With Green coming out of Tokyo, Klay and Wiseman still mending, I expect to see heavy minutes from Lee, JTA, Loon, Andre, OPJ & Belly at the outset. This should get the 2 new vets acclimated pretty fast. Because of this, I think Kerr will limit rookie minutes at the outset, "chase wins" early in order to avoid a repeat of last year's mistakes. And once team is cohesive, start letting the leash out on the rooks. I think they think you can win and develop at the same time, but I think internally, they believe they can do a much better job of it.

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I think this applies to Kuminga, but Moody might be a different story. While Klay’s out, he *might* be the best pure 3&D wing on the roster after Wiggins, so early in the season might be when he’s most useful to the team.

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Lee is a perfectly fine 3nD that knows our system and hits his shots, no way is moody better then him right now

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It appears Atkinson is going to be a real player on the staff. What GSW has done with staff reminds me of current Giants. A lot of really smart and involved guys around to coach up players. We have had a few wall-flowers on the staff and I think this is a great sign of things to come.

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I was thinking similarly regarding the Giants :)

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Unrelated to tonight's game: Can someone help me understand why the Ws signed Chiozza when they have two-way options on their on Summer League team that are actually showing something right now? Is Atkinson advocating for him? His physical attributes can't be the reason. What does he have that's special enough to compensate for being 5' 11" and not really having done much in the NBA?

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Maybe the thinking for a 2-way player like CC is less about potential and more about 'do you understand the system?' and how many minutes can you get on the floor without screwing up royally. Signing surprised me, too, but I figure they are looking at the floor and not the ceiling in this case.

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He played well under Atkinson, so he''s already done more at the NBA level than any of these summer league guys.

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Chiozza has done more at the NBA level than the guys on the summer league squad (aside from GP2).

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In his highlights it really looks like Nash is pulling for him. Maybe he got a good recommendation letter from someone important

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Kenny Atkinson had to have pushed hard too

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So is Kuminga our loose nuclear warhead or?

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He’s fallen into the wrong hands…ours! Mwa ha ha!

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After this game, I remain pleased with Kuminga and Moody. They have skills energy, athleticism and will be contributors. Yea Kuminga is borderline out of control but W coaches will get that chilled down a degree. Moody was less involved but it seems like good things always happened when he touched the ball. GP2 is less clear to me. Way better today. Crap in the last game. Inconsistency is way of not being great. McLaughlin again impressed me. He could become a real asset. Jessup got hot, but still too inconsistent. Guy was a less good Jessup.

Winners: fans like me with something fun to watch in August.

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Moody is now at 7 for 16=43% from three in Summer League. Not a bad early return for a young guy extending out to the NBA three point line.

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I don't think it matters who starts, who doesn't. What's important is the combinations we put on the floor. Steph-Moody-Wiggs-Dray-(Loon or JTA) is fine. It surrounds the rook with 4 guys who know what they are doing and will speed his development within the system. If Kuminga is logging minutes, yeah, I have Lee instead of Moody, again ensuring that the rook is surrounded on all sides by guys who know the system. Hopefully, OPJ and Belly will get acclimated quickly so you can add them to the list of guys who know what they are doing. I think what's important for the Warriors is that they start off this year the way they finished last year - playing THEIR game. So they let the rooks in one at a time to play with any experienced 4-man group. The rotations remain cohesive and the rooks learn how to play within the system. Anywho, that would be my approach. The rooks can develop without having a negative impact on each rotation, because any group of 4 experienced Warriors should be able to shepherd one rook on the floor with them.

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1st crack at rotations:

Starting: SC, Lee/Klay, Wigs, Green, Looney

2d unit: Poole, Iggy, OPJ, JTA, Bjelly

Closing: SC, Poole/Klay, Wigs, OPJ, Green

Wiseman, Moody, Kuminga in G League 1st half of season, sprinkled into rotation 2d half of season

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100% agree with this!! That’s why it’s nice to have Dre back too. If they build this way it will benefit the present and the future.

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Josh Giddey better rest his ankle on Friday.

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I'm not sold on moody as the starter over lee, hes very shaky with the ball and around the rim, hes looked decent, jumper is awesome but I'm glad as hell we didnt take him at 7

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Over Lee?

Assuming we’re talking prior to Klay’s return, I don’t think either is at all likely to start. Heck, Lee’s not even guaranteed to be on the team (though it’s probably 98%).

50% Poole, 45% Porter Jr., 5% other, I’d guesstimate .

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I see Poole entering game 6-4 minute mark remaining 1st & 3rd qtrs to play alongside Curry, then play all non-Curry minutes to start 2nd & 4th qtrs, then play alongside Curry a few more minutes after Curry checks back in in those quarters. Finally, play situationally end game when offense is needed. Like Curry & Green, Poole ought to have some set rotation minutes built around the non-Curry minutes first. Also, I like him at the end of 1st and 3rd qtrs rather than beginning because I think we need another play maker on the floor at that point. When Draymond is the sole playmaker 1st & 3rd, I feel like the offense starts to repeat itself and becomes less effective deeper into the qtrs. Introducing Poole at end of those quarters gives defenders something else to worry about. Also allows Poole to wet his beak and find his game BEFORE leading 2nd Units to start 2nd and 4th qtrs.

In the end, I want Poole in high value rotation minutes and I think there isn't as much value in the 'starting 2 guard' position to start 1st & 3rd qtrs where I am looking to establish the defensive identity first. That's why I wouldn't mind Moody opening, because you are just asking him to focus on defense, rebounding and shoot the open 3. That's my 3am dumb ass take anyway! haha

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Maybe I jus really want Lee to get more minutes this year lol

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Really low chance Poole starts imo

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Hope you didn’t bet money.

Kawakami: Who would you pencil in as your starting shooting guard while Klay works his way back?

Kerr: My gut reaction is Jordan Poole. But that’s without having seen anybody at camp, that’s without having seen our rookies or Otto Porter, (Mychal) Mulder, Damion Lee with the rest of the group. It could be any of those guys.

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I saw that after my comment but the rest of Kerr's comment indicates the opposite

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I’d say it softens it slightly more than “indicates otherwise.”

What kind of “really low chance” were you talking about? And who do you think has a high chance?

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Lee has a much higher chance than OPJ imo

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Doubtful, imo. Lee started all of one game last season, with Klay on the shelf. Why would they suddenly change his role?

OPJ has started 301 NBA games. And Is a half year younger than Lee.

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OBJ will likely be banged up at some point...gotta prove he can stay healthy first before talking about him being a starter...imho

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Yeah but they're talking about beginning of the year, not whole season.

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All the same...i think they should limit his minutes because of his prior iniury history

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They could start him and still limit his minutes. He’s the only guy in the bunch who’s a proven NBA starter.

And he says he’s feels great and is healthy.

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*OPJ...lol. football on the brain

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Agreed. Kerr even basically said its Poole...and rightly so. Hell, i could even see him plant himself as a 20ppg starter, and when Klay comes back, gets his minutes at the 3...as i think he should switch to anyway at this point.

That puts Wiggins as a SBDS 4 and getting his minutes w the bench as a 2 or 3. Poole is just that good

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From your keyboard to God's ear. That would be quite a jump for Jordan. I'd love it. But holy cow...

I'm thinking Lee or if he shows he's healthy, Porter. Both are proven pros. Poole has show a little -- part of a season. Mulder really has shown nothing except at garbage time, so he'd really have to improve.

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What Kerr also said in that interview:

> If I feel like Jordan makes the most sense as our backup point to Steph, there’s a good chance I bring him off the bench and start Damion or Mych.

Poole obviously makes the most sense as the backup point guard to Curry imo, so I still think it's most likely to be Lee.

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Poole can be Curry’s backup and also start. You just stagger their minutes after the first 6 or so, a la McCollum and Lillard.

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Sure but Kerr said "bring him off the bench"

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This could all change after training camp of course

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I’d like to see where Moody is by pre-season. It looks like he could use a crash-course in tightening up his handles, but that seems addressable.

OPJ might be in the mix, too

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Oh opj might actually be really nice, I didnt think of that, that's a huge lineup, or jta

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I think kuminga can absolutely give us positive minutes this upcoming season, hes not going to be running pick and rolls all game during the season, hes going to be running the fast break, getting touches off of dives to the post, handoffs and screens to get him downhill and cutting from the corners.

Defensively on ball hes looked great, off ball hes not engaged at all but has shown great timing on blocks. These are easy fixes considering he has barely had any coaching his whole life.

I hope the coaches put a extra focus on his rebounding during training camp because dude could become a force on the boards as well

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yes on the rebounds! lots of potential there. Just saw how Toronto really killed it on the boards. Damn.

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Jessup had active hands all game, I liked to see it even if his feet were cemented to the floor. Plus when he heats up his shot is a lazer.

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Barnes: (-10, 25:16)

13 points 2/8 FGs 1/2 threes 8/12 FTs

8 rebounds (3 off.) 1 assist 2 turnovers

Kuminga: (-1, 28:22)

18 points 5/17 FGs 3/6 threes 5/8 FTs

4 rebounds (3 off.) 1 assist 6 turnovers 2 steals 1 block

Moody: (+1, 23:11)

14 points 4/15 FGs 3/7 threes 3/4 FTs

2 rebounds (2 off.) 1 turnover 1 steal 1 block

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Of note: if we can believe the record, Kuminga is 14 months younger than Barnes.

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Also of note: Patrick Williams, #4 pick from last draft who scored 30 today, is a month younger than Barnes.

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Do we feel at least a little confident that the Warriors checked that box before drafting him? I assume they didn’t just punch up his Wikipedia page. Meaning: can some actual journalist ask the question?

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I think it'd be pretty impossible to verify if he was born in Goma, a "war-torn city" according to Wes Goldberg.

But I will point out that while his strength does seem very uncommon for his age, he was listed at 6'6 before the G-League bubble and is 6'8 now. If he grew two inches in less than a year, that's strong evidence that he's not THAT old even if he actually is not 18.

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he also wasn't measured in the combine, so the listing could be just with/without shoes..

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His height was listed for the Summer League roster, so I assume there was some sort of measurement involved for that since they listed Cade Cunningham as 6'6 and pre-draft process I remember him usually being listed around 6'8 (and if you type "Cade Cunningham height" into Google it'll still give you 6'8).

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Looks like the summer league heights are at best inconsistent, they've got Davion Mitchell at 6'2" (6'0" w/o shoes), Bouknight at 6'5" (6'3.5"), Josh Christopher at 6'5" (6'3.25"), & Moody at 6'6" (6'4.5")

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If they can’t verify his birth, they can research backward and look at school records prior to his leaving the Congo to see if the story lines up with whatever grade he was in.

Even if’s a year or two older, spending his first 13 years in the Congo meant he wasn’t afforded anything close to the development a kid in the US or Europe would get.

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Exactly, chronological age isn’t that relevant when people mature at such different rates for all kinds of reasons.

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Would they be able to know what age Kuminga entered school? I think it'd be pretty tough to verify (and I doubt Kuminga would know either), just going to have to assume that he's 18.

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Good point. And by the same logic, I’m not 100 percent sure that he’s not going to end up 6’10”

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Which would not be…not awesome.

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Then he wouldn't be mini Giannis...

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Oh man, wouldn't that be something

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Oh thank God. Finally something I know more about than most people on this board. HIPAA would not apply. It only applies to “covered entities” which is mostly just hospitals, your doctor, and insurance companies, and only applies when they share your medical info without your permission. This is also why you should disregard anything else said by someone who believes they can’t be asked about their immunization status because of HIPAA. Not correct, and parroted by the ignorant.

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HIPAA would only apply if the medical staff shared actual private medical information gained from the person without that person’s permission. Which maybe was your fact pattern, soooo… maybe ignore all of this.

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To be clear, I’m not calling you ignorant. Talking about idle chatter of the Factless Brigades.

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Well, I'm not sure what we learned today in that choppy game.

We learned that

* Kuminga has a whole enemies-to-lovers arc beginning with Barnes.

* Kuminga has S-tier dunk misses and f'ed around on defense (when not on Barnes) gambling for highlight steals like he has nothing to prove.

* Moody continues to be smooth, though he needs intensive Klayup therapy

* GP2 can absolutely catch a body, but I'm not sure he can generally bend a defense.

* GP2 with a great small sample size of three pointers.

* Jessup might be recovering a little confidence. No one expects him to hit threes with tough closeouts coming, but at least make the open ones and the little midrange pullups.

* JaQuori had a damned smooth move and finish

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Well that was fun. It’s official, Kuminga has chutzpah!

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For a guy who’s known as a “black hole”, he’s a willing passer and answers questions from the media with talk about the team.

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