 3 opportunities, but he still hesitates too often, something Klay could never be accused of.

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Whose minutes are going to Moody? Klay only played 24.

We are too deep but only two (and now 3) great players.

Klay - wake up.


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All of LQโ€™s and some of podzโ€™s.

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Some of Wiggins too

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I used to be a big Niner fan. This loss would have made me sad 15 years ago. But I havenโ€™t watched a game in 7 or 8 years and Iโ€™m fine with it. I actually think itโ€™s kinda cool for Mahomes and KC to win again. Dynasties are interesting! But I am pretty psyched to resume paying zero attention to football. Heck, I would not have watched a second of the Super Bowl if wasnโ€™t on a TV in the restaurant I ate in tonight.

The NBA is the only sport worth watching these days. And the Dubs, well, they ainโ€™t bad.

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I was a big Charger fan, but the brain injuries made it increasingly difficult to enjoy. Junior Seau took his own life in 2012 and that was it for me. Havenโ€™t watched a game since.

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Grew up in SD and was a big Charger fan, as well. But once I discovered basketball, in the 90s', football and baseball grew less important.

As I grew older, the violence and locker room culture in football became something I couldn't tolerate. The nail in the coffin was the Chargers moving to LA, but I was barely watching football by then anyway.

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Same! big chargers fan till they moved. I still love the NFL waaay more than the NBA, the only team I watch is the dubs, but as a neutral football fan nowadays, I can watch just about any matchup with more excitement and less emotions besides that one.

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> But I am pretty psyched to resume paying zero attention to football.

Hear hear. Big game in Utah tomorrow night!

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Im in the same boat. Sorta. Its ok for me being in Missouri cause that means a whole bunch of extra nice a-holes walking around this week. But if the Arizona Cardinals were competitive id probably follow football more closely

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

One - I am glad I am not diehard niners fan. 2016 finals had me in doldrums for a week only because KD signed

Two - Game of inches. That punt return hitting back of the shoe of niners' player.

Three - Why did KS not run the ball on any of the two 3 and out possessions in the 2nd half?

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

Agree with # 3... 49ers were a strong run team all season.

It seemed to me like at least trying a run play on those 1st downs would have been called for.

But... really can't argue with coaching that gets a team to overtime in the Super Bowl.

Hard right now, but it has been a great season overall.

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I was just telling my wife about 2016. I have never felt so awful about a sporting event like i did in 2016. I havenโ€™t come close since then. I think we can lose in heartbreaking fashion and ill be able to sleep soundly regardless

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Thankfully, I was in Costa Rica. I met a huge dubs fan there. Haha, I recall us being upset and then being like we are in Costa Rica, it will be alright.

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After the 2016 fiasco, I was worried about 2017, even when the Dubs went up 3-0. I watched the Cavs blow them out in Game 4 from a hotel in Ecuador and then spent a week in the Galapagos where I couldn't find out about the series until I returned to a real town a week later - didn't worry too much, though, because I was really enjoying the trip. Happy to pull up internet and see the Dubs finished them off in Game 5 when I returned to civilization.

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Fun fact: Utah is 17-7 at home, which is great since we play them twice at home in the next four days. At least we donโ€™t have to come home between and- whatโ€™s that you say? We have to come home in between and play the hottest team in the NBA? Oh, ok.

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And after both Utah games, the Ws play in LA. It's so stupid. No one thought to have them play twice in Utah, then twice in LA?

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I wonder whether there were other factors, like availability of the arenas. For instance there could have been a big concert booked for those dates.

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Dubs are home against the Clippers on the 14th. Then in LA to play the Lakers after the ASB.

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Lolโ€ฆ #nothingeasy #winanyways

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4 wins in the last 11 games, no Olynyk and no Fontecchio. Yeah, the travel sucks, but hopefully Steve keeps rotating in the young guys to keep Steph fresh for the end of the game.

Also, no Poole to turn it over with 4 seconds left.

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So, is Kyle destined to be the Bud Grant of this generation?

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I think his only real mistake was receiving the ball instead of deferring in OT. That always places you in three down territory rather than 4 downs because you donโ€™t l know what you need

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Not saying he's not a good coach, Bud was great but just never managed to win the big one.

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Problem is that the defense was gassed.

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

Yeah but they were scoring a td regardless. At least you know you need a TD and that would have allowed the defense to rest. Instead you still send out the equivalent of the Atlanta Hawks defense to try and stop Steph Curry from making 10 3 pointers

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I totally agree. Doesn't matter if your defense was just on the field, they got a breather before OT started and either they work magic and keep them out of the end zone, or you know you have to score a TD, rather than settling for a FG because you don't know what's needed.

With the new OT rules, it's a big disadvantage to receive the kickoff. It's like they thought it was the old rules where they could win without Mahomes touching it...

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Yeah, the muffed punt was pretty flukey, the blocked PAT sucked for sure.

But decision making wise getting the ball 1st doesn't make sense.

You let the generational QB on the other side know exactly what he needs to do.

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Missed PAT All on Moody but even then cant blame him when he kicks a 53 and 55 yarder under the most intense of pressure when he was muffing those in preseason.

Fans gonna find any excuse but honestly this was about as clean of a SB as Iโ€™ve ever seen. Niners like the 2017 Cavs. Any other year or other team they win it

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Yeah, I guess I'm kinda numb to Niner SB losses now, but this one really just felt like the other team won it.

Though I do wonder how the game would've gone if Greenlaw didn't tear his achilles

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... That was one of the best superbowl games I have watched. I felt like a team had to win but what a game by both teams.

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I'm blaming the Kings for the loss. They played the Aiyuk catch repeatedly during the Pistons intro and lost.

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Yep, Vivek piling up the bad juju

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We have Curry. The Chiefs have Mahomes. The Niners have Moses Moody. Thats the difference

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Kerr still wouldnโ€™t play MM.

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Has it been mentioned yet? Dubs last 10 games: #5 offensive rating, #3 defensive rating, #2 net rating

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Sorry Niners fansโ€ฆ

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*wonders about lack of comma*

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i bet the niners would take tie game, and the ball, with 3 seconds left right now and not take a knee

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Though receiving the ball in OT seemed odd.

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

Thought about that a lot. Makes sense to let the other team have the ball first so you know what you need to do - if they scored, then you'd go for it on fourth down on your end of the field instead of punt and if they scored a TD, you'd go for it on all fourth downs regardless of field position. On the other hand, if both teams scored the same (FG or TD) on their possessions (or neither scored), the Niners would get the ball with a chance to score to win the game without giving the Chiefs a chance. I'd be curious about the analytics; I'd imagine someone has done some simulations.

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Isn't the game over if the other team score a TD first?

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That's true in the regular season, but the NFL changed the rules for postseason to allow both teams to get at least one possession

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What if you drive down the field and it takes the whole 15 minutes? Is the game over then?

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

The 2nd team still gets their required possession.

So even if the 1st team scores, if OT1 ends and the 2nd team's possession still hasn't ended, you go into another 15 min OT period.


****If the score is still tied at the end of an overtime period โ€” or if the second teamโ€™s initial possession has not ended โ€” the teams will play another overtime period. Play will continue regardless of how many overtime periods are needed for a winner to be determined.*****

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Interesting, thanks.

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Hmmm, forgot about that.

Makes even less sense to go first then. Wtf

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Like, I guess I get it if you are super confident you will get a TD, but the offense had basically done nothing all game, and especially nothing all 2nd half.

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No ones making that throw

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Feb 12ยทedited Feb 12

you don't need to throw it 80 yards, you just need a better chance of scoring than the other team has of scoring. any play would fall into this category besides taking a knee, or punting

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49ers would have won if they had Steph.

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People like to say Mahomes is the Steph of the NFL.....

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Chiefs won cause they had Steph

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49ers perennial SB chokers in my lifetime. Feels bad man.

So glad the Warriors and Giants managed to follow through.

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