I can't imagine Steph playing tomorrow night. It's a perfect time for some rest especially for the return of Klay. We need the Splash Bros bright and shiny for Cleveland. Let Chiozza run the offense for the last time this season and give plenty of minutes to Q who actually might surprise a lot of folks. Send Kuminga and Moody back to Santa Cruz for the opening game of 2022. The both need the reps down there.

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I don't think it matters that much, but why send Kuminga and Moody to the g-league if we're going to play Chiozza and Weatherspoon? Why not get them NBA reps?

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Because those are the two draft picks the Warriors have marked for development and neither are going to get that on a consistent basis on this team.

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I do look forward to seeing Quinndary play. He was great on Christmas and probably could've used his energy yesterday.

Like some have pointed out next week is tough, with Cleveland, Memphis, and the Bucks/Bulls back to back so it is a good night for Steph to say he's gonna sit out.

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Steph basically declared himself out tonight with a quad contusion.

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Don't have anything much to say, other than watching last night felt legitimately painful. These games will happen. But I hope Steph finds his mojo sooner than later.

Trying not to invest too much in Klay playing on Saturday, we'll see if he does and how it goes.

On to the next...

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but, yeah not super excited. I might watch the game, might not, who knows...

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In response to the atrocity that was last night's game, pengpeiyi has now been banned. I will be taking his place. Let's hope that this sparks the necessary changes to right the ship. Complacency will not be tolerated.

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I saw the doctor about that, painful...

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Just need some cream. It'll be okay.

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[Jack Nicholson nodding gif]

Someone needs to light a fire around here! Maybe some good burnination is just what the Warriors need.

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PGE cutting off service to thatched roof cottages

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Curry just seems mentally drained. I'd give him today off and call it a wash.

Also there was 0 movement from most everyone last night.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

We're asking too much off our stars, and we're letting valid players rot on the bench. I humbly suggest to alternate two lineups. @NOP: Moody-Q-JTA-JK-Belly. At least, if we have to lose today, we will win tomorrow.

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Seems like curry shoots more when hes off then when hes on, hoping he stops forcing the issue when hes having an off night

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Steph has always shot his way out of slumps. It's always worked. I'm not sure anyone will tell him different.

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Still can’t believe Wiggins and Curry passed up wide open layups… at least Wiggins threw the ball to a Warrior player, where Steph threw it to a spectator…


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Couldn't believe it, but then I could. That probably was the cleanest look Steph had at the rim all night, except for that weird floater wedgie attempt in the 1st half ( felt for my guy on that one). But as you know with this team, they routinely will have a lay up but will throw it out to the three. This game it really hurt, because no one could make a three anyway. Like, just take the two.

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Like someone said earlier, all of the miles travelled and all of the times the Warriors had to come with different game plans for different teams have worn out the team. This next week and a half is gonna be a rough ride. Fortunately, Klay's gonna come back this Sunday, so I hope he helps steady the ship.

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I can see that, especially the ones who were holding it down while the others were in H&S. I thought they were going to rest when the Denver game got postponed, but they practiced both those days instead ( though it did allow Klay the opportunity to scrimmage with the team). Played a tight one Monday, flew out to Dallas and went to practice immediately after landing. Legs may not be all the way underneath them.

Like you said, next week is tough. So rest the ones who need it before Sunday, and hope for a rejuvenated starting PG to go along with the return of you star SG. Klay's presence alone should soften the coverage on Steph.

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Zometimes zee shots, zey no fall

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izza maykora mizza gayum

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At least m. Chriss did embarrass us tonight.

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Former our Chriss >>>> current our Chris🥲

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Not to sound like a know-it-all... but I smelled this turd from a mile away.

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true and i also smell a bounce back beat down tomorrow night

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Tell us before, then, so we don't waste the time watching the game.

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I tried:

Five Alarm Freddy23 hr ago

“I feel distracted with the impending return of Klay. I could see the team being distracted as well, plus the early start, I kind of expect this to be a tough game.”

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That was neither fun nor beautiful. Odd game, best soon forgotten.

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Game? what game?

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Certainly makes Klayday even more sweeter (and necessary!). But there was A LOT of really WTF plays by the Dubs today. Definitely a Move On game. Not what we wanted, but this is still beyond what we could have wished for at the end of Phase I. Super Excited for Phase II!

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Steph during presser - "Not optimistic about playing tomorrow ( because of Quad contusion)"

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball


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"Sorry, I misspoke. What I meant to say was that I'm optimistic about not having to play tomorrow"

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by punk basketball

As bad as Steph looked tonight, his +/- was 0 in 36 minutes. With him off the floor, Dubs were -17 in 12 minutes. Gravity is still a thing.

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Just posted and deleted the same thing. That’s a really ugly 12 minutes to go down 17

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I think Steph rests tomorrow and returns with his backcourt mate on Sunday.

Why the Dubs didn't play Otto tonight and rest him tomorrow?..idk.

Steve saying he will make the adjustments to help Steph get out of his slump. It would also help if they did not surround him with 3 non shooters. Steph should also play a little more on ball too.

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Ooof painful. Tuned in when the Warriors had like 78 points and then…

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