I am still shocked that kerr had all summer to gameplan and the best thing he came up with was kuminga jmg and wiseman playing together.

We have to turn it around quick or one injury and we are done

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I feel like they must have known that there would be a strong possibility it wouldn’t work at all. I’m more surprised that their contingency plans haven’t been successful either. As someone who hate watches the Lakers, at the end of the day I think our problems are also roster construction. Tinkering with lineups helps up to a point, but it doesn’t hide the fact that we only have seven or eight solid roster players right now.

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the crazy thing is that 2 of them are our 2-way guys 😬

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It’s interesting that the lineup choices seemed to ignore matchups in that game. Looney on Sabonis at the end is obviously one, but with a player like Huerter this seemed like an ideal Moody game.

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We are kind of in scramble emergency mode since we didnt have a real gameplan for the bench coming in. Now all of a sudden moody is benched kuminga plays a little bit with suboptimal lineups and lamb is thrown into the fire. The chemistry is definitely not there outside of our starting five

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Well, most of my preseason predictions are already swirling round the toilet bowl (pretty impressive for less than one month into the season), but this one is holding up:

The regular season is actually going to matter this year. I think it would be hard for the team to miss the play-in tournament *if healthy*, but our core players are too old to count on that. If we miss substantial time from Steph, Wiggs, or Draymond, it's going to be very dicy.

I suspect that if BobGod is going to pull the trigger on a deal, he will not wait until the trade deadline. That might be too late. It takes a long time to absorb the system, and assuming we're looking for a big/center, I think it's even more complicated than for guards.

Plus, at this rate, the team is just going to wear down mentally. They need to pick up some easy wins, so it's not such a slog (or maybe that's me).

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No team in the League without an elite tank commander is going to quit going hard at us when we’re down.

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This may sound crazy, particularly a year after they traded away Haliburton, who apparently a lot of us want to nominate as a HWFL based solely on the fact that we wished he'd been drafted by our team - but this might Actually be the year the Kings get good. We know Mike Brown is a legit NBA coach; Fox might be figuring it out (his efficiency is Way up so far); Huerter and Keegan Murray are apparently hella good 3pt shooters, and with decent size; Sabonis is Quite tall and passes well; and Barnes is a perfectly acceptable NBA starter.

So I'm okay w/ losing a close one to this team on the road in November. Value possessions a little better (i.e. rein in a handful of bad passes and bad shots) and maybe they take this one.

It's game 13. It's going to be okay. The players who haven't been Warriors for that long will get better at being Warriors. The players who haven't been NBA players that long will get better at being NBA players. This progress can happen During The Season, and let me check basketball-reference.com yes confirmed, many players have historically improved with experience, so this is a reasonable thing to hope for.

We are Lucky, DNHQ Nation (what? It's not any worse than PIN number), to root for an organization--not just a team, an Organization--that (checks Internet again) is Good At This. I saw the GM on TV earlier this year; he was barefoot and drunk and sporting a pretty nice head of hair, and he was in a super good mood b/c the roster of basketball players he assembled had gotten to the NBA Finals (again), and also they had won the Finals (Again). He's good at his job. Coach Kerr--he coaches the team that we root for that goes to the Finals so often and usually wins them--is likewise good at his job. I feel like they've earned the benefit of the doubt.

I think we should make an effort to fret less frequently - like maybe on a monthly basis, rather than after every game. Let's all meet back here after the post-Thanksgiving Utah tilt and see how things are looking; maybe they'll have won another championship by then and all this concern will feel So Silly.

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So that Sabonis trade is looking real good.

Klay, though looking like his old self at times is also looking like the weak point in the starting rotation.

No real consistent outside threats besides Curry. This is what we're going to see night in and out.

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You may want to check Haliburton's numbers before declaring that a good trade. That kid is unbelievable on both ends

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Bench him for Poole. Gives Poole his confidence back, Klay stays in the closing lineups.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I saw in comments last year proposing a trade for myles turner. And you know what? I don’t think it’s a bad idea, we should give a look at what we got with Wiseman n Kuminga for another 10 games or so until at least a third of the way in. I’m thinking there’s already thoughts in the front office for some hypothetical deals. He is an expiring contract, however assuming we can get Turner’s bird’s rights would y’all make a trade of Wiseman and Kuminga and maybe filler for Myles Turner? Keep Moody for his 3 and D role player potential.

Starters: Steph, Poole, Wiggins, Green, Turner

Bench: DDV, Klay, Moody, JMG, Looney

Deep Reserves: Jerome, Iggy, Lamb, PBJ, Vet Center

Also Opens up a roster spot or two to fill it up with Lamb or Jerome, and have a roster spot available for the buyout market.

Long Term Outlook: Klay will have to accept a small haircut on his pay if he doesn’t show us his consistency of old. Turner and Moody won’t play out of our budget. Turner’s age fits well with Poole, Looney, and Wiggin’s timeline. Turner and Looney can hypothetically even start together if needed. We’d have a functional core for until Steph’s retirement. If Turner does resign with us if traded here.

In a team with Steph, I feel like whatever Turner can provide us is whatever we’d hope we can get from Wiseman anyways. Honestly Kuminga could either be a superstar or become another Eric Paschall, by trading we’d speed up the training process and get more certainty with what have. While also still build a future since I don’t believe Poole or Moody are at max potential yet.

Also I have no problem tanking for a couple of years post-Curry to rebuild the team into contention. Right now we are in the Fuck Around and Find Out Area of Wasting Steph’s Prime. Just ranting cuz our bench is wack af so maybe if our starting lineup gets a little better it’ll bleed into the bench rotations.

Pacer’s were in full tank mode before the season started, even though they’re decent right now, they aren’t going deep into the post season. With Wiseman and Kuminga they’ll have so many nice young pieces in the roster to develop.

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What I remember is that Turner was unhappy in Indiana because they wanted him to play a role rather than be a central cog in the offense. He felt like he was better than that. And that gives me pause. The Ws would want him to play a role. He's NOT going to be a central guy if that means a lot of shots and scoring. That seems like a problem.

I also think Kuminga and Wiseman is too much of an overpay. I know we'd be banking on the proverbial addition by subtraction, but those guys are talented and high lottery picks. I wouldn't give up /both/ to get Turner.

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No telling what the stock for those two are right now, when looking at salary combining them two it works. I’m hoping Wiseman pans out like most of us here, however there’s a very real chance he won’t, so far he isn’t. I do think right now he could very well pad stats if he played on a bottom level team though, but would they win probably not. So I do believe that he has lost perceived value, therefore combining them could be an overpayment but not by much I believe. A win now move yes. Would both teams win in the trade? yes I believe so, otherwise both sides wouldn’t agree to the terms.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I’m open to trading Wiseman in the right deal, but not so much for Turner, who’s sort of Wiseman-like in terms of lack of hoops IQ, lack of passing skills, poor feel for the game, meh hands, and meh rebounding.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

but with 7 years of experience under his belt vs Wiseman’s 1, he’s way further along than Wiseman. He will play meaningful minutes for us immediately, whereas Wiseman may never. Turner is a substantial upgrade imo. Who else is available on the trade market?

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I give it 10 more games and see how many DNPs Wise/Kuminga/Moody each have over that span. If we're losing, or if we're winning but they're still not playing, then for me that's enough to start thinking about trades (whether for Turner or otherwise). Trading prospects for rentals is a yucky feeling, but so is having them rot on the bench accomplishing nothing.

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The Kings played well. A couple less turnovers and a couple more made threes and the Warriors get their first road win. But since this is probably true of most losses in the NBA, better analysis requires deeper thought…. huh? hmmm.. nope…. Tonight the Kings were just the better team.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Yeah, it feels like Sabonis & Fox are a hard matchup for our group... and with Huerter & Murray striping in 3s all night, it was extra tough... then Sabonis hit 2/2 on 3PA and a midrange jumper, and that's a wrap.

Do we have a really great league right now, or something? Feels like every single team is pretty competitive this year...

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I’ll say this, though. While it looked like an eight man rotation could get them by when playing the Cavs (probably a better team than the Kings), it looked tonight like they’ll need more help. I’m in the camp of giving the kids a lot of patience- but that presumes they’re coming into February in the top 8 and have glimmers from one or two who are unplayable now. If not… Bob will have to trade a bit of the future for the now.

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Have other teams gotten faster? Seems like everyone is playing as fast as us.

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Other teams are definitely benefiting from our missed threes and racing out in transition. That last bricked 3 by Klay was a killer because not only were we still down 6 but the Kings got it back up court quick for an easy bucket.

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Anthony Lamb looked like a 2-way player out there. Felt like his defense (or lack thereof) was the cause of quite a few of the problems. And then he was playing crunch time. Very strange rotation to me. But the fact that you can't play JK, Moody, or Wise in any crunch time is the true issue.

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DDV was looking pretty good in the first half and Lamb was looking pretty overwhelmed. The natural takeaway was that Lamb should close the game rather than NBA champion Looney or either of the other options. With Sabonis out there I would have thought Looney was the best option to close but that was probably too simple for today’s complicated NBA.

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Having to dip into the 2 way guys is definitely an issue. Feels like we've got a pretty set top 7, with DDV added to the mix. Need a big to step up, need Klay & Jordan to find their shots, and need to set some rotations and develop some chemistry. 5-8 sucks, but I'm still not too worried...

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Klay is sinking closer and closer to role player. All of my fingers are still crossed, however.

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He’s been a role player since his return…. A very very very very expensive and inefficient one.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

And to me he feels closer and closer to unlocking himself every game...

EDIT: In tonight's game, his misses were noticeably better in that they were hitting the top of the front rim and bouncing up into the backboard, instead of barely even getting to the rim.

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I only watched the highlights, but I saw Klay with some good D on Fox a couple of times - Fox still scored (or else it wouldn't have been in the highlights!), but they were tough shots that you live with. If he could just be a Little less thirsty on offense, it would make a significant difference.

I only see him when we play him, and granted it's early still, but Fox may be leveling up this season (Dray commented on it in the postgame too).

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Klay seemed fine for most of the game but had some egregious defensive moments. He had 7 boards and shot 38% on high volume 3’s. I didn’t have too many issues with his game today. DDV looked really good for most of his minutes, Looney wasn’t at his peak, Kuminga was up and down, but lamb was really the only guy that looked overwhelmed out there for most of his minutes (so of course we closed with him.)

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I would be 100% ok with Klay as a 20ish minute/night role player who is efficient and plays consistent defense. I would take that version over the current 36 mpg chucker any day.

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Sadly, I'm getting to this point as well. I really want him to be the old Klay, but he just looks like an old Klay, if that makes any sense.

FWIW, he's kind of always been a chucker. Being super efficient for him has usually meant not over-dribbling, just catching and firing. But he fires a LOT.

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For such a hard worker, Poole does not look a bit disciplined on O or D. WTF

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i think right now he is shook and has

lost confidence in himself. Glad DDV is back and Poole is handling the ball less and that allows ball to move around more.

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The refs are hunting travels on Poole.

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I would have loved for DDV to look for his shot a bit more. He passed out of the middle a couple of times on some great penetration to players who were only swing men. Does he not have a nifty midrange? Still his vision and movement is top notch.

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Did not really see the game but those Kuminga minutes look very empty in the box score. I think they should try out the other Green some more.

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I think Kuminga is where most of us wish Wiseman was at this point in their development, except that As I said before, Wiseman is quite a few notches above where he was his rookie season

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He was terrific defensively through multiple plays. He had a couple of good moves offensively. He also sucked on both ends as well. Flashes of brilliance like stars in a midnight sky.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

One day, those tiny little stars will become an entire Sun. And then the Sun will explode and rain fire down from the heavens, setting the Earth aflame. (I do believe this analogy ends with a championship...)

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He’s sitting on the perimeter doing nothing most of the time, if he does set a screen the paint is clogged by looney.

We need to run some post split action through him if we are going to play him with looney

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He really seems uncomfortable in our system. Other than on ball defense when he wasn’t being screened he really disappeared out there.

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I think the fundamental problem with Kuminga is that you can't play him without a center because he's too small to guard the 5, and you can't play him with our centers because floor spacing goes to hell.

That plus the high rate of mistakes is probably why he hasn't seen more playing time.

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yeah, generally players who can neither space the floor nor protect the rim are really hard to fit into NBA lineups

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

The Eric Paschall dilemma all over again

Also the Zion dilemma, but he is good enough that it will probably only rear its head in the playoffs. Then again if the Pelicans get Wembanyama, Zion never has to worry about anything again.

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yeah, for players that are good enough (Zion, Jimmy Butler) you can make it work

but players can be really good & have it still be a problem (Ben Simmons)

Dubs have more runway than most for it because of Steph's unique court warping power, but… there are still limits (and Steph can't always be on the court)

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Still gets lost when he’s not on the ball… he’s a great individual player, just needs to learn the team game better… is it something you’d expect him to have learned better already? Maybe…

He did have a great first quarter stint, which earned him some second half minutes, I think.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

He was up-and-down, as usual. Had some pretty good defensive plays and also several boneheaded ones (e.g. getting lost on PNR, fouling a 3 pt shooter for no reason, etc). Still hasn't shown that he can be relied on in close games, but hopefully this comes at some point..

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Kuminga was good defending. The game moves so fast so the announcers doin't always give him credit for stops. He gets upset at himself when he makes a mistake. Then he gets taken out.

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Steve Kerr says too many turnovers in the 2nd quarter and then some mental mistakes in the 3rd quarter caused problems for the Warriors. Kerr says he loved the effort from his team - Kerr says the Kings are well coached, they played better and deserved to win.

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That second Q was ridiculous. The Kings had 1 team foul with like two minutes left because they didn’t need to play defense just scoop up our TOs and run back to their basket.

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0-7 road for Dubs ties Pistons for road futility. Only LoLakers, at 0-5, have a prayer of matching them...

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Thing is, this is how all sports movies go: former champ looks washed, loses confidence, hits bottom, but then gets shit together and overcomes odds in miraculous return to the top. Nothing to worry about. This is fine.

Anyhow, I’ll be over here curled into a fetal position and rocking myself to sleep in the dark.

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Feel like we’re gonna need jmg to be a serviceable backup stretch five for our bench unit to be right, we are asking a lot of Poole to have the whole defense game planned against him and play with kuminga and looney at the same time. A good jmg at the five not only opens up pooled game but will get kuminga off the perimeter and back to his 20 per 36 60 TS self. This standing in the corner thing is not for him

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The idea of Poole + JMG on defense does not instill confidence in me.

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Kuminga and green work as well.

Let lamb come in for green n play with curry and looney, let green play with Poole and kuminga on the second unit

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what if Donte, Wiggs, and Kuminga were out there with them?

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This is probably my favorite bench lineup, honestly. I think the lineup would still have issues with size, interior defense, and rebounding, but maybe it can play up-tempo enough to negate some of the disadvantages. It requires Poole and JMG to not be complete traffic cones, though; if I'm the other team I put these two in 1-5 PNR every time down the court.

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you do your best in that case to put Poole on a player who's less of a threat off the dribble (and the fact that the team's three best POA defenders are all out there makes that easier)

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yeah, if JMG is unplayable then the frontcourt depth on the roster is disastrous

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You lost me at a good jmg

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Haha ya while we’re at it let’s put good Wiseman and good Kuminga out there

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It’s the only way to unlock kuminga because he’s not playing the five and he’s useless as a four next to looney

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