Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

It's kind of amazing:

Wiseman is now averaging (per 36): 22.8/10.6/2.0 on .690 TS% and IMO he's been a negative player so far. His absurd Net Rtg is -48.6. Even with Steph, his Net Rtg is -22 per 100. Small sample sizes abound, but I think it matches the eye test: there a lot of little things he needs to clean up. He has the physical tools to be a monster, but right now, he's going to cost this team games. I think there's going to be a large correlation between what seed the Dubs end up and how much PT Wise gets.

That said, there are now some clear strengths he is showing. Even if when he's on court, the team has a distressing 89.9 ORtg. Something to monitor as things continue.

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There will also be a large correlation between how much Wise plays and how much he improves. They will, of course, try to balance the two and also hope the wins curve rises to meet or exceed the improvement curve (not that the improvement will be directly quantifiable - though I suppose you could use Net Rtg as you have already done).

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In fairness, most of the time he's playing in a second unit that thus far can only defend my mother because she's 91 and disabled. Otherwise she'd beat them in transition.

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After the Klay ejection (and I still don’t have a clue what that was about. Jawing with Booker? Leads to that much upset? Weird.) the Dubs couldn’t shoot at all, especially long range. Being pissed off definitely plays havoc with adrenaline and body chemistry, but the Dubs are usually pretty good at maintaining composure. Not last night. In short: WTF?

October loss, though: Meh. The season of developing youth and watching the vet core slowly round back into form. Maybe they’ll start playing defense some time this winter.

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I thought after Klay got his first tech, the shots would start going down for him. There have been plenty of times where he or Steph went off when they were mad or irritated. The Dubs are working through a lot right now trying to make the pieces work, add on top the emotions of the game ( 7 techs is crazy) and there you go.

I'm excited to see the defense in the coming weeks. Last year they were good at switching it up defensively, keeping teams guessing. Working the kids in they probably feel simple is best, which takes away the versatility of your defense, but understandable early on.

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I think I saw something on ESPN that the league was emphasizing 'respect for the game' issues. So, that's probably why the techs.

It's the usual league refereeing ... overdo the point of emphasis for the first 15 games, and then go back to the way you used to call it.

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I bailed out of the game early. I gather Ty Jerome came back in.

Anyone have a summary of how he did? I haven't really focused on him at all. Any strengths to look for next time I see him?

I'm not going to put that game on again to watch his shift.

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He fulfilled the Chris Chiozza role perfectly on the TL

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I was thinking about asking for a reference on the Chiozza scale (1/2 a Chiozza, 1 1/4 Chiozza's).

You read my mind.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

As many folks have said already, no point in stressing about October games. Growing pains are to be expected with this mixture of young and old.

But if the Warriors keep losing games AND we keep getting denied E1Ps, there's gonna be a riot.

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Idk after winning last year it feels like Curry and the core have nothing to prove anymore. Idgaf about some random October game they lose even if it’s to a Chris Paul team.

See you in April lol.

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You can't say outright that the Dubs are nursing a Championship hangover. But it's pretty obvious they didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn. Every season is its own story. With Klay & Dray still in their PJs and Andre fast asleep with the door locked, safe to say our defense will be a little groggy for a few more weeks. DDV and JmG still don't know what cupboard the cereal is in and the young guys are all over the place. But this is how we begin the story of 2022-2023.

The bright spots?

Wiggins is dressed and made and packed his own lunchbox. He is finally in a safe place and he is now bringing emotion into his game and it is showing itself loudly on the court.

Wiseman is doing extra homework before school. His touch and confidence are growing, his attitude is turning from defeatist to competitive. If you project out his development through a full regular season, I can see him moving into the top 7 playoff rotation, in terms of minutes and overall impact.

Curry. Goes without saying.

Looney's offensive game, though limited, is much more crafty. He is using an assortment of angles around the basket and his pull up from the free throw line would be a HUGE add to his game. I wouldn't mind seeing that 2 or 3 times a game, because that shot will always be there and the Dubs could use another mid-range bailout shot when defenders sell out on the shooters.

It's the first few pages of this year's story. But it wouldn't be a great read without shit to talk about. Should the Dubs have taken Wagner over JK? That's the Hot Pocket Take for today's breakfast. (my answer is 'no', but I would rather talk about that than last nights gas station dinner.)

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by punk basketball

1) No panic

2) More defense

3) Trust in our future and pride for our past

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I wasn’t particularly upset though of course disappointed. The warriors are slowly putting pieces in place. Curry Wiggins Draymond scoring and sometimes defense. Now some Poole and some moody and wiseman evolving.

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Lots been said about the team missing GP2 and OPJ. And yes, I'm still not quite over them leaving, especially GP2, but on the other hand, both players have been out injured this season and are projected to be out for a bit. OPJ might be weeks away from returning.

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Oh, didn't realize OPJ was out for a while too.

Certainly I felt one big advantage with JMG was going to be availability, but didn't think OPJ was already hurt....

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That's the only drawback with OPJ. He's often injured. If he could ever stay healthy for a full season, he'd be a problem for a lot of teams.

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Who knew absence of GP2 would make that much of a difference?


So far DDV hasn't shown that he can fill that role of elite 1-on-1 defender.

The only silver lining in this game was Moody and Wiseman getting a lot of reps.

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The was a Defensive set in the first half where Wiseman played some sort of drop or zone soooo deep with the starters that Pheonix basically could choose whatever guys they wanted to take the open shot or get up a head of steam. Looks like Curry and Green still have no clue how to properly play with Wiseman. Silver lining from the punch is at least it makes Green less likely to be around forcing entry passes to Wise next year. So if Curry can learn how to adapt his style to Wise and get better at point of attack D they’ll be a great tandem next year.

And the Warriors did figure out how to balance their bench +\- with their starters. Except Looney, he’s still a bit of an outlier. I wonder if the Warriors will consider giving the one rookie last year, who didn’t turn the starting lineup into a massive negative, actual minutes with the starters: Kuminga.

Nah let’s F up the lineups that have a chance to work so that we can Develop our way to the play in again and make sure we don’t have too much rhythm with any good lineups while we have a healthy starting 5.

We know Kuminga can play well in place of Dray. We know Poole can play well with Looney, Wiggs, Curry, and Klay. Let’s give those lineups some run every game so they can build a bit of rhythm please.

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I can't tell how much of this is sarcasm 😃.

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The last paragraph was serious.

The rest :)

I forgot to mention that Wiggins is also god awful at playing with Wiseman, so its a good thing they signed him to a very tradable contract too. I was thinking that Utah has a ton of T-Wolves picks. Maybe the Warriors should consider trading Curry, Green, Wiggs, or Wise to Utah for some more sweet sweet Minny picks.

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If the Warriors do trade Wiseman, there's a backup center on the Knicks making a similar salary who would fit like a dream.

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My early take on this one:

- Kerr experimenting with Wiseman in first (maybe forced because of Looney foul trouble?). Team immediately slides, partly due to Wise bobbling passes and being out of position (e.g. continually backing up on defense and not being able to contest or rebound), partly due to Steph & Dray trying to force it to him via unreasonable passes. Still not awful but definitely behind.

- Looney plus youngsters looked OK. He was getting good position on both sides, making smart plays. But still poor transition defense as people don't find their guys fast enough or something.

- Third quarter the refs made a couple bad calls, plus Klay and Booker were really going at it (unrelated to the calls at first?). Draymond, CP3, Kerr, Ayton were all upset with the refs for various things, but the Dubs let it distract them more, and Klay getting ejected was the last straw that really tilted them.

- The garbage time unit was worse than Phoenix's too. Moody and Poole were calming presences but they lost their guys or got beaten on dribble moves too often. Kuminga played pretty decently but not enough to make up for the questionable reffing and the big deficit. Wiseman's hands continue to worry me. Ty Jerome looked less ready for the big league than Quinndary but he didn't do so badly for a guy called up on short notice.

Overall the young guns are looking pretty sloppy and incomplete, and this one might have been a close loss except for the team getting thrown into a funk by bad reffing.

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Ty Jerome made very snappy fundamental two handed passes. Q is infinitely more useful or I would have preferred Spenser and the way he flows to Ty. But they needed to replace Cheese and Ty seems perfect for that role.

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I'm currently looking at Ty Jerome's season stats. Apparently, he was good during the 2020-2021 season (44.6% FG, 42.3% threes). He's been awful in other seasons, however (<40% FG and <30% threes). I wonder if the Warriors can do something to improve him?

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The Suns are good. Period. No shame in losing to them on the road early in the year. It’s just how it went down that hurts. This isn’t last year’s team.

At the half, Chuck called the game spectacular (sp?). Despite recognizing the light D - both ways - everyone was having fun with the shot making. But when both teams tried to tighten up in the third, our guys got called for a couple of tricky-tack fowls, missed some of the kinds of shots that were going down in the first half, and then didn’t get some calls they should have - all stuff they’ve weathered in the past. But tonight they lost their composure.

This wasn’t on the youngsters tonight. The kids played better than the last three games. But the third saw Wiggins start to miss open shots - then force a few, Klay continue to miss - many forced, and Dray get clobbered without going to the line while the refs decided, about then, that the dubs needed to be on their best behavior. Our guys weren’t in the mood and racked up some quick Ts and let the game slip beyond reach in the blink of an eye.

Not overreacting to an early season loss but this team hasn’t gelled yet. I do miss our old free agents.

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OPJ and GP2 are both out to start the season so they wouldn’t have helped much anyway.

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I root for the kid, and it's certainly not his fault tonight, but James Wiseman is not ready to play regular minutes in the NBA, yet.

- Hands of stone, clumsy

- Out of position for defense and rebounds, confused

- Easily pushed around, soft, doesn't play with force

Some of this might improve with experience, but I would have really hoped that he had worked on his hands and core while his legs were injured.

Personally, I'd rather see him play 10 minutes a game with aggression and foul out than what we've seen.

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I'm wondering if the reason he doesn't more forcefully contest shots is the general aversion to contact issue he has had. I saw Andrew Bogut mention in an interview that he wants to see Wiseman make two hard fouls every game to make opponents think twice about the type of physical punishment they will receive if they enter the paint, but I'm not sure Wiseman is wired that way.

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He used to contest shots way more rookie year but they were calling fouls on everything. I think that’s why he does that weird contest now

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I think staff want Wiseman to focus on positioning and using his length and verticality to disrupt shots without fouling. If he is overly aggressive at this point, he is going to be sitting with 5 fouls in the second qtr. I think he is playing more or less the way the staff wants him to play. I am sure playing with more force is on the Warrior's development menu, but it's not the appetizer. So, I think he is doing exactly what he needs to be doing at this point, which is 'know where your feet are', 'know where your feet need to be'. As his positioning improves, as it becomes more second nature, he will be able to bring more force to his game and I do believe that will come. I mean, Wiggins is 27 and we are now seeing a level of force in his game that we have never seen (until the playoffs). It can be a long process,

and I think asking Wiseman to be more aggressive in Game 4 is just asking for a trip to the bench.

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Please Big James, don't turn into Joe Smith 2.0. That was Smith's problem, he didn't want to bang. He still turned out to be a decent player but not worth a 1st pick.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

I had my booster and my day was similar to this game. Everything felt fine and then it suddenly wasn't...

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I got a booster and flu shot yesterday and feel all out of sorts today.

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