Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

This makes me excited for next year. Damn it was good to see him back.

A lot of guys are going to be fighting for spots and are looking real good, so glad we retained Criss but sorry, the Dragon has been slayed. Great size but just does not have what it takes to be a pro athlete.

Also really glad we did not retain McCaw. This will be his last contract.

Wiggins despite the poor shooting night is also looking like a keeper as long as his contract does not interfere with keeping a Paschall I'm good.


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Still a lot of work to do this offseason to be true contenders, imo.

Basically, Warriors need to improve their 25th ranked defense into at least the Top 10, and I don't expect the return of Klay Thompson is enough to do it.

Which I guess is to say if we want to make that leap like we did in 2015, we need a Bogut-type and Iguodala-type to vault our defense out of the basement. So we really need to hit on our lotto pick and find a suitor for the TPE, imo.

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Very similar thoughts, I'm very concerned we simply won't be contenders next year cause of D. We have limited means to make the moves we need to, and even with a #1 pick young guys are almost never good defensively...gonna be hard to do unless we trade stuff for a bunch of role players like a #1 pick, which is hard to swallow because quantity rarely makes up for quality.

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Dragan may become a competent player down the road, but I agree after last night I am sadly ready to move on. He got an important rebound at the end and it appeared as if it shocked him. It fell right into his hands with no one around. He seems like a good person but I just wish he was knocking guys down to get rebounds or when setting screens. But that fire may not be in this Dragon. I am ready to bring up Simmons.

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Yeah, it's frustrating - Bender's one of those players that you think should be good just on the basis of his size and how he could theoretically be utilized, but it happens, and we got him for free.

Wiggins is looking better and better on defense. Offensively, the number of non-corner 3's will decrease once the Splash Bros are in full force. And maybe we could go with a more offensive player in draft (like Toppin) after all. But of course, playoffs are different and unfortunately, it'll be 13+ months before a real playoff evaluation of Wiggins usefulness can happen. If he's gone in June for a star player, so be it, but I've enjoyed watching him and it looks like he's a positive influence on the team with his attitude and demeanor on and off the court.

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Yes Toppin !

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I'll be upset if we lose him. Even for some great star. He fits the system so well, and that is what I am a fan of. So many people want to see us add more stars, but I just love the whirlygig that is Warriors ball when it is at a full hum.

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I wouldn't exactly be upset, mostly because of his premium price tag. But I agree with you that he's a fit for this system, he's improving, and he doesn't need to be the focal point. I like that. I'm not a fan of having another star but a thinner bench.

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...really? Wiggins? He's....a kind of ok player who kind of fits fine and makes wayyyy too much money. There are probably 50 wings out there we could swap him out for and be as good or better. I find it odd to be so attached to a guy that just got here who just isn't that good...

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So you think his recent prowess on defense is an illusion?

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I think if you're describing what he's shown as "recent prowess" you've really let our terrible defense this year reset your expectations way too low.

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Lol, I'm sure that I have. Still, if you sort by defensive stats, many of them show Wiggins in the top 3-5 of our existing set of players. Yes, very low bar to clear.

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Are u kidding me? Wiggins has been excellent on defense since he got here . What are u talking about..And his defense will improve with draymond in the line up

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Imagine saying 50 wings.. Wiggins low key shut siakam down yesterday..siakam on a good day would have like over 30..

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Kyle Lowry had 26 points and 10 assists on 70%+ TS%....apparently while Wiggins was low-key shutting one guy down the guy he was actually matching up against was having a nice little game.

He also spent some time on Powell, for example this terrible defensive possession:


I noticed another time when Bender switched with someone in a way that made no sense whatsoever like that, too, but can't remember for sure if it was with Wiggins, too.

Or this one:


Now, the next one isn't all on Wiggins, he's just a part of a total team defensive failure:


Personally I've always had a problem with how easily and willing we are to switch in our scheme. Switching is fine, but c'mon guys, at least make an effort to fight through a weak screen if you can, otherwise we end up giving them whatever mismatch they want:


That's just a guy being hot, but we gave them the mismatch on a very weak screen from one of the skinniest dudes in the NBA (Boucher)...and Wiggins assignment scores again.

And this is really what happens when you give them whatever mismatch they want (Wiggins switching another weak screen):


That was VICIOUS.

He did match up against Siakam a couple times (not all bad), like this one though:


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Isn't that good? His defense is 1 million times better than Dlo's. For all Dlo's ability to shoot 3s, that game would have been a blow out.if u know that he kept siakam quiet. Siakam had 37 in the previous game.Wiggins can shut a guy down and still give you 20 on few shots. I think he has only taken 20 shots once since he joined us. I'm all for keeping wiggins. Now he is playing with purpose. Wiggins will make all defensive team next year with the way he is playing.his defense has been consistent and he is low-key taking on some difficult challenges and coming out on top.I'll never trade Wiggins for embiid. We already have our version of day to day player in Looney. Honestly if we are to contend, Its either Looney gets healthy or we find a way of swapping him out..

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Russell is a disaster on D, there's no denying that, but the idea of Wiggins being all-defensive team is beyond laughable.

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He was guarding siakam. Who toscano couldn't guard. Lowe's 26 points didn't kill us. It was Powell's 37 that did the damage.. paschall is a sieve on defense ..so is Poole. I'm not sure toscano should even be on the TEAM.. Adds almost nothing offensively

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We'll watch him prove u wrong

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I feel paschall will do well with Steph. He already is taking advantage of the spacing.. there was a particular play where Steph moved and all the defenders followed him leaving paschall with free space. He just drove to the basket and dunked it..

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Everybody will do better with Steph--but yes, anybody who can score, whether as a catch-and-shoot specialist or an iso-guy who can get his own or a cutter/slasher/lob-catcher...Curry brings out that extra snap in everybody's game.

But I feel like EP, too, is one of the two guys who are, right now, equipped to take advantage of it most. He's our best (or most consistent?) ISO scorer aside from Steph. Then Quese is going to benefit (those 1st-quarter LOBS though!) along with our junior snipers' club of Lee, Poole, and Mulder from the increased space and decreased attention. They didn't the first game back, but they will, and from what I saw tonight, sooner than we may think. (Hell, Poole came along way faster than I anticipated this year!)

Oh, man. I wish I could have watched the game, loss or not. :( Sometimes that time difference is too much.

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

My favorite player in the history of the NBA is back playing for my favorite team in pro sports. Today was a good day. Forget the L. This was a win all around.

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

A message for Damion. I understand you’re furious with yourself, but being there for the team and take responsibility is much more of a plus than making the big shot. And you played great overall. We’ll win next time

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Man did I miss watching Steph. Fun game all around. The young guys need to learn how to play with Steph and when to pass him the ball, especially on his relocation 3s

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Pretty exciting game. Curry's shot was on and off, but his passing was a thing of beauty, and you could also see what Paschall and Wiggins could do in the paint when defenses are terrified to leave Curry on the perimeter. Chriss had an OK game, lots of missed putbacks but great defense. Curry took some risks on defense and got burned. Damion Lee played really well except for the last 30 seconds. Pat McCaw looked pretty whatever (oh wait he was on the other team tonight). Bender had kind of a lackluster game but he did OK against Ibaka. Mulder didn't go off but he was reliable enough.

Just a tiny push more in any number of places and we could've taken this game, it was that close.

Credit to the Raptors for playing really well. Norman Powell, who the hell was that guy?? He did *not* play like that against us before. Siakam was really hard to stop and Lowry was on fire. They're also pretty banged up this season so their record is all the more impressive.

Still, I think if Curry, Klay, and Draymond play at least 50 games each next season, with some semblance of this same roster, it looks like we'll have a mighty fine team after all. Even overpaid as he probably is, if Wiggins looks like this next season we'll be happy to have him.

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

GDI, I guess this game was on national TV...? DVR didn't record it. Anyway, WOOT! My guy STEPH IS BACK, baby, THE MAN IS BACK!!

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Curry’s presence alone makes it so much easier for everyone else. Tonight was just a classic case of young guys being young guys in crunch time. It’s damn good to see Steph flashing us old warriors ball again.

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good shake off the rust game

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Anybody have any idea what the plan is with Jonathan Simmons? Like will he at all play on the team this year, and if he works out, will he be back on the team next year?

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It's anybody's guess.

Simmons isn't affiliated with the Warriors NBA team at all. Any other franchise could swoop him up at any time from the G League. The only way to protect a player in the G League is to have them on a 2-way deal.

It SOUNDS like the Warriors and Simmons are using some time to get acquainted. I was a little surprised to see Bender get another 10 day right away, but now the Warriors won't have a free 10 day spot for Simmons until Mulder's runs out next week

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I think we signed Bender again because Dray and Loon are out. Any idea on when they are coming back?

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Draymond will probably play in the next game but I doubt Looney plays again this year

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hoping they keep maple curry instead of signing simmons

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Why not both?

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Me too

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The Steph post game is really really good. I'll update the post with the soundcloud when it comes out. Definitely worth a listen

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Cool- I didn’t want to miss it

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That was a fun game with the wrong ending. Blame to go around but lots of reasons for hope. Should be an entertaining and annoying rest of the season.

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Good crowd tonight! Smart game to catch in person

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Welp. GSW did win the rebounding battle by a mile and won the bench battle as well. With Klay back to hound the opposing PG, Lowry won't be able to drop 26 ever unless Klay was in foul trouble. Now about another role player getting a career high on the Warriors home floor, that shit's got to stop.

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It's not going to stop as long as we continue to suck on defense...which when you have a roster full of bad defensive players, doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon.

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With draymond he doesn't have that career night. Bender just wasn't there yesterday. Toscano isn't really a 4 and paschall's defense isn't good yet.. They'll get a shot blocker and klay will return. We'll be alright next season..

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So basically we have Dray$ and we somehow need to find brand new players around him to play D. That seems like a pretty big challenge to fix in one offseason with no cap space and limited exceptions to me.

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We need scoring too. Dray won't give u points. What killed us in the finals was that Nobody could score besides the splash brothers..Wiggins + klay + Dray + a defensive centre will

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Raptors are my pick to once again come out of the east. Itd be super easy for me to root for them if it wasn't for Lowrys hardenesque style of constantly trying to fish for fouls. Other than that they check all the boxes: Good coaching, likeable players, ability to draft like no one else, likeable superstar in Siakkam, solid fanbase.

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Siakkam seems like a Warrior He’s the kind of guy Myers would find and develop. Yes, likable.

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You just randomly use the word superstar for just about anybody right?

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Not just for anybody no.

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Siakam is playing like a superstar and is making himself known. Not much of a stretch.

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I actually agree with Slim, I would not say Siakam is a superstar giving he is only averaging 23 points per game in 35 minutes on very good (but not elite efficiency).

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Guess it really comes down to how good you think his D is?

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Yea same. Definitely a star, but not a superstar imo

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What makes a superstar? He is a star. The whole league has about 6 to 8 superstars. One all star.. was led to the ring by kwahi.. are u really kidding me. If it's by how they play. Booker and Beal are superstars RIGHT? U need a dictionary to check the definition of superstar

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I’m yet to read one comment of yours where you aren’t agro as hell. Chill out.

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Lol. I'm just too objective.. don't sugarcoat things. Siakam isn't a superstar. Mulder is better than Poole.. Draymond is too hot headed but I feel we would have won with him last night..

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Please be respectful when talking smack to each other, thank you

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Top players:


Powell: (+7)

37 points 13/20 FGs 4/8 three pointers 7/7 FTs

3 rebounds 2 assists 3 turnovers 3 steals

Lowry: (+1)

26 points 6/14 FGs 4/12 three pointers 10/10 FTs

5 rebounds 10 assists 3 turnovers 2 steals

Ibaka: (-2, 3rd place)

13 points 6/11 FGs 1/3 three pointers

13 rebounds (1 off.) 3 assists 1 block

Anunoby: (+11, 3rd place)

14 points 5/7 FGs 3/4 three pointers 1/2 FTs

4 rebounds (2 off.) 3 steals

Honorable mention:

Davis: (+10)

10 points 3/7 FGs 1/3 three pointers 3/3 FTs

2 rebounds 4 assists 2 turnovers


Paschall: (+7)

16 points 6/10 FGs 1/4 three pointers 3/4 FTs

4 rebounds 8 assists 3 turnovers

Lee: (-1)

23 points 8/17 FGs 5/12 three pointers 2/4 FTs

5 rebounds 3 assists 2 turnovers 1 steal

Curry: (-13, 3rd place)

23 points 6/16 FGs 3/12 three pointers 8/8 FTs

7 rebounds 7 assists 1 turnover

Wiggins: (-11, 3rd place)

21 points 9/20 FGs 3/9 three pointers 0/1 FT

9 rebounds (5 off.) 2 assists 2 turnovers 1 block

Honorable mention:

Chriss: (+5)

17 points 6/14 FGs 0/1 three pointer 5/6 FTs

12 rebounds (5 off.) 4 assists 1 turnover 1 steal 2 blocks

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Final stats:


48.2% shooting (40/83 FGs)

13/41 three pointers

28/31 FTs

39 rebounds (3 off.)

28 assists

13 turnovers

10 steals

3 blocks


40.8% shooting (40/98 FGs)

14/52 three pointers

19/25 FTs

52 rebounds (14 off.)

34 assists

16 turnovers

4 steals

4 blocks

Points in paint:

Raptors: 44

Warriors: 40

Fastbreak points:

Raptors: 36

Warriors: 14

Points off turnovers:

Raptors: 20

Warriors: 12

Bench points:

Raptors: 14

Warriors: 27


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thanks Luna - but you gotta pick bigger gifs, that one looks all pixelated when I embed it

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Mar 6, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Luna, that should be happy MLP. Steph is back.. 🕺

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