Two players I hope do not move are Looney and GRIII. I am fine with Burks if they get a 2nd, but I would prefer to wait on Russell until the right package comes along. I worry this is creating even more of a distraction and uncertainty with the team. I would hope the core guys could focus on getting healthy and playing basketball. The thought of Loon worrying about his future with the time is unfortunate.

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Feb 5, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Yeah this is a great comparison. I have been going by my eye test too, and I really like the feel of GRIII. I could see him being very valuable when the rest of the guys get back. I hope the FO sees this too. Or I am sure they do, I just hope he doesn't become victim to cap cuts and trade fodder. I would like him to find a long term home on this team.

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Wow, nice find!!

I've got to remember to pull that into an article.

I'm high on GR3 in general, he's a pretty clearly preferable choice to Burks as a cog in the fully functional Warriors machine next year.

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Feb 5, 2020Liked by punk basketball

It's interesting that the real noticeable difference in those stats is defense, where RoCo is supposedly quite a bit better (1.4 DBPM vs -1.0 DBPM for GR III). I'm sure he is, but my eye test says defense is not a weakness for GR III.

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Cleaning the glass says he doesn't block shots or defensive rebound well, but everything else is fairly elite (like %foul, offensive rebounding are both elite).

As I keep looking, I've become more and more convinced that there will never be a great all-in-one defensive metric, but yeah, my eyeballs think GR3 is a good defender. And the Warriors agree, I saw something about him being one of the top in the league for players matched up against the oppositions best scorer.

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Seems like the best thing RoCo does that GRIII doesn't do is be taller.

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check out Glenn Robinson (available for a 2nd round pick) vs. Covington

Points per 100:

GR - 19.5

Cov - 20.4


GR - .574

Cov - .572

You right though, rebounding is 9.5 to 7.1 in Cov's favor

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Also, good summary from Duby on the Warriors' trade position. I sure hope they hold on to Looney despite the repeater tax; his contact is a good deal if he's healthy and he's a stealthy good player. I guess his health challenges are the main reason no other team paid him when he obviously brings quite a bit to a championship contender otherwise - all-around defense, solid screens, reliable rebounding, and patient efficiency. I was almost gutted at the prospect we'd traded him to get under the apron.

As for DLo, he's pretty good and getting better under Kerr's system... offensively. If the Warriors trade him before the deadline I'll probably read that as "Ron Adams declared him a lost cause." I mean, maybe someone comes calling with an offer we can't refuse, but I'm definitely warming up to the idea of having thermonuclear splash triplets available next season...

Taking it a little deeper, which teams might want to pick up Burks or Robinson? They'd have to be:

- potential contenders looking to make a push

- with a shallow bench, not a deep enough guard rotation in particular

- with some kind of asset Golden State wants back

One of the first teams that comes to mind is Houston, who may have just acquired a pick in the 4-team trade (I'm not clear on that) and are apparently going all-in on the Tuck Wagon "surround Harden & Westbrook with shooters" strat. GR3, who's proven he's a respectable all-arounder, could probably fill the gap Gerald Green's injury left in that lineup. But is that how they'll see it?

I'm less confident in who needs Burks. Any ideas who the shallowest/top heaviest teams in the top of each conference are? Maybe the Lakers decide they'd prefer Burks over Quinn Cook in the playoffs? (Burks is not exactly a point guard like Quinn, but he can handle well enough and his size advantage and ability to get to the FT line might make him a good option. But I kind of suspect the Lakers don't have any spare change lying around to actually make the deal.

Other ideas?

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Not a trade, but... Props to Mike Brown for earning himself an Olympic head coaching job! That Nigerian team will have the tools to be scary.


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Feb 5, 2020Liked by punk basketball

No deal for DLo. 4-team deal - Covington to Houston, Capela and Nene to Atlanta, Beasley, Hernangomez and Turner to Minnesota, and Bates-Diop and Gerald Green to Denver. Also a couple of first round picks swapped.

Looks like no one wanted Wiggins and his albatross salary. Glad Warriors didn't make the bad deal some folks were suggesting.

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Also Jordan Bell to Houston and a few other players moved.

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oh hey look, the Warriors are like "Can you all please stop calling Bob Myers now?"

Shams Charania @ShamsCharania

Golden State is moving on from D’Angelo Russell conversations with Minnesota at this juncture, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Warriors have been clear with Minnesota on price point — and Timberwolves, to this point, are not willing to meet it.

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Glad to hear it. If they're to trade him, they should wait until this summer at least.

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Feb 5, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Also happy to hear it. Want no part of that Twolves garbage.

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Hey, Jim Barnett said in the old days they used to do big vs small scrimmages and the smalls always won! I'm sure that generalizes to the modern NBA! ;)

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