The thing that worries me about Moody is that he doesn't seem to make others better. We can't say that about Kuminga. In many ways, Moody seems kind of lost. He is primarily a shooter, not a creator or defender. I can see why he fell to #14. Without a good playmaker next to him, he doesn't excel. Rebounding and passing seem to elude him. I'm starting to wonder if the Warriors should have grabbed Sengun or Trey Murphy. I know they should have grabbed Sengun but Murphy looks like the kind of player that will have an impact. Moody is now questionable in my mind. I'd like to think differently about him. He really needs to add some muscle for power. He looks weak.

Jessup will be a player at some point. No doubt he still needs work on his game but is Australia the best place for him?

I still think we need someone big on the roster, not Guy or Jacquori. Their development would hold the Warriors back. They are gleague material and should develop there. We need another stud.

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What I took away with Moody is I just don't think he will be quick enough to flourish in the NBA.

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You think he’s significantly less quick than Klay at comparable ages? How about Devin Booker? Those are the kind of upside comps people are dreaming about.

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I think Booker is a better example and would be glad if he turned into something like that.

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Has to be at least one person every year that overreacts to summer league stats. Anthony Randolph had a better SL in 2009 than either Sengun or Murphy this year.

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And better than Curry that year.

And of course, much better than Joe Ingles, who seemed like that year’s equivalent of Khalil Whitney or Travis Munnings, i.e. nice guy who we’d never hear from again.

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> We can't say that about Kuminga.

I think there's still a long way to go for Kuminga before we can say this.

> In many ways, Moody seems kind of lost.

I agree about Moody seeming lost in Summer League, but I think that's more of an indictment on Summer League than him lol. I think the league is pretty tilted toward ballhandlers. I saw some boxouts from him that went unrewarded, some backscreens that no one used, some good spacing to get open in the corner and the ball not finding him.

Plus, his pick and roll creation game was barely explored (looked good imo) and his movement shooting potential simply wasn't explored at all. Perhaps he needs to hit the gym before the latter comes out, it seems like opponents can bump him off his routes pretty easily right now. I thought he showed nice balance when I was watching him before the draft but I came to realize it was more just smoothness/fluidity. He still needs to work on his balance.

Or maybe he sucks, I dunno. I thought Jordan Bell was going to be good and it didn't work out. Not really worried about it at this point though. Personally, I don't think there were any surprises from Moody or Kuminga as far as the players they were before the draft and the players they looked like in SL.

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I thought Moody looked a bit less dominant in LVSL than I might have expected/hoped at the time of the draft, but that’s mostly cos I was obscenely high on him. And I Kuminga looked significantly better than my bad YouTube scouting would have predicted. But of course, both of those those revised assessments will likely be revised and rerevised dozens of times over the coming months and years.

I didn’t think much of Klay or Jordan Poole for at least a year after we had drafted them, and (like everyone else in Dubs Nation) thought Anthony Randolph was the second coming of KG.

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The Poole experience was humbling for sure.

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The guy had a letdown game at the end of Summer League after they asked him to fill a different role on the floor with Kuminga out. Acting like this one game counts for more than all of SL makes it sound like a take written by someone who got hit with the Men in Black memory flasher right before the game started. Come on, Moody has looked great out there until tonight.

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I gave you his 5 game stats. Besides scoring, I didn't see much that gave me the warm and fuzzies. This is not to say he will be a bust. Kuminga, otoh, shows some exceptional talent, power, and athleticism. He also has holes but I can see him making a real impact.

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You gave his “five game stats” — which consisted of two counting numbers with precisely zero context, including minutes played.

It’s clear to everyone that your post was nothing more more than “internet fan wildly overreacts fo the last thing he saw five seconds ago.” News at 11, lol. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you would have written the post had Moody played as well as he did in any of his first four games.

If you want a somewhat more meaningful sample as a baseline for prediction purposes, you can check out his full 1000+ minute college sample: https://www.sports-reference.com/cbb/players/moses-moody-1.html

Fwiw: 6.8 rebounds per 40, which is slightly more than Scottie Barnes managed, and more than double the rate of Davion Mitchell.

Yeah, 1000 minutes of numbers put up at age 18 don’t tell you *that* much either, but they’re a whole lot less meaningless than the 24 minute summer league cameo that made you angry and prompted you to deliver a bad internet hot take regarding the NBA future of a 19 year old.

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I wasn't angry at all and it seems you are the one that is more annoyed than anything else. Save your breath, please. I am not interested in your analyses.

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Why? Cuz u got ur arse handed to u? Lmao

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my ass is just fine. Are you 14 years old? Try writing with some respect for others.

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Hah. No "analysis," just the facts, ma'am:

(1) Your initial post, as many others here have noted, was a silly overreaction based on a 24-minute sample.

(2) We still know next to nothing about what to expect from Moody at age 19, but we can glean a lot more from his full 1000 minute college career than from one 24-minute summer league cameo.

(3) Players develop a lot between 19 and 22. Look at where Jordan Poole was as a 20 rookie (a year older than Moody is now), compare it to where Poole is now at age 22, and adjust your hot takes about Moody's future accordingly.

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Cleaned, filleted and grilled.

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What about the fantastic help D where he anticipated the plays and got into position to defend on the opposite side of the rim on time?

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A lot of players are going to make good plays during a game. You would expect a lottery pick to be able to defend a bit. Again, I know it's only SL, he's only 19, but I wonder if he will be the right player for us over time. He could be, then again, maybe not. I would like to see him be much more aggressive.

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What Moody and Kuminga have over Wiseman and Oubre is that they are basketball players. They have a feel for the game and the other players on the court while Wise and Oubre are athletes that are thinking about what they want to do. That difference will lead to a faster and likely better progression over time.

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Let's hope so.

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Everybody wonders if the guy their team picked “will be the right player over time.” And every player “could be” that guy, or “then again, maybe not.”

Same goes for every 19 year old draft pick ever before they’ve played a single NBA game.

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Lol seriously. Those kinds of takes are annoying as hell

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This is a weird reaction to a summer league game for a young rookie. Moody has potential to develop as a ball handler and creator, but we know that he’s primarily a shooter/scorer right now with a nose for rebounding and positional defense. He’s also 19. He’ll put muscle on.

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If moody has the potential to develop as a ball handler and creator, then basically any young player does. I don't think Moody really showed any flashes of being those things during summer league.

He's only 19 so this is just the beginning and he obviously has a lot of growth ahead of him but I'm just saying if he has the potential for that, then everyone does.

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Handles would seem like the easiest skill to improve as a young player. As I recall, Klay entered the league after three seasons of college hoops with pretty shaky handles and nothing close to where his defense would end up. To my eye, Moody already looks like a better defender and rebounder at 19 (and one season of college) than Klay at 21. Those, along with shooting, are harder to develop.

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Every 19 year old does.

Not every 19 year old has the handles, footwork, and feel for the game of Moody, tho. He’s not gonna be Luka, lol, but he looks like he might have a bit more in his bag off the bounce than, say, Corey Kispert.

As Myers often says, a lot will depend on how much work he’s willing to put in over the next couple years. Look at Jordan Poole now compared to where he was a couple years ago.

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A nose for rebounding? Less than 3rpg in 5 games. 1apg. Not very impressive. And this is against summer leaguers.

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He's also playing like 20 minutes a night... 3 rebounds is really not that bad.

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(Plus, most 19 year olds don't rebound that well against full grown men.)

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No kidding. Freezing cold take of the week without a doubt lol

And i guess we should just ignore his other solid performances in the other games? Lol. Overreaction central

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Lol. U should really pump the breaks on Moody after his first real action in the nba...many many many now stars in the association looked terrible in SL

And besides, its one game where he really looked bad...in the others he was playing w confidence and playing within the team...

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I'm just observing. I don't know what the future will hold. It's all a gamble, isn't it? He's a shooter, for sure. We'll see what else can be pulled out of him.

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Watching Jessup bomb from deep and make some really nice plays and I’m all “OK, so maybe he’s not Smileyinan Jessup.🤷🏼‍♂️“

If he’d played like this in the first SL game, I’d have started a GoFund Me account to buy out his Aussie contract.

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I said it about halfway through the first game that SL doesn't benefit Jessup (and after watching this one on tape delay neither does it Moody). I think Jessup needs one more year just to build some more strength and refine his game a bit but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he looked with a more defined role if he was playing next to Curry and Draymon vs lead guards that are trying to make it to the parent club themselves.

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Well that was the first letdown game of this Summer League to me, where both the rookies were bad (well only the one who played) and the team got demolished. Still felt like a really good summer league, and if it makes sense developmentally, I hope they give both rookies a shot this season to see if they can work as role players in the NBA.

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Good Summer League, but weird how there's only like a month and a few weeks until training camp. Don't know if that's really enough time for Kuminga and Moody to work on their SL issues but whatever.

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Moody needs to move into the Curry house until training camp. Steph can put him through ball-handling boot camp in exchange for part-time nanny service.

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The hope is their weakness become less of an issue playing in a more confined role. Like tell kuminga to just lock down and defense and cut and shoot open shots. Moody just don't dribble lol

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I think Moody really just needs to get with an NBA training staff and work on his core/balance/strength/etc.

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I know these announcers are paid to act like they give a fvck, but they don't actually have to pretend the result means something.

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Moody rocks the team worst -22

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Pretty much earned it. Though I would discount any minutes he played with Ross.

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Garbage time layup for Moody but it was with the left hand!

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Good thing is that I think there is a lot for Moody to look at on film (all the overplays, the pressing too hard, the losing focus on D), so this hyped up scrimmage can be a real learning experience.

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Lakers figured out they could out-physical this Warriors team and the Ws just crumbled. Seems like every bucket has been a putback off 1-2 offensive rebounds or a 1v1 defensive strip leading to a fast break.

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*googles nba presason schedule*

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Terrible execution that whole quarter

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I keep seeing Moody showing up in the picture just LA lays it in.

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*just as

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Moody good cut. But play before he got burned going for a steal in the corner, next play he overhelps off the other corner leaving an open 3.

A bit surprised to see JaQuori off-ball and Guy on-ball down the stretch. Guy with a very good find of the Moody cut, but...

Moody again overplays going for the ball fake and gives up the drive and score

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Great cut by Moody. Guy should be handling on every play at this point.

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I'm not seeing anybody here that deserves to beat out GPII for the 15th roster spot. I'm pretty sure that once the roster cuts start happening there will be better players deserving of a 2-way as well.

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