Wiggins has been playing up to his contract since the All-Star break

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.569 true shooting and .397 3fg on the season now, with the best rebounding and by far the best defense of his career. Is 26 years old, guards 1-4, plays the most coveted position in the league, and is (knocking wood) arguably the most durable player in the NBA.

Seems like a pretty decent return for the DLo albatross and a high first round pick. Oh wait...

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Even if the first round pick conveyed at 30, they'd still have won that trade.

Hopefully it conveys at 4 though lol, would make it an all-time great trade.

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He's shutting up the haters

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Reminds me of how most in the league gave up on JaVale and on Chriss, and then they came here and turned their careers around. Wiggs wasn't at a dead end but he underperformed at MN and needed to step it up, and he has done it here. They turned it around under that head coach somebody here wanted to fire a day or two ago. Hmmmm.

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Wiggins played well in his last season with the Timberwolves, we can't give all the credit to the Warriors system. He's shooting better because he's taking less shots.

Where we can give credit is his massive improvement on defense.

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Sure, I'll buy that. Isn't it fair to say he's taking fewer shots because he's not being asked to do too much? And isn't that partly attributable to the coaches? Obviously we have Steph but the Wolves have KAT so....

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Sure Steph had 32 points and the team looked great, but this game will have an assterisk next to it.

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"the ass game"

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Man we needed this.

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7 or 8 conference seed would bw nice. Get two chances during Playin tourney to make Playoffs

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7 would be ideal. A guarantee of two "playoff" home games would be extra money toward keeping Oubre this summer.

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Miami Toronto Atlanta Milwaukee is gonna be a tough sled

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I will take 2-2

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Raptors and revenge ATL game?

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Yup. Bucks revenge game would be awesome though

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Okay I have to run, but I've already created the post-game playground. Please clean up all the empty cups and butts in this thread


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Smiley time lol

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Wiggins is seriously so good at keeping his shot attempts at around 14-16 a game

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So much for the "inconsistent Wiggins" those wolves fans we're talkin about

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He’s been more than consistent the last few weeks — he’s been really good.

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Man wiggins is always smiling this year lol

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Nico - take the 3

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Revenge block

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4 blocks for Wiseman tonight

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I like that Wiseman dunk attempt, though the defense on Williams could've been much better.

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That possession was much better.

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He thought he was fouled, was pretty animated

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Regardless, I like the aggression and him embracing contact like that.

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A little close for comfort here with Steph sitting. Hope we can recapture that mojo that extended the lead to start the 4th.

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JW finally getting done some of the little things you need in order to become a great player. Who better to learn it from then Draymond (the King of Little Things) and Looney whose made a career in the NBA despite lacking athletic gifts.

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This is why I believe in wiseman. HIs only weakness is that he's 19 and inexperienced

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Bulls are 6/24 threes and 34/51 twos

Warriors are 15/35 threes and 29/51 twos

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