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Just CP on the injury report, guess they are chasing wins here. Like others, hoping Klay has a really short leash - he has been especially bad on SEGABABAs this year.

Podz gets to play a back to back then fly to Indy for the Rising Stars game the next night - he might be a bit gassed in that game or two.

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He didn't play in those at first. I think we should go back to that.

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Feb 15Liked by Eric Apricot


Shane Battier on the DGS. Battier was one of my favorite players of that era... always picked him up in my fantasy teams... but I don't think I've ever heard him speak until now. Battier probably would've thrived on any of the dynasty Dubs teams.

Anyway, some highlights for me:

* For two months out of every season, when he was in shape and not fatigued, Yao was unstoppable. Prime Shaq and Dwight Howard couldn't do anything to him.

* Battier's nickname in China is Mr. President: his appearance and manner of speaking likened to Obama

* He's way more famous in China than in the US. Eg. hosted China's version of SNL, was on Chinese Oprah, 100-foot billboards, statue of himself in Beijing

* TMac was the best passer he played with. Better than LeBron or Wade, both who often threw passes at his ankles.

* Dray and Battier reminisce about Dray's game-winning layup back in 2012 against the heat.

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What happened to Draymond not complaining to the officials? The guy screams and 1 after every layup with the slightest of contact. Also the gestures he was doing to pg/clippers yesterday. The dude is the exact same.

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What do you mean? There was no “not complaining to officials” discussion. DG’s suspension was about fighting other players. You could argue that it was about both flagrant fouls and technicals - which could include dealings with officials - but yelling about missed calls does not usually qualify for a technical.

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His first game back the broadcast was saying something about him agreeing to lay off the officials at the behest of the team. Not sure if that was real though, or just classic sports “reporting”.

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Kerr said it recently as well. Though I looked it up and it seems like he said you can argue but don’t go too far


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I personally don't see the "and 1" as complaining to the refs tbh, given its said about basically every play and by hella players.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

I do when he’s looking straight at them and yelling at the top of his lungs. I was actually thinking yesterday how annoying it must be for refs to come to our games.

It’s worse than those yells players do when they’re driving - ant, booker, etc

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DNHQ seems to get really quiet nowadays the day after a loss. The losing, and the repetitive nature this team has of blowing big leads really saps a lot of enthusiasm for the team, doesn't it?

Well, we have one more game, heading into the ASB, and it's eminently winnable. The Jazz are starting to tank, have lost 3 in a row, and could be easy pickings if the Dubs doesn't let the SEGABABA fatigue and altitude get the best of them. It's a great game for TJD, Moses, and other young'uns to put in some strong minutes and prop up this team on this amazing February run where they've only lost 2 games so far.

The new lineup and new attitude Dubs armed with its new athletic defense faced its biggest challenge last night and came up just short, in part, due to some interesting rotation choices from Steve. But also, they just didn't defend well enough in Q4. This road was never gonna be without bumps. The question is how the boys respond. I bet they win this and continue with their February win streak, en route to their 12-2 February. Let's Go, baby!

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

It just not enjoyable complaining about the same things over and over.

Kerr's rotations and klay's pouting are exhausting.

When the youth movement is heavily involved in the game, I just have more fun watching the dubs. More TJD and gui please. I've forgotten what moody does. Maybe I should include him too. Is he still on the roster?

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I kinda hope for ddd, eric or hardee to write up content on the losses as well. Its always good reading/listening regardless of the game outcome!

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Has the two-way system been successful? It seems to only aggravate fans when a two-way gets more playing time than drafted players.

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Semi-OT: Maybe it was my mood last night, but I thought that that was maybe the worst NBA broadcast I've ever seen. People were complaining about Doris Burke last week, and it seems like we all have our moments with Fitz, but that was just straight rubbish from beginning to end.

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I have now started watching games with the sound off. I find my stress level is high when hearing any commentator! Sorry, not of much help there!

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

I Always turn off sound when it’s Fitz.

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I always used to do that with playoff games, and found I preferred it, too (though I wish there were a way to hear only the crowd noise). Don't know why I stopped doing that, but it's time I went back to it.

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The ESPN app above the rim view sort of achieves that, with a worse than preferred angle.

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I thought it was fine. Plus that crew used to have JJ Reddick on it as well, so it’s probably an adjustment having only the two of them now.

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Oh, interesting. Well maybe it was my mood. I was definitely a little crabby yesterday :) I just felt like the whole production was at such obvious pains to integrate with all the other junk espn is pumping out 24/7. As if the game were nothing more than an advertisement for the next day's episode of their NBA talk show.

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Steph's gotta spend less time in no man's land man. He's been caught with his pants down in this situation a lot this season.

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I can't remember which season it was, but there was a defensive possession where Dray was guarding the drive at the basket and then JP (I think) comes to help, reaches in, and commits a foul. Dray gets animated and says something along the lines of "I'M RIGHT HERE" because, well, he was there to defend the drive and didn't need the extra help.

This reminds me of that play... except JK can't say that to Steph lol

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I feel like Steph's defense has been lacking this season.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Steph used to take plays off on D. They were good enough to(easily) get away with that. Then he got better. Much better. Now he’s back to taking some plays off and working hard on others. He needs to at 35 and while carrying 87% of the offense. More help on O will help his D as said below!

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Author

I’m hoping that Steph’s D will improve as he lets go of the load of being Option 1, 2 and 3. His off ball overhelping and attention has been burned repeatedly.

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Teams have been taking advantage of Steph's lack of defense this season.

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To Beli's point below, playing Steph and Podz together is a problem defensively against teams with good isolation wings. With just Steph and a bunch of good defensive wings, you can hide Steph in the corner with pre-switches and such. With Steph AND Podz out there together, you can't hide both. As such, Steph's gotten sucked into POA defense a lot more, compromising the back line. Need better coordination of help defense. Maybe needs TJD to be there as a true rim protector to make for cleaner help defense.

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Klay is playing like old Westbrook: thinks he has to make something happen every possession, is part of the main action on offense, shoots shots he thinks he can make (but can't hit them at a justifiable rate), low basketball IQ, low positional awareness, gets lost on defense.

He needs to play like the new Westbrook: comes off the bench, knows his role, limits his shots, moves the ball, plays team defense.

Until he can do that, he needs to play 10-15 minutes so as not to shoot the Warriors out of games and not compromise the defensive side of the court.

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Yeah. I’m actually not too mad at Klays shooting despite him kind of stinking up the joint this season but I can’t get down with his effort and energy. The rest of the guys are playing like their hair is on fire and he’s simply not matching it consistently…

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If (in Steph v Sabrina shootout) Steph ends up outscoring the winner of the regular All Star 3 point contest, it'd be pretty awkward to be holding that trophy like it means something...

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Or Sabrina... I vote for both to outscore the "winner".

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Are the scoring on the balls racked the same as the regular 3pt contest?

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Eric Apricot

I have regained my equanimity.

Let's beat Ainges Mangies, take a nice week off, and get ready for the stretch run.

Also, I think it's kind of fun that Kenny Atkinson, who half of us were ready to fire earlier this season because we were blaming the bad defense on him, is now the popular backup QB, because he subbed in our young guys for one game. :)

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you read my mind. I think it had more to do with the ever popular question of "what are the coaches doing!" and the fact that the defense appeared to have taken a back seat when MB left and KA took over!

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Corrected - thank you!

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Furthermore, Kerr collaboratively works on rotations with the other coaches and has always delegated the actual minute to minute rotations to someone else (I believe it used to be Mike Brown) so it is very possible that Kenny does the rotations for every game anyway.

As far as I can tell, every team’s fan base complains about every coach’s rotations after a loss.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Well, to be clear, I'm on the "reduce Klay's and Saric's minutes" side of things.

It's hard for me to understand why Moody and TJD can't get much time. To me, last night's game seemed tailor-made for them.

We needed better wing defense to control Harden (so Moody or GPII taking a bunch of Klay's minutes would have been my preference), and TJD runs the floor better than Saric, and might be a slightly better defender in a game where the floor is pretty spaced out.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Author

Oh yeah, I definitely have a longstanding gripe about Moody’s playing time. Coaches are not beyond criticism. But the best criticism acknowledges the massive number of factors and trade offs involved and also the vastly larger amount of data gathered and experimenting that happens behind the scenes.

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I agree Moody was good in his minutes lat night and might have needed more. Disagree about TJD though. Harden would have eaten him alive in a high pick and roll with Zubac or Plumlee every play.

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Wondering how much challenge Looney plus Sarić give TJ D in practice. Otherwise how’s he going to learn to deal with the big guys? Kuminga has had some serious learning opportunities in the last few games. But Trayce sure won’t learn if he’s not on the floor.

P.S. Harden has had many many many many uncooked meals over the course of his career.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

> Harden would have eaten him alive in a high pick and roll with Zubac or Plumlee every play.

More than Saric?

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I think just as much honestly. There’s not a rookie in the world I would trust against Harden, especially a center.

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Hey y'all, so I tuned into the game when the score was 106-94.

So, yeah that sucked...

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Your fault we lost!

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Guys, this team is FINE. Steve just needs to figure out the Klay problem as soon as possible so we can get rolling. His days of playing starter minutes is over. Steve has to limit him and involve Moody more if we want a shot at being a consistently good team otherwise we’ll live and die by Klays mistakes

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Earlier in the season we had a lot of problems defensively whether it’s due to missing Draymond or just not playing smart basketball but I can see the improvements from mostly everyone on the team. The ball is in Steve’s court now. He just has to play the guys that can help us win.

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Klay should be reduced to 20 minutes per game. Or taken out after he’s taken 10 shots. Does Kerr understand the law of diminishing returns? I’m so sick of Klay shooting the Ws out of games.

At this point, I have to question if Kerr can coach this team. The adjustments are staring him in the face, but he refuses to do it: less PT for Saric and Klay; more PT for TJD and Moody.

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I know he’s saying “everybody needs to buy in” here but I wonder which specific individual he could be talking about

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Sometimes it seems that Podz is the veteran and Klay is the rookie.

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It's a trust thing. The team stopped trusting each other and started over helping too much, and missing assignments.

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Steve Kerr asked me to poll this group. He wants to know if Klay should (A) start and play 30+ minutes; (B) come off the bench and play ~20 minutes; or (C) sit this one out? Let me know and I’ll pass the answer along to him.

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play, but not more than 20 minutes and that too with an extremely short leash! I think Klay has major role to play in the second half of the 3rd Q's where the opposing team is playing their bench players. If he can score in a burst of 8-15 points, thats going to be his most valuable contribution going forward!

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What’s wrong with the Bogut start and play 10-12 minutes line?

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