Omi-Chronic, coming to your neighborhood dispensary. Stay safe Dub Nation.

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Curry's 2974 collection will be $499 each. All proceeds go to Eat. Learn. Play. Great cause. A bit out of my price range.


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Think I'm a little late to the party, but who do we think the FO will bring in and can they actually make a difference?

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Really depends on who they'll be playing against. What this really means is that we could end up with two teams of replacement level players going against each other. Will a Jordan Bell (for example) make a difference against a team at full (or most) strength? Probably not. Could he make a difference against another team full of castoffs? Sure.

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I'd be down if they brought in GRIII, but I think they'll stick to Santa Cruz and bring in Toupane. A good way to get talent to come to Santa Cruz is to make them think they have a path to NBA minutes.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

Giving Toupane a chance would be pretty cool, have been curious how he would do for a couple of years now. He can be pretty dominant in the G League at times.

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He got a two-way with Milwaukee last season but I don't think he did much. Got a ring though.

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So SCW has two NBA champions?

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Forgot about that!

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Didn't even think about GRIII! What a great fond that would be, i've actually been loosely following Santa Cruz this year and really like Toupane as temporary player. Sometimes it feels like he doesnt really care about the game, but that could just be because hes playing in the G.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Oh damn, Davion is out for protocols? On the one hand that is a shame because I liked watching Curry vs Mitchell and Apricot's ensuing E1P, but I suppose this makes Curry's night a bit easier which is good considering how tired he's looked recently. Fox is out too, but personally I prefer Haliburton anyway.

EDIT: Holmes out again, that's definitely a loss for Sacramento. Len is out too so our old pal Damian Jones should get plenty of time.

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Hali is balling, and they're gonna stick Harkless on Steph I bet

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Sacramento Band Names: Foxy & the Harkless Bask-ettes.

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OT I think Memphis has gotten more dangerous with Ja out.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Ja’s back tonight, and a team-high +15 (so far).

With or without: the Grizz are pretty scary.

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And now it's all tied up. [Or was when I started typing.]

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Grizzlies confuse me because some games they play well and they like, win! But then other games they don't play as well as the ones where they win and they lose. So like, both these wins and losses all mixed together. Who are they really??? Do they win or do they lose?

Only time will tell.

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Griz are in the West. Makes perfect sense, if you hold your map crooked.

Personally I think conference divisions should be based off of where teams started from rather than where they currently play. So Warriors should be in the East cus they started in Philly, and the Lakers should be in the West because they started in Minnesota, which is also pretty far East but comparatively a little West.

Utah will still be in the West, because New Orleans is clearly in the West. Grizzlies would be in the West still, because of Vancouver and all. Clippers are in the East because of Buffalo. It would all make sense.

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realized that after I posted, Griz are easy to forget when having west coast conversations, would still love them and Charlotte to make their way up the power structure

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As the NBA season unravels apparently so do these threads

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Lmao should I move up the game thread? Not scheduled till 7

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No, just joking about how the conversations devolve after awhile

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I know you are, but what am I?

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm a fan of Lee starting, personally would have started Iguodala though.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Need him to run things when Dray sits.

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Mmmm hmmm. Poole and Wiggs really have been driving that second unit

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I think Chiozza, JTA, or even Bjelica could run things when Draymond sits. Whereas I think Kuminga might be in a position to make a lot of decisions in the starting lineup given the personnel, but we'll see.

Plus I wanted the Barnes vs Iguodala matchup lol.

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Woot. JK starting again!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Long OT story: I think I’ve mentioned that I volunteer at a sanctuary for sick, injured, orphaned and abandoned animals. Since I have a fair amount of experience with exotic birds and because some at the sanctuary are really aggressive, they’re my focus.

Besides feeding and cleaning up after them, I also work to habituate them (get them use to people) so other volunteers aren’t scared to enter the enclosure.

One particular cockatoo named Mercedes is a real handful and can be quite aggressive. (I’ve come to find out she’d been abused by her previous owner’s boyfriend, so it’s understandable.) I’ve been patiently working to gain her trust and got her taking food from my hand, letting me pet her etc., but she was still skittish. Last week she started climbing up and perching on my hand, which was a really big deal and super rewarding. Today was my first day back and when I came in to the enclosure, she bobbed her head in excitement to see me and immediately wanted to get up on my hand and arm and did so several times, but my trust in her was still less that 100%.

My wife, who works in other parts of the sanctuary came into the enclosure so I could gets some pictures of her playing with one of the “nice” (and safe) birds. Then she took some pictures of me with Mercedes because I was so excited about how well it was going. All that went without incident.

A short while later, another volunteer I didn’t know who normally works with the birds on a different day entered the enclosure and Mercedes freaked out, came after me and clamped down on my thumb…hard. The working theory is that she had a PTSD flashback being in the presence of a man while a female provider she cares about was there.

Now I’m sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting to find out if I need stitches. It’s nothing serious, but will be a long wait and it’s great being able to catch up on Warriors news with y’all.

TL;DR: Ouch! WTF Mercedes?!

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Damn, good on you two for what you do. That is a tough gig and coming away bloody happens. get better, I'm betting this will bring you closer to Mercedes.

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How did you unpry the claw?

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This was a bite, so it was her beak, which is really strong. I pulled my hand away and she hung on, so was hanging by my thumb biting me until I kind of flung her away.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

Rough scene! But thank you for sharing :)

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If one of the Warriors had done that we’d be pissed and venting in the thread, but because it’s only you most of us are mostly bemused ☺️ Get well soon, parrot whisperer.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

If it had been Patrick McCaw, it would have been worse, because macaw jaws are even stronger than a cockatoo.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

The rare three-ringed mccaw

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball


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Jeez man, good luck!

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Bringing her home isn’t an option for two reasons. She’s paired up with a yellow-headed Amazon parrot and they’d miss each other and the condo where we live doesn’t allow non-service animals.

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lol maybe three reasons? You seem to have left out the part about bites and stitches!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

LOL! We’re headed to the mainland for a month in a couple days, but I have zero trepidation about working with her again. Simply a little setback.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Oh, and it’s the East Maui Animal Refuge aka The Boo Boo Zoo.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Jealous! Was just there for my honeymoon!

I don't think I could live there full time though, a little too removed from the rest of the world for me. But I'll gladly go back for Mai Tais and gorgeous beaches.

Hope your thumb wasn't too roughed up!

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Congratulations on the nuptials! Where did you stay?

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I’m not ender2148, but when I’ve been to Maui I have stayed at Napili Shores. Lovely place….

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Where in Maui?

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The sanctuary is in the jungle in Haiku. I live in Kihei (south Maui)

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Nice, we own land we’re developing out in Kipahulu, 40 minutes past Hana.

I try and get out to visit the project a few times a year, but coronavirus has upended that schedule.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Hold on - you're in Maui, and volunteer to help animals?

Oh, the wrong turns I've taken....


(good on ya!)

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Ha! It doesn’t suck.

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Hope you avoid the dreaded parrot fever

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Replacement players, A List:

Is Monte Ellis available? That would be sweet.

How about Monte Poole?

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Kalenna? Fitz can talk to himself.

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Or just commentate while in action and on the bench

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Isn't that what he's been doing. lol

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How about Mo Buckets?

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The Mo-placements. Sounds like a good strategy. Still room for Moe from the 3 Stooges. He's an enforcer. Though a little foul prone

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In today's game, he'd get a lot of Flagrant 2s.

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Barbosa? Come back

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Steve Kerr, lead vocals: “Barby come back, you can blame it all on me. I was wrong and we just can’t win without you. “

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He could do it!!

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Actually, Kerr could probably do it too, park himself in the corner for open 3s, don’t know about defense though

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Never his strong suit anyway. lol

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I second this, especially with Kerr's comments last season about LB being in shape to actually play.

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He'd probably still be playing in Brazil if he hadn't gotten the call from Kerr.

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Could our front office beat a G-League team????

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I'd put money on it.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

73% of new US cases are Omicron now. That happened way too fast. Meanwhile, my 8 year-old son has cold symptoms and is at 100.2 F - seriously hoping he doesn't go any higher. Have the tests handy just in case.

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Negative! Holy shit that was a hard parental 15 minutes.

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Same with my 9 year old on morning of her 7 year old sister's b-day party. Turned out negative and the party went on. But know how you feel.

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Gratz. I hope he feels better soon!

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Thanks everyone. Just took temp again and 101.1 - both my kids are double-vaxxed more than 2 weeks ago, so not terrified per se, but I'm going to administer the test.

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Do you find out the results at home or have to send it somewhere?

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Here at home, in about 10 min

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Mrs. Dubs has been hammered with sickness for over a week now. Just now slowly emerging. Two covid tests, both negative. I forgot that people got sick from other stuff!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Negative here as well, thank god!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Thinking good thoughts for G&B Jr.

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Hope he's feeling like himself again soon!! Take good care of the little guy.

[Mine is 31 now, as of yesterday, and dad still worries - especially with the scant info I get via Facebook.]

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Oh, and HPD L’il Dilly!

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Have a 26 year old and can relate, except mine doesn’t have FB.

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FB Messenger seems to be the only way we communicate now. The child works nights [6pm-6am] in mental health & overnight at a local hotel once a week. We don't see each other much these days, even though we live about 5 miles from each other. So, it was good to catch up for dinner last night after not getting together for 3 1/2 months.

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:( *fingers crossed*

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deletedDec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I remember the good old days when a sore, dry throat just meant you needed to take smaller bong hits.

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Hahahhhah- yes I remember those days!

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by punk basketball

-Toronto is calling up Nik Stauskas of @NBAGrandRapids from the @nbagleague


-Minnesota is signing forward Chris Silva to a 10-day hardship exemption, sources tell ESPN.


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So, Kings still have 7 players listed out (6 because of Covid-related, one injury) but as far as I can tell, they haven't signed any replacement players. Warriors are supposed to have to sign two. Is there a time lag or something where they don't have to do it right away?

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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I agree. Might as well grab them now while the talent pool isn't as depleted.

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It's a "shall" statement in that ESPN article

Edit: re-reading now, my guess is that maybe it's not a positive test. Either inconclusive or quarantine/contact tracing... see how it says that you need two positives?

> Under the agreement, a team will be allowed to sign a replacement player for each positive COVID-19 case that crops up across its roster. So, if a team has five positive cases of COVID-19, for example, it could sign five replacement players.

> Meanwhile, teams will have to sign at least one replacement player if they have two positive COVID-19 cases.


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Just updating this above.... although it's not in the linked article, there is another clause in the NBA memo that says as long as you can field a team of 13 using two-way players or whatever, that the requirements to add more players doesn't kick in

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deletedDec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021
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Maybe not. The chances are high that more players will enter the protocol.

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More free agency signings:

-Sixers signing Tyler Johnson on a hardship exemption


-Lakers signing forward Jemerrio Jones of G League Wisconsin on a 10-day hardship exemption


-Lakers signing guard Mason Jones to a two-way contract from their G League affiliate South Bay Lakers


-Knicks signing guard Matt Mooney of the NBA G League's Mexico City Capitanes to a 10-day hardship deal


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Really hope the Lakers don't find a gem with these signings because the last thing we need is for them to find players to replace their fossils

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Eh, let the Lakers be whatever they will. We are the Warriors. To live up to our name, we should be able to take anyone down.

This is the way.

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

COVID is going to get more young/underexposed young players more opportunity than anything else the League has done.

(Okay, maybe a little bit of hyperbole, but there's some truth there too).

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

That’s actually a really cool silver lining

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I would be interested to see both Moody and Kuminga get minutes together next to Steph and Dray. The Kings look banged up (and not too good to begin with). Maybe the only opportunity this year I'd feel comfortable giving that some run.

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Me, too, especially Kuminga.

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Gotta put these basketball comments in ALL CAPS do dubby notices

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Who is going to be the Warriors' extra signee?

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Bell is my pick.

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would be weird to add someone who isn't a wing or ball handler though. I'm ready for a GRII retread, or maybe someone like Dowtin from the G League

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Dowtin is already on a 2-way, so one of our 13 available guys and doesn’t need to be added.

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GRIII is interesting, forgot about him. I had assumed it'd be Toupane.

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I’m totally behind “pull from the GLeague” considering our record and all the other teams being in essentially the same boat

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Two of the best players in our gleague team are Toupane and Weatherspoon. Weatherspoon has a full skillset and could easily slot in for Poole. Toupane is a bigger SF.

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Good morale boost for SCW if they pull mostly from there

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Plus they know the offense better than randos

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Rando is good at drawing first blood. Oh wait, that's Rambo.

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Do they run the Warrior offense in the G League?

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Bell makes a lot of sense... but why not just play JTA more at that point?

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Bell has never made sense on the Dubs, why start now?

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Bell would reduce Dray/Loon minutes (as would JTA, fwiw)

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So would Kuminga.

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Excited to see ex-Warrior Damien Jones tonight.

He had a career-high for the Kings last night, which included launching a bunch of threes.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Here's a list of teams and the players they have signed to their roster:

-Bucks- DeMarcus Cousins, Wesley Matthews

-Nets- Langston Galloway, James Ennis III, Wenyen Gabriel, Shaquille Harrison

-Bulls- Stanley Johnson, Alfonzo McKinnie

-Lakers- Isaiah Thomas

-Nuggets- Davon Reed

-Knicks- Tyler Hall, Damyean Dotson

-Cavaliers- Luke Kornet

-Magic- Freddie Gillespie

-Mavericks- Theo Pinson, Marquese Chriss

-Celtics- CJ Miles

-Raptors- Brandon Goodwin, Juwan Morgan

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Nets have picked up some really useful players in Ennis and Galloway.

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Galloway looked pretty darn washed in the one preseason game they played him. But maybe that's what second chances are for, right?

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

He was fine the 2 years prior. Wouldn't read too much into a single preseason game (where he was probably under intense pressure).

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For the NBA (Owners) at this point, it’s not about the Product but the Benjamins

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

It’s always about the Benjamins, never get that twisted. It’s just a Benjamin producing machine

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Agree, though I was starting to think it might just have become another special playground for the ultra wealthy kinda like Space

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021

Dubs valuation in 2011: ~$400M

Dubs valuation in 2021: >$6B

15x return for a decade is pretty pretty good. There’s a cash flow element, but no matter how you slice it, it’s been a great investment…

Yeah, there’s some additional real estate and peripheral business that might be included there, but still…

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And they have probably been showing paper losses the entire time.

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Nah, B

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Oh, and the players too. They have a massive ~50% stake in the Benjamins dontcha know.

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Dec 20, 2021Liked by punk basketball

And the networks, looooooooooooots of Benjamin’s - although hopefully soon we can also call the Harriet Tubman’s (I know different bill, but still waiting…)

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021

Networks pay less if there are fewer games. So it's unclear to me if the networks want to pay the same for the expected number of games of a diluted product or pay less for fewer games of a superior product...

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CJ Miles... now that is an old timer.

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Can he still move?? Seems like I remember him trying to get back into the league 2 or 3 seasons ago without success.

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DeMarcus was signed before the recent change in rules, not sure about the others.

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I'm trying to include as many mid-season free agency signings as I can. I'm sure I missed out some players.

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Is it wrong that I secretly like the forced roster shake up, with second tier nba players coming in? The wrench is kinda fun to watch - a mix of super stars and almost made its….

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Alas, too much focus on "has-beens" (security blankets) vs looks at younger players

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