I think the question of whether Paschall and Draymond can play together is not what is going to get them into the Finals. Upgrading the team is the primary issue, or REBUILDING IT. The present player makeup of the Warriors is not something to get excited about. The bench is weak, weak, weak. The loss of KD is catastrophic and Wiggins is not a real replacement for him. KD did everything. Wiggins is soft. This will be a real test for the starters. Draymond has lost a lot of his stuff.

Without some serious support players who can create and score, the team falls on its face. There is no real backup PG. No C. No size, no reliable shooters aside from Steph/Klay. Even Wiggins is not a high % shooter and his 3 ball and foul shooting need work. No, I don't see the question of Paschall and Draymond factoring in next season.

What I have talked about before is trading Draymond in order to bring in support guys who are proven or package him with a pick(s) for another top draw player. Draymond is a support player. His addition to the mix brings some needed talent, but his liabilities, IMO, outweigh the positives. We need more offensive production. This is vital. If the Warriors are smart, which I think they are, they move on from Draymond and rebuild this team in a different direction. Arguing whether Draymond is this or that kind of player is not going to propel this team in the future. Curry and Klay are the heart of this team. Klay can get better! We need a damned monster in that paint. I love Chriss' energy and determination. If his skill set is further developed, he will be a solid piece of this puzzle. We need another big guy who has a game, not a Bender type player. Big guy with skills, Wiseman, Obi, or FA or trade. Do it, Myers!

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I’ve been saying this. Delusional fans need to wake up. We need to upgrade from draymond. He is not worth the headache any more and in my opinion he makes the game harder for curry, not easier. What do you think about draymond for al

Horford (three team trade if Philly doesn’t want Draymond). Horford with Curry/Klay would be awesome. Horford has about 3-4 years left of prime basketball and his game will age very well. Reminds me of Duncan. Can also shoot the three well , really good passer,

Great post moves and can anchor defense and

Is battle tested in playoffs. High character guy and philly doesn’t want him any more because of misfit with Embiid. Also trade for shake Milton from Philly. A perfect backup/secondary ballhandler for curry.

And then warriors should draft Obi toppin, who will be mentored by horford and will give immediate offensive production. These trades will make it easier for Curry/Klay and will provide them with more spacing and offensive firepower. I say keep Wiggins , who will play great alongside Curry/Klay if he can play the iggy role as a point forward. We only need 18-20’ppg from Wiggins along with elite defense. He’s Capable. I’m a big Wiggins believer as i think he’s the best young small forward in the game (better than Ingram, Jaylen brown, etc).

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Draymond for Al works for me. Obi looks good, too. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep Wiggins, but I am on the fence about his game. I know he's got skills, but he's timid, needs the fire in his belly. That takes care of the starters, for now. However, the bench........

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I agree with Steve Kerr's assessment. No doubt we are looking at a potentially awesome "small ball" lineup when Dray is at the 5 and Paschall is at the 4. Thrown in Seph, Klay, and Wiggins, and you have some awesome floor spread with Paschall/Wiggins doing some serious damage at mid-range, a capability we can certainly use. I remember that is how Dray got his first break, playing a lot of small ball 4 with David Lee at the 5 during MJax's last year, and, of course, particularly, the Clips Playoff series. One game, and one Lee injury later, and, Dray was ready to step in the very next season. I also see a major backup role for Paschall, coming off the bench when we play a traditional 5. Either way, it will work well. Defensively, I think the small ball lineup will "hang", relying on transition to make up for a small weakness. Nonetheless, I Steve opening with a traditional 5, and Paschall on the bench.

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DLee was a terrific paint player who could finish with the best of them. But, alas, no D. Draymond provided D, Bogut provided bulk and passing skills without major TO's. This allowed the motion offense to launch. It was the kiss of death for DLee. Paschall needs to grow 3 inches, vertically. I like him but relying on small ball for the major part of a game is not a good solution. Just ask Houston. It's great for situational schemes.

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The way we used small ball was not for "the major part of the game". I thought that was tacit.

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*Nonetheless, I "see" Steve opening....

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I don't think Paschall plays defense or rebounds well enough to truly be the starting PF, especially in a smallball unit with Draymond at the 5 and lite-rebounding wings in Klay and Wiggins.

As it is, I think a 6th man bench scorer role fits him great.

I'd love to reassess if he shows up next year shooting 38+% from 3pt....

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Since everyone is giving their Draymond takes, I'll give mine. Offensively, Draymond has no reliable jumpshot and it is a tremendous net negative to our offense. While KD/Klay/Curry's shooting helps somewhat mitigate this weakness, it nevertheless is a major flaw in Green's game. Scoring off the dribble at the rim by exploiting seams caused by Curry/Klay's gravity is something that Draymond was able to do in the past, but he seems to have lost a step as he's gotten older. As a passer, Draymond excels in large part because of his tremendous basketball IQ allow him to consistently make the right decision in 4 on 3 situations, passing out of the post to shooters moving off ball, and leading the Warriors in transition.

In defense, Draymond has the benefit of playing the PF/C position (arguably the two most important defensive positions in the NBA). His ability to defend 1-5 is incredibly valuable in the modern NBA. Suffice to say, he is an incredibly dominant player on this side of the basketball. According to 538, he has been the best defender in the NBA since the 2013-14 season.

To summarize, Draymond is an extreme negative as a shooter and as a scorer off the dribble. He is an extremely effective passer as well, but as with all passers, you are only as good as your recipients. As a defender, he is an incredible talent whose versatility/basketball IQ is his calling card.

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So busy defending Dray (who doesn't need my help) I forgot to shary my opinion on the original question:

Dray and EP are nothing alike except superficially. They have completely different BB skills and it will be Kerr and the rest of the coaching staff's job to figure out how to integrate them. I think it will depend a lot on game situation, matchups, who the W's acquire in the off season, but one silution I see is that they actually don't play much together. Dray needs to play with Steph and Klay and Ender as much as possible and I think Chriss fits that lineup perfectly. EP is evolving but he is a very good scorer and could really fill that microvave scoring role that the 2nd team needs, especially if paired with, a pretty good passer (Poole maybe groing into a good 2nd team passer?) and another option or 2 (Lee, Mulder, Draft pick).

In addition, he's a rookie and was showing signs of improving his teamwork and passing. If that continues, new options may open up. Like many, I am more worried about his D. I really hope it improves because I basically ike his potential and could se him being way more than a 2nd round steal. But it is really hard to predict how a player will develop.

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Can Ender really be an official nick name in the Bay!!!! Love it!!!

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I'm trying. Hoping it catches on. It's kind of a Niche group who gets the joke so we'll see.

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Depends on his game.

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Paschall's growth has been awesome and his last month was great to watch but if there is going to be a serious conversation about him getting into the starting lineup, the number one thing he needs to work on for next year is his defense. I have no doubt he can improve it as he grows as a player but he did not play starter-level defense for most of the year.

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Neither did Dryamond in his rookie year though..

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Draymond didn't get as much of a chance to play in his rookie year as Paschall did. When he did play, his defense was undoubtedly better than Paschall's this year. Dray was also a better defender than Eric in college.

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How about offense? Was draymond's offense non existent as a rookie?

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Draymond's offense used to be better, but I genuinely think that he's lost a step athletically which means that he is struggling to beat bigs off the dribble more now.

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All about Defense next year. Paschall looks good for the second unit and good to slide into the starting 4 slot due to injury. Chriss looks like the starting center and that’s exciting since his catch radius is excellent and his rim protection got better every week.

The Warriors need one more ball handling playmaker elite wing defender if they want to be true championship contenders next year. That’s not Paschall, though he will contribute to wins no doubt.

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I agree, and further I think Paschall's biggest area to work on is defense. He's capable of defending a lot of positions, but he needs to build up experience facing the tougher covers in the league, and figuring out when *not* to help off his man. That's one of the things where this shortened season sucks, because nothing will teach you all the ways you can get torched by the Harrison Barneses of this league like having to face them in game situations.

On offense, we've already seen Paschall's game come a long way just from making smarter decisions about when to get his own shot vs. when to use that to get good teammates good looks. But yeah, having his 3pt% be more like league average would be another big step because otherwise teams are going to start disrespecting him on the perimeter.

That last bit, which already happened with Draymond, has been a serious issue for him. But Dray also has that habit of playing up, or down, to the seriousness of the moment. (For example, his FT% is higher in the 4th quarter.) I don't see Paschall slacking so much, which is good, but I also don't know if he can turn it up to the insane levels that Dray does when he realizes he absolutely has to carry the team. (ex: WCF vs. Portland)

But yeah, the two of them together on the court seems sub-optimal. They have different skills and specialties, but similar enough that I dunno. I bet they can find a way, but Paschall's game as we know it so far seems like a better fit for 6th man. That said, I don't think Paschall's better play towards the end (?) of the season was really due to Dray being out, but really just more from mental growth by the rookie.

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Green's defense is crucial. Paschall is a fine second unit stud as far as I can tell, unless he really pushes his game next year I don't see him soaking up Green's minutes at the 4 spot. I see Paschall leading the bench squad next season, and doing some small-ball stuff with Green at the 5. My real question is can Paschall take the torch from Green in a couple years as he really starts to decline?

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I'm hoping that as Paschall's defense and passing improve, he can take that starting 4 spot in a few years with Dray sliding into an Iguodala-like super-6 man role.

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We are going to see a lot of smaller lineups with Draymond at the five. I hope they draft Toppin so there becomes an endless stream of scoring players with power.

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I really do think Draymond will get traded in a year. He is still a very high IQ player with fantastic defensive presence, but the rest of his game has deteriorated while the volatility of his personality is getting more disruptive. It was a fine balance that seems to have tipped over.

Eric is a good understudy for the position and a likely replacement.

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What would be a good friendly wager on this one? I say Dray still on the Warriors as of March 22nd, hell let's say 31st, 2021. Either he's good and we keep him, or he is actually broken down and no one will take him.

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He has no discipline. Shoots terribly during the season and goes on a yatch.. feigns injury and is off to the grammy's, oscar or vegas. He likes the red carpet more than basketball. Bob should just trade his dumb ass .. if we can get christain wood at PF we should be fine

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Christian wood? Are you serious? No bro, I would keep draymond instead of getting Christian wood. I was thinking more of trading draymond for al horford .

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I don't think you fully value what Draymond brings to the Warriors. Eric is great and will get even better but he is nowhere near Draymond's level as far as defense goes, or playmaking for that matter.

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I actually do value Draymond's contribution. I think he's a fantastic defender and playmaker, and without him we would probably not have the 5 WC championships (or at least the first three of them). I think, though, that he was always treading a fine line with his overall volatility, and that over the last couple of years it's tipped over (maybe just personally for me) into more loudmouth, less all-star.

I was especially disgusted by his antics in the last game that he got ejected in the first half, and never really came back to play.

I wouldn't be totally surprised if the Warriors pulled another surprise move and traded him in a package to get someone like Giannis onboard.

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His volatility cost us 2016 championship and A dynasty.. His volatility practically helped push kd away..People just like to console themselves with the fact that kd was leaving irrespective but anybody that knew basketball could see why it was a 70 /30 in favor of staying if draymond didnt demean him on TV. First just go back and listen to how kd talked about the team. He had zero problem with steph. Steph even let him run PG well enough that they had identical usage. He said their chemistry was so strong that they didnt even need to practice in the final year. They knew each others tendencies. Another point is that he saw how kyrie flamed out celtics..who would want to leave a sure thing for some wild uncertainty but based on how draymond berated him, I would have left too

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I'll agree about the championship in 2016 and that he helped push Durant away.

But I think Durant was always an iffy proposition. Draymond didn't make him sign those one year contracts; Draymond didn't create the free agency drama which put all of the extra stress on the team. And Draymond didn't leave a much higher money offer on the table with a better team to go play with his friends somewhere else. That was all Durant, and he should own it.

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I'll be happy. Those stupid antics are giving the organization a terrible look. We have a rookie dominated team. Draymond gets himself ejected but the next day u see him in vegas at boxing match. U see him smiling at the grammy's but comes to play and curses the ref out in front of rookies. What kind of precedence is he laying for the rookies? For a team trying to rehabilitate a hot head like quese.. when quese pushed Doncic I wasnt surprised

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Im not disputing Draymond's defense but his playmaking is overrated. All those assists are because someone always got doubke teamed and he had the luxury of the 3 best shot makers of this generation on the team..What did his playmaking achieve this year when there was no splash brothers and kd to provide spacing?. Nothing..His playmaking is overrated just like his mouth..watch those past games and u will see idiotic bone headed passes he makes. Then the idiot flays when someone else blows a layup. If he was playing under rick carlise he wouldnt even be in the nba..

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If you don't value Draymond's playmaking you don't know anything about basketball. No duh he is going to have more assists passing to three all-stars than he is to a bunch of g-league scrubs. Is that supposed to prove anything except for the fact that all-stars make more buckets than g-leaguers. Lebron James' playmaking would not have mattered on the team the Warriors had this year. Trying to use that to prove your point is not only mentally weak, it's absurd. Your whole argument is that Draymond is bad because he doesn't make bad players better. That's stupid. The warriors are not planning on competing for a title with a team of g-leaguers. Draymond is a player who makes other stars better. If you haven't seen that these last 5 years, again... you don't watch Warriors basketball.

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Draymonds playmaking is so good that he led the warriors to the 30th ranked offense lmao boy stfu. Lebron would have led this warriors team to a top 4 seed so please never put draymond and Lebron in the same sentence. Draymond doesn’t deserve to wear number 23. Draymond is an ok player but nothing more. This ain’t 2016-17 anymore. If bob Myers has any sense at all he would trade draymond ASAP for somebody like al horford and then draft Obi toppin.

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Omar I agree that draymond is bad but even lebron cant lead that team to the playoffs.He couldn't. Lead a team of lonzo, ingram, kuz, Josh hart etc to the playoffs

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I’m not even a Lebron fan so don’t make me defend him too much but he has already proven that he can carry trash teams to 60+ win seasons and even a Finals appearance (2007). Lebron got injured last season and missing 12 games hurt the team. Before he got hurt, Lakers were a top 4 team in the west. Lebron with a team of DLo, GR3, Burks , Chriss, paschall, Lee would be a top 4 team in the west and the lakers would be struggling to make the playoffs. I’m not even a Lebron fan. Curry is the 2010s player of the decade, not Lebron but I can’t ignore lebrons greatness and ability to make others better.

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Im saying draymond is bad and only made to look good by the players he had around him. Explain how his FG% went from 45% in previous seasons to 38% this season because there were no splash brothers by his side?.Steve kerr gets a lot of hate as being overrated because he couldnt coach 2 all stars to a respectable result. Its not steve's fault. The truth is that he had no all star. Draymond isnt an allstar in my opinion and Dlo only got in due to injuries..

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The truth is kerr has already found out that the only thing draymond is useful for nowadays is to play 5 and playmake a bit. Steph is a better playmaker. Wiggins can playmake, paschall is also a good upcoming playmaker. The main problem the team runs into is that because draymomd is so limited on offense, his defender has extra energy to torch us. Thats why siakam became trigger happy in the finals. I dont think paschall and draymond will work. We are going to get killed on the boards..Paschall is a poor rebounder, so is wiggins and klay... steph is a good rebounder for a guard but not great..What we need is a stretch 5 who is good defensively.. Baynes is our man

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Slim, you are really off the mark, as is anyone else who may think Steve Kerr will not go with the Homegrown Core we won 3 championships with: Dray, Steph, Klay. Not too long ago we were discussing whether Dray was in fact a bigger cog than Steph on this team! Anyway, I do not expect that to change next season. No doubt Wiggins' and Paschall's mid-range shot also give us a great boost as well. Depending on match ups, you will see a lot of both, and a traditional 5.

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Boy are you dumb. Who in their right mind would think draymond was a bigger cog on the warriors than Stephen Curry. Get your head examined. If this year didn’t show you what an average role player draymond is, then yo will never realize the truth, even though the truth is staring right at your face.

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If you haven't figured out that Dray's value is what he does as a cog for the Homegrown Core (and Team), together, you may not be as smart as you think you are!

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If this season has taught u anything, Its that draymond isnt what you thought he is. If you thought draymond was half as important as steph, then you have been tricked. People elevate draymond to undermine steph's greatness. Draymond can only lead the team to the lottery. Even klay is more important than draymond..

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Lol If this is the season you learned about Dray, we really have nothing to talk about....

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Exactly. It’s baffling to me how blind these warriors fans are because of their personal attachment to a role player who literally was the sole reason for why the warriors lost to the raptors in the finals and who got exposed this regular season. It’s pretty comical to me but it’s exactly this type of mindset that keeps teams from evolving and getting better. The past is the past and the future is now. It’s time for a change . Trading draymond is the obvious move to make. And draft obi toppin. You start paschall, who is ready. At this point , trading draymond for Harrison Barnes , who would take the iguodala sixth man time would make the team better and complete. These are the tough but correct decisions that good GMs have to make, similar to how several years ago, another unpopular decision in trading monta Ellis for Bogut was made.

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Hey, what can I say, after that; "these warriors fans" are so "blind" and "dumb" after watching this Homegrown Core grow up together, and blindly and dumbly following it to 5 straight NBA Finals! Too bad you were not with us on that ride....maybe you'd realize how dire a visit to an optometrist is, and, how much smarter you'd be to do so! Lol

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Lol. Are u advertising here?. I don't need to see an optometrist and if I had to see one I'll definitely use a smart one which isnt you. You must be dumb not to know that draymond isn't thesame player he was in 2016 and there is no KD to pick up the slack thanks to him. The team needs scoring and those 8ppg wont help.we lost the finals last year not because steph didn't deliver. But because draymond and Andre were useless on offense. Steph outscored kwahi in the finals but he had no supporting cast. 6 raptors averaged double digits while only 3 warriors did. All the talk that his job is not to score is outdated. We need points to win. I didn't expect him to

average 20ppg thos season but at least double digits with good scoring percentages. Instead both his FG% and his 3pt% reduced. Also have to be blind not to see that draymond cant space the floor for steph. All he does is put another player on steph for double teams because nobody guards dray. If he was so important on offense do u think kerr would be trying to play him and paschall together in thesame lineup? Kerr knows draymond is creating spacing problem. His antics are also disgusting. Cost us a championship in 2016. Berated KD on live TV and the dude left..

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Your anti Dray diatribes are boring (in that they are repetitive - you are entitled to you your opinion, but you are trying to shove it down everyone's throat in almost every article and repeatedly. look how many times you posted in just this one article. why wasn't once enough?) but worse you are just wrong! Dray is so important to what the warriors do. Despite being an all star he still doesn't get enough credit for his basketball ability and his acumen. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT running down any of the other players. On the contrary, what made (and hopefully makes the warriors run so special to me is the way they are a TEAM and each one contributed to an amazing whole. Not ONLY the stars -Steph, Klay, KD - whom I think are amazing and am so happy I get to watch, but the midrange players - Andre, Shaun - to the many role players who made such a difference - David West,David Lee, Harrison Barnes, Speights, Barbosa and so many more. Real basketball aficionados may not like Dray's on court antics but they respect and value his contributions and know that his value goes WAY beyond the stats for various reasons including that there aren't really any stats that can measure what he contributes on defense. Even the silly "triple single" insult is beyond stupid as if 6 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists isn't amaing on a team that has plenty of scoring and needs people to rebound and thrives on passing. Furthermore people who really matter (Like Steph, Klay, and Bob and the front office) obviously think he's valuable and I think he will prove it next season (if it happens, of course).

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Go back and watch the number of assists the team generated when draymond got his 8 assists per game.. The assists went down, we had the worst offense in the league. We couldnt even crack 100ppg with our so called Playmaking draymond as the primary ball handler. Even rookie ky bowman had a better offensive rating than draymond as a primary ball handler.. Draymond got all those assists because he became so ball dominant and was playing like a traditional PG. Even kerr realised he wasnt helping the offense ...

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Sorry (not sorry) but duhhh! My point is that basketball is a team game. OF course he looks worse with worse players. He's not the first player you build a franchise around, but if your philosophy is team play, move the ball everyone works togther, he (and Iggy and Shaun and Steph and Klay are the kind of players you need). I love the warriors because of the strength in numbers philosophy they embody. Again, Steph (and the front office) want him on the team. No way he gets that contract if Steph didn't want him. That's pretty much QED right there.

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Steph doesnt play GM. If Bob trades him, steph isnt gonna care. Steph is closer to andre than he is to draymond and andre was traded..When seth was on a 2 way, steph never asked bob to put him in the team.He didnt say anything when bob cut seth. If he didnt solicit for his brother and friend u think he is gonna care about draymond. Draymond is a fucking snitch. Draymond told swaggy P that steph behaves like someone with toutette when his shots arent falling. You guys know what tourette is right?. This guy made him and he went saying that shit about him behind his back..The podcast is called certified buckets. You guys can check it out.. those guys were on so much pressure.i've seen kd curse when his shots werent falling..We know top players are obsessed with perfection. Youmdont become that good if u dont have an element of OCD

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Yeah draymond is definitely a snitch. But I haven’t heard that nick young story. And you’re right, that Iguodala trade devastated curry but it was for the best and now we have Wiggins who can be a similar player to Iguodala. Besides , I think the warriors will bring back Iguidala some time next year so he can retire as a warrior

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Yeah i agree it was the best. He wasnt doing anything for the money he was making

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G1MEbL4fcVA.. watch this bro.. the episode where nick young talked about warriors vs rockets 2018 wcf.

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First: respect for posting your source. There are a lot of episodes and I couldn't figure out which one. Do you know which episode it was? With out hearing it, it's hard to judge.

So steph swears a lot when he misses? Who doesn't?

I don't think Seth wanted to be on the Warriors and always be in Steph's shadow.

Yeah, the Iggy thing sucked, but having to trade him to get something out of KD leaving is the way the league works, but that's different than negotiating a 4 year expensive extension for a player as bad as you say Dray is. Bob wouldn't do it if he agreed with you and I don't think they keep a player Steph doesn't want. It wouldn't make any sense.

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He never said steph swears. He said he talks to himself and twitches like someone with Tourette.. I think of curses himself

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Bob said steph never for once came to him to talk about Seth. Seth went back to the g league when he was cut so the notion that he would have preferred the g league to being in his brother's shadow is invalid

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Dude if you are evaluating Draymond's play off of his passing to a bunch of rookies and g-league players, you don't deserve any more response time. No point arguing with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Preach! Except the arguing part. There's no point in any of this. Bob's not reading this blog (at least not to help make decisions ;) The fun lies in the arguing with idiots. ;)

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DLo, Burks, GR3, willey Cauley stein and Chriss are not g -leaguers and paschall is not an ordinary rookie. Stop making excuses for Draybum. Mr triple single has been exposed and he should be traded because he’s become a huge liability . I would argue a fresh start would

Be good for him too btw. I think a draymond for al horford trade would be perfect and the warriors should draft Obi toppin . If Sixers don’t want draymond, then a third team can get involved like the bulls or wizards.

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Preach. Anyone who understands basketball on and off the team knows how important and valuable Dray is to this team and its' championship aspirations. Stat-watchers and casuals bemoan Dray because he doesn't resemble their idea of a star player. I think Draymond would actually be a whole lot more popular with casual fans in the 90's era of basketball; his defense would likely be appreciated more and his doggedness would not have been dismissed as easily.

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Boo this idea. Do not want Baynes, who is not a rim protector and not a passer. Would rather draft a young big man than give Baynes any money. And 100% disagree with the idea that the main problem this team has is that Dray is "limited" on offense. Dray is arguably the best play-maker on the team. Steph is the only one who can claim to be better than him. Wiggins isn't in the same stratusphere, and Paschall is getting better but he is still a rookie who is figuring things out and has a long way to go before he can play-make on the level of Steph and Dray.

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Bro.. draymond is not even half the playmaker steph is. In those deep play off runs. Remember kerr makes steph ball dominant..the reason stph doesnt have as many assists is because draymond is his pick n roll partner. Draymond our so called all star cant even reliably finish simple layups..And the idiot was talking to the press about Klay's shot selection as a rookie.. Im happy draymond got exposed this season.. You really think if he didnt sign that new contract before this season, he would have got it after this horrible campaign?

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Bro... you don't watch the Warriors, admit it. if Draymond was not "half the playmaker Steph is" he would not lead the team in assists multiple years. Stop claiming Draymond isn't an all-world playmaker, seriously. Anyone who knows basketball will laugh at you, as I am laughing at you now. The reason Steph doesn't have as many assists as he could is because he does not hunt for them, more often than not making the extra unselfish pass so that someone else can get an assist. Draymond is the one who opens up Steph's game and lets him operate off the ball. But of course, you wouldn't know that, not watching the games. Draymond got exposed? You have no idea what you are talking about dude. Draymond was trying to play with a team of rookies, castoffs, and g-leaguers and you're getting on his case because his numbers were bad. You don't know anything about basketball, bro.

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You have said so many incorrect things I don’t know where to start smh. But let me address one thing, you said : draymond is the one who opens up Stephs game . Draymond does NOTHING for Steph. Zero. With or without draymond , a Curry -Klay offense will be number one in the league. All draymond does is make it harder for Curry because currys out there playing 4 on 5. Draymond can’t even set screens like Bogut and Zaza could. Draymond is a liability on offense. Wake up! Trading Draymond for Horford and then drafting Obi Toppin will make the warriors unstoppable. If horford is not possibly then dump draymond for a few role players (Nance and Osman from the Cavs?) and draft obi toppin anyways.

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You should look at stats. the Dray Steph PnR is one of the most effective in the league.

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Steph and kd pnr was the most deadly in the history of the nba.why didnt they use it often? Draymond.. steph and bogut pnr was very good too. Who spoiled it? Draymond. Steph pnr with other players was more effective but draymind hijacked steph..Steph is his daddy

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Put the ball in iggys hands and let him pass to steph, klay and kd and lets see if he wouldnt have same number of assists. Draymond is not half the playmaker steph is.. Kerr's offense revolves around chaos. The splash brothers are the chaos and kd was the insurance. Steph's constant motion makes the offense unpredictable.. tell me how many games they lost in the last 3yrs because draymond didnt play. Also tell me how the offensive rating changed when draymond sat?.

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True true. No Curry and Klay = 30th ranked offense. Draymonds a below average offensive player. It’s really as simple as that. Dudes literally never guarded when he’s in top of the key. That’s embarrassing. At least iguodala was guarded as a three point threat. And I agree that Iguidala is a much better playmaker than Green. Iguodala has natural point guard skills. He used to run point in Philly when Iverson left and averaged 18 ppg and 7 apg and guarded the best player on the other team (kobe, TMac, Carmelo , Lebron etc).

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Dont mind them. All these casuals comparing draymond's playmaking to steph's playmaking skills. The reason that offemse was so deadly was because steph decided to play off ball.. thats the reason kd even came. I remember that when kd joined and harden was asked about it. He said " there is only one ball". Steph and kd made it work perfectly because they were able to sacrifice. Steph deferred so much that even kd said he had to tell him to be aggressive. That they could only win if steph was aggressive..I cant wait till paschall develops on defense and draymond loses his place in the starting line up just like david lee did to him..

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I'd rather have Paschall come off the bench and give Green some time off so if Green does have to play at the 5 he isn't getting as beat up the rest of the time. I suspect Paschall could work on his jump shot, which does look strange, and become a better 3pt shooter which would let him sub in as a 3 as well. If so, that's the other opportunity for them to be on the court at the same time.

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I'll rather have that strange looking jumpshot than Poole's which looks pretty but is a brick making machine..

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In fairness to Poole, he was shooting closer to 40% on his 3s over the last 5 or 6 games and he won't be 21 until June. I think the shot will come around, still not convinced he will ever be an adequate defender though that should improve as well. If the draft order had been reversed, people wouldn't complain as much about Poole.

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Bro zion is 19...

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Poole will be out of the league in a year. I’m not going to blame Bob Myers though because (a) he drafted Paschall and (b) there was nobody that the warriors passed on that seems to be better than Poole .

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Bro wwarriors passed on Kevin porter jr who is 1 million times better than poole. KPJ is shooting 36% 3pt. Has a 45% Fg..

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Hmmm that’s interesting. Maybe he would have been better but I don’t watch too much Cleveland lol.

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He is definitely better.. poole looks like a hot potato player that should be in college building his game.. The dude was confused when steph played with them while paschall had a career high 8 assists. If poole could instinctively take advantage of the extra space steph created i dont know what to think about him..

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On how many attempts per game? And do u include the flame out against raptors when he appeared not to even know what was happening on the court?.. If he cant figure out how to play alongside steph u really think he has a future with the warriors ?. Poole was drafted as a shooting guard but warriors have moved on from that dream. They brought in Zach Norvell and Mulder to audition for that spot. If they manage to draft halliburton who can actually shoot and has better playmaking skills and defense then im not sure they need him anymore. Do u really think warriors trust poole enough to throw him in a playoff game?. Kerr said the season was a success because they were able to develop paschall. He never mentioned poole because he is Meh...

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He did mention Poole, multiple times. To say he didn't just proves you weren't listening.

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This could work as long as Draymond sets up shop at the foul line like Bogut did. Having the shooters orbit around him lessens the chances of a bricked Draymond 3 from the top of the arc as a last resort. With Draymond as play-maker, if no one is open, he can always shoot it from the foul line or make a pump fake drive like David Lee used to do.

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Yeah but u know draymond doesnt even have a good midrange game too..

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As long as Draymond stays away from the top of the key or from the corner a la David West, I'm good.

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David west had a solid midrange game. In 2017 warriors vs spurs game in march .. kd was injured. Curry and david west ran same pick and pop about 8 plays to ice the game..

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Replace draymond with prime David West , and the warriors are currently five time defending champions. I have no doubt in my mind.

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Even 38 yr old david west had better offense than draymond. The most irritating part of draymond is himself and his mom talking. His mom used to diss steph and kd when they didnt play well. Her talentless kid couldnt even do anything without them

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Yeah true but I don’t think 38 year old David West could be a 35 mpg starter for the 15-19 warriors . But prime DWest from the pacers would be an upgrade from draymond , and warriors would be 5 time defending champs for sure . Yeah draymond and his mommy are just mad that he got exposed for what he really is: a good energy role player who doesn’t make anybody better and has a good game once every 8 games. Can no longer be called a star . Right now, the warriors only have two stars: curry and klay.

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Yes better than Draymond, but as in the recent Boston replay, Draymond isn't necessarily chopped liver from the elbow.

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Draymond has no reliable jump shot at all.... did u watch last year's nba finals? Draymond and iggy were looking for curry and klay at the elbow..even westbrook is less of a brick machine than draymond..

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Westbrook is ten times the brick machine Dray is. Your Draymond hate is old, boring, and stale.

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