Dec 4, 2020Liked by Daniel Hardee

Great article and intel! It’s great to see Oakland get its due yet wish it had happened in Oakland.

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Nice scoop, Commish!

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I'm pretty meh about the screens - don't love em, don't hate 'em; but also don't really think they add much to my viewing experience.

But THIS.... this is pretty wild

> There have also been murmurs of games not being held at all at Chase for the foreseeable future during this critical period of a surging pandemic

Back to Oakland?

Santa Cruz?

All-time away games?

These games are not that far out!

Cool scoops, Rich!

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Dec 4, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Not crazy about the fans on screen, but I think it’s better than a bunch of empty seats and probably reminds the players that their fans are cheering them on.

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If the games aren't at Chase, my guess is they would not be in Oakland or Santa Cruz and maybe not in California, since the restrictions would presumably be the same anywhere near the Bay Area. No?

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Well, that's an “if” of an “if”. First half of schedule was released today. No mention of not having games at Chase. I think we might be good to go.

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Aaaaaand RIGHT when I write that, here's something that might affect Chase after all. Nvm! Carry on! Speculation warranted! https://twitter.com/Con_Chron/status/1334973862161747968?s=19

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I updated the schedule article with this

But one follow up to Attilla above is that Oakland wouldn't be the answer here either - since that county is also doing the early mandatory lockdown.

Super interested to see what happens with training camp - not even worried about January yet!

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Exactly, this is a "49ers playing home games in Arizona" situation we're talking about.

(No inside info, but it seems really obvious?)

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Situation seemingly has been resolved per SF Chronicle: https://twitter.com/poormanscommish/status/1334993441747451904?s=19

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Dec 4, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Annnd I saw this after I commented. This is good news. Now if the team can just stay healthy....

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That was my thought. I am thinking outside of CA. That is, unless the season gets suspended completely. Without a bubble, I wouldn't bet against that.

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Nice scoop PMC!

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I erroneously used the acronym LCD instead of LED in the original post 🤦🏻‍♂️

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