
New E1P coming at 7:35pm…

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Feel like we need at least 2 of the remaining 3 games against Dallas to pass them, let's start with 1 tomorrow.

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C’mon Bucks… don’t invalidate our win by losing to all the other Cali teams except the team that was down 2 stars… which you barely beat…

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Useless fawns…

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Upset alert: Pacers beat the Thunder 121-111 on the road

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Isiah Thomas is such a bitter and downright miserable person

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Don’t know if the topic has already hit, in case it didn’t: I am 100% with Podz in the issue against Wiggs, because as we say here ‘la matematica non è un’opinione’, 2 at 100% is better than 1.5 at 75%, and finally some ***** should be grateful for the regal treatment by the team when having family issues, and if after such luxury they cannot outrun opponent’s ***** in 2 vs 0 fastbreak they better shut the fvck up.

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Hey, you really should edit that out. That's not acceptable here.

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wtf is with that language, man…

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

I think its a non-native English speakers misunderstanding of the casual use of the “n” word.

A word typically known by American English speakers (especially if theyre white and had a certain level of education?) that it is something not to be said or written, ever. And especially to never use it to refer to someone else, especially a person of color.

My Italian relatives have great dificulty understanding this despite my years of trying to explain.

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Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s sensivity, and yes, we European have some trouble in grasping the magnitude if the battle that you have fought for the Civil Rights, a battle that ought to be honored especially considering that for many categories, here, such a solution is still very much ahead. My apologies. As a partial excuse, I just wanted to make a pun on Wiggs by using the exact same word that he used in the video (that was censored in facts)

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It’s not about the civil war… it’s much different. Look it up if you like, or just don’t use the word.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

“battle that you have fought for the Civil Rights, “ is more than/different from just the Civil War, yes?

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Omg reading comprehension, DFiB…

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I don’t mean to incense the dump, I really mean it when I say that your country has achieved a great cultural result in these 150 years of fighting. In Italy we have had miserable results in the same amount of time, in integrating southern Italy with northern.

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I just don’t want to speculate or guess. Was going to let Stefano explain why he chose those words (or not) and have whatever dialogue made sense from there

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Mojo transfer to Bucks commencing.

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Smashing success.

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So I haven't felt very motivated to ost lately, as you've probably noticed ... what's that? you didn't notice? well, anyway:

It looks like the Mavs are currently 7.5 point favorites, so they are expected to win, but if they really want to put the nail in our coffin, they should sit Luka and KI and then we wouldn't have a chance.

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It’s not a post if you don’t put your “p” into it.

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That and play someone who never makes 3s because he'll sink every one against us. It will be his one day to make them.

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Luka Doncic post-ASB scoring stats:

vs. Suns- 38 mins; 41 points, 14/27 FGs, 6/11 threes, 7/7 FTs

@ Pacers- 33 mins; 33 points, 10/21 FGs, 4/8 threes, 9/12 FTs

@ Cavs- 41 mins; 45 points, 17/29 FGs, 6/11 threes, 5/5 FT

@ Raptors- 36 mins; 30 points, 11/23 FGs, 1/8 threes, 7/9 FTs

@ Celtics- 37 mins; 37 points, 14/25 FGs, 3/9 threes, 6/8 FTs

vs. 76ers- 40 mins; 38 points, 14/27 FGs, 4/10 threes, 6/6 FTs

vs. Pacers- 43 mins; 39 points, 15/30 FGs, 4/13 threes, 5/6 FTs

vs. Heat- 40 mins; 35 points, 12/24 FGs, 7/13 threes, 4/4 FTs

@ Pistons- 37 mins; 39 points, 13/24 FGs, 4/13 threes, 9/10 FTs

@ Bulls- 34 mins; 27 points, 9/23 FGs, 6/15 threes, 3/4 FTs

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Yet, despite all the scoring from Luka and Kyrie, they are just 5-5 since the ASB.

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And apparently Gafford is closing in on Wilt's "consecutive FGM" streak or something... It's on Dray & TJD to break that streak.

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(That’s actually a reference for my longtime blog buddy Dino, as I used to post that link when he would post Monta’s Mavericks stats…) 😂

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Kyrie Irving post-ASB scoring stats:

vs. Suns- 36 mins; 29 points, 11/18 FGs, 5/8 threes, 2/2 FTs

@ Pacers- 32 mins; 29 points, 10/22 FGs, 3/7 threes, 6/6 FTs

@ Cavs- 39 mins; 30 points, 12/24 FGs, 5/8 threes, 1/1 FT

@ Raptors- 35 mins; 29 points, 11/20 FGs, 2/6 threes, 5/5 FTs

@ Celtics- 37 mins; 19 points, 9/23 FGs, 1/7 threes

vs. 76ers- 38 mins; 28 points, 10/20 FGs, 5/9 threes, 3/3 FTs

vs. Pacers- 36 mins; 23 points, 8/19 FGs, 3/9 threes, 4/4 FTs

vs. Heat- 30 mins; 23 points, 9/19 FGs, 3/9 threes, 2/2 FTs

@ Pistons- 30 mins; 21 points, 9/18 FGs, 3/6 threes

@ Bulls- 27 mins; 14 points, 6/14 FGs, 2/6 threes

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

A couple posts ago, there was a thread about player comparisons for TJD... I couldn't think of anyone until now: how about NJN Kenyon Martin? TJD is a little bit bigger and less explosive... but they have a pretty similar profile: 6'9", athletic, catch lobs, and play defense.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Never watched Kenyon Martin, but TJ D is extremely intelligent player. Great savvy, mixed with some sneakiness s.a. analysis of defense on Giannis and instantaneous reaction to Wemby’s defensive mistake. He gauged his moment, waited, then took it. Gauging moments, then, expending extra effort, seems to be one of his fortes. Those moments can turn a game.

He’s also got great bounce /hang time which he said allowed him to avoid Wemby’s hand.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

The comparison isn't perfect. But while we're on the topic of intelligence and reading the game, here's an article describing KMart's defensive prowess:

> Martin was a chameleon, guarding guards on one possession, centering in on centers the next. He screamed commands as if he were Brian Dawkins, getting teammates in the right position, yelling at them if they messed up.

> But when one watches Martin closely, it becomes obvious he guards the paint more than he guards any one player.

> Nuggets coach George Karl encourages Martin to roam because Martin has the wherewithal and the wheels for spot help, be it on a double team or a switch during a pick-and-roll.

> “There’s a little more strategy there than people think, and he adds his intelligence to the decisions,” Karl said. “He brings an IQ to the game that’s important. And he makes the reads on his own a lot. When he’s on, it’s pretty impressive.”


That player description feels oddly familiar...


Passing advantage to TJD... defensive versatility to KMart?

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Gravity applies equally to all masses... his hang time is entirely correlated to his "bounce", just saying.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Corrected language. I think he used the expression hang time.

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Newton's universal law of gravitation:

The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass. This is called an inverse-square law.*

*Except when a body's gravitational force is inversely proportional to their masses hang time and hence "bounce". This is called the no-one-ever-got-fired-for-following-Steph law.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

I *think* I've noticed that Wiggs' shot has a little more hang time than it used to... it feels like my mind used to go from "oh, he's taking the shot" to "did it go in" slower than the time his shot used to make it from his hand to the basket, and I used to be able to observe the make/miss without any hope, but now his shot gets there a beat later, and I get a moment of hoping that it's going in.

In related news, Wiggs is 41% (58/141) on his 3PA, and 79/98 (80%) on his FTA since 11/18.

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That’s actually a pretty good comparison! TJD with the passing edge and K-mart had more confidence in his shot maybe, but as far as comps go it’s not bad at all.

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Maybe KMart hit the midrange shot more, I don't recall clearly, but he didn't shoot from distance.

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I didn't watch him back then, but I'm not sure if that's a good comparison. Aside from height are they really that comparable? How was Kenyon Martin's passing? (genuine question) Asking since TJD looks to have pretty good vision.

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TJD is better with regard to passing/vision. KMart was more finisher/scorer... definitely not a perfect comp though I feel this one is pretty close.

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Steph Curry is out for tomorrow’s game in Dallas, per Warriors. He has been cleared to resume on court activities and plan is for him to rejoin team for practice in LA on Friday. Sounds like a possibility he returns on Saturday at Lakers.


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Expected... Kerr basically ruled him out yesterday... there's a few days off before the LA game, hope he's ready.

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I would definitely vote for him

- Imagine Steph and Kerr - pres and VP

- one can dream right!


“Maybe, I have an interest in leveraging every part of my influence for good in the way that I can," Curry said. "So, if that's the way to do it, then – I'm not going to say the presidency but if politics is a way that you can create meaningful change or if there's another way outside of politics.”

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I really hope Curry never runs for President as I don't want to have to hate him

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good take.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

He's far more religious than I would be comfortable with in a position of power.

The Christian Right is uncomfortably close to re-writing the laws of the land to make Christianity an official state religion, taught in the schools as doctrine.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

if the religious politician actually fed the hungry, housed the homeless, cured the sick, welcomed immigrants, stopped gun violence, and prayed in private, i'd be down. but that's the opposite of the christian right.

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I generally agree with you but Steph doesn't seem the type to impose his religious values on others. He seems like a live and let live type.

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I would almost definitely not vote for him or Kerr tbh. The way to a functioning political regime isn't to keep throwing a bunch of neophyte Mr. Smith's at Washington and hope they can figure it out. If they ran on something that might eventually allow us to dig out of the mess that's been created, then maybe.

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I would hope that he’d have the sense to run for something like mayor of Oakland first before anything state or nation wide, and that he’d learn how to politics by that process.

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Listen I’m sure if Steph, as an unavowed Christian, and my beliefs (as someone who grew up in an evangelical household) were lined up, id probably be voting Green Party all the time in this hypothetical. Lets just say that at their core, Steph’s personal beliefs are more closely aligned to Nick Bosa’s than they are to my own

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Steph is religious, but I get the impression he is also fairly progressive on a number of issues. Just mentioning it because I don't think the same can be said of Bosa.

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Same, although I don't think we even need to assume Curry's politics since he'd be a poor candidate for actually governing no matter what he believes. We could also think through how Curry's generational wealth might shape what he considers reasonable and effective policy, but I'd rather not try and do a class analysis on NBA players/ coaches and our fascination with throwing rich and/or famous people into positions of power they really shouldn't occupy

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I wouldn't be thrilled with Steph going for Prez or Governor. He's not a vocal leader and has shown some questionable judgement (see FTX / crypto endorsements). I think the Senate would be a much better place for him than in the executive branch. Maybe he could swing a reliably hard-right senate seat in the Carolinas or something towards mushy civil centrism.

I would go door-to-door canvassing for Pop for President, however. He would sweep all swing states if organized correctly.

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And at 75, Pop would be one of our youngest politicians!

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This is an interesting interview on Steph where he discusses the possibility of going into politics (after 4:30 mark):


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Oops - just posted the cbs article link above before i saw your post -🙏🏾

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Can we stir up another miracle and win in Dallas tomorrow without Steph?

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Just realized Luka played almost 34 minutes in a game where they were up by almost 40 to start the 4th quarter

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Gotta get those stats

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Imagine setphs stats in 2016 and 2017 if he played the stay game. Incoming multiple 70 point games

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